We anticipate a gradual moderation in the pace of appreciation as demand slows and supply comes into better balance. This would be consistent with the relatively orderly cooling off currently underway in several international markets.

Adrienne Warren

Idaho is perfect because of our climate. We have a drier climate and we can then supply dry straw for the first plant.

Duane Grant

If one of these links in a small business' supply-and-demand chain is broken due to a computer system that is not Y2K compliant, it would lead to irreparable damage to a business that lacks a large capital pool.

James Talent

The biggest concern is Nigeria's sabotage attacks over the weekend. But other supply concerns, like OPEC and Ecuador, are accumulating.

Hiroyuki Kitakata

The fact is, if water consumption continues at the current rate, there is only a 35-day supply in these reservoirs.

Parris Glendening

There are a lot of companies out there that have gathered a significant portion of their compliancy documentation, but have no way of organizing it. With Agile, these companies have a way of managing their material content information and integrating it into their supply chain management solution.

Todd Montgomery

We can't logistically supply 19 counties with water and essential supplies.

David Maxwell

We need to increase the amount of folic acid in the grain supply and add it to corn flour. That way, women will get most of the folic acid they need through a healthy diet - without having to think about it -- and their babies will be safer.

Jennifer Howse

We think that having an adequate supply of both vitamins E and C will help to decrease oxidative stress that is too low for us to measure and will then help to forestall the onset of chronic diseases. Taking vitamin E and vitamin C supplements will decrease oxidative stress.

Maret Traber

As much as GM plans to raise its product competitiveness by trimming $2.1 billion in buying and supply chain costs every year, we ask for the active support and cooperation of Korean auto parts companies.

Bo Andersson

The current mechanism is in the right direction. I think in terms of flexibility, (the yuan) is gradually determined more and more by market forces and demand and supply of the market.

Yi Gang

The focus is on all this supply.

David Ging

That's nonsense. The association never sets prices - the big mills do based on costs and supply and demand. It's already market oriented.

Qi Xiangdong

Supply and demand price for oil stands at around $27, so $5 to $6 (of the current price) is pure speculation. There is no demand for oil at these prices, buyers are sitting and hoping oil prices will fall, but prices could shoot up if there is a panic. There is real concern heating oil could run out.

Peter Hitchens

What I've noticed over the last two years is that all of our supply houses have done the same thing. The net result of all these increases is that a brick walkway that might have cost $4,000 two years ago now costs close to $5,000 due to fuel costs alone.

Chris Crane

You've got this supply issue and people want to see how they execute through the [current] quarter.

Apjit Walia

Mine supply in zinc remains very constrained. Zinc is the one metal that deserves a re-rating based on physical demand and supply characteristics alone.

Jon Bergtheil

Unlike a widget, you can't produce new supply tomorrow. New supply is three or four years away.

Marc Halle

It?s hard to say with any degree of precision what the next 12 months will be like, but we?re still in a pro-growth mode here. The thing that will cause slowing is the housing supply constraints. Can businesses attract a work force to the area with high housing costs?

Guy Tauer

The good news is that inventory levels are improving and housing supply will come closer to buyer demand in 2006. We expect a healthy and more balanced market next year.

David Lereah

The purpose of the newsletter is to supply the reader with a reliable supply of seeds made up of proven motivational ideas and strategies that can be immediately put to use.

Bob Garner

I know that the rats didn't spring into existence in our garden. Unfortunately we gave them a food supply and habitat that was attractive and overlooked the fact that they were there and multiplying.

Steve Turner

We're down probably 30 to 35 percent from the mid to late 90s. I used to turn away enough people to fill the place twice over back then. Supply is ahead of demand right now, there are so many options. Everybody's got a deal to try to get players.

Steve Richards

In cheaper markets interest rates probably won't matter as much as the local economy. These are places where new supply matches new demand, and you just have steady appreciation.

David Stiff

We're trying to make it easy and cost-effective. If you're setting up an e-business or a supply-chain thing, all the pieces have to work.

Bill Leavy

We won a romantic weekend away to Quebec?a year's supply of gold fish snacks?a year's supply of pizza.

Carolyn Wilman

We grow 15,000 pounds of tomatoes. We have an ample supply of each of the vegetables we grow. There are 300 active seniors who maintain the garden, and we really enjoy it. It beats the heck out of a rocking chair.

