155 quotes about utilities follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What utilities are looking for and the public surrounding those plants are looking for is a clear signal that the fuel is eventually going to move from those sites. Absent that, there may be some reluctance to continue to pursue the applications.

Adrian Heymer

Henderson is the only entity that can reasonably provide utilities to the site.

John Rinaldi

Banks and utilities are high dividend-yield spaces and they become less attractive as bond yields rise. It's normal in an environment of rising bond yields to see stock markets correct.

Guenther Gerstenberger

We wouldn't be surprised if there was interest from some of the large European utilities.

Gordon Howald

You can't throw darts anymore. Our parents could buy utilities and it was almost clipping coupons on a bond. Now, there's much more involved.

David Kiefer

Fuel, wages, health care, utilities and aircraft leases.

Bradley Belt

First, dot-coms turned into dot-bombs, and second, regulators didn't make it easy, ... In theory, there was no reason Utility.com could not have been wildly successful, but states adopted rules that protect the incumbent utilities which means new companies have no room in which to operate.

John Egan

It's a four-lane highway off (Interstate) 95, with all utilities.

Lynn Young

All in all, this helps to secure the long-term financial stability of the gas and electric utilities in Eagle Mountain.

Chris Hillman

We're still going to be cooking the same, and our utilities, demand for electrical appliances will pretty much be the same. The difference might be in (home) lighting.

Chris Winter

If the sport-utilities coming in January don't save the day, the restructuring we're seeing now will be the first in a series of restructurings.

Gerald Meyers

Making public the conditions of special contracts that utilities are allowed to enter into when recruiting industry would give other states and their utilities an unfair advantage and jeopardize Mississippi's economic future.

Checky Herrington

Westinghouse is certainly pleased to have achieved this latest milestone for the AP1000, and we look forward to working with utilities both in the U.S. and worldwide to build this advanced, inherently safe plant.

Daniel Lipman

Where Solaris does better is in the area of multiprocessing and feature set. There are also more things you can get with Solaris, such as backup and management utilities.

David Van Beveren

I thought it was wonderful. It's exactly one step up from being in a residence hall. You don't have the restrictions of a dorm, but you don't have the responsibility of having to handle the separate utilities yourself. It's all included in one bill. It's a win-win.

Melissa Williams

I've seen cases of parents with bad credit that use their kid's name to get utilities. Other cases involved friends with addiction or gambling problems that steal your personal information to open credit card accounts.

Cort Jensen

This will allow us to recoup a more reasonable charge for damages. They haven't set numbers, but it would be something more appropriate for the value of the land. Damages will include not only the land, but also the fact that Tyler Water Utilities will have to monitor the wells as long as they are in production.

Greg Morgan

I cannot think of a better use of taxpayers' funds than to provide basic utilities to people who need it. We are not responsible for everything in their water. The have shallow-point sand wells that septic systems, road run-offs and fertilizers from farmers' fields can infiltrate. There has been no tritium found in those wells.

Craig Nesbit

(Utilities) are negligent to their ratepayers if they are not considering building a concentrating solar plant in the next five years.

Rhone Resch

Having power outages in our state is nothing new, and Northeast Utilities' response time has gotten worse, not better.

Sen Judith Freedman

Even though individuals may have a job, they still are having a hard time making ends meet. We find many people have to make choices between food and other basic necessities like paying for utilities and heat.

Maura Daly

We all knew this day was coming. If you want to talk about bloody, divisive and all that, competing uses [among utilities] means tough, tough decisions.

Jake Varn

These funds may be awarded to applicants of U. S. military families who are in need of assistance with housing, utilities, medical expenses, groceries, clothing, school supplies and other expenses deemed necessary in order to provide them with some support and alleviate their need.

Rebecca Campbell

We want to look at how they're operating, if they should be operating at those locations or developing the parcels for facilities and utilities.

Joseph Wood Krutch

They want to make as much money as they can. Selling power to the locally-owned utilities is not where they make money, unfortunately.

Rodney Bourne

It's clear that the Department of Natural Resources will force utilities to reduce their emissions to offset the new pollution created by the ethanol mandate.

Scott Manley

The major utilities all have contingency plans to protect the power grid and gas lines. But it is a good thing that many Alaskans think a generator is just another yard tool.

