The ones that we're really interested in have all departed now. But we'll be ready when they come back.

Derrell Shipes

We've had a ton of interest. Any time an arena or a stadium is imploded, we see it all across the country. People are just really interested.

Derek Slap

I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her.

Arthur C. Clarke

Games designers are interested in selling games. What keeps kids coming back is the key question.

Douglas Thomas

They're always interested in stories, ... and we have basket-making days and cultural days where we make some of the different arts and crafts. We make baskets and we try to give those wherever we go.

Kay Henderson

Let's get them out there and see if they're interested. If they are, they can go through hunter's safety when they turn 12.

Rep. Scott Gunderson

(W)e are more interested in whether a broader industry trend is developing.

Richard Greenfield

We at Bergdorf have not been - and are not - interested in the men's collection. The women's has more fashion, more sophistication, and a sexier edge to it.

Robert W. Burke

Most teenagers are far more interested in politics than we give them credit for. They're informed, they watch the news, and they're concerned about what happens.

Dan Taggart

I am flattered that she is interested in joining us. But, of course, I am only one of 32.

Bob Kraft

With the Thais, if you're interested in making a connection, they're interested in connecting back.

Keith Welsh

We?re interested, maybe intrigued, but not to the extent we would pursue it.

Bill Boynton

It turned out people were intensely curious about what actually goes on in courtrooms, and that Americans were deeply interested in law.

Scott Turow

But we are interested in forming friendships and partnerships with our local agricultural community.

Sandra Ford

It interested me much afterwards to find that these climbing trees do not form any particular family.

Henry Walter Bates

The whole point of this is to generate ideas. Innovation, that's the key. That's what we're interested in.

Pat Ivey

The United States ... was not interested in the democratization of Libya, and this has hurt its credibility.

Taher Masri

It is complex, but we are hopeful that we can work toward (a resolution). I hope that would be the goal of all interested parties.

Tommy Spina

Anything that improves the time from (lab) bench to bedside, and make it more efficient, is something the industry is interested in and Scripps is interested in.

Diana Robinson

Interested in a joint venture in the securities area when an opportunity comes up.

William Rhodes

I would be interested in gaming if there was a decent campaign and they didn't try to rape us.

Gordon Paddison

You would be crazy not to be interested in Jamie Lyon.

Greg Pierce

We had other options. But, I'll say, we were very, very happy when he made the call to say he was still interested in us.

Anthony Grant

We have left the floor to the American authorities not because we're not interested, but because the United States has a greater ability to act.

Stefan Rating

I'm more interested in the human condition than in governments and the politics they do.

Rafi Pitts

We are not interested in conflict, we are interested in a solution.

Juergen Peters

We want to help out the community and get young people to get interested in politics.

Tim Nichols

We're interested in continuing to grow our Denver presence and clearly a natural link or extension would be Canadian service.

Paul Tate

The questions and the what if this happens and what if that happens. I'm not even interested in that. If they say I can play, I'm going to go out and play.

Cole Downer

I wasn't interested in doing a baseball story. My favorite sports movies transcend the sports that they are about.

Dennis Quaid

We're not going to fix housing costs, but we can stress how can we help you move here, if you're interested.

Ben Stone

I'm passionately interested in the media and want to be engaged in it.

David Kirk

Westinghouse is interested in expanding in Allegheny County, and (the county) will take every step possible to assist them.

Dennis Davin

Often they think of him as somebody who was greedy, avaricious, who was more interested in making money than in being faithful to his master.

Bart Ehrman

Oh, no doubt. They're only interested in letting this happen if you can produce. They don't need me out on the Hooters Tour.

Billy Hurley

They're interested in going down the road with us.

Victor Lin

I've always been interested in history and dance. I got caught up in the early dance movement of the '70s and '80s.

Gayla Curtis

And we're not interested in making a trade.

Vinny Cerrato

A lot of the non-elite students get swept up in that, excited by, interested in it, and recruited by it.

Harry Watson

Before Grandma died, she talked about family history in a way she had never done before, ... She was interested in family history, especially African American women.

