I like the idea of bringing cartoon characters to life... and although the Americans have already attempted this, their culture is not sufficiently humane to make it work.

Gerard Depardieu

And we have no idea how she did.

Joanne Scheer

Are we changing the idea of what beauty is? Let's hope so. I'm not the typical Hollywood beauty. Let's hope we're looking at the insides of people a little more.

Anne Heche

That would only hurt the country's image, and the army does not agree with the idea of emergency rule.

General Sonthi Boonyaratglin

I didn't have any idea that I would be able to have a career in film.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Density transfer is a great idea. I only wish it could be transferred to Orange County.

Bill Scott

It was Los Angeles in the summer, and we could not find a gown. Geena came up with the idea of looking at wedding dresses.

Mimi Melgaard

You have no idea of the women I didn't marry.

Artie Shaw

You cannot expect the Form before the Idea, For they will come into being together.

Arnold Schoenberg

I will have a good idea of where we are after the first meet. We can start building on that first meet.

Bob Rosnick

I'm really disappointed. I like the idea of voting for the person, not the party.

John Bryan

We were totally just friends. I had no idea he was romantically interested in me.

Jolaine Jones

To die for an idea is to place a pretty high price upon conjectures.

Anatole France

I had no idea these things would occur.

Tom Allison

The idea of going head-to-head in the data space [outside Nortel's existing client base] is something that's not all that attractive to us.

Mike Fitzgerald

It's sad. We had no idea those were his views. He's entitled to his opinion but he's not the right person for the chaplain.

Kevin James

The idea is that anyone moving from DPAP to [the Medicare prescription drug plan] should not be any less off.

Harry Hill

I have no idea what's going to happen to me. This is a disease that can and does happen at any time. It's not five years ? and a cure.

Barbara Brenner

We're ultimately driving toward the whole idea of the connected building, everything on one wire.

Alex Thurber

Out of this meeting, birthed the idea of doing a town forest project.

Jad Daley

I had no idea how the system worked. All I knew was what I saw on TV. It's much different.

Clyde Smith

They all know it's a bad idea to miss class so close to finals. We see the colleges as being different from the high schools in that way.

Joe Madrigal

The idea is that any child will be amused by it.

Fred Hahn

I have found out one thing and that is, if you have an idea, and it is a good idea, if you only stick to it you will come out all right.

Cecil Rhodes

It has been extremely difficult working with the developers in that area; the idea is to simplify the process.

Terry Clark

I don't think that's a good idea. We want to be as open as possible about everything.

Charlotte Raup

I have no idea what he called at that point.

Trevor Letowski

I don't think y'all have any idea what football means in Texas.

Robert Killebrew

So that's as much the owner as it is anybody. Probably won't come out that way, but anybody that knows what went on knows that was Arthur Blank's idea.

Dan Reeves

A great idea is not enough.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Paul Rand

At least, we should have some idea who borrows the most.

Ali Yunesi

I defended myself. I had no idea who it was.

Aaron Johnson

The idea is this becomes the next signature part of town center.

Alan Ward

Ben and I built Ben & Jerry's on the idea that business has a responsibility to the community and environment.

Jerry Greenfield

I've been on the air and broadcasting, but I had no idea what to say. How to respond to this meeting-there's gratitude, there's sorrow, every emotion you could think of.

Pat Summerall

It wasn't a decision that we made based on anything other than the fact that we didn't have a better idea (for economic development efforts) and we figured with new people coming in it would have been a good thing for them to look at.

Bob Woodruff

Most kids grow up and everything's taken care of for them, and they have no idea what money is used for.

Jordan Goodman

This just gives you an idea what can be done. It is stylish and eco-friendly. And this is just a fraction of what is possible.

Jennie Price

Since he died, there has been this thing going on in my head, the idea that there is a hole in the heart of the universe. It is easy to say that he was loved by all, but it really doesn't describe him adequately.

Nancy Brook

The idea is that whenever you have a broken nerve connection, you can supply the electrical impulse to complete the circuit.

Robert West

Men die but an idea does not.

Alan Jay Lerner

For me, it was a revelation. There, was revealed a completely different Anne to the child that I had lost. I had no idea of the depths of her thoughts and feelings.

Otto Frank

Now AGL will have to listen, and that, presumably, is the idea.

Marcus Padley

We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are 'things' outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not.

Ray Kurzweil

You have to go into this with the idea of creating a comprehensive plan that will fulfill what people in the county want.

David Jordan

There was a committee in charge of coming up with ideas to celebrate the anniversary and somebody came up with the bright idea of a light display on top of the AQ.

John Briggs

We may have a better idea at that point.

Keith Holloway

I had no idea that the position or structure of the eye would change that fast. It was pulsating; it was undulating.

Robbie Hood

Damon and I came up with the idea that this character would die last spring.

