There's no way you could spin that into good news.

Loren Scott

The news media - they tell you it's gone, but I don't believe that.

Jessie Merrell

No, it's not terrible. There's fantastic news. Come to my place, you'll see some of it. Go investigate the American Tree Farm System. There are 65,000 members that are absolutely fantastic, exemplary stewards of the land.

Chuck Leavell

The big thing was that products stocks were up at expense of crude. The good news is we're building products supplies; the bad news is crude supplies are back down toward historic low levels.

Jim Ritterbusch

The addition of jobs by Texas employers, as well as the declining unemployment rate, is great news for the labor market.

Diane Rath

The good news for Christmas is that the album will be finished by late January and we are looking at a March/April release date. It's very exciting, and the band can't wait.

Andrew Kelly

It's great news. It's an excellent way to prevent a condition that's difficult to treat.

Dr. Robert Cykiert

Unfortunately, I don't think the news tomorrow morning will put smiles on any faces.

Carl Tannenbaum

I thought it was very exciting news, and we were all very surprised. I really wasn't holding out for that, but I'm very happily surprised.

Barbara Saunders

I said, 'Josh, the good news is we're going to do your movie. The bad news is you're going first, sucker,' ... Because I didn't know what it would be like to shoot in (Bulgaria), and he blazed the trail. He cursed me every day.

Bruce Campbell

The advantage of this is that a lot of our news is coming from people on the ground who know what's going on.

Gerald O'connor

With the pace at which technology is advancing and equipment becomes obsolete, this is good news.

Marjorie Pyoos

We've been given this embarrassment of riches where the market seems to want to go up every day, regardless of the news.

Ram Kolluri

We believe a contract with steep labor concessions is the sign of a troubled core industry, not 'good news' for investors.

Gary Lapidus

Everybody is sick of bad news and now they're just immune to it. Martha Stewart -- who cares?

Phil Ruffat

The good news is they haven't turned us down.

Dora Schriro

I may have grown more attentive to the news and more alive to the world history and world-sorrow behind it.

Seamus Heaney

The news took me by surprise. It was great to be chosen as the best from a handful of Arizona filmmakers.

Scott Stine

Ultimately extremely good news for the health of the market.

Hugh Johnson

People see there's a chance that the Japanese currency will become more competitive. Whenever there's news from China of this kind, they jump in to buy the yen.

Neil Jones

It's good news if you can increase participation and increase performance of that group at the same time, ... It goes against the trend.

Brian O'reilly

The market did rally on that news.

Kathleen Gaffney

It's good news. We'll finish the year well ahead and will not have to use our reserves at all.

Jim Norris

There are a lot of features behind this market that are very favorable. Inflation news recently for August was very positive. Rates dropping have been a positive for this market and earnings still look good.

Stuart Freeman

That is great news because this is kind of our make-or-break weekend for Mardi Gras this year.

Paula Brown

It's good news but it's not really news.

Michael Widmer

The good news was how well he settled there and now we can plan an autumn campaign for him.

Simon Crisford

We are so ecstatic. It's awesome. At this stage in our life, it's wonderful news.

Bart Conner

Really? Wow. That's definitely news.

Jeff Kasko

That one was kind of a no-brainer. We were eager to be able to rush the good news to the marketplace.

Jo Anne Sanford

Are they going bankrupt? No. But they had a string of bad news like I've never seen before. Bad news has become a norm to the company.

Jami Rubin

We go in after the news, after a catalyst has been announced.

Brian Rogers

I'm not really familiar with it because I have just heard of it from my mom watching the news. It sounds interesting, and I want to learn more.

Greg Williams

ABC News will give millions of viewers an extraordinary, unprecedented look inside the Royal Palaces.

Ben Sherwood

I believe a case should not be tried in the news media, that a case should be tried - any case should be tried - in a court of law. That would be after all the facts are gathered, all the evidence is in ... and the jury reaches a verdict.

Freda Black

Just watching the news, seeing what those people are going through, touches me.

Jeff Palmer

Whilst the [bond] purchases are good news for the Argentine government, the benefits for Venezuela are less clear.

Vitali Meschoulam

I think Nancy Kerrigan would be a fabulous Naked News correspondent.

Cameron Shore

Whenever you have one entity that is controlling news over that big of an area it poses concerns. I don't see where, in the long run, delivering less news is going to be good for readers, the community, or the industry.

Luther Jackson

Significant bad news may likely already be reflected in the stock.