Wilson Archer

Both deals are damaged goods, ... The underwriters reduced the deals to such a range that it could be sold -- they brought supply down to meet demand.

John Fitzgibbon

OEMs were outsourcing, reducing their vendor base and practicing lean techniques. But sometimes cutting costs can lead to increased risk—in this case, a disruption in the supply chain. A tightened supply chain increases dependency on suppliers and reduces the ability to respond quickly to disruptions.

Jim Lawton

This compares to absolutely nothing that we've ever done before, and we've been here 20 years, ... It's so enormous, so devastating. It's hard enough to tell that story. But it's like a military operation in terms of our people and our supply lines.

Jack Womack

Gov. Romney's education reform plan addresses the single biggest challenge for our state's economy, which is supplying the pipeline of skilled workers that technology employers need for sustained future growth.

Christopher Anderson

Our research also confirms that based on recent enterprise sales of strategic Transportation Management solutions, Manhattan Associates is the current leader for complex transportation projects. Sales over the last 18-24 months indicate that they continue to gain market share and have attracted enterprises looking for new supply chain innovations.

Beth Enslow

We think that nuclear may end up as the best option for a variety of reasons, but we're always going to have a mix of fuels to protect customers from volatility in supply and price.

Keith Poston

Any drop in foreign buying in the face of supply could be a bearish signal for the bond market.

Mustafa Chowdhury

It appears to me that there is some possibility that someone is supplying money to be given to the Black campaign. If my theory is right, we're going to have to have somebody willing to tell us the truth.

Larry Leake

We just track the market very closely. We don't have a magic formula. It's not a science. We just track the futures market and find the most reasonable supply available. We're more sensitive to the (natural gas) market.

Alicia Dixon

They don't have operational duties; they are tasked only with supply chain and sourcing process improvement. These folks push, poke, and prod a 'Let's do business a little differently' mentality to the rest of the organization.

Alex Spinos

The first thing we need to do is understand how big the problem is. We know the costs have escalated as a result of the supply disruptions . . . but the significant challenge is going to be the new contracts that are escalating in a very significant way.

Dan Ebert

Gas prices are clearly reaching a level where it's a political problem for people, ... unless you empty [the reserve], it is a very temporary expedient. It does not affect the basic supply-and-demand problem.

Daniel Yergin

This problem . . . isn't attributable to only one of the two countries. There is demand (for drugs), and there is supply.

Geronimo Gutierrez

Mid-size enterprises that used these strategic sourcing techniques recorded more than four times greater procurement cost savings, better supply performance, and greater profitability than industry peers.

Tim Minahan

There are more college kids in IT-related programs, but universities still are not keeping up with industry demand. About 30,000 to 35,000 students will graduate this year in all computer science-related fields. But that represents a 10-1 spread between the supply of students and the shortage.

Howard Rubin

Supply is not meeting the demand of the industry. We have to wait for material. As we wait, our lead time goes out.

David Steiner

Considering the huge increase in the stock prices towards the end of last year, the price decline is due to unmatched demand and supply, rather than because of fundamentals.

Masayoshi Yano

We believe our goals were aggressive when factoring the unique challenges facing our business units this quarter. We saw no improved market conditions in point of sale, and we continued to experience supply issues in some areas, yet we achieved our sales goals due to excellent execution by our employees and vendors.

Mike Baur

It is very difficult to believe this will take place, because of the distance, the financing and the supply.

Sophie Aldebert

If you take a look at the supply-demand fundamentals in the world, there's not a lot of excess supply available or much coming on line.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

We would not be at all surprised to see temporary supply-demand imbalances resulting in price surges.

Joanne Shore

Supply is not keeping up right now with demand.

Tom Skinner

As the supply situation loosens, we hope to help our customers reduce their mounting backlog.

Bob Bailey

The price action today's been technical rather than anything else. It's been far less about Greenspan than it's been about corporate and agency supply.

John Santoro

Countries . . . are concerned about the egg issue and are trying to ensure a robust and reliable supply and take a percentage of their stockpile vaccine from a cell-culture system. There is concern.

Noel Barrett

FDX Corp. is benefiting from the accelerated move to fast-cycle production and distribution methods, the growth in electronic commerce and supply chain re-engineering.

Frederick Smith

One of the things plants look for when they locate, they want to be somewhere where they won't impact the water supply. They usually try to locate at places where there is plentiful water.