Carlton Cuse

The essential Greenspan legacy . . . is the idea that the Fed will allow nothing to go really wrong.

James Grant

We've known about this idea for some time, but it has yet to be developed.

Rodney Moore

Everything should be in Fijian because most of the landowners don't have any idea what's going on.

Ratu Peniasi Kalisailoaqa

Janie has Alzheimer's so she really had no idea what was going on.

Ned Johnson

The idea was to show how a modern Japanese family could combine the old and the new.

Barbara Traisman

The fascinating thing about my materials is that they have texture and flexibility and are forever, just like an idea.

Monica Naugle

It's a great idea. But it's probably not doable with the number of kids we have.

Pat Rusk

The idea is to be ready for all eventualities.

Amadeu Altafaj Tardio

We had no idea that we would get that much support. And there seems to be an energy that has never really quite been there before.

Pam Johnson

The idea that it's going to be midnight in the middle of the afternoon is just nonsense.

Judah Levine

Despite criticism in the press, we can see that the idea of the New Year holidays has justified itself. Our two-year experience confirms this.

Boris Gryzlov

This was a concrete reason why it's not a good idea to run live feed through the course of a trial.

Mark Sisti

There's no good idea that can't be improved on.

Michael Eisner

When we picked the date, we didn't have any idea that I would be coaching the varsity.

Brandon Bates

I thought it was my idea, but it wasn't. There were already people doing this as a living.

Christine Taylor

If people go in with the idea they are saving money, they are mistaken.

Jesse Toprak

As set forth by theologians, the idea of "God" is an argument that assumes its own conclusions, and proves nothing.

Johann Most

The idea is: Always have activities. So you think entertainment, Dearborn is one of the places they would automatically think of going.

Robert Gray

The goal of the competition is to develop some grass-roots interest in the project. We have to get the best idea first, and then we'll see how to make it happen.

Michael Mayer

I've thrown it out as an idea. They could build four or five stories of affordable housing, and they pay us for air rights. Hopefully, this will bear fruit.

Jack Lamb

A fact in itself is nothing. It is valuable only for the idea attached to it, or for the proof which it furnishes.

Claude Bernard

I don't have any idea what he paid me - he didn't have to pay me. To me it was a thrill of a lifetime.

Bob Antilla

Then the producer said, "Do you know Jim Carrey?" And I thought, "My God, what an interesting idea!"

Peter Weir

I have no idea what to say. This has just been a super easy day.

Darian Grubb

Nothing dies harder than a bad idea.

Julie Cameron

Medicare D is very, very bad. I've never met anybody who thinks it's a good idea.

Stephanie Miller

This is an area of interest for us. The idea of global brands is always attractive for us and we have developed them well.

John Clarke

They were all tremendously excited about this idea last January.

Michael Tomasky

It would be a draw. If there were more things down here, even independent of a baseball game, sure, it's a good idea. It's someplace different to go.

Kevin Kelly

I would have no idea where this data comes from.

Tom Mckenna

When we really started doing this in August 2004, we had this format. We we're looking for a different format and we came up with this idea, our original idea.

Jerry Camp

His idea was simply what a man's idea always is--to put every effort off on the woman.

Henry James

Putting them in their context gives an idea of life and death from the first to the sixth centuries.

Francesco Buranelli

The idea is similar to that of a consignment shop.

David Steiner

Right away, I thought it was a great idea. The last 10 years have been good for contractors. It's great to give something back.

Bob Crane

Freedom is humankind's greatest, most ennobling idea, and its surest antidote to terror and tyranny.

Richard Tofel

He will bat in the nets tomorrow, and then we will have a better idea of his fitness to play in the first Test.

Shane Jabaar

This is an idea that should have come a long time ago.

Debra Wilson

The idea is to create jobs and create opportunities.

Arlen Sanders

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution this idea of the separation of church and state.

Sean Hannity

The idea of equal rights was in the air.

Lucy Stone

I had no idea what a business plan was.

Lucy Pizarro

Why I would ever think of that I have no idea. I checked, and I think she was the principal (of Longfellow) when I was there.

Phyllis Perley

I saw it scrolling on the bottom of ESPN. There's been so much speculation going on around here the entire season that you had an idea that something was going to happen. You didn't know exactly what.

Trev Faulk

My idea of fast food is a mallard.

Ted Nugent

I thought it was an ingenious idea. The reasons were fitting.

Michael Hevezi

The idea that you can't lose contact with the leaders has cut more throats than it has saved.

Arthur Lydiard

I just heaved it. I had no idea where it was going.

Billy Milne

The key thing is this whole idea of continuity. There is this human need for stability as you enter a new year.

Ron Simon

I had no idea he was this good as a complete player, at the plate and on the mound. We're very lucky to have him.

Dru Mahoney

It's a good idea to get the pulse of the community.