Rick Sherlund

The good news is that poverty is a lot lower than it was in 1993, but we went through a hell of an economic boom.

Sheldon Danziger

If we don't do our jobs right, we could be damaging the CBS News brand. We want to make sure that it's as good as anything else CBS News would put out there.

Jason Bellini

It adds a lot of uncertainty for the business environment. But for the folks who already have a house, these appreciation rates are generally good news.

Andrew Leventis

She disappeared at a spot just a short distance from our home. We had no news whatsoever about her for nearly 20 years.

Shigeru Yokota

Jill's interest in reporting has never been just about the news, but bringing truth to the world. As a father, I appeal to you to release my daughter as a betterment to your cause.

Jim Carroll

Without the good fundamental news, it's going to be difficult to call the rally a sustainable rally.

Kari Bayer

Neal has presided over one of the most challenging and successful times in this news division's history.

Jeff Zucker

That's pretty good news because it means investors did not become defensive. They remain optimistic.

Hugh Johnson

The difficulty is that accounting bombs have been dropping on a regular basis. What needs to happen before the confidence is back is you need to see a series of good news, a bunch of companies doing better than expected.

Robert Zagunis

The Dow fell last night so there's not much buying and there's no news.

Antony Mak

We have to be the bearers of bad news and if we find anything we would be a God send to find him.

Lou Amighetti

We don't expect a decision by the committee for some weeks. When we have any indication of any news, we will inform our employees first and the community after that, but for now, there's just nothing to say.

Marc Schwartz

All of us are stunned by these revelations of an attempted cover-up, ... The good news is that the cover-up didn't work.

Robert Sloan

There is a long list of negative news today.

Derek Lam

Investors are discounting as if the good news is going to continue and I'm not so certain it is. I've built up a lot of cash and taken profits where I can.

Michael Sprung

These incidents become viewed through the lens of metaphor. And Dan Rather represents not just CBS, but all of network news.

Mark Feldstein

Pass. Gang bangers are bad news. Judges hate them. ... No death row [cases] unless he's Nelson Mandela.

David Swain

Hunting accidents aren't big news. They're pretty rare.

Bill Balda

News Corp's fairly firm so it's taking some of the red out the index.

Grant Williams

A news sense is really a sense of what is important, what is vital, what has color and life - what people are interested in. That's journalism.

Burton Rascoe

I don't know the complete diagnosis. I just know I didn't tear anything, and that was the best news possible.

Champ Bailey

It's not the news we wanted to hear.

Bryan Colangelo

With hawks being in the news, there probably will be a lot of interest in them this year.

Kristin Wood

This is a trading market until the Iraq situation is resolved. Every day the market is going to react to what the news is that day.

Barry Berman

That project has some challenges, ... The good news is it has some of the only large contiguous spaces downtown.

Frank Wright

Part of what is so exciting about a news magazine like '60 Minutes' is they have access to some really interesting people.

Neil Budde

That's fantastic news. I always knew he'd make it.

Rene Villalva

It's good news. We still have to win our remaining two matches, but it gives us even more to play for-it's added motivation.

Conor Niland

Not good enough to be endorsed by Fox News.

Al Franken

It was scripted and not real although it has appeared on the Internet as a news item.

Martin Crowe

That kind of news will spook the market and we will hear more of it because we're at the peak earnings reporting season.

Jeff Cheah

He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news.

Bertolt Brecht

This is good news for Prada. This could be the start of a new growth phase for the company.

Carlo Pambianco

People came in waiting for softer news, and didn't get it.

Lisa Finstrom

I'm excited about the news. We've been trying everything we can to stop this from happening.

Brian Carroll

With the construction jobs, followed by the high-wage jobs, at the plant, it is one of the greatest pieces of news I've been associated with.

Sen. Hugh Leatherman

And then he said, 'No, it's good. It's good, major news.'

Carol Kinney

There's still a ton of people who need services and advocacy. It's good beginning news, but we just need to keep moving forward.

Barb Anderson

I think we're getting mixed messages. Good news one day, mediocre news the next, and bad news after that.

Bill Burke

This is a major step. We consider this to be the best news for the industry in a long, long time.

Dan Greenfield

One of the weaknesses of our society is that history is still news to most people.

Grant Fairley

If cell phones are the new outlet for news, we're there. If it's computer screens, we're there, ... I know there are changing habits, but they'll come around to us.

