What we were intrigued by ... was the amount of coverage, the amount of debate, the amount of back and forth, whether this was good or bad, and ultimately the results of increased television ratings, increased attendance ...

We looked to see how we could do something similar.

You are sending the wrong message to young golfers and their families, ... We strongly believe that this policy is wrong and unfair to the young golfers who would rather spend more time at home with their families than being on the road for months at a time.

You'll hear debate as to whether this is a good or bad idea.

If they had a problem, we would have worked that out, ... Ultimately, they were concerned for someone to be happy, and they saw how happy I was with her.

These young girls have grown up in a celebrity-driven culture.

We didn't talk to any of the other golf tours because we thought it was such a good idea, they would want to take it.

For the first time, a group of players competing for a season-long championship has, at the end of that rainbow, a real bucket of gold, $1 million first-place check.

I was blown away, ... I told her, 'Get the hell out of here. Get back to your match.' That's what makes you realize this is a special place.