Our hope is we get the Yankees' attention and cause them to treat their fans better. They need to clarify their policies.

David Brickman

Our history tells you over the last 13 years of the Gold and David Sullivan [era] we are there in the hour of need and I guess that might well be the case come the window. But we have to treat the issue with great care. There is no guarantee that by spending money you turn things round.

David Gold

You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, And show the world all the love in your heart, Then people gonna treat you better, You're gonna find, yes you will, That you're beautiful as you feel.

Carole King

New Jersey is the first state in the country to agree to treat gay and unmarried couples the same as married couples.

Michael Adams

We treat it more individually now so we can focus on the team come conference time. It's training now. We need to peak when it counts.

Brian Gorby

I'd love to see former students and teachers who I used to work with. A lot of people have moved from the area. It's always a treat to see one of your former students.

Sandi Mckee

Although Western society has emphasized the importance of high self-esteem, the more important thing may be to have self-compassion, the ability to treat oneself kindly in the face of failure, rejection, defeat and other negative events.

Mark Leary

Measure 37 was not a vote on land use. Measure 37 was a clear message that government needs to treat people fairly. It is too bad that the means offered was Measure 37. At some point Oregonians will look at this and decide whether this law is the kind of fairness they asked for.

Bob Stacey

If he treats his family members like this, how is he going to treat someone he doesn't even know?

Brian Kreisler

I'm just going to treat it like any other game. I don't want to get too nervous about it, or think too much into it.

Meg Dahlman

If we were to treat everybody for the whole length of their sentence we would be facing a significant resource issue.

Georgia Cumming

We respect the water, and use the water. We don't just let it go down the drain. We treat this water like gold. The only water loss is evaporation.

Jeff Swanagan

They treat you like they would want to be treated. You're on the same plane, the same hotel, first-class all the way. You're part of the family.

Tim Ries

It will take some time to gain traction. This is an attempt by Intel to stop treating technology as one size fits all.

Brandon Mcdonald

If they pass a law, I cannot help them because they are going to treat me like someone helping a criminal.

Saul Garcia

Therapy has totally changed these days. When I first started up in town 18 years ago there were 10 chemicals (medicines to treat cancer), now there are 50.

Paul Dugan

The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples sets minimum standards for how we will be treated. We are trying to convince Canada that there is a better way to treat Indian people, and we have to use the principles in the declaration as a guideline in our relationship.

Armand Mackenzie

The Constitution requires that Congress treat similarly situated persons similarly, not that it engage in gestures of superficial equality.

William H. Rehnquist

If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace. There need be no trouble. Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.

Chief Joseph

We will continue to treat these matters as we have in the past.

Charles Dalfen

Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can smoke hookah at home, but coming here is like a treat. I've noticed it's gotten a lot more popular just in the past two months.

Brenda Wright

It was quite a severe fire. At the moment we're treating it as suspicious but that's only as a cautionary action until an investigation proves otherwise.

Dave Moore

Not only do I think Nate is the best Minnesota player available, but I believe he was one of the best American players available. He will make an immediate impact in our midfield and Minnesota soccer fans are in for a real treat.

Amos Magee

It became clear that drugs based on a-MSH could not be used on an everyday basis to treat disorders of body weight. It was a big disappointment. Now there is hope that ß-MSH might work better.

Heiko Krude

When you treat a kid as an adult, they start to act as an adult in the way they commit crimes.

Abby Anderson

This should send a clear message to airport sponsors everywhere. Treat every user fairly and don't try to stop legal operations with illegal regulations.

Bill Dunn

Its going to be a squeeze, but we have got to put our men and women in uniform ahead of everything else. We've got to be treating our reservists fairly before we move on to other procurements.

Mark Dayton

It represents for SCO a departure from their traditional market focused on their technology and operating system. I only question ... how will they treat in a fair way the needs of the Linux world.

George Weiss

First of all, I want an apology. One day I have everything, the next day they destroyed my life and I was not even charged for anything - had done no crime. I understand that there was a need of national security then, but how can they treat people that way?

Akhil Sachdeva

It was a treat to see him. And I'm glad that I did.

Reggie Roberts

From a health department standpoint, it's closed. They can't admit patients. They can't treat patients. They can't do hospital-type work there.