Brian Williams

Aside from the amalgam of worrisome news items coming from many corners of the globe ... the investment community is also looking with apprehension at economic news and has nothing to smile about.

Jon Nadler

From an Australian perspective I'll be sorry to see News Corp. go. I'll be interested to see the company's commitment to Australia in five years time.

Scott Marshall

The fact that you had this U.S. domestic crisis and people turning to international news sources is interesting.

John Horrigan

It's not as consequential to your performance as you would think ? which is the good news.

Richard Roberts

I didn't know anything about it. I remember seeing a news story at the beginning of the year. No one's contacted me.

Ron Ence

I am devastated by the news that the hon. Gentleman has brought us about Catherine Zeta-Jones. Perhaps she could ask her husband to fund the project?

Nigel Evans

News should be based on facts. If not, it's a show … to damage people, to slander people. That is no news, no news at all.

Anita Van

It's a little early to know how bad it is; I would expect it's bad. There's certainly no good news out there yet.

David Hackett

It's the first time we've had some solid news back to back on trade in a long time.

Jack Bouroudjian

We're not the UNO news, so we strive to branch out to the Omaha community.

Joanna Lien

There's relief (in the market), coupled with some good corporate news from GM. Certainly the U.S. durable goods data today is very important. Oil prices are steady and that helps too.

Hilary Cook

The good news for them is that this is happening during employment expansion in this area.

Bryan Bezold

This field has been plowed. This strikes me as not only old news, but very old news ... The only difference seems to be that the lawyers won the right to publicize it.

Sean Coffey

I haven't had a chance to talk to him, but that's good news. Sometimes change is good. I think he'll make the most of the opportunity.

Bobby Engram

Obviously, it's been in the news quite a bit. It was kind of hard not to see it.

Mike Edwards

The problem is that we're weak on three of the needs and losing our franchise on the fourth. It's very clear that more and more people are moving to the new media to get their news.

Margaret Duffy

We came in and the regional manager was actually here and they broke the news to us that they would no longer be in business.

Megan Kirby

The good news is it's confined to the building of origin.

Dave Parker

It might be her. You see this all the time on the news, and you don't think of it happening to your daughter.

Jerry Daniels

China is looking more and more to Brazil and Australia for its iron ore. If the iron ore has to come from further away that will be good news for us as it will mean more days at sea.

John Wobensmith

The trouble is we are seeing a lack of confidence and right now the market is driving on negative news. Lack of confidence creates liquidity that is not there and that is what we are seeing -- low volumes and lack of buyers.

Joseph Parnes

When there appears to be significant corporate news or when a company's security is experiencing extraordinary volatility, either of which is impacting the fairness and orderliness of the market.

Frank Zarb

Our issue is that we didn't issue the permit or inspect the site, ... We saw the basin on the news, and saw the application on the desk for that. When we saw the mudslide, we knew something had to be done.

Gina Mccarthy

The market is reacting to the rise in oil prices and the conflicting economic news.

John Davidson

This question of child porn, child exploitation -- it's a good thing that it's in the news so heavily.

Charmaine Yoest

The good news is people are living longer, and the bad news is people are living longer.

Charles Hamowy

As you would imagine, today's news comes at a difficult time for the nation, a difficult time for the airline industry and a very difficult time for American Airlines.

Donald Carty

The fact that the suspension is lifted is obviously very positive news.

Agost Benard

For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news.

Gloria Borger

I was looking back on when Nixon resigned and actually the market held up very well around those days. It began to tank actually after Ford came in as president and the economic news began to dim.

Jeremy Siegel

Obviously this is good news. Maine competes very well with financial service institutions, and I think this proves it.

Jack Cashman

The good news is you're keeping up with inflation.

Charlotte Yee

The news still stops me in my tracks every night.

Chris Nielsen

We believe that many reasonable investors will look at yesterday's news and wonder if all the bad news is out.

Pj Mcnealy

The only news will be the U.S. stocks. But on the geopolitical front, the upside risk is more than the downside.

Hiroyuki Kitakata

I've got some good news for you.

Andrew Davies

The run of economic data and company news we've had has been fine. There's been nothing in there to cause any shock to the market. That's beginning to give the market confidence that better times are here and we can look forward.

Derek Mitchell

I honestly think they're doing a good job. It's an inevitable evil to get a good project. The end of the project will be good news for everybody.

Janelle Gentry

They're asking us to give them advice on how to become a more mainstream, fully professional news organization.