Ron Lamberty

It's been a matter of lack of supply. At the beginning of the year, there were not a lot of pure Internet stocks. By the end of the year, with more companies going public, that pushed up the supply. Next year we'll see more companies go public. But it will be tough to distinguish the real Internet companies.

Mark Cavallone

It always comes down to supply and demand.

Tom Fitzpatrick

Treasury has a bunch of supply in front of it, so people are very nervous.

William Chepolis

These are high-risk, high-reward [vaccines]. The chances of their success are remote, but if they do work, we would expect them to be blockbusters if they produced enough to supply developed nations and undeveloped nations.

Gbola Amusa

People should look at water supply like a savings account. You build up a cushion so that you can get through rough times.

Mike Wade

We are getting more and more into supply-driven price increases which are going to be more constraining for growth going forward. We are at a point where further substantial increases will start mattering far more.

Raghuram Rajan

You're just seeing some regional differences because of what's available locally. We have a good supply, but there seems to be a lot of speculation on usage.

Bruce Bell

Probably the biggest accomplishment is securing up our 100 year water supply in Lubbock.

Tom Martin

If you sign up with an independent marketer, is there a guarantee that you're going to get a savings? The answer is, no. Utilities are very good at what they do. They have years of experience, assessing weather patterns ... looking at that market and sizing up what volumes of gas that they need to assure a stable supply.

Peggy Laramie

... need pay little attention to the oil and gas sector because we're highly profitable, can fend for ourselves, and have managed to reliably supply consumers for a long time.

Red Cavaney

The demand picture remains solid, while the supply side is still constrained for certain components, mostly for new and high-end components.

Dave Kang

It will be good for water supply, but it will also exacerbate the flood threat.

Brian Mcinerney

We're now in a situation where demand is slowing, while there's a huge increase in supply, which is still moving higher.

Linda Bannister

The government's responsibility is to guarantee investment and production capacities. The independence in power supply of our country is a strategic stake for France.

Dominique De Villepin

The market is highly sensitized to headlines that could affect supply. Anxiety over supplies and possible disruptions are the key drivers of price now. It's hard to be bearish in a market like this. Levels came off the record high mainly due to profit-taking because prices went up too quickly. But $65-$70 seems a very distinct possibility as we approach winter.

Tony Nunan

This spread has been unseasonably wide so far in 2006, reflecting the tight available supply of market ready cattle, especially in the south.

Kevin Good

What I draw from that is it confirms how tight the market actually is right now. To us, the big picture is we are in a situation globally and here in the U.S. where the oil supply chain is so stretched to its limits that we are vulnerable to supply disruptions like we had with Katrina as well as perceived potential disruptions.

Doug Macintyre

We haven't had one built here in 29 years. This is simply a supply-and-demand issue.

Anita Mangels

When you take out the lands that are encumbered or don't have servicing, you come down to an 11.8-year supply of employment lands.

John Waller

Supply to capital is extremely scarce. The reason for that has a lot to do with the fact that the people who supply the capital have already been burnt once and are trying to get out.

Rajeev Gupta

Even though it may seem like there have been gains in Iraq's power supply, those gains are not reliable.

Laura Gardiner

The supply of oil has been growing all these years in approximate consonance with demand.

Michael Klare

Oil companies are exploiting a tight supply-demand situation. They are piling on, making a bad situation worse.

Tyson Slocum

He is a great simpleton who imagines that the chief power of wealth is to supply wants. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it creates more wants than it supplies.

William Wirt

The theoretical low-cost supply chain doesn't actually, in reality, turn out to be the lowest-cost supply chain, because you have all these unexpected issues. Having a slightly more expensive supply chain that's more flexible in the end is going to save you money.

Beth Enslow

For several weeks, we've been hovering with a one-day supply of O negative. And that makes us very uncomfortable.

Marianne Spampinato

For the last few years, buyers often outnumbered the supply of homes for sale, allowing prices to escalate rapidly, but that's no longer the case.

David Wluka

There are fears in the market that the supply from Iran could be reduced. This is obviously positive for oil prices and oil companies.

Markus Ilg

Anything the central bank buys constitutes an asset and allows it to expand its liability of money supply.

Warren Bailey

Because of a shortage of crude supply in China, by 2007 refiners will be allowed to buy on the open market. They just cannot get enough crude in China.