Richard Mcgarvey

I'm not saying it should be a luxury hotel, but we should treat them as worthy of being a person.

Vicky Gunderson

I was curious and I said, well, I'm going away for my birthday so I decided to treat myself. It's nice to try something that you know is not permanent.

Tracy Lewis

With the completion of the human genome, and the numerous recent discoveries in molecular and cell biology, exciting new approaches to diagnose and treat diseases are rapidly being investigated.

Mark Kelley

I'm in favor of moving our remaining high schools to Metro service ... and I am also asking you to join me in working to make sure we treat students fairly whether they come from low-, middle- or upper-income backgrounds.

Cheryl Chow

There are so many angles to follow up: government incompetence, sophisticated charity scams, how insurance companies treat victims, construction of the levees, who will start ripping off the billions of dollars available in new contracts. Every single one of these stories is going to be a big one.

Brian Ross

A lot of response you get depends on how you treat people. The American authorities, the American military have a different approach.

Peggy Gish

We are going to treat it as a normal week just like any other game. Obviously, our kids know it's homecoming, but as a football team, we haven't even talked about it.

John Eastman

There will be four walls and three squares a day. We will treat him like we do everyone else.

John Birtwell

It's a great honor to be included with all these other great athletes in the Hall of Fame, and it's also a real treat to join my daughter Kristin (a member of the inaugural Stoneham Athletic Hall of Fame Class) as an inductee.

Bill Seabury

We are treating this as a very serious issue.

Tom Osbourne

We'll prepare for our first game like we treat every game. It's a one-game season. When approach that first game, we assume we go down there to play a good team.

Tim Jermain

We thought we could grow the business if we could help the sales team treat all of their customers in new ways.

Stephen Hopkins

You have to shut it down and identify the reasons, ... So many times [teams] are forced into a situation of treating the symptoms because they don't have the time. But the hamstring strain is a red flag of a symptom. If you don't get the problem addressed, you still have the original problem and now you have a second problem that was only a symptom before.

Mackie Shilstone

A lot of people are good people leaders, but dogs think differently than humans do. When we treat them the same as humans, many times we get the opposite effect of what we're intending.

Ruth Marquardt

There are some items we have earned the right to treat ourselves to. And this may be one of them.

Mike Flowers

We can't really say more about it than that it does not appear to have been a herpes case, but we cannot exclude herpes as a cause so we are treating that as a suspect.

Guy Hohenhaus

We talk to them about the business end ? how to treat it like a business, that they need to be as aware of the people they are baby-sitting for as the parents need to know who's baby-sitting for them.

Sherry Ballard

However, we do not discriminate or treat anybody differently because of their lifestyle or their behavior.

Rev Manuel Sykes

Physicians need to be aware of the potential manifestations of CMI and the need to treat them, and metabolic syndrome is a key example. There's quite a bit of literature on this condition, and there are steps physicians can encourage their patients to take, such as increased exercise, stress management and dieting to reduce abdominal fat, that can lessen its effects.

Dr. Melvin Blanchard

The judge has backed comprehensively the doctors' assessment of the position and has explained the doctors' rights to treat Charlotte in the way they consider correct, and not to have to follow the instructions of the parents in the event that what they have been asked to do is against the doctors' conscience.

David Lock

[The goal was to] treat news more like a loop, ... Stories don't end when we post them. ... People respond. We wanted to create a vehicle through which people could respond.

Larry Kramer

The underreporting of this disease is monumental. Physicians don't even consider it when they treat adults for persistent cough.

Joel Ward

It's the Coliseum - we know that. We just try to treat it like another game. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.

Marcus Monk

That (OT loss) told me I had to work a lot harder. It helps that I went to state last year because now I have a feel for everything there. You just have to treat it like another tournament. It's tougher, of course, like a free-for-all. Just making it there is a feat in itself.

Lawrence Cavello

A lot of us just want our money now. It is unfair to treat employees like this. I don't know who will be working (for the network) in the future because its name is sullied. For them to preach LGBT pride and then to do this to us, it sends a terrible mixed message.

Vanessa Meyer

Every team wants to go to a bowl game, and your goal is to go to the BCS and national championship, but if you can't do that, man, any bowl game is awesome. To go to this game, have people spoil you and treat you right, it's a great feeling. It's the icing on the cake.

