GNEP cannot accomplish the administration's proliferation or waste management goals. The reprocessing technologies that DOE is currently researching are far from 'proliferation-resistant' and are decades from commercialization.

Noble has made a billion dollars in profits since 2000, but it doesn't pay its fair share in taxes. Taxpayers are being gouged at both ends of this deal. Noble is getting rich off high energy prices, while the Department of Energy is giving away taxpayers' hard-earned dollars in the form of an unnecessary grant.

The fact that oil companies are enjoying record profits when consumers are paying record high prices does not sit well with people.

There's a lot of geographic concentration of power. All these folks are from Texas -- a big energy-producing state. It shows where the influence is.

America's natural gas companies have been fined over two-billion dollars in the last three years for manipulating natural gas markets. This clearly shows that we do not have an adequate regulatory framework over natural gas markets, and we feel there is market manipulation continuing today in the United States.

Oil companies are exploiting a tight supply-demand situation. They are piling on, making a bad situation worse.

We don't think these large mergers are good for consumers. They put more utilities in fewer and fewer hands, increasing the likelihood of complex financial structures that will be less transparent and undermining the ability of state regulators to protect consumers.

The House bill basically punted most responsibilities to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Senate bill takes a more aggressive stance in protecting investors, in our opinion.