Scott Walden

Merger talk among utilities has been dominating markets for days and you cannot say when this will end.

Guenter Senftleben

The facilities departments will have command centers set up at both the North and South sites. It will be the primary responsibility of these facilities' command centers to monitor utilities and other external entities and their possible effects on continued and safe operations at MSA.

Jarod Tufts

It's too late to buy many of the big ones. There are plenty of municipal utilities that can be bought one by one and added up, but that's not as satisfying as buying a big group.

Ulf Moritzen

New development should include school needs, streets, sewer lines and hook-up, water lines and hook-up, sidewalk, utilities, cost of total public protection (manpower, equipment and structures), parks and library needed for new growth.

Randy Miller

I think the length of time we were without the basic utilities was the most concern to me.

Bill Oliver

The Democrats have every incentive, knowing there will be rolling blackouts in California this summer, to try to get a bill to put price caps on utilities. It's good politics to blame the energy companies for high prices.

Charles Gabriel

The market for utilities is heating up. Either one of these potential buyers would have synergies.

Barry Abramson

My biggest fear is that the utilities will try to wheedle extra charges out of their customers to pay for this stuff.

Mike Twomey

Our ratepayers and our utilities have taken a beating over the last two years and we have to move forward with solutions.

Lisa Polak Edgar

Our engineering and construction crew, with the cooperation of the cities of Fort Wayne and New Haven, as well as Allen County and the other utilities, made (it possible).

Jane Howard

Basically, the last couple of years, people have been working on a master plan for the central utilities systems. Many of the components have reached the end of their useful life.

Richard Spies

ELM is another example of the market traction we're experiencing within the utilities vertical. We're not just delivering ELM an innovative MRM solution; we're delivering ELM a competitive advantage designed to help it meet the customer's unique requirements for quick response times, accuracy in marking of underground utility cables for safety and confirmation of completed work.

Leo Jolicoeur

The utilities are really breaking down today [Tuesday]. They were seen as a safe haven play and now you have people worrying about dividends being cut across the board.

Matt Ruane

If someone calls you on the phone and asks to come to your house to test your water, it's not the Gainesville Public Utilities Department.

Catiel Felts

Defensive and interest-rate sensitive sectors did well because Canadian rates were very low - up until recently we saw the 10-year Canada yield get down to 3.73 per cent - very constructive to utilities and the dividend payers and the defensives.

John Johnston

It's not public works. It's not water, sewage or utilities. It's the soul of our life.

Brandon Powell

To fulfill your basic needs of rent, utilities and food a family of four needs to make $44,000.

Beth Atherton

It's a pretty good fund, but don't get too excited about its recent record because it was dependent on energy stocks, and that performance may not continue forever. You don't necessarily need a utilities fund in your portfolio, but people buy them for yield and to add diversification if they already have growth funds.

David Kathman

Utilities are always rather dependent on interest-rate developments as a proxy to bonds.

Stephan Wulf

Power system problems that you see in a ship are similar to ones you see with electric utilities.

Jim Ferner

A business based on the steady needs of all the people would be more stable than one which produced only for the fluctuating requirement of utilities and industries.

David Loth

Everything seems to be on schedule. We've started the demolition, the pruning and removal of diseased trees, and the contractor is starting the underground utilities and walkway layout.

John Woods

The three elements adding to the cost are the added medical gases, added utilities and power and the nursing stations outside every room.

Rob Casalou

I do not believe that 0.9 percent is sustainable, especially given the price liberalization in areas such as gasoline and utilities.

Dong Tao

The sale is contingent on several factors, including satisfactory soil tests and local and state economic development incentives being granted. We will extend utilities, extend access to the frontage road and relocate existing rail lines from the site. We will also have the right to repurchase any of the property should Capstone not follow through on any of its building commitments.

Marc Elliott

It's good for customers to ask lots of questions, so they understand the business environment and the services utilities offer.

Dennis Hall

Peter has a reputation throughout the state as Mr. Water. He's become over the years an expert on water utilities. Other authorities have consulted with him. He's truly an asset to the authority and to Marlboro.

Herb Lichter

It really is an ongoing effort to improve the security of our state's critical infrastructure and utilities. It's nice to have a federal grant program that allows us to do that.