James Runyan

The DRAM market will be quite good this year, if you look at the supply side.

Brian Hsieh

With the combination of a growing economy, tight capacity and reduction of competitors, the supply-and-demand environment is such that you can pass on these extravagant fuel increases.

Bill Long

The dilemma is we use 66,000 gallons of fuel a day.. Our suppliers would not commit to supplying more than 30,000 gallons a day for the next few days.

Donald Tudor

With insufficient supply to meet consumption, with uncertain political developments in the Middle East, with inflation worries slowly but surely increasing, and with emerging markets, who are historically strong buyers of gold, also booming, it is hardly surprising that gold is rising.

Clem Chambers

Now, I don't expect our government to guarantee us low natural-gas prices. I do expect that our government will not withhold natural gas supply that they control.

Dan Dimicco

This area is front and center with pretty much everybody, especially in the high-tech industry, where you have quick product model revisions. Being able to ramp them very quickly into high volume and being able to step on the brake very quickly require demand and supply forecasting processes as well as replenishment processes to be best-in-class.

Greg Clark

There is a lot of concern since this is the Labor Day weekend - it's the last chance to get away. People were really concerned about whether there would be fuel available on the way and at their destinations. We are reassuring them that the fuel supply is coming up.

Garrett Townsend

This is a water supply for 1.3 million people.

Martin Baker

It's especially clear that regions in Asia and South America are headed for a water supply crisis because once that fossil water (glacier) is gone, it's gone.

Tim Barnett

We have been pursuing the student accommodation market for nearly a year now, both here in Australia and in the U.S., and are very pleased to announce this acquisition. The portfolio provides a low-risk investment underpinned by captive demand and limited supply.

Hugh Thomson

There's a long-term story of a supply-demand imbalance in commodities. The positive story for the stocks is still in place.

Paul Morgan

By adding billions of gallons of motor fuel to the U.S. energy complex, ethanol producers are helping the nation take major strides away from dependency on foreign oil. Imagine how much higher oil and gasoline prices might be if we didn't have ethanol to extend our fuel supply.

Bruce Noel

When this land was acquired by the city over 100 years ago, it was acquired as a water source, ... It was an excellent water supply until they told us our water wasn't safe.

John Barrett

Canada cannot be the drugstore for the United States of America. Two hundred eighty million people can't expect us to supply drugs to them.

Ujjal Dosanjh

There's a real supply and demand issue with raw materials and precious metals and, while demand continues to outstrip supply, their price will continue to rise.

Pablo Garcia

Supply remains tight; buyers may have been unable to find the homes they want where they want them. Housing will not fold.

Ian Shepherdson

In this situation, where you have strong global growth, constraints on the supply side and a general decline in inventories, prices will continue higher.

Ingrid Sternby

This will mean a tripling of investment in Russia and a doubling of investment in South Africa, and will continue over the next two years to gain the critical mass necessary for supplying customer needs.

Wenceslao Lada

Superfluous curtains that needlessly cover glass would give Salome a lifetime supply of veils.

Ada Louise Huxtable

At that time we could not use the federal government's marijuana to show that it might be beneficial because NIDA has a mandate from Congress that they could only supply marijuana for research to show that it might be dangerous. Subsequently NIDA has changed their mechanism so we can look for benefit.

Donald Abrams

I think the Dow will hold up fairly well. The stocks are much cheaper (than Nasdaq issues), and the supply-demand conditions in the businesses are much more positive.

Joseph Mcalinden

We're serving a lot more people this year. We are running out of the things we normally have a good supply of this time of year.

Linda Patterson

It's just good to be out here, ... I'm just glad to supply these guys.

Oscar Robertson

We're very seasonal. Our calculators, which are used in the math and science classrooms, are on teachers' [school supply] lists that get passed out in the August-to-September time frame. So initially, we'd like to [use RFID to] prevent out-of-stocks and keep products flowing during that key back-to-school season.

Keith Hodnett

Global funds are increasing holdings of a basket of metals. Copper supply and demand fundamentals haven't changed.

Gu Yuan

There's not much you can do about (the prices). It's a political matter. Of course, supply and demand comes into it, but I don't think the war in Iraq or (Hurricane) Katrina has any particular effect on it.

Thomas Harrington

Bulk annuities did compensate this quarter, but this weakness remains an issue given that annuities supply 50% of Legal & General's new business profits.

