Measures taken by the Federal Government in conjunction with the IEA should have a downward pressure on crude prices. Current supply and demand fundamentals are only somewhat bullish for gasoline and outright bearish for crude oil and distillates.

Antonio Szabo

I think steel's going to recover to robust profitability for surviving companies for the most part due to reduction in supply.

John Tumazos

This is a critical government program that is in complete shambles. We are talking about simple, common- sense responsibility to shield American consumers from rising energy prices. Performance standards are the most successful tool we have to ease the burden on consumers and protect our increasingly fragile energy supply system, but the feds are asleep at the switch.

Katherine Kennedy

The money supply dynamics are conducive for lower inflation in 2006.

Sergei Ignatyev

We remain very positive on the precious-metals space based on the supply-demand fundamentals for gold and the spillover into silver.

John Bridges

The proponents of drilling are suggesting we need to do this to cope with interruptions in the fuel supply and dependence on foreign oil. Those are deceptive and false arguments.

Dan Mclaughlin

That would be a part of any energy policy with regard to pipeline supply that I would propose. It will include conservation.

Rebecca Wagner

Barring a major catastrophe, there will be no rolling outages (Thursday or Thursday night). The change in the weather has helped us tremendously. The situation with the rolling outages came about because of demand versus supply.

Debbie Derek

I think generally that we're pleased to find out that most Wal-Mart stores are carrying emergency contraception, but there's a lot of room for improvement. There needs to be a sufficient supply.

Mira Signer

We do not have a supply problem. There have been some distribution issues.

Lola Russell

The dirty little secret of the Internet is that most of the content you see each day costs nothing, because you pay for it in other ways. You pay for it by supplying additional pieces of information about yourself to advertisers every time you click on a page or add a new link.

Seth Goldstein

There definitely are signs that consumer demand has been picking up again worldwide while mining and smelting disruptions are boosting a supply shortfall.

Adam Rowley

We have oil prices that will definitely have an impact on the markets. Oil prices are up this morning as some rigs are evacuated, so that could cause some supply fears.

Terry Milne

Either one or more of the carriers will fail. That will eliminate some capacity, and of course when supply goes down, price goes up.

George Hamlin

A company with a static supply chain strategy will not be successful in the future.

Bill Read

We expect (the supply situation) to remain that way for the next several weeks.

Guy Caruso

In our opinion, the supply and demand dynamics have set the stage for a multi-year bull market for gold. Even as companies begin new projects, decreased exploration in the 1990s has caught up with the industry. It generally takes a few years for a new mine to become operational. The gap between production and consumption of gold should widen as output likely stagnates and physical demand rises.

Leo Larkin

Europe needs a clear and more collective policy on the security of our energy supply. Now, powers reside at the national level and we need a Europe-wide approach.

Andris Piebalgs

There may be some specialized skills that just don't exist in adequate supply that the project may have to look outside for, but wherever possible we're going to look locally.

Jonathan Marshall

We are pleased to report that we have received feedback from the jet fuel consortium to the effect that supply will be back to normal by this weekend.

Solomon Makgale

It appears he went throughout the supply warehouse shooting them. They weren't all in one section, they were in different sections of the warehouse.

Phil Cline

Wireless is too dependent on the external power supply. And since wireless phones are becoming the main phone line for many people, the industry has to make sure that customers have the same kind of reliability as with landlines.

Jeff Kagan

Three things that we look for in our picks, one: companies that have the ability to generate traffic to the Web site; two: companies that generate a proprietary product; and three: companies that really get into logistics business of supply chain management or procurement.

David Dwyer

Most people who want bikes are not able to find Harley-Davidson bikes -- the kind they want -- if they have a specific color or model they're looking for. In general, demand far exceeds supply.

Jill Krutick

On the supply side, we are about the same as after Katrina and before Rita.

Richard Cobb

They're dealing with some of the same countries that we're dealing with. They're dealing in manufacturing environments as well as distributor environments. They're dealing with import and export issues, which is a big part of our business. They understand the fundamentals and have hands-on experience with all supply-chain activity.

Charles Anderson

Conditions in our end markets continue to point to an extended, strong global mining cycle. We face the challenge of increasing capacity to meet demand, while managing a tight supply chain.

John Hanson

These companies have broken the law of supply and demand with their cartel-like behavior at the refining end.

Judy Dugan

This really is our future. This is to begin to develop our water supply future beyond our current sources.

John Zimmerman

This fiscal year should be fine, but the question will be how they do in the next fiscal year. Their share prices are low but the China (supply glut) issue is a big concern.

Hajime Yagi

Even with this strong performance, demand for Palm products still outstrips supply.

Carl Yankowski

Buoyant market demand for the group's portfolio of commodities, except titanium dioxide feedstock where surplus supply exists, is expected to support strong price levels.

Con Fauconnier

I hate to use the word crisis, but there is certainly potential for real supply tightness.

Tom Bentz

We're looking at an overall better supply situation.

Len Lavenda

Something that could have squeezed supply a bit tighter would be a sustained cold snap and there just hasn't been the cold weather in the U.S. yet to test out just how well the market can supply.

Tobin Gorey

The December [Institute for Supply Management] report points to slower, though still solid, expansion in manufacturing conditions in the month. It also suggests that price pressures, while still elevated, are rising more slowly.

John Ryding

Many, particularly elderly people who are accustomed to getting flu shots from private physicians or those in nursing homes and institutional settings, are not able to get their flu shots. Health departments, which customarily plan on having clinics in mid to late October are having to postpone or cancel until such time as they get an adequate supply of vaccine.

Donna Brown

Traffic right now is one of the focal points of about every interest group we talk to. We already hired our traffic consultants and the town is also concerned with the environment, including water supply, public safety and schools.