Derek Jensen

Rural districts with old buildings and long bus rides can save on utilities and gas. Some districts have done this with no adverse affect on test scores; and as long as you meet the required hours and minutes of instruction, it's not a problem with the state superintendent of schools.

Ron Hennings

We're a business that absolutely lives on utilities and essentially reselling utilities to our customers through the use of our facilities.

Brian Wallace

The public utilities and the public services are among the people who have done the most preparatory work.

Margaret Beckett

This project was approved before Terry Johnson was mayor. When Terry lived in the house (on Barnwell), he paid $2,000 a month rent just like anyone else. He didn't get any favors. He paid rent. He paid utilities.

Loren Ritter

You can save anywhere from 50 to 80 percent annually on utilities by having a home under the earth.

Ann Davis

We expect that utilities in the Pacific Northwest will be able to serve all of their firm demands this summer, but they will not have electricity available to export to California and elsewhere.

Michehl R. Gent

There wasn't anybody on there, nobody, not one, representing residential energy users, not one representing small-business users, ... What our elected representatives are too inclined to do is to give the utilities what they want, completely failing to realize that they have the power and they really have the obligation to put the needs of Utah first.

Roger Ball

Eastern Maine Electric was the first utility in the state to use widespread automated meter reading. The Turtle meter reading system was funded by research dollars from co-ops like EMEC. Now it's also used by investor-owned utilities like Maine Public Service as well. By improving a utility's efficiency, this technology saves energy users money.

Jim Dean

I couldn't have another fulltime person produce what (information) we can get from them. This will help our growth management department and I know it will be useful for Utilities and Economic Development to get that data.

Merle Bishop

Fixed costs like salary, retirement, taxes, utilities, software, and general supplies are the brunt of the increases.

William Powell

Once they come in put these utilities in that will just be a sign that will allow other developers to come in and build up the area even more. ... I realize that we need to have more age approved homes in Canton but I think we need to consider if this is the right place or not.

Charlie Cox

As quick as they get those utilities all out of there, we're going to go in there and place that one section because we have the right of way for it.

Terry Gulley

The major effort is cleanup, new roadways and all the services that run under those roadways, such as sewer, water and utilities.

Jason Keadjian

You can't earn enough money getting paid minimum wage to pay your rent, utilities and eat.

Jan Pruitt

Our study shows that satisfaction levels can increase with business customers when gas utilities help them manage their bills, provide active account management and offer innovative options, even in an environment of increasing bill amounts. Providing these options to customers has led to excellent performance by the gas utility industry in satisfying business customers.

Alan Destribats

We add all our net costs together and subtract sales to other utilities. In a good month where we sell a lot of power credits, we're able to pass that savings on to our owner-customers.

John Bilsten

There was continuing strength in mining, equipment manufacturing, nonresidential construction and utilities, ... Against that, residential construction, parts of agriculture and both wholesale and retail report poor and falling business conditions.

Alan Oster

These kinds of things generally are temporary -- you should get regulatory relief for a lot of this, ... This happens to be one of the strongest utilities from a balance sheet perspective out there. If it had to happen to someone it's probably better that it happened to a company as financially strong as Entergy.

Gordon Howald

Utilities used to provide reliable service in return for higher rates, ... But with the restructuring of the industry, it moved from almost a 100 percent emphasis on reliability to a greater emphasis on economy -- on cheaper rates.

Greg Williams

I am not at all convinced that states can run utilities better than utilities.

David Schanzer

Enron is providing the counterforce right now. It's undermining a number of industries such as utilities, banks, insurance and energy companies.

Ned Riley

It may be not just gas prices but also medical care and utilities and all those other cost-of-living things. Maybe the bus is becoming an option to save some money.

Andy Vobora

This year our taxes increased by $5.95 per thousand because of mostly state mandates and utilities. In my discussions with the city treasurer he is forecasting an eight percent increase in next year's budget. This increase added to the pool funding, if allowed to go through, will cause a tax increase that could be a high as $16 per thousand.

Ted Wind

Across America, people are recognizing and celebrating how vital trees are to our cities and towns. Tree Line USA utilities deserve recognition for their commitment to providing safe, efficient service, while helping protect and preserve community trees.