Bruno Paulson

That is not a critical supply level.

Nick Moore

Coles Myer's supply chain will be a key focus for management over the next two to three years.

Craig Woolford

If we did gain a little bit of market, we can supply only so many crabs. It's just a shock to the whole industry what happened there.

Larry Simns

Our country needs to cope with supply disruptions on the international market and we need to prioritise product supply (over crude), ... So we decided to cut mandatory commercial stock levels.

Shoichi Nakagawa

If past supply shocks are any guide for the future, a meaningful supply disruption could drive oil prices to over $100 a barrel.

William Browder

We know what the consumers want, and we realize the supply-and-demand aspect of the business.

Robert Stanley

First the cash market went up, reflecting the reality of a very tight supply-demand situation. Then the futures went up, making the case this was an enduring change in energy prices.

Robert Barbera

You're spending taxpayer dollars, so a reasonable degree of transparency is required. But if someone has an expectation that you would have the same efficiencies as in a private sector supply chain, that's probably not going to happen, because private sector doesn't have to worry about transparency. When it's taxpayer money, additional steps are required.

Brian Mersereau

The latest office market indicators show the pendulum continues to swing away from tenants and toward landlords as we enter 2006. Tenants have increasingly fewer choices and the supply pipeline continues to be largely muted -- foreshadowing a further tightening in the marketplace during the coming quarters.

Ross Moore

Consumption in the world is going up. It's supply and demand right now. We're enduring it just like everybody else.

Brian Bowman

Supply exceeded demand. If everyone offered their houses for sale then prices would drop. There is just no fundamental economic reason behind the recent drops.

Ceo Jawad Kharouf

People have probably overstated the amount of new supply that is coming on stream. We don't feel that the increase in copper supply in 2006 will be sufficient to derail the bull market.

Neil Buxton

In May, we sent out a school supply list to the schools to fill out a custom order.

Susan Ungerer

In the Cape we are responding to technical challenges that impact on power supply.

Fani Zulu

There's no shortage at the moment, but the overall global supply-demand balance is pretty precarious.

Axel Bush

We wish to let our Australian customers know that this will have no impact on the supply, quality and technical integrity of our farm tyre offer.

Wayne Foster

We supply technology and applications to more than 90% of communications companies worldwide today, and billing is a logical and complementary addition for those customers.

Charles Phillips

We believe that we will continue to experience incoming order rates in excess of quarterly revenues for several quarters, although quarterly bookings will remain volatile. Critical to our success will be the ability to meet the needs of our major customers, alleviate the supply chain constraints restricting revenue growth, and drive increasing operating margins at higher business volumes.

John Hanson

Airline mergers are very difficult. They require a lot of cooperation from labor, management attention and financing. All those things are in short supply when you're just struggling to survive.

Philip Baggaley

There's a true, true problem with affordable housing in this city. I'm one of the only guys around that's creating any supply of affordable new condos, and that's pretty scary.

Robert Hardy

The 'adaptive supply chain' has been the buzz over the last few years.

Bill Read

We had supply problems throughout 2005, worsening an already difficult situation.

Tim O'leary

I am concerned a little bit about housing prices, because I think demand will continue to be strong, but the supply will be lower this year than last year.

Angelos Angelou

It gave us enough doubt that we were not comfortable to put it into the food supply.

Susan Hazen

We think supply growth is rather limited. In the meantime, ( DRAM) demand will not be so bad in those segments such as notebook (computer), server...and game consoles.

O.c. Kwon

As the quality of China's frozen strawberries improves and its cost structure remains low, both U.S. and foreign companies will import greater amounts of Chinese product. U.S. frozen processors will have two choices to remain competitive: focus on supplying high-end users who need high-quality product, or begin to source frozen strawberries from China for sale to existing customers.

Chris Noble

DRAM demand exceeded supply in the second half of the quarter.

Mike Sadler

There's not really much problem about crude oil supply. It's all about the lack of products.

Christopher Bellew

It's no big stretch to do it for a medicine, particularly in a case like this, where a patent owner cannot supply the stockpiles of medicines that the WHO says are necessary.

James Love

Greg is an outstanding executive with a wealth of global supply chain management experience. As we continue to grow the company into more diverse geographies and markets, and as we are faced with an increasingly challenging global cost environment, it will be critical to have someone with Greg's experience on our team to help us leverage our supplier relationships and better serve customers.