Marybeth Nayfield

We had so many great ideas, but not enough money to make a lot of it happen, so we came up with the idea to get private funding to help.

Laure Swanson

There is great freedom for learning and personal development here. Hopefully, we have captured that idea in this anthem.

Alex Anishenko

The idea that we will be destroying something that was great is just wrong, ... The goal is to retain that and built on it.

James Goldston

An editor suggested to me I might try contemporary horror. At first this didn't appeal-then the idea arrived.

Tanith Lee

This is a research project. That's the idea that's been hardest to get articulated.

Keith Aune

The idea is reaching communities from which you can grow and share information.

Jim Toth

We've gotten away from the idea of milk with every meal.

Lynda Mezansky

There was an idea of accepting everyone; there was no sense of exclusion.

Bill Pullman

The idea is to keep as many planes as we can in our books.

Ajay Singh

The idea is to create the feel of a grand estate that goes along with the timeless feel of the golf course.

David Pillsbury

She doesn't have any idea of how good she could be. We're talking about someone who could be in five Olympic Games.

Renaldo Nehemiah

A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.

Mary Kay Ash

This is an idea that is working fabulously.

James Wood

Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea.

James Bryant Conant

The equipment cost is 90 percent. That gives you an idea of how much Audio Ethics (the contractor) has helped us.

Don Rushing

You'll hear debate as to whether this is a good or bad idea.

Ty Votaw

The idea of the Clean Air Act is that you make clean air by making new plants clean and the old ones would retire. What has happened is that the old plants have not retired.

Rebecca Stanfield

It's a viable idea if you want to clear traffic now. I think this can be done.

Charles Djou

In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs.

Sir Francis Darwin

It's a good idea to combine data so you can see broader trends. You can see what different companies are doing rather than look at just one company.

David Delahanty

As a punter, you really have no idea. I have a pretty good feeling that I should be in the top one or two guys coming out. But it's been kind of a confusing process ---- I really have no idea.

Tom Malone

We cut the lead to 12 by the intermission and our goal was to get the deficit down to six before the fourth quarter. I had no idea we would actually lead by 12 after the third quarter.

Jimmy Epperly

I had no idea he had the interesting life he had after tennis.

Nancy Kriplen

Don't you get the idea I'm one of those goddam radicals. Don't get the idea I'm knocking the American system.

Al Capone

Were so far away they had no idea of the impact we were making. They saw the music as local music that would never break out.

Paul Wall

The idea is to protect all citizens from religious fanatics who preach hate.

Nazir Ahmed

We're in the discovery phase. I did discuss it with Goodness Company, our marketing firm, and they thought it was an excellent idea to pursue.

Barbara Porch

They get the idea in their heads that there are other kinds of art.

Joe Nelson

I think a lot of teams got the idea that they could run over us because of our past. That's not going to happen. We're a different group of guys.

Chris Richard

I have no idea why he would say that. All the players had apartments. ... He said things we don't understand.

Greg Couch

Then the idea of this fake death came out very late in the game and we rewrote it.

Howard Gordon

It was his idea to come to the fair... and he found his grave there.

Tadeusz Dlugosz

The new idea is a lot like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Pete Lindstrom

The most exciting thing is we were able to take this idea of building a new primary school and get it going.

Andrew Meade

We've evacuated most of a Deep South city, and we haven't the foggiest idea of what's going to happen six months from now.

Steve Suitts

We have no idea who he was with, but we'd like to know.

Patrick Kerney

I had no idea he had been in jail in more than one country, including in this country.

Cherie Blair

The doorway page is only designed to give a search engine an idea of what's on the page behind it.

Markus Sagemann

Everybody tells me the best idea is to stick around here.

Will Conroy

Not a bad idea. That's an option.

Marc Bowker

The U.S. government is delusional with the idea that it can overthrow the Cuban revolution.

Felipe Perez Roque

In all things it is a good idea to hang a question mark now and then on the things we have taken for granted.

Bertrand Russell

I've been tossing around the idea of a kids game. It would bring in the aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Derek Johnson

We appreciate the idea but don't feel we can reduce office staff here. There is a lot more to what we do such as educational grants.

Natalie Pukas

It's an awesome idea. For them to bring it back to Mid-City shows people that there is life in Mid-City, and I think it's going to be the new place to be.

William Wells

The telephone book is full of facts, but it doesn't contain a single idea.

Mortimer Adler

I don't think anyone can ignore the fact that it's BYU. But we're going to try not to get stuck on that idea and stay focused.

Tim Drisdom

The tablet PC is a generally good idea, and Microsoft is especially motivated to have a success in this form factor.

Roger Kay

Do we have a big task ahead of us tomorrow? Yes. Is it an impossible task? I don't think so. We're going into it with the idea that we're going to have fun and see what happens.