Terence Smith

If there's any good news here, it's that computers are getting attacked all the time.

Michael O'hanlon

They've beaten numbers by a little bit and given a positive outlook and there's good news on the margins so they seem to be doing a lot of things well at the moment.

Andy Penman

We never intended any major news outlet to take this seriously. It was an April Fool's joke.

Andy Matthews

The really bad news: migration to the coast is not diminishing. We still have real big problems in terms of growth.

Tim Reinhold

News Corp. wants to expand its empire wants to have global coverage. It wants to have global coverage, get a larger subscriber base and an acquisition of Hughes allows it to do that -- allows it to essentially have approximately 60 (million)-to-70 million subscribers on a global basis.

Armand Musey

I'm optimistic we'll have some good news by January.

Ric Clarson

Increased tax revenue is good news for the states. But the bad news is that things like Medicaid, that you have to pay for, still cost a fortune.

Scott Pattison

I am viewing this as good news.

Gary Mcdaniel

In other words, it's like the rest of the news.

Glenn Reynolds

Obviously, we interpret this news as corroboration of Linda's testimony before the grand jury.

Monica Lewinsky

At this time ... I don't have any great news here. Again disappointment. We have not found anything that would bring her home.

David Gee

The disturbing thing about the Bush forecast is that we are not just looking at the cyclical downturn -- a return to budget deficits because the economy is down, ... Fox News Sunday.

John Spratt

This is great news and a real bonus for London to have Paula confirmed this early, and we must now decide whether to run the race in women's only or mixed race conditions.

David Bedford

They were playing hard. They have some talent on that team. They haven't given up. They were very aggressive defensively. That got them back in the game. The good news is we found a way to win.

Brian Winters

The restatements are more or less old news. Macromedia told the market back on May 3 that they were coming and they were in line with what we expected.

Steve Lidberg

I said, 'Mommy, this important news. This needs to get out. We ran it by the vice president and he was very mindful of his role as a guest. He said something along the lines of, 'You all do whatever you are comfortable with.

Katharine Armstrong

The findings overall are good news for the state -- with a dose of caution. Although all ethnic groups are making educational gains from generation to generation, the low education we find for Mexican Americans is disturbing.

Deborah Reed

With no major earnings news scheduled and losses in Tokyo, the (U.S.) market is lacking support for further gains.

Heino Ruland

I think a lot of the bad news about Enron is behind us.

Muriel Siebert

He was the voice, the person of ABC News. It's always hard to replace, but when it's unexpected, it's devastating.

Jeff Greenfield

We're in a vacuum as to what we can look for in news.

Vince Farrell

That is something with the history of El Salvador, the killing of labor leaders, people fighting for workers. That country has been bad if you go back to the 1980s before the civil war. You don't see the news here. It has to be someone like my brother for you to hear about it here.

Francisco Soto

I think it brings them an awareness. To them, it's just on the news. But when they start hearing about people they know, it makes it more real.

Pat Nixon

It's very good news for patients because there is a choice available to treating physicians.

Fred Modell

I am sure that you have seen in the news reports that it is a very fluid situation.

Michael Webb

Despite occasional bad news, hot money is still flowing into the local market as shown by the healthy turnover and with the index going beyond the 18,000 mark.

Kitty Chan

We did sustain damage. The good news is no one is hurt and the buildings are still there, as close to the eye of the hurricane as they were.

Rob Stillwell

It can only be good news that parents want to play a bigger part in the sex education of their children.

Jim Coleman

Ford Motor warned Friday and that type of news is pressuring stocks.

Timothy Ghriskey

I am deeply grieved at the sad news of the great loss of life and serious damage caused by the recent hurricane disaster in your country. I wish to express to you and the people of your country my heartfelt condolences.

Akira Chiba

That's news to me if Marvin's the starter.

Randy Edsall

Maine has the highest rate of childhood asthma in the country. The good news is that Maine is ahead of the pack cleaning up its school buses. They are a model for New England.

Laurie Stillman

Five percent on its own would be good news. That's a good rate of appreciation and reflects a strong housing market.

Amy Cutts

The news flow from overseas regarding (avian influenza) is getting worse, not better.

Pablo Zuanic

It was an emotional rollercoaster. We had that hope one time and then the next time we had bad news. But we kind of knew that [Terry Helms] was probably the first one to go because of his job and where he got off of the belt. But we're dealing with it.

Judy Shackelford

Everybody likes to start the New Year out with a little good news.