John Rosenow

I do believe that money could be spent somewhere else, certainly on all the utilities we're choking on.

Mary Mcgrath

It's past the time for study commissions and committee meetings. If the governor wants to lead on ethics, he can do two things - call for Jim Black to step aside as speaker of the House, and rescind Bill Culpepper's appointment to the Utilities Commission for taking a contribution from a regulated utility after he was appointed.

Joe Sinsheimer

We are very excited to have the certificate of occupancy. The community has waited a long time for this, and we are thrilled to be paying the utilities for the new building.

Kerry Cowart

It appears the city's involvement would be necessary to pursue the public utilities application through the Public Utilities Commission.

Pat Coleman

We'll apply for more funding in June. This part will complete the downtown survey. We'll find where all the utilities are currently located with the survey.

Sarah Phillips

We are excited to re-establish coverage of the electric utilities sector and thrilled to add John to our team. John's extensive knowledge of the utilities sector will complement our existing, industry-leading energy research team and allows us to provide insightful and topical proprietary research to our clients.

Steve Pollard

It's like, you pay for your electricity and your water and other utilities as you use it, well that makes perfect sense. If you're going to use the road, it might cost you a bit, but if you don't want to use the road, you don't have to. I think that's a very logical way to pay for the construction of a new road.

David Joyner

Eighty-five to ninety percent of our nation's critical information systems are owned by the private sector. It is therefore crucial that utilities organizations and IT vendors work together to close gaps in the security of this infrastructure.

Tom Noonan

People are still going to buy full-sized sport-utilities at $3 a gallon. But even at $3 a gallon, it's 750,000 people a year. It's not going to go to a million.

Robert Lutz

The budget is similar to the past year's budget, but like other businesses, we have increases in salary and benefits to attract and retain staff. We've seen increased costs to utilities, marketing (printing and postage) and additional office space to accommodate staff.

Frank Jacobson

Our first customers will be experimentalists. They are the people who go to download sites and are interested in cool, sexy network utilities. This is also filtering up to corporate executives who are always on the road and have a wireless device. It can also stretch horizontally to early adopters like well-versed IT managers looking for new killer applications.

Jeff Mchugh

The reason we started the program was because we found out there were kids going home over the weekend without food to eat. They come back Monday morning hungry and not ready to learn, sleeping on their desks and having some discipline problems. We want to make sure people do not have to make choices of food or utilities, or food or medical bills.

Robert Bush

It wasn't just about giving someone food or paying their utilities or counseling them. To my father, it was about helping a person establish a social structure, go to church, get a job and become a productive member of society.

Luis Hernandez

Our crews are working around the clock and other utilities are assisting.

Paige Sheehan

It's very difficult to have a budget for utilities if they're bouncing around all over the place. If they can somehow stabilize or make those payments more even, it really connects well for financial planning.

Bryan Clintsman

We have tremendous concerns in three areas: transportation, because of rising fuel costs; utilities, because of rising fuel costs; and increases in health care costs. We could have given teachers a 7 percent pay raise instead of taking those things away. We could have hired more of those teachers at a higher salary.

Wayne Blanton

There are a lot of logistics to planning the space so you can include all the utilities you need.

Kurt Conner

He said he would pay the rent and utilities for a year.

Carolyne Norwood

The city has given us its blessings by allowing us to hold these seminars in the council chambers. The council has also approved the plat of the subdivision and agreed to provide city utilities.

Casey Williams

The utilities and the federal agencies are perfecting the art of miscalculation.

Charles Hudson

Japan's power-generation equipment business, including nuclear power plants, has been shrinking as power utilities cut back on investments. Japanese manufacturers are seeing the need to expand overseas.

Yasuhiro Matsumoto

Jim Gibbons has maintained the status quo by supporting tax breaks for utilities to continue producing energy from coal, natural gas and even nuclear energy.

Dina Titus

It will have an impact on the economy of coal-producing regions. (Utilities) that are unable to receive their contracted allotment of Powder River Basin coal will, out of necessity, either have to increase investment in natural gas-fired generation or buy electricity on the wholesale market.

Patrick Lavigne

It's all across the board, ... We get hit in the food area, college vehicle expenses, utilities and operational budgets.