Jacqueline Woodson

They're not really interested in that.

Brett Johnson

You always feel the drawing you are working on is the best you've ever done, ... I am only interested in the present.

Al Hirschfeld

I'm interested in trying some of the desserts now.

Nadine Causey

Sure we have our backsliders. But for every backslider we have hundreds of fine, clean, decent, law abiding citizens in Hollywood. These are the ones who interest me. The others don't exist. I'm not interested in their antics. They're bums.

George Murphy

This course is for people who are interested in the outdoors, behavior, natural history, cultural - these are the people that are going to like this.

Ten Eyck

As soon as we were married (in 2000), we knew we were interested in adoption.

Lisa Hoffman

The main thing I would be interested in would be the training ... and the equipment they need to do their job. The guys have to ready for almost anything.

Matt Roth

We're certainly still very interested in Duquesne.

Bill Mcnees

The door was always open for the ID, but they weren't interested.

Pauline Cupido

I'm very much interested in the process of pitching.

Brian Bannister

I'm absolutely not interested in seeing it happen.

Craig Young

I don't think it's a big surprise to anyone who knows me that I would be interested.

Wes Hand

Students interested in government or law have a grand opportunity to engage in panel conversation with the justices.

Alan Gould

We're not interested in collecting fines. We're interested in compliance. That doesn't seem to be the same interest of the owners.

David Scribner

We've got it rolling there now, where there are more people getting interested in it.

David Pisarcik

We're of course interested in their whereabouts, where they were, what they were doing, if they were doing anything.

John Hammerschmidt

We're really excited about it. They are really opening up to the community and interested in helping local groups.

Tim Hart

I'm here for my people... standing up for my people so they know that they aren't alone in this fight... and to prove that there are people interested in helping them achieve a better future.

Victor Guardin

We're always interested in contributing to projects that we feel will benefit the entire community.

David Cannon

There is no charge for vendors to set up, but we do ask that any vendors interested in setting up and selling merchandise call us in advance.

Mary Dunn

The community is interested in consolidation.

Jason Walrath

I was interested in idealists who go to war and what happens to them.

Geraldine Brooks

I was hesitant, because I didn't know why a professor would be interested in one of his students.

Judy Ross

Our job is to raise interest in possible careers in the Navy. If anyone is interested, they should ring 01142 721476.

John Mcdougall

I don't have the first clue of what his intentions are. What we are really more interested in around here is the outcome of the internal investigation.

Jon Woodall

We're looking for investors that would be interested in using the tax credits.

Andrew Burgreen

I'm not interested in discussing it with the press right now.

Bob Peterson

We would be interested in bidding if Collins & Aikman in the U.S. were to come up for sale.

Wilbur Ross

Little old ladies were terrified. At least those not interested in baseball.

Bill Gleason

There is definitely more interest in fuel-efficient cars like hybrids. When the price of gas is high, everyone is interested.

Csaba Csere

We'll be interested to see if there's a bounce back next month, as there was in October 2001 after the 9/11 attacks.

Terry Jones

It's definitely something [supervisors] could discuss soon because we all know we have transportation needs in the county and another commuter lot is definitely something citizens are interested in.

Cathy Riddle

There is no roadmap. I'm sure we'll be interested in private donors.

Kathy King

If customers like your product, they're going to be interested in talking to you.

Lee Schwebel

Nicky is one player I would be interested in.

Alan Kernaghan

If you are really interested in the stories, ask for details. That makes it more interesting for the storyteller.

Jochen Tenter

We are electing a permanent government, so more people will be interested.

Michael Youash

She's bright but more than anything she is very dedicated. She spends endless hours preparing labs and is always interested in the cutting edge.

Brian Doherty

And all those temperatures are taken from about five feet above the ground. Five feet below the ground is what you?re interested in for turf, and it can be 5, 10, up to 15 degrees warmer down there.

Doug Mohler

External factors are out of the market's focus. Investors are now only interested in individual companies' earnings.

Susumu Abe

We said, 'We understand you're interested in coming. So, sure, come,'.