Chris Carothers

The new product pipeline has never been stronger as we plan to introduce significant new therapies to treat major medical problems such as heart failure.

Art Collins

People are too apt to treat God as if he were a minor royalty.

Herbert Beerbohm Tree

A mechanism is in place to identify and treat individuals who have TB. It is a very important public health issue.

Rob Kenny

It's close enough that a lot of them can get to it. It's exciting, (but) personally I can't treat it any differently. It's just another NCAA tournament and we've got to stay focused on the game.

Carrie Mason

I sure don't want to take money away from the University of Texas; any subsidy for a university is good. But from an equity standpoint, it isn't fair that wealthy people can treat their personal entertainment expenses as a charitable donation.

Michael Granof

This was a huge win for us. Earlier in the year we hadn't played these guys very well. We are treating every game like it's a playoff game right now and each point is important.

Tom Preissing

I treat all children the same. I don't consider their disability an excuse, but, rather, a point of motivation. ... When you enter my classroom you no longer see children with special needs, but a teacher who meets the needs of special children.

Anita Ramirez

We have a history of working well with team members and the unions. We're a service business and when you're a service business, you need to treat your team members well.

Kathy Shepard

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Og Mandino

Neil loved his brother, so he was able to treat Felix, though he was a pain in the neck, with love. That's the key to this thing.

Danny Simon

Of course, there are a lot of ways you can treat the blues, but it will still be the blues.

Count Basie

We'd have tea on a Friday night at home and Dad (Dan, a former Fitzroy premiership player) would clear the plates off the table, put on the kettle and treat my back with hot water and olive oil.

Kevin Murray

We treat callers as if they were our own mother or a relative.

Susan Wyderko

The owners are treating their pets more like family members.

Robin Bennett

You don't want to treat children like miniature adults and prescribe an exercise regimen that barely appeals to adults.

Cedric Bryant

This guide offers a third choice. Treat religion with fairness and respect. Keep the government neutral in matters of religion, not promoting religion or denigrating it.

Charles Haynes

We're going to deal a lot with how you get the kids to school, how do you take the little kids trick or treating.

Rod Lurie

My mom is from Maine and we went camping every year as a kid. We had pets and we were taught to treat them to be like members of the family.

Coryne Tasca

We made adjustments for what is like a bill now. You just have to treat it like a bill and there's really nothing you can do about it.

Sterling Johnson

These toll cheats are a loss and we do treat it seriously. Within a certain percentage, it's an acceptable and anticipated loss. I would not characterize it as an excessive problem.

Carl Defebo

I believe the employees should be paid for the job they do. We have budget constraints, but I am for treating the employees fairly and giving them the benefits they deserve.

Joel Baker

The 22-year-old man died at 2 p.m. He was the vendor from a traditional market and the only positive case that we were treating today.

Ilham Patu

I am treating you as my friend asking you share my present minuses in the hope I can ask you to share my future pluses.

Katherine Mansfield

I don't support treating them as commercial. The taxes on the large homes enable the funding of schools and employees.

Chris Hardee

We don't want to speculate but if a person is deceased, another injured and a fire going on at the same time, we're going to treat it as a crime scene.

Roger Wade

They compete at such an elite level. The jump to the professional ranks is just a huge jump, so to come out here and see people who are truly the best in the world is a treat. I don't know how they do it but they're certainly better than us mortals.

Bob Spencer

They treat the luxury boxes as if it were a tailgate party.

Susan Williams

I get along with all of them and they treat me good.

Lindsay Burrows

We're sorry. We need to treat our visitors with class. But at the same time it's 105,000 people in a highly emotionally charged time frame. And there were a lot of Texas fans who had a great experience.

Gene Smith

It is impossible to treat a child too well. Children are spoiled by being ignored too much or by harshness, not by kindness.

Sloan Wilson

What I've been able to learn from her is what she's taught me about dealing with student athletes on a day-to-day basis. It's more along the lines of what it's really like being a coach, dealing with people every day, and treating those people with respect.

Karen Aston

My average Medicare patient has heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and then a few other things you want to throw in there. They're the most vulnerable patients we have out there except for the infant. We have some excellent drugs to help treat them, but a lot of them have fixed incomes, and they need the help.

