Chavez went to the poorest congressional district in the nation's richest city, and people on the street there just went crazy. A lot of people told me they were really mesmerized by him. He made quite an impression.

Salaries haven't kept up with inflation, and there is such anger coming out of Washington about immigrants that I think it has curtailed the ability of local folks here to hire immigrants, ... I really believe it starts from the top, and the policy continues to be one of ignoring people at the bottom, cutting taxes for those on the top and spending a lot of money for a war built on lies.

Do you see anything wrong with it and is there any way we can begin to approach it?

I am disappointed. I am angry. And frankly, I view her and her candidacy differently after reading reports of her comments and actions. I would be a hypocrite if I did not.

They killed children. They killed innocent people and destroyed poor people's houses, ... It's the world's most discredited guerrilla movement.

Has been repeatedly targeted by this administration and its proxies with the worst kind of character assassination, solely because they disagree with his social and economic policies.

The poor were just left to fend for themselves.

If he was to walk a mile up the road, he wouldn't be able to find his way home.

'This is a family,' he told me. ... And he said, 'What do I have to do to prove I love my child?