Brad Richardson

There is just plenty of supply. There are deals coming out everywhere.

Dan Castro

I'm a supply officer now.

John Stack

It does highlight the innate tightness of energy supplies, not only in the U.S. and China but Europe too, and the general dependence on remote and politically uncertain sources of supply.

Roger Richards

I didn't think it was that easy to get at our water supply.

Jim Sawyer

If there are any supply disruptions, then prices will go through the roof. It used to be that Saudi Arabia could come to the rescue, but now it doesn't have much excess production to do that.

Richard Asplund

I don't think the party is over. You still have positive demand and supply constraints.

Francisco Blanch

It would have been easy simply to take another job somewhere else. But that wasn't Bernie Marcus. He and partner Arthur Blank thought they might be able to create a business by selling every home-improvement supply imaginable at low profit margins to a lot of people. Thus was born Home Depot and, with it, the concept of the category-killer store.

L. Harrison

There is speculation that as much as 15,000 tons of copper from Chile and Japan arrived on Monday in Shanghai. Increased supply hasn't been able to cool cash prices, which indicates strong buying on the spot market.

Gu Yuan

The ultimate customer is the flying public, and as long as you have more demand for seats than you do supply of seats, then the production of jetliners is going to go up.

Howard Rubel

Because we have already locked in prices for two-thirds of our winter supply, we're expecting customers' bills to be about 15 percent higher than they were last winter.

Nick Stavropoulos

This site, which once produced only traditional products, will also produce digital media and related products with the capability to supply markets worldwide.

Yeh Ying

More selling is possible in the future, because of the changes in the demand-supply situation.

Ding Chaoyu

If a client knows that a movie promotion generated a sales increase of 35% for a particular item in his restaurants, he can ensure that he has sufficient supply on hand to meet the demand for future promotions.

Joseph Flowers

I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.

Al Capone

If this continues, you'll have demand outstripping supply over the next five years by a wide margin.

Nawaf Obaid

We certainly need to pump in the meantime, keep low pressure and conserve, but I don't believe there is any imminent threat to having to shut down the water supply. Some unforeseen event would have to occur before there are shutdowns.

Buller Mayor Martin Sawyers

We made excellent progress in 2005 by improving our management of the distribution channel, reducing inventories throughout the supply chain and reducing our capital spending and ultimately depreciation expense.

Mark Thompson

There's adequate supply of both crude oil and products. We are keeping an eye on the festering situation in Nigeria and concern about Iran. The physical availability is outweighing the political concern today.

Jim Steel

The nation needs a consistent, reliable supply of radioactive and stable isotopes for medical, security, space power and research uses.

Ralph Butler

The survey results combined with the drop in the unemployment rate indicate that the traditional labor supply is essentially exhausted.

Jeffrey Joerres

This kind of volatility is to be expected in markets with supply inelasticity.

Susan Wachter

Supply chain has to be important all the way up to the chief operating officer and chief financial officer level, because the way a company brings a product to market is on average as important as the product that they bring.

Dan Hawthoff

We think it is feasible that wind will supply 6 percent of electricity by 2020.

Christine Real De Azua

In that role, I'm supposed to supply a spark.

Matee Ajavon

But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.

Friedrich List

Every winter, we know the blood supply is going to drop. But this winter, it's been severely bad because of the storms throughout the U.S., and the flooding, and also in some regions the flu season has been a lot higher.

James Peters

Companies we identified to take the capacity further will therefore allow Roche's supply network to respond to future demands from world governments.

David Reddy

The Brazil market is small enough for us to do everything end to end without spending gazillions of dollars. We're RFID -enabling the complete supply chain, including manufacturing, distribution, repair, reverse logistics and recycling.

Didier Chenneveau

If we are supplying the demand, then other people will carry on killing endangered species.

Andy Fisher

We were already on the rise through $65 on a few minor (refinery) supply disruptions. It's just another inflammatory issue to add to the short covering at the end of the week.

Marshall Steeves

8,000 [on the Dow] is now going to be the first level of supply. I would agree with that. Expanding volume will help take on that resistance.

Greg Nie

We're going to have to take the full brunt of the negative impact in the marketplace, ... In a market environment you cannot have an imbalance between supply and demand, so price is your rationer. ... The price has to go up enough to destroy enough demand to bring things back in balance.