Dr. Edward Langston

I think we need to focus on the basics, not the marquee names and causes. Just saying 'thank you' and 'please' is a good start; some simple ways of showing compassion and courtesy to each other. That's a good way to keep his dream alive because he wanted us to treat each other like brothers and sisters.

Michael Glover

What is also interesting is this condition is not really recognized in other countries - you wonder what we are treating.

Curt Furberg

ICE holds don't enter into my decision to file on crimes. I've got to really treat everybody equal - give equal treatment to everyone who has committed a crime.

Norm Cooling

The difference between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is we tend to treat the condition. Chinese (medicine) treats the whole animal.

Alyssa Erlandson

It's often very windy [at the Stone Creek Country Club]. It will be a treat to be playing in warmer conditions.

Katherine Mowat

They know the recipes and how we like to treat people. We still need cooks.

Rice Horkey

If customer feedback from our transactional survey is extremely good, Mike will celebrate customer support's success by doing something as simple as treating the entire staff to ice cream that day.

Art Hernandez

It was becoming a real issue for them [Oracle]. They heard from customers they needed a new way of thinking about multi-core without treating each core as a separate processor.

Larry Singer

He was in a very good position, tracking. And when Robby called on him, he just exploded. To have a horse like him in the barn is a treat.

Jeff Trosclair

Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he were where he could be and should be, and he will become what he could be and should be.

Jimmy Johnson

[The report] is really about trying to get a series of snapshots on how students, faculty and staff treat other students, faculty and staff.

Stephen Wessler

We made it clear that there really needs to be a ... substantial improvement in the communication between treating doctors and the doctors ... who are performing assessment on behalf of the department.

Mark Yates

If a person has a flea infestation, it is time to call a professional pest control company to treat the problem quickly and effectively. If someone has a severe reaction to flea bites, they should take precaution and seek immediate medical attention.

Cindy Mannes

It was from an old friend who . thought he was dying. Anyway, he said, 'Life and death issues don't come along that often, thank God, so don't treat everything like it's life or death. Go easier.'

Thomas Arnold

To me, they're some of the best neighbors there are right here. They treat you like you're family.

Brendan Wiseman

I think they are a treat. There are enough consumers who are willing to treat themselves frequently or once in a while.

Byron Paulson

Ed does what he is asked to do. Ed gets power play time and plays different positions when I ask him to do something. Tom plays defense on the power play on the point. I treat them like anyone else on the team and they appreciate that. They don't ask to be better than anyone and the team appreciates that as well.

Paul Bonetti

This is a game we can't afford to give up. We have to treat this like any other game, prepare for them and come out and play hard. We know they press a lot and that they are an up-tempo team. We have to control the pressure and finish plays.

Will Kimble

Some are like lap dogs. It all depends on how you raise and treat your dog from day one. You get out of it what you put into it.

Lucy Mathers

In many ways, I think of treating cancer like we treat AIDS. You don't cure the person, but you give them a cocktail of drugs that treats the biological properties of the disease, allowing them to live a relatively healthy and disease-free life.

David Cheresh

Jewish tradition and ethics require us to treat the sensitivity of others as we would ask others to treat the dignity of the Jewish dead. It is difficult to understand how a project to glorify and strengthen tolerance is conducted with blatant intolerance.

Reuven Rivlin

Don't treat me like a little girl.

Britney Spears

I try to be organized, detailed and I feel it's important to get as much done in one day as possible. I learned a lot of that from my basketball coach in high school, Billy Mitchell. I'm pretty quiet, but you have to lay down the law when you have to. I try to treat the athletes with respect and I expect to get respect in return.

Keith Brunson

Cough syrups don't treat the underlying cause. They won't make you better any faster.

Dr. Michael Alberts

By and large, detention facilities are built to protect the public and not to treat mental health and related family issues.

Stephen Gavazzi

They could almost be like a second family to her. They took her under their wing, treating her like a younger sister, as well as an equal.

Alicia Bickley

We don't think that people should be able to abuse animals like this. One minute, they'd say we're going to bring her back, then they'd say, oops, we're going to kill her. ... We're doing this because we think for a long time they've gotten away with treating people like this.

