We've got it all — racial diversity, ethnic diversity, economic diversity, geographical diversity.

Jim Spearman

This will do great economic harm to my business.

Cathy Burke

People see the pot available there, and they want to get some. Thursday has a lot of economic sway.

Kelly Kahl

If you are going to aggressively engage in economic development, you have to have the finances for it.

Scott Croswell

They're heading into an economic dead end.

John Fitzsimmons

You are seeing a clearer delineation between the political sphere and the economic sphere.

Luz Lorenzo

I do think the economic data scared people a little bit.

Maureen Mccarthy

We are witnessing the start of an economic transition.

Robert Michaels

That added up to an economic cost of about $48 billion a year.

Karen Davis

It strikes a balance. It's conservation, economic development, and, of course, it works for us.

Luke Muzzy

I am optimistic about the economic recovery.

Joaquin Almunia

That's where I think some of the greater benefits for economic development come into play, when it becomes an attraction, a destination for people to come.

Tim Schwartz

I hope to hold broad discussions on U.S. economic conditions.

Sadakazu Tanigaki

The central bank's (rate rise) decision this time is ahead of the country's economic cycle.

Li Yongsen

Being broke is economic, ... Being poor is a disabling frame of mind. It's a condition of the spirit.

John Bryant

Tourism now ranks as one of the areas of economic growth.

Ignatius Chicha

This is a major, major act of war and act of terrorism that will have widespread economic consequences.

Jeremy Siegel

Last week's economic data could give you concerns about the economy.

Sarah Bush

The convergence of the two economies is as much about the alignment of our two democracies, as about the dollars and cents associated with India as an emerging economic opportunity.

Ron Somers

They've got to decide what standard is more efficient in economic terms.

Carlos Dimas

When the economic numbers are all skewed in one direction, that brings up the Fed again.

James Park

Under capitalism each individual engages in economic planning.

George Reisman

There are actual, real economic, environmental and social benefits.

John Melvin

We're sympathetic that there's going to be some economic impact on the tribes.

Roberto Denis

It's worth $80 to $100 a share, based on their economic earnings power.

Ivan Feinseth

Without earnings, we've turned to economic data.

Art Cashin

About half of the economic losses would be attributable directly to the flooding.

Laurie Johnson

The trick is to balance core traditional values with economic tribal development.

Dennis Martinez

The economic situation in Germany and Europe is difficult.

Bernhard Langer

This is all in keeping with the general thesis that we're in the beginning stages of the economic cycle.

Ozan Akcin

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.

John Kenneth Galbraith

It's just false that we're in some sort of economic catastrophe.

Stephen Levy

Without a mandate, shippers will not take on the economic burden.

Scott Rose

It's a tourism issue. It's a cultural issue and it's an economic issue for us.

Andrew Rudnick

The objective of this is more political than economic. It's to get rid of the IMF obligations.

Alberto Bernal

That's an important thing for our economy, it's huge for employment and it's a big economic boost.

Paul Clausen

We're in this together. We're tied together in our economic futures. Our economic futures, the development of our health care, are all tied together.

Patrick Kane

They worried about my economic stability.

Anja Thiessen

I don't believe that we need a casino to enhance our economic development around here.

Ross Summers

We are in a very, very difficult economic situation that is the worst in the NBA.

Terry Mclaughlin

I don't think the economic minister would have happened to be in Pittsburgh.

Kevin Lowery

It's the difference between being economic and not being economic.

Gaurdie Banister

Not only is it good for your soul, it's good for local economic development.

Henry Chadwick

We have some distinct economic advantages in this region.

William Duncan

What we believe will continue to be a tough economic environment.

Alfred Anderson

I think the market will continue to rally as the economic data continues to improve.

Steve Neimeth

This is not because of foreign pressure. This is about the country's economic development.

Wang Ziqiang

As far as whether it's a real economic threat to us, we feel pretty comfortable.

Ron Totaro

Energy dependence is America's economic, environmental and security Achilles' heel.

Nathanael Greene

The [economic] data are what determine what the Fed will do today; they don't see last night's result as a sea change.

Rory Robertson

We can make more stuff and that can add to overall economic activity.

