I had to arrange the meetings myself.

We're going to wait until Feb. 26 to see what they say about their restructuring, but our forecasts say they'll break even in 2002, ... It is possible they could be profitable in the first half, but we think it's unlikely.

The cuts are a bit higher than we thought would happen, ... Still we think this is not a quick fix for DaimlerChrysler. The main problem for Chrysler going forward is the softening of the U.S. market and increased competition in its key markets, such as the minivan.

I'm convinced that there is no wrongdoing. I believe in these ladies' innocence. I can't say that about everyone I represent.

It's going to cost them a great deal in the short term to put the savings through.

This is just another opportunity to try to improve school safety.

It absolutely stunned the nation.

We're not too interested in 2000. The information is in the market. What we're looking to is 2001, about which we're very negative.