Jean Kitchin

Good sense travels on the well-worn paths; genius, never. And that is why the crowd, not altogether without reason, is so ready to treat great men as lunatics.

Cesare Lombroso

If they want the conservatives to play on their team, they have to treat them like members of the team rather than outsiders.

David Keene

These data show great potential for REMICADE in the treatment of a disease that often carries great physical and emotional challenges. The potential of achieving nearly complete skin clearance is exciting and holds great promise for patients with this difficult to treat disease.

Robert Matheson

Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it.

Bill Bradley

I think the First Amendment is probably the most important thing that you have in this country. And I'm always horrified at the cavalier way that you (Americans) treat it.

Neil Gaiman

While we're searching for new ways to treat people, we'd better have the best available evidence on the drugs that are available. This takes us another step along the way.

Bruce Cohen

I was with one of my girlfriends, and one of her friends is (Voigt's) goddaughter, and I had no idea who we were going to have dinner with, ... Most Hollywood actors out here are very snobby, very rude, and he was just very nice. He doesn't treat you like you're not a person.

Thomas Mcdaniel

I went on just living that illusion that I'd already created for everyone else. I was treating it like a dirty secret or like Arron was this mistake in my life.

Brian Roberts

Where we are moving to is taking an individual's cancer and measuring particular characteristics of it and saying, 'OK, you've got this wrong, this wrong and this wrong in your tumor and, therefore, I am going to treat you with Drug X, Drug Y and Drug Z because that is tailored to your cancer.'

Dr. John Marshall

Do I like keeping her on all this? No. You learn how to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems and reflux disease. The real trick is treating all of them in one person.

Dr. Joe Vetrano

Now she carries parts. The customers love her. She had it down pat in one week. When she hears the printer she sits and waits. She gets the paper, takes it to the customer and they give her a treat. It's a total routine.

Jennifer Mckinnon

If we can identify those markers within people, we can improve the success of in vitro fertilization procedures. Every person has different physiology and different genetic background. If we can treat the them specifically, we can probably increase in vitro fertilization results.

Matt Garcia

I started pushing in that last 150 meters, and I passed everyone except for (Michaelsen). You can only do so much. You always like racing at home and doing well at home so (this finish) is a treat.

Fred Rodriguez

We are trying to find patients at the highest risk and treat them for a longer period of time.

Dr. Stevo Julius

If you teach a young person that their life has no value, they'll treat their life like their life has no value. They will do things that show that they don't really respect themselves, such as use drugs or attempt suicide or engage in unprotected sex.

Kevin Jennings

We treat it as almost a mini family reunion.

Tim Groover

There are a lot of revelations in this book. The proposals discussed here provided an early glimmering of how the white South would treat blacks for the next century.

Bruce Levine

Our requirements turned out to be overkill. If you try to treat one of these suppliers as a body shop -- telling them exactly what to do and how to do it -- it does not go well.

Christopher Cartwright

Overall records are misleading, we are treating the PSAC West schedule as a new season and we are pushing for a PSAC playoff spot. We must execute better and our margin of error is very small right now.

John Marhefka

The left and the right can do the same thing. The Net can do the same thing for racists as it did for the Dean campaign. Treating your readers not as readers but as participants is a really good way of creating community and getting supporters.

David Weinberger

I've never had this reception before. This is just not the way to treat your constituents.

Laura Barrett

Anybody would think that the end of civilization is going to be visited upon them at midnight tonight, ... But if you treat adults like grown-ups, they act like grown-ups. For too long we've had Nanny bending over us telling us what to do and what not to do.

Mark Hastings

If you want to treat China as an enemy, you have a much better chance of making them an enemy than if you treat them as a potential friend.

Jim Sasser

We want to understand how people make decisions about managing their health. If we understand how people are treating themselves, the information can be useful for physicians.

Thomas Arcury

That's Mars. And over there, that is Venus. What a treat - two planets in the same sky.

George Stovall

This is our country. You are treating me like an animal, like it's not my country.

Michael Sata

The legacy of the music is undeniable, and when something like this is unearthed it gets attention, especially when the artists are no longer with us. When you think you've exhausted their entire output and something new comes out, it's a real treat. People of our generation who weren't around when this stuff was going on feel like we can participate in it when new stuff is unearthed.

Jon Hammond

We look at them as our guests to New Hampshire, and we intend to treat them as such.