Martin Frost

If Colorado had a better regulatory environment, then people would be far more interested in exploring in Colorado.

Fred Mcmahon

I don't think anyone would be interested in us saying that two friends can't give each other a gift. It would be somewhat harsh to dictate what two friends could give each other.

Kent Barrett

They're just more successful at it, because the people they're trying to have sex with are also interested in it.

Michael Bailey

I've got some people interested in buying it, and I don't know whether they'll keep it the same or do something else with it.

Tom Oliver

You get to see where their passions are. It is kind of fun to see what eighth-grade students are interested in.

Lucinda Hitchner

There have been a lot of students that have become interested in helping out due to the disaster.

Tristan Taylor

He even played for them. I was interested in him from when I was young so it was very exciting. Charles Dickens was also born there.

Alexei Smertin

I'm interested in playing old ladies because I am becoming one. And I want to become a very good one!

Tyne Daly

The teacher support has been phenomenal. A bunch of them have come and cheered us on. And if they couldn't make a game they were interested in how it went.

Cory Montgomery

I guess sooner or later you've got to fish or cut bait. I'll be interested to see what the outcome is myself.

Commissioner Charley Martin

I was concerned that she would be interested in the job so that she could work out her own demons.

Linda Richards

You folks are not willing to go beyond any step beyond what we agreed. I am not even interested in continuing the housing development.

Sir John Powell

I am not interested in fixing anything else.

Barry Bell

People are witnessing how interested consumers are in experiencing digital music, consuming it that way, and having the convenience of consuming it that way. It's a quickly growing, voracious audience.

Dannielle Romano

He's very interested in doing this right and doing it well. Greg is very focused and works very hard to get his strokes right. He's always asking for coaching and doing things on his own to learn and get faster.

Tim Howard

It's a surer way to a woman's heart to be interested in what she's thinking than what she's wearing or not wearing.

Tina Louise

We are interested and will bid whenever the railways come out with the tender.

Uday Narain

I am interested but it all depends on terms and conditions.

Grant Dalton

There was one man who was interested in the color of music, the connection between light and music, and that was Einstein.

Leon Theremin

It's growing more and more and people are getting more and more interested.

Alberto Perez

Ford has not asked for -- and is not interested in -- a government bailout.

Dan Brouillette

I'm interested in getting ahold of that money.

Chris Daly

Tessa is very friendly and climbs all over people. I'll be interested in seeing what happens when there's a full audience in front of her.

Shawn Degraff

The museum was interested in me for a long time because I use Archie comics in my art.

Daniel O'connor

We are doing a countdown to the 2006 hurricane season. It's 139 days (as of Thursday) until it begins, if anyone is interested.

Jenny Lehman

I'm going to do my best to help keep him around. But I'm sure there will be some people interested in him.

Allen Ward

I've always been interested in the marathon and this is pretty much as hands-on as you can get. It's very intense, but at the same time you can sit back after and see what you did. It's definitely worth it.

Greg Lutz

What we are interested in is merging the computer with the clothing so that all you need to do is get dressed.

Neil Gershenfeld

I have always been around it (football coaching). It has always interested me.

Bill Shirk

We're not interested in bringing any more negative elements to the area.

Victor Heresa

I'd like to get some of these people into the school. I'm more interested in recruiting, to be honest.

David Peterson

He was very interested in beautifying the campus.

Dorothy Lord

I'm not interested in being a candidate. I'm just doing other things now.

Gretchen Bataille

He strongly believes that New York needs drastic reform of its dysfunctional government, and he's interested in hearing what the candidates can do to fix Albany.

Steve Pigeon

Leslie (Alexander) is the practitioner. I'm very interested in why people choose to poison the things they are going to eat.

Sonja Hunt

We are interested in serious, incremental work in order to succeed.

Jennifer Pizer

I don't understand why the state wouldn't be interested in actually trying to settle Betty's case in her favor.

Stephen Hyland

Two other interested buyers came forward yesterday. That makes it a very optimistic look to the future.