Arlo Elkins

Doing criminal checks for anyone who's working around children is a good idea. The frustration is it's not backed by the finances.

Bill Harrison

They respect the idea that we have asked them to do something.

Bill Gorton

It's a good idea because if you just make the minimum payment, you're in trouble.

Nancy Williams

Purely cinematic film ... actually the purest expression of a cinematic idea.

Francois Truffaut

It's a lovely book. I thumb through it and find it actually of interest. . . . I had no idea that all of these things he found had affected my songs.

Robert Hunter

We have no idea of what it might have been at this early stage.

Peter Gibson

That helps you want it more. Some of these guys were with us late in the season and they got an idea of what it was like, so that should help.

Lee Meyer

This was a tough battle and we knew it was going to be a battle. This gives me a good idea what to fix when we play against a hard team.

Pam Munger

If you have any idea what you're going to get yourself into you won't do it.

Steve Organ

Have been forced to close and have no idea when they may reopen.

Ann Beattie

Back to where we started. We have no idea what's wrong with our house and why we use so much electricity.

Scott Danielson

It's an idea whose time has come.

Matt Farber

I never thought I'd fail, ... The idea is that you just work harder. But in this business, there's always a chance something goes wrong.

Richard Mead

On the surface, it was a good idea. But when we looked at it in more detail, it was more problematic.

Jennifer Lane

I think it is a good idea because it gives everyone responsibility.

Charlene Lui

The name was Regina's idea. There were a few other suggestions, but they didn't make the cut.

Terra Martin

I knew right away that it was a gorgeous idea.

Lila Acheson Wallace

What we have found is that kids are responding to (the idea) that there are other kids out there that are having the same experiences that they're having.

Cyma Zarghami

This is dangerous. This is really bad idea. You do not want to be taking this drug.

Linda Wells

A lot of the books, I have no idea what happened to them, ... It's certainly a fun thing to do.

Sandra Collins

It's a new idea. But who knows? Time will tell.

Marc G. Caron

We are trying to create the idea that you mentor across cultures. Culture doesn't know boundaries. Art is the one thing that crosses every boundary, every border, back and forth.

Ariel Dorfman

We have no idea where Mr. Barton is at this time.

Bill Campbell

I thought I was doing a good job because I had them organized in a box. We, the public, have no idea.

Louisa Jaggar

Not a good idea. After a while, the newness wears off.

Kellie Lee

My idea was to stay in the game until the end and see if we could steal it. We almost did.

Tim O'shea

A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. The histories of all popular governments show absurd is the idea of their attempting to exist without parties.

Franklin Pierce

It's not a good idea to carry more than $100 dollars on you.

Pauline Frommer

We work on dribbling and boxing out every day, so I have no idea what it is. We tried to dribble too much; we dribbled into traffic. What else can I say? It's basically back to the drawing board. I've got to do a better job.

Kevin Broadus

It was her idea. She said it was so they didn't recognize me.

Tanya Kach

The idea is to protest things that the administration is doing that are contrary to the Constitution. The problem with the current administration, that I see, is an increase in encroachment on our rights.

Joanne Devoe

I kind of like the idea that I'm in charge of what I'm going to do on the slope. I don't want the gates to hit me, so I'm going to hit them.

Jennifer Hahn

I have a pretty good idea of what Donovan's going to do because I know him. I don't have any idea what Bobby's going to do.

Mike Gundy

Which is a good idea.

Paul Maguire

A republican stands up in congress and says 'I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!' and the democrat stands up after him and says 'AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!'

Lewis Black

The idea was not to charge per server, or CPU, or agent, or target.

Kris Hagerman

A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.

Robert Oxton Bolton

A lot of graduate students have no idea that they can even get money from the SA.

Heather Williams

But the market is leaning more and more toward the idea that Murata's figures are probably a little too conservative.

Yoshihisa Okamoto

I didn't have any idea who took it. I didn't see anybody taking it out the front door or nothing.

Sherry Kreutzer

The idea is for them to have another adult that they can connect with in the high school.

Tedra Holland

Everybody who knows how criminal justice works thinks this is a bad idea.

Rep. Michael Lawlor

It's important for this museum to have a good idea of the vision of others.

Lonnie Bunch

People should come with the idea of enjoying the concert, but also opening their hearts to give.

Bob Anderson

I have no idea what I'm doing next year. I'm not worried about that right now.

Josh Boone

We have no idea who fired the fatal shot.

Teri Barbera

None of this really has much relevance to his governing ability. He comes across as somewhat aloof, detached, the idea of someone being wooden.

James Schnell

Any lead is not a good idea.

Dan Symonik

The school superintendent didn't think that was a good idea.

Don Luke

And she has a fairly consistent political agenda. She's a baby, so individual liberty is a developing idea in her psyche.

Daniel Handler