Larry Goldstein

What is happening is a little like what happened in the 1920s, the period where demand growth was quite strong but supply growth was even faster. You had new technology then, it was electric power. Now its computing power.

Ronald Hill

Based on what we're hearing from the front lines of our fuel service stations, there currently is no significant gas supply disruption in our area. We're welcoming travelers to our shores for what is forecast to be a beautifully sunny weekend.

Carolyn Mccormick

His lungs were so bad they couldn't supply the oxygen his body needed. A respiratory therapist told us his lungs were so hard and infected that it was like trying to pump air into a brick.

Scott Smith

It's sensory overload here, ... There's so much need and so little supply. They're overwhelmed.

Jason Dunn

We were able to give several thousand people water and ice. We're hoping the supply will last seven days. We can extend that.

James Smith

The Ecuador barrels missing from the market are another little unwelcome disruption to supply, and we're not even halfway through the Atlantic hurricane season.

David Thurtell

Manhattan Associates is dedicated to helping retailers make their supply chains more efficient and effective to meet customer expectations. With our broad and deep solution footprint for supply chain management and our focused commitment to this market, we continue to make advancements and deliver solutions that today's companies need.

Pete Sinisgalli

A changing market with volume manufacturing moving offshore will mean that design-in distributors will have to increase the mix of higher average selling price products that they supply to their customers.

Gary Marsh

This is when you price in the inventory expectations. Gasoline should be strong because we expect that supplies fell last week. There's a direct relationship between supply and price.

Aaron Kildow

Mass Notification was available to provide needed information about entering and exiting the game and be available to supply essential information on how to respond in the event of any emergency that might occur. In an emergency, clear, immediate information can greatly reduce the risk of death, injury and property damage.

Mark Nelson

I'm not talking just about skill sets - I'm talking about the basic supply of workers.

Dick Shalhoub

You can't anticipate [oil prices] but clearly there's excess supply. We're at an interesting transitional point where supply excess could trump the risk premium.

Joe Battipaglia

Prostitution is not just a service industry, mopping up the overflow of male demand, which always exceeds female supply. Prostitution testifies to the amoral power struggle of sex, which religion has never been able to stop. Prostitutes, pornographers, and their patrons are marauders in the forest of archaic night.

Camille Paglia

We think there's a tectonic shift coming. With a finite supply of fossil fuels, over time the price of conventional energy will increase, allowing some of these alternatives to come in.

Tim Draper

Supplying enough of the right resources for the child protection system to carry out its three-fold mission (protecting children, preserving families and providing permanent homes for children.)

James Seals

Zinc is a lot stronger in terms of supply characteristics than the other metals.

Andrew Harrington

The industry wouldn't survive.The food supply would empty out. Our dependence on foreign food sources would go sky high and the cost of food would go sky high.

Sid Freeman

OPEC is likely to be a critical event next week. A cut in production, however, seems quite unlikely despite slower fourth-quarter U.S. GDP growth out today and a well-supplied market. The specter of oil supply disruption haunts energy markets.

Jason Schenker

We don't have nearly the amount of control, from a management perspective, in how to maximize a capital investment as we do in the domestic supply chain.

Beth Enslow

With supply generally loosening, we believe the overheated environment that boosted the programmable logic device market in the first half of the year has cooled. We believe this limits the amount of earnings upside over the next six-to-nine months, particularly relative to the high end of expectations.

Clark Westmont

The supply side is stretched from an industry perspective. It's a little reminiscent of the squeeze we had 25 years ago.

David J. O'reilly

Today, most RFID applications are designed for inventory and asset tracking. The goal is to eventually have RFID on every item in the supply chain, which will usher in a new wave of object-to-object communication and collaboration.

Hossein Eslambolchi

At the local level you really can't do anything about gas prices, ... The prices are set at both the national and international level. The prices are set by supply and demand.

Lars Perner

The government has taken urgent measures, and the insufficient supply in southern Guangdong Province will soon be alleviated.

Li Yang

Australia has to be the beneficiary of the situation in Indonesia. Australia is perceived as a blue-chip supplier with huge reserves upside, while all its key competitors in the Pacific Basin supply business have got some sort of issue.

Frank Harris

If they are any discrepancies, we want to make sure that if there are individuals in need that we supply as much support as possible.

Derrick Johnson

The size of the supply hole is gradually becoming clearer.

Tom Wallin