Dan Cashman

The speed dating is an additional feature to the event. Couples and other singles not interested in speed dating are invited to attend, as well.

Tanya Bumstead

There's just tremendous demand from Chinese individuals for assets to invest in. And the assets they would be most interested in would be foreign currency-denominated, and not just the dollar.

Andrew Bernard

Clearly investors are not interested in stocks.

Carl Wittnebert

Great entrepreneurs from Saudi Arabia are interested in helping promote the Arab language.

Antonio Sarkis Jr

I think everybody knows I'm interested in managing again.

Louis Post

Without a clear plan for its future, I doubt [the governor] would be interested.

Linda Waggoner

It taught me a lesson, ... You can be denounced from the heavens, and it only makes people interested.

Tom Wolfe

What we will be interested in is the next generation. Some are simply cashing out.

Bob Spencer

I am very interested in the Universe - I am specialising in the Universe and all that surrounds it.

Peter Cook

The unit keeps them active and interested during the second semester.

Jean Peterson

I'm excited. I'm interested to see how it will work.

Toby Miller

[The warm-up activities] help students learn what they're interested in.

Christine Thompson

We weren't very interested [in venture capitalists]. If we were going to have a business we were going to have one that was consistent with our values.

Jerry Greenfield

We are most interested in providing wholesome family entertainment in New Tampa.

Michael Morris

We're very interested in what we've talked about so far.

Brent Hayes

Bill simply was not interested.

Lee Salem

He has a list of schools he's interested in. I wouldn't go so far as to say he's made up his mind or even has a top five.

Deandre Scott

Too bad. If [these games] were on regular TV, I think a lot more people would be interested.

Donn Nelson

We're interested in coming up with emerging opportunities and keen on finding the advertising opportunity if we can.

Mike Shaw

When it was obvious that nobody was interested in a book about the 'Nazi' way we treat animals.

Charles Patterson

He was very dogmatic. He wasn't interested in Ohio State.

John Sheldon

There are only 30 jobs in the league. It will be a privilege to be considered for any of the jobs. I'm interested in them all.

Marc Crawford

We're not too interested in 2000. The information is in the market. What we're looking to is 2001, about which we're very negative.

Michael Dean

We're interested in industry-standard interfaces. We looked really hard and long at this.

Andy Bechtolsheim

They can fill them with listeners or however they see fit. Anyone who is interested in that should be able to contact the affiliates.

Tyler Barnes

He was more interested in theater than anything else. He was one of the early American designers who did clothes for the theater and movies, and that was where his niche was. He was atypical of Seventh Avenue.

John Fairchild

They're very interested. But it's complicated because he's a restricted free agent.

Mark Bartelstein

On both sides of the aisle, there are Legislators interested in workers.

Mike Williams

Are not interested in having that right diminished by Iran if people come to the conclusion that enrichment is dangerous.

Francois Heisbourg

That's one of the concerns you hear, that she is more interested in making peace among the special interests than in enforcing the law.

Andrew Rotherham

There's a sense in the market that the Fed is interested in stopping soon.

Scott Gewirtz

They know what it is about and they know what the scores are for. They are also interested in how well they compare with others.

Cheryl Durwin

He connected to the kids through the sports. That's one of the reasons I was interested in having him work with us.

Richard Garland

I think this has inspired the kids to become interested in art, to appreciate art. This is a great first step for them.

George Dillon

We were interested and committed to bridging this gap. ... But management was clearly not committed to the process.

John Culp

They never have been particularly interested in our input, and I don't know how we would have been able to give input had they asked, ... There's no way we should have gotten involved.

Mike Hatch

We're trying to get everybody that we can who is interested to come to the meeting. It's really a lot of work for the whole administration.

Charles Baker

I'm interested in a future where a single device can use every possible frequency.

Linda Doyle

Our desire is to consolidate the market as well so we'd be interested in what their view is. Anything could happen.

Mark Wheeler

It was facilitated by people outside the Department of Education, folks who really had no stake in it. I was interested in a fair process being implemented.

