I've been there. I don't know any speaker out there on the circuit who's been through half or a tenth of what I've been through. A lot of people, you hear them say 'You have to change the way you think,' and a lot of people say 'Yep, yep, yep.' But what if you're in the audience, and you're saying 'How do I do that?' That's where I come in.

When I started listening to these speakers, I just got a funny feeling. So often, their advice was like, 'Believe in yourself. You can do it.' I thought, 'What if I don't believe in myself? What if I have all this trash in my head?' It sounded too simple.

Another speaker could not duplicate what I do, but I could do what they do.

When you do this every year, and every year you are setting the same stupid goal, that should tell you something.

The key to the Four-Step Process is in changing people's perceptions.

Admit what we did wrong: I started drinking too many Cokes, eating later.