Andrew Bernard

This is not just an ethical issue. It's now become an economic issue.

Alissa Johnson

In any case, his campaign has awakened expectations for economic and social benefits that will be hard to satisfy.

Peter Deshazo

I don't think it would be devastating for economic activity. I think it might, on the margin, inhibit it some.

Gary Stern

So from an economic point of view, it's killing the business.

Tony Davis

It is beginning to shift its attention back to the strength of US economic fundamentals.

Kazuhiro Nishina

A courageous and consistent economic policy must become the basis of the coalition agreement. As the situation is so dramatic, one cannot afford to further delay principal changes in economic policy.

Juergen Thumann

Not only does [the university] contribute to the knowledge base and the cultural base, we make significant impact on the economic base of the county.

Gary Loftus

The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity.

Perry Christie

It's a virtual economic development competition here.

Joe Panetta

That's always been our economic development model.

Peter Straw

Washington will pump massive amounts of aid into the Katrina-affected areas boosting economic activities.

Sung Won Sohn

We were all part of economic development back then.

Greg Panter

Far beyond the economic impact is being able to show off our city to political leaders. It's a coup for us.

Janis Schmees

It's no coincidence at all that we've had strong economic growth after the tax cuts.

Dan Mitchell

The problem is people don't live on economic statistics.

Anthony H. Cordesman

They have to decide whether to give up prom business or family business. It's a tough economic decision.

John Livengood

Among the most fascinating of human social or economic inventions.

Sue Miller

It is critical that any immigration reform focus on our economic security as well as our border security.

Richie Jackson

Our economic relationship with India is transforming across the board.

Josette Shiner

You can't do right by the students in an economic vacuum.

James Gaston

We are probably on the verge of an economic recovery.

Stephen Leeb

[The U.S. should] assist both countries in economic development [and] assist both countries in educational development.

John Hernandez

Part of what Mediacom is trying to do is become part of the economic development plans of our communities.

Charlie King

It's very difficult to figure out all the economic issues right now.

Christopher Dixon

It would place economic restrictions on the property owners themselves.

Chip Aikens

Although the economic situation is sound, we need to pay attention.

Tang Xu

Strong government is a prerequisite for economic development.

Donald Tsang

Its economic structure may be unsustainable.

Ray Lane

I think when we do the budget, we make a number of assumptions, and that's one of them. We assume that there will be an economic package put into place.

Greg Bird

It's a great economic tool for our district. It's bringing $144 million worth of construction.

Randy Olson

Technology will be key to economic development. These numbers and these trends are disturbing.

John Sutherland

The better economic story and the Fed tightening were the main drivers behind the dollar rally, but that has now run its course.

David Solin

Green-tech could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st Century.

John Doerr

I suspect that economic data will put a downward bias on yields.

Thomas Lam

Due to economic conditions in our region, we felt that our capital could be much better employed in Australia.

Kerry Stokes

We will operate the businesses separately, but when there is an opportunity for economic benefits, we'll band together.

Wayne Goldberg

Huge economic and ecological repercussions down the road.

Lawrence Lindsey

We thought his proposal would add the most value to the area and the most economic benefit to the school district.

David Watkins

When we think the economic recovery is much more clear and certain than it is now, we will have time to do what is necessary.

William McDonough

A time is coming when the relations of the two countries should be crowned with economic cooperation, which is the aim of this business forum.

Vlado Buckovski

When you hear about Vietnam, it's always about economic growth.

Thuy Nguyen

We know that the economic situation is very difficult, but we will not go begging to the US and Europe.

Salah Bardawil

They're on a roll. They're one of the few companies that's clearly bucking the economic downturn.

Eric Rothdeutsch

The economic situation has changed and we need to cope with that change.

Eloy Inos

This will contribute to improve political and economic relations with the EU.

Elias Murad

The lack of our participation in the economic system is our greatest demonstration of why we are here.

Elias Bermudez

It is a year for modest economic growth and therefore modest earnings growth.

Edward Menashy

Sometimes fixing the broken window does create real economic activity.

Edward Keon

The economic environment looks much less favorable than we had anticipated at the beginning of the year.

Edouard Michelin

It's one of these wonderful economic coincidences.

Fred Whitehurst