Daniel Lewis

We always maintain a list of existing growers who want to add to their broiler houses as well as people who are interested in becoming growers.

Bob Billingsley

There's an insatiable desire in China for western products, ... They believe they are of higher quality. They are very interested in brand names.

Mike Bender

We're not interested in doing something the county doesn't agree with. We've had enough fights over annexation.

Paul Schofield

I had done some trading before and was interested in getting more familiar with the process of actually using futures and options.

Seth Taylor

There was a lot of alternative country talk. People were interested in seeing the band play.

Jason Ringenberg

We're interested in anything that will benefit the community.

Dave Young

I like to talk to the other classes. They're really interested, and we're lucky to have it.

Lindsay Gottlieb

PSA is interested because of the P&O ports in India and Australia. They (P&O) are very strong in these two markets.

John Ong

When a project has an ample budget, I am interested now in using bigger units of materials.

Yoshio Taniguchi

We're interested. I'd love to tell you we got the deal.

Robert Epstein

If Ken Starr is interested in the truth, he heard it today.

Sidney Blumenthal

Accountability doesn't mean cutting all the other interested parties out of the process.

Patrick Callan

I'm definitely interested in the job.

Tony Reed

We want to find places that are interested in music.

John Ernst

It looks like a lot of fun and I'd be interested.

Bryan Herta

We are certainly very interested and we'd be a better team with him in it.

Craig Cameron

At the end of our seminars, we ask each person in attendance to fill out an evaluation form. We invite those who are interested to meet with us for a free consultation, where we will determine your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC).

Jeffrey Mccormack

The best way to get started is to get a field guide. If you don't have an idea of where to go, you'll have a hard time finding something you would be interested in.

Jim Kriegh

If the Air Force is interested in participating in this program, gee, I welcome it, ... I mean, it's the Air Force, and this is an airplane.

Francis Harvey

I'm very interested in this, I'm very dedicated to it. I've been living it.

Charles E. Wood

I've actually had a meeting and I've made it clear I would be interested in returning, but I have no idea what's going to happen, if anything.

Connie Nielsen

The benefits of optimism are actually striking. I've always been interested in optimism and how it helps people be more resilient.

Fred Gerhard

That's something that we are definitely interested in becoming a part of if it becomes a reality.

Anna Folmnsbee

We have received more than 100 calls from people interested in adopting the dogs, some coming from as far as Pennsylvania.

Donna Cavanaugh

Hopefully, they are going to get more interested in and serious about reading.

Bob Hatcher

Little minds are interested in the extraordinary; great minds in the commonplace.

Elbert Hubbard

I didn't think the older kids would be interested, but they love it.

Kevin Sanders

I'm interested in people that don't always do the right thing, its much more akin to what I know about life.

Thomas Jane

People in Virginia and elsewhere come because they want to see the beauty of the house, or they're interested in architecture. But we have other people come because they're interested in how to compose a declaration of independence, or how to set up a government.

Kat Imhoff

It's really hard to say who is the most interested.

Steve Weatherford

If they're interested in buying something, look it over.

Joel Kulcsar

It's really rare for film directors to be that interested in things other than themselves.

Alan Cumming

We are still actively engaged in discussions about Hughes with multiple interested parties. Those discussions are progressing.

Toni Simonetti

If you've got something you're interested in, you better be awake, because it's coming, flying through there.

Charles Dyer

This is the first job I've had that combines both (business and the environment). I've always been interested in doing something like this. I'm focused on doing the best job I can here.

Coryne Tasca

If people get to meet them face-to-face and see how amazing they are, they are much more likely to be interested in their plight in Africa and Asia.

Jane Goodall

I'm the only one who's not interested in either position.

Bob Elliott

If students don't find school engaging, empowering and interesting, then they are not interested in performing.

Carla Ritchie

But they're not interested in joining. They think we're just a bunch of old men who play bingo and cards.

Robert Vega

(Degas) wasn't somebody who sought prizes. He wasn't interested in the public aspect of it.

Maureen O'brien

Raise your hand. Let them know you're interested.

Kevin Gagan