Probably one of my best memories ever.

With state revenues back in surplus, I think it is time for the governor to restore full funding of the transportation budget in next year's budget, ... Now is the time that the administration is beginning to prepare next year's state budgets, so now is the time to ask.

I'll never be able to walk straight, I'm in pain 24 hours a day because of that racetrack and I still love it.

I think they probably should have done something about possibly helping find another area for a racetrack rather than just saying, 'See you later,' .

It was an event. It was a spectacle. You can't imagine what it was like.

We can race somewhere else a lot easier than they can watch somewhere else.

I'm pleased to have it behind us.

According to the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations on which I have served during the period in question, the largest increase in need during this time, from $8.3 billion to $9.1 billion, has been in transportation and utilities. Transportation needs alone represent $8.1 billion (about 38 percent) of Tennessee's total infrastructure needs.

Since you became governor, more than $217 million generated from user fees for transportation have been diverted for other state needs which you have addressed.