Greg Moore

We're treating electricity with electricity instead of treating electricity with chemicals.

Dr. Yousef Mohammad

Ultimately, the knowledge we gain about gene-environment interaction will lead to new drugs and therapies to prevent or treat cancers, and improved environmental regulations that protect humans and animals against toxic exposures.

William Schlesinger

He's a climbing fiend. He's climbing all over the rocks, or he's climbing on his mother. And when he's not climbing on her, he's chewing on her. . . . She lets him treat her like a giant chew toy.

Lisa Stevens

We've been treating the site as if it were on the list. This is not going to affect our activities at the site. We've been working on it the last two years.

Jon Holt

Our ancestors taught them how to sow maize, later how to sow the seeds of this country. And now they treat us like this . . . treat us like criminals. Our people just come here to work.

Paul Lopez

The customer service should never wander. You have to treat your fan with great respect and dignity no matter what else is going on. If you do that, you can withstand a lot ... of the changes up and down.

Carl Scheer

We just have to get ready to go. We have to treat every game like we're playing Arizona. We have to come out ready to play.

Ryan Appleby

We are honored to play host to such an esteemed group of musicians. We look forward to their return to Vail and to their arrival at the Vail Cascade next summer. Our July guests are in for a very special treat.

Doug Brooks

Travelers need to be aware of the problem and the hospitality industry needs to be aggressive in treating rooms.

Cindy Mannes

We treat the $500,000 racehorse the same as the $500 horse that comes through the door. It's all the same for us.

Jennifer Brown

You ask yourself, why would someone confess to a murder that they didn't commit? We've got to treat it as at least credible. . . . There's no reason not to believe him.

Sheriff Darren White

These animals did not develop difficulty in breathing. The presence of the worms blocks pulmonary inflammation, ... We believe that this research will lead us to develop new ways of preventing and treating asthma and anaphylaxis, which can then be extended to treat inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.

Padraic Fallon

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Og Mandino

Even if that's all you can squeeze in, it will be a relaxing treat.

Donald Reid

Tobacco use is the single leading cause of preventable death. The vast majority of all adult tobacco users became addicted as teens. If we don?t work to prevent teens from using tobacco, we risk losing thousands of lives and spending more and more money treating tobacco-related illnesses.

Dr. Joann Schaefer

I have a reputation of having a really bad race before a good one. I had some hard workouts before states and I was feeling the effects from it. I treat every race the same. If I blew up in a dual meet, same as at states, it's not a big deal. I would rather win a national title than a state title.

Dan Mcmanamon

There are a lot of new medications on the market for treating diabetes. Although some of these newer drugs are more expensive, that extra expense is made up for by a reduction of cost in other aspects of healthcare use.

Rajesh Balkrishnan

Watching the Kings play on television was our big treat at a very dark and unsettling time in our lives. For the three years when we were stuck at home because of the cancer, that's how we really came to appreciate the Kings.

Rick Berringer

He is a very skilled performer. The audience is in for quite a treat.

Dr. Solen Dikener

We'll treat it as another trial game and have a look at some different combinations at the same time.

Heyneke Meyer

Life Flight is only in the business of treating the patient who needs help. There will be a bill associated ? but that comes later in the mail.

Janet Frank

Taking advantage of patients for your own selfish purposes, patients who expected the opposite -- to treat them honestly and to care for them.

John Watts

The manual recount processes in Florida are unfair and inconsistent. They treat equal people in different ways. It's unconstitutional.

Ted Olson

All the guys treat her like one of them and they're not afraid to admit that she is better than some of them.

Laura Moore

We do not view this in any way as treating them as second-class citizens. We don't view our band as second-class citizens just because they're playing before the (football) game.

Jean Walker

I thought a lot of people would dismiss the subject as trivial, ... and ... that regardless of what I achieved, the subject would be dismissed. I think I've been gratified more than anything. Whether people like the book or don't like the book, they treat the subject as worthy of discussion.

Peter Guralnick

We're treating those remains with the ultimate respect and care that they deserve.

Bob Cabana

A lot of my peers that I've worked with (not on this show) are not on time and think it's absolutely OK to have attitude and treat people like crap. You can't be some self-important entitled brat. When you're late and you act like a jerk, it affects the dynamic of the whole set.