Ann Miller

There is no primary cancer treatment for children available in the state, and so travel expenses become huge. But we also cover things to keep everything afloat at home. We've paid for groceries, mortgage payments, rent payments, utilities, keep vehicles running so they can get to out-of-town appointments, you name it, we've probably paid for it.

Lisa Eades

We wanted to do things and do them well, such as replacing the stairs and paying for the cost of utilities in the Student Union.

Sga President Basheer Benhalim

Nuclear reactors deserve the extra round of oversight that comes with having them owned Wisconsin utilities regulated the Public Service Commission.

Charlie Higley

Prices of utilities and other stocks have reached levels that don't look sustainable at the moment, given the overall economic environment.

Guenter Senftleben

This is not a problem that is the fault of the Nevada utilities or the PUC or Enron or any other bogeyman out there.

Rick Hackman

Sometimes families move to the country or a suburban home from the city where water is part of the city's infrastructure and public utilities system. Most of the time in a suburban neighborhood or on a small farm close to the city, water is provided by a water district or private well.

Wayne Thompson

We don't want to put in trailers or houses without utilities. We're talking about miles and miles of lines down.

Butch Kinerney

Domestic bond yields have risen sharply and as a result utilities have lost their attractiveness.

Yoji Takeda

Clarksdale Public Utilities will be handling the utility improvements.

Mayor Henry Espy

If you sign up with an independent marketer, is there a guarantee that you're going to get a savings? The answer is, no. Utilities are very good at what they do. They have years of experience, assessing weather patterns ... looking at that market and sizing up what volumes of gas that they need to assure a stable supply.

Peggy Laramie

A third tower would plug right in. We would already have connections for utilities and everything.

Jeff Segall

Most of the productivity online is coming from SMB owners using information technology through which they're gaining utilities that previously would have taken generations to capitalize on.

Rick Segal

I think there is a lot of bullish action taking place under the broad market indices that is not related to technology, but in terms of financial services, industrials, chemicals, utilities -- areas that don't significantly play in terms of weight.

Gerald Vincent

This win represents a tremendous opportunity for us in the European utilities market. Inclusion of our solution in the standardization project of such a large company is strong validation of the value that we provide to the utilities industry.

Dr. Moshe Benbassat

It makes you wonder whether the people who sit on those commissions who oversee these utilities are really doing their homework.

Joseph Lopez

We have had a lot of utilities come down. Typically we spend a day with them, talk about it, show them the network and the network management tools.

Piero Peroni

These utilities, which represent about 80 percent of the regional demand for electricity, not only met the council's target for 2005 but did so at a cost that was about $30 million less than expected.

Tom Karier

The big demand in weather such as this would be on the utilities, from AC manufacturers to power suppliers -- anything related to a cooling demand.

Jon Davis

This is a win-win deal for us and the Boys & Girls Club. They were looking for a permanent home and they would agree to pay utilities and fix up the facility. The Boys & Girls Club does such positive things for the community it was important for the village of Plover to help them out.

Dan Mahoney

A lot of utilities have loan financing programs because air conditioners, from their perspective, are a big energy drain during the summer. The utilities are very motivated.

N'ann Harp

When we got married, we had nothing. We had no water, no utilities. There were no screens on the house. There were cracks in the floor big enough you could see the chickens walking under the house.

Mary Leblanc

That's always a problem. You have a few thousand people move in, and they tax the utilities. It puts a strain on natural resources. There are environmental costs to rapid growth.

Scott Huffmon

We don't think these large mergers are good for consumers. They put more utilities in fewer and fewer hands, increasing the likelihood of complex financial structures that will be less transparent and undermining the ability of state regulators to protect consumers.

Tyson Slocum

We still see a few each day, but now we've got this thrift store over here to help us pay the rent and utilities.

Stanley Gros

Any time we have an application in the industrial expansion or interchange zones, we solicit input from them. Their input is considered as important as any other town department, such as engineering, police or the utilities. We want their opinion and we give them opportunity to make comments.

James Fitzsimmons

By joining WPPI, we are controlling our community's future power supply, ... We further benefit from networking with utilities that have the same challenges and needs we do.