Steve Sexton

Most teenagers are far more interested in politics than we give them credit for. They're informed, they watch the news, and they're concerned about what happens.

Dan Taggart

He (Bashir) did not get the remission at all. I have just called him and he said that he had received the news from the prison.

Lutfi Hakim

Bad news goes about in clogs, Good news in stockinged feet.

Welsh Proverb

It's wonderful news every time a multi-national company moves to the area. It has been a real team effort.

Aris Melissaratos

The good news is that intensively controlling glucose significantly reduces heart disease as well as damage to the eyes, nerves, and kidneys in people with type-1 diabetes.

David Nathan

The index is likely to move lower in the afternoon on the court news.

Somchai Anektaweepon

Bad news can be good news for equities if the bad news causes the Fed to cut aggressively.

Christine Callies

Possibly it could be copycat, because it's getting a lot of news coverage.

Kelli Durham

When a resignation for 'family reasons' is announced that close to earnings, nine times out of 10 it means bad things. Red Hat didn't do a good job handling the news.

Dion Cornett

Semiconductor makers are bottoming out because of strong demand. Any good news is likely to drive shares higher.

Takeshi Yamaguchi

This is not good news for consumers.

Andrew Melnykovych

Yet they still remain afraid of their own citizens and the healthy diversity of news and views which defines a modern society .

Brad Adams

The good news is he's really becoming a terrific player.

Herb Rudoy

There are so many new entrants in the market, that some of these hedge funds and other players may take a while to digest the news.

Richard Mueller

This is the first time in months that we had great news and the bond market didn't celebrate. This time it took fantastic news and had a very lukewarm reception.

Don Hays

This could be good news for North American universities.

Bakul Dholakia

Av said, 'I can see this happening in the news business,' .

Peter Price

Jeff got some good news today.

Bobby Garcia

I can imagine knowing how hard it is, only having the news.

Jill Takayama

I think we were close to a disaster, ... It didn't happen, and that's the good news.

James Kallstrom

No bad news is good news. These are reasonably solid results for a company that's had bad news in the past.

Chad Hersh

The share has done well, a lot of expectations are priced in and the positive news now has to be confirmed.

Fabian Kania

This is very good news. Three hundred million is one of the largest earmarks in the history of the New Starts program. We got one-fifth of the national pot. That's really good.

Christopher Boylan

You see it every day on the news, ... It's not my family, but it's a lot of other families. You really want to do something.

Crystal Hunt

On Friday, it was off to the races, but there has been no fresh news over the weekend. The move up was too much on Friday.

Kevin Blemkin

The world has been priced for bad news economically which just isn't coming through. The low yield environment might not be right.

Harry Harrison

That we can agree on the penalties is very important, ... It's good news for trying to pass a steroid bill.

Cliff Stearns

This is good news to us all. We are defending the principle of the right for caricature and satire.

Philippe Val

For it to move into the $75-$80 range, you would need news of a new disruption. A lot of disruption is already priced in.

Olivier Jakob

This is good news for Salem-Keizer. That's roughly equivalent to 1 percent of our yearly budget and will be considered in the budget process, which continues during the next couple of months.

Jay Remy

They look at music videos, news clips and movie trailers. They're not watching many complete shows yet, but that's coming.

Gian Fulgoni

I said, 'Well, this has got to be news,' so I clicked on it, ... It had the whole transcript of what he said. I Googled everybody and nobody had it.

Fred Carter

When I first heard about this situation, I was pretty upset. Today, it was the best news when I heard he's coming back to coach us.

Sean Dockery

The venture with extends our existing strength as the leading resource for business news and information.

Craig Forman

I have news for him. They turned me into a movie director.

John Carpenter

The reform budget we are putting forward is long-awaited. And the good news is that we have the means, and we will have the means for more.

Pär Nuder

It is excellent news that we will soon be able to increase our supplies of home-produced beef.

Margaret Beckett

I feel encouraged by our latest news of the steps the mayor is taking.

Jim Simpson

The retail news was very mixed, there have been winners and losers. It would be right to remain fairly cautious.

Graham Secker

That was the genesis of the full coverage of Yahoo News.

Neil Budde

We are creating the premiere telecommunications company in America -- wonderful news for our customers.

Tim Donahue

We all feel particularly helpless at this time as all we can do is sit and wait for news.

Steve Harris

Some mixed corporate news dampened sentiment.

Anthony Hill