Jenna Elfman

If your kids don't need to go door to door trick or treating this year, they probably shouldn't. If you can find an alternative like a mall, we highly recommend it.

Bill Schwartz

We can't just destroy a resource for the sole purpose of getting it out of the water. We have to be responsible and treat it as a resource.

Robert Fisher

He would have to treat it like any other match. You have to go out and wrestle hard for six minutes.

Andy Weis

I would guess about half of us are here through no fault of our own. Yet they want to treat us like animals in a zoo.

Lee Noble

The key is to treat outbreaks early. If you wait two or three generations you could be looking at 50 to 100 times more locusts.

David Hunter

Thank you all so much for joining us for this luncheon. I think we're all in for a real treat.

Dr. Guy Sconzo

There's a multitude of things happening on stage. It's OK not so see everything. People should treat it like a landscape. Every moment you focus, and you take in what you take in. It's a very enjoyable graphic dance that explores questions more than answers. It's a beautiful evening.

Bjorn G. Amelan

When somebody calls, we treat this like any other park in our inventory. If you didn't know the city owned this, they would be invisible. You deal with me; we basically do the rest of the work.

Art Gonzalez

We'll invite you to our party down at McDonald's. We'll have all the coffee you can drink, but it's a dutch treat. We're not giving it to you.

Jim Adkins

Everyone is treating you a little differently. It seems like everybody knows you.

Andre Jacobs

Those commentaries can be seen as males treating females as the 'out' group.

Kathy Kaiser

Actually, I tried to treat it like any other fight. I try to treat my first like my last and my last like my first. Still, the hardest thing for me is trying to beat my friends. Jon and I spar against each other every day in practice, so it had to be about me going out and having fun fighting.

Jeremy Biggs

There's an awful lot of junk on the Internet. Our fear is that we haven't reached the point where people treat things they see on the 'Net with the same skepticism as a phone call during dinner.

Marc Beauchamp

The fact that (Bradshaw) is a football player had absolutely nothing to do with it. The goal of this is to treat everyone the same.

Chris Chiles

When I look at her from a distance, it is amazing to me what she has done. I have to catch myself when I start to treat her as if she is still a kid.

Celeste Ryan

It really is a historical event. Before this, I worked in a little portable classroom that nobody else wanted to use. It's really no way to serve kids and it's no way to treat staff. I think what we're starting to do is begin making new facilities for these kids. It's really what we ought to do.

Carol Lee Huffman

My family wanted me to stay close, and I guess I decided to go far away. I'm mentally strong, so I think I can take it, but there are gonna be some ups and downs. I know my family is gonna be there to support me, and they're gonna treat me like family down there.

Porsha Phillips

We teach people how to treat us.

Dr. Phil

The cheetah cubs are outrageously cute, a real treat to watch. And their physiology, a real sleek build.

Peper Long

I think there's always going to be a need for aerial application because it is the fastest way of treating a pest infestation.

Andrew Moore

Asian and Spanish students are usually the ones that have more trouble with English. In class I do not treat the students differently. What I do is to explain a lesson as many times as a student needs to. I have no problem with repeating what I am saying and being patient with these students.

Juan Alcarria

These companies have capabilities in making products that are used to treat these sorts of ailments. There's a possibility those stocks could move up higher.

Paras Adenwala

Since we (the officials) are bound to Rules Book, we have to treat all shots 'through the green' exactly the same, ... Sure it's imperfect but believe it or not, the rules have evolved over the years. Maybe this will too.

David Price

Medicare Health Support is a tremendous advance in Medicare, ... It represents a shift in emphasis from simply waiting to treat costly complications and emergencies once they arise, to investing in helping Medicare beneficiaries with chronic disease stay well.

John W. Rowe

I love Spain for its landscapes and weather, so I am happy to make my debut at the Vuelta, ... I suffered bronchitis at the Tour that forced me to quit and I've been treating it for 20 days, leaving me totally inactive. Even though I lack a little race speed, I've felt good in training.

Magnus Backstedt

The parents I've talked to really appreciate how LISD employees treat their kids.

Roy Knight

We saw the greatest doctors standing beside him and watching over him all the time and trying to treat him.

Yitzhak Batzri