Tom Myers

All available CL&P crews have been dispatched and are being assisted by contractors and crews from our sister company, Public Service of New Hampshire. Unfortunately, this storm has caused damage along the East Coast and therefore crews from neighboring utilities are not currently available to assist with the restoration.

Mary Ingarra

We have seen a move on the part of the (Illinois Commerce Commission) and the state and the utilities to try to introduce competition into these industries, and for various reasons it hasn't really worked for any of them.

Patricia Clark

I'm probably already in the red on the budgeting allotment for utilities.

Roger Knight

According to the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations on which I have served during the period in question, the largest increase in need during this time, from $8.3 billion to $9.1 billion, has been in transportation and utilities. Transportation needs alone represent $8.1 billion (about 38 percent) of Tennessee's total infrastructure needs.

Mark Norris

The need for utilities to pass on rising wholesale prices to their customers is very much an inevitability. Absorbing these increased costs to protect market share is simply not a commercially viable option.

Andrew Hill

The administration is taking utilities very seriously. Fortunately, we haven't had any major catastrophes.

Carlos Fernandez

That's being done throughout central Washington. There are a number of utilities that are looking at the potential for wind power.

Gary Garnant

We continue to work closely with the electric utilities as they re-establish service in Mississippi, ... The devastation from Hurricane Katrina is tremendous.

David Lemmon

Utilities are the hottest bet at the moment. Investors are mulling who will make the next acquisition or get bought itself.

Frank Schallenberger

Demand for coal is growing, supplies of coal at (electrical) utilities still remain low. I think that the industry fundamentally still looks positive.

Mark Reichman

The infrastructure system providers didn't understand the interdependencies among their systems. If you talk to state and local government and local utilities, they'll tell you they have great response plans. The problem is, they write them in isolation.

Paula Scalingi

The royalty checks each quarter pay the utilities on this big house.

Stan Perkins

I'm looking forward to working with this great team of men and women in streets and utilities to continue offering Dublin residents world-class customer service.

Ron Burns

The radio and TV divisions are acting more like utilities, but at least we're seeing strong numbers out of the cable side.

Richard Steinberg

Key points for utilities are their ability to gain market share, their ability to take out costs.

Bob Parker

Before anyone else, Macquarie saw the potential of the U.S. market. They have the most robust model of highways as a new utility that can be an investor-owned utility like gas and electric utilities.

Robert Poole

People are switching to utilities because there is a lot of uncertainty in the market about how deep the rate cut will be.

Herbert Lau

The majority of commercial sites west of Interstate 95 don't have water and sewer. In this competitive world and all other things being equal, the customer will go to a site with utilities outside the city.

Chris Norton

We're buying the UPC power because we need it. We are a co-op and are not out to make a profit. If [utilities] have more power than needed at any given day or hour, the excess is sold to the New England Power Pool.

Avram Patt

If the Justice Department's case fails, all payments -- not just plastic payments -- but recurring payments, utilities, everything, will be taxed by a cartel known by two names: Visa and MasterCard.

Lloyd Constantine

Because of their high yields and stable cash flows, utilities are defensive stocks. But with deregulation, part of the business -- the power generation piece -- is exposed to supply and demand concerns where it wasn't before.

David Kiefer

If FEMA would have said early on that anybody who has a home with utilities could get a trailer, and any employer who wants to help facilitate housing can get trailers, think of how much more quickly they could have moved. These are some of the low-hanging fruit. They should have been some our early victories.

Bobby Jindal

The fever in the truck market continues without abatement and our industry leadership in that arena through May is more testimony to the durability, reliability and customer enthusiasm for our trucks, particularly our pickups and full-size sport utilities.

Ronald Zarrella

Over the past 25 years, we've seen the deregulation of the airline industry, the financial services industry, the telephone industry, we're starting to see it in the utilities. And this is changing so many things for consumers. It's leading to more choice and lower prices but in many cases it's also leading to tougher decisions and more headaches.

Ellen Stark

We need to be prepared to help with their rent and utilities for six months to a year, ... We don't want them working right now.

Eddie Murphy

You have a lack of housing in the New Orleans area, utilities out in a good portion of the city, people looking for schools for their children, you don't have day care or transportation. Those are just some of the reasons why people are staying put where they are and not going home.

Ed Pratt