Steve Rafsky

More than 98 percent of our people now have access to a reliable water supply, decent sanitation, regular refuse collection and are connected to an electricity grid that is currently being overhauled following decades of underachievement in infrastructure and maintenance.

Pascal Moloi

Colored diamonds are not for 'regular' people. They tend to be very expensive. The price depends on supply. The rarest is red -- I've seen two of those in my life.

Sally Morrison

The Red Cross is definitely opposed to compensating blood donors first and foremost because that would be a step in the wrong direction with respect to the safety of America's blood supply.

Bill Blaul

There is a supply for every demand.

Florence Scovel Shinn

Russia has done some serious damage to its otherwise-good reputation for security of supply. Europe is going to have to take a hard look at their exposure and whether there's a way to fix that.

William Ramsay

Depending on what we learn in the next few days this may be the biggest oil-supply shock since the 1970s. We are now in the days of reckoning.

Daniel Yergin

The release of strategic reserves contains a very large component of unneeded crude oil and does little to directly impact on the actual supply gap of U.S. oil products.

Barclays Capital

Inventories are at pretty comfortable levels based on a milder weather outlook, so the chances of a squeeze on supply this (northern) winter are receding.

Tobin Gorey

There was a mismatch of supply and demand in China before the SARS virus.

Jeff Bray

The big problem with uranium is that there's a scarcity of supply.

Glyn Lawcock

Pressured by Japanese politicians and officials, the BOJ will be unable to end its easing of the money supply any time soon. That's pretty much yen negative.

Michiyoshi Kato

We are pleased that Dow Corning has selected Cognizant for the global roll-out of their supply chain optimization initiative. Our ahead-of-the-curve investments in the next generation SAP business platform, deep industry knowledge, and technology expertise help our customers build stronger businesses and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Lakshmi Narayanan

They're telling us it may be Friday or so when a truck comes in (to re-supply the fuel).

Sally Thompson

In the '80s, we destroyed ourselves when we built all that supply but we did not have as much demand as we expected.

Jerry Morrison

Rate increases for lodgings are mostly a result of supply and demand, especially in major markets. For both lodgings and restaurants, rising energy costs as well as salary and benefit costs are certainly having an impact.

Pam Maiolo

This is another way to diversify because NAND flash is incredibly hot right now. It puts them in a good position to have the complete supply chain.

Joseph Unsworth

While we are continuing to invest in increased production to provide long term supply assurance to our customers, and to maintain our market position, we focus on economically robust projects which we believe can deliver sustained profitability in varying market conditions.

Paul Skinner

America is the country where you buy a lifetime supply of aspirin for one dollar and use it up in two weeks.

John Barrymore

There is no short term supply pressure in the market.

Antoine Halff

We're in the same circumstance as customers where we purchase the natural gas on the commodity market and then supply that to customers at the same cost that MidAmerican purchases where there is no markup.

Allan Urlis

Our business puts us right in the middle of the supply chain for agricultural chemical parts -- things like sprayers, pumps, and meters.

Dion Buhman

We should be able to supply our citizens with energy resources.

Johannes Laitenberger

Oil demand in 2006 is going to grow quite strongly. There's very little spare capacity to deal with supply shocks. The market is still concerned that if we lose Iran, we're going to be in real trouble.

Francisco Blanch

It's a simple question of supply and demand. But all of us are grossly overpaid. I think it's a ridiculous dispute.

Jim Courier

Supply is out of the way, and the market is coming off some yield levels that looked attractive to investors.

Andy Chaytor

The fear factor is there, but supply-demand fundamentals are supporting a lot of these price gains.

Michael Barry

Absent some major decline in demand or some major increase in supply, I don't think anybody is thinking we're going to see $4 gas again.

Andrew Melnykovych

Everybody who wants to sell will have sold. Supply will be exhausted.

Richard Dickson

In 1980 the Northwest Power Planning Council set its mission to protect and restore salmon and steelhead and to ensure that the Northwest had a reliable, affordable energy supply. Twenty years later, we have extinctions and blackouts.

Scott Bosse

It takes that long to get infection knocked down and under control, because it's in the bone. Skin and muscle have a great blood supply. Bone, tendon and ligament have a horrible blood supply. That's just how God made it.

Bryan P. Bullard

Surprisingly, as of December 30, they [Ukraine] have not said how much natural gas they want Russia to supply next year. They simply cannot give a figure, cannot say how much gas they need.

Sergei Kupriyanov

Our supply chain is geared up to meet the need of 30 million Canadians, and we don't have the scale of operation to be able to respond to the likely demand of the U.S..

Jeff Poston

It basically allows us to double the number of flash chips we get on every wafer. It's a huge advantage in terms of being able to supply the industry with more chips.

Curt Nichols

Much of this liquidity appears to be coming from China and increasingly Japan where investment trust growth is supplying significant volumes to foreign bonds with little regard to the rising global imbalances that policy makers frequently flag as a risk to the global economy.

Greg Gibbs

That's pretty extreme upward pressure on resale prices in Wake County, which puts Durham County in a situation where it's presenting an exceptional value to the buyer in that more moderate price range. There's a lack of supply in Wake County that's being fulfilled in Durham County.

Bernard Helm

Everything reminds Milton Friedman of the money supply. Well, everything reminds me of sex, but I keep it out of the paper.

Robert Solow

We supply units for equipment like bulldozers, coal hauling trucks and cranes, plus strip mines. It's essentially a four-month business, but now makes up about half of our total business.

David Justice

Back when I was in school, one of our goals in food science was expanding the food supply by taking foods that are less valued, and expanding their value.

Daniel Fletcher

Since we can't increase supply, you have to dampen demand. Over the next week to 10 days, prices are going to dramatically increase at the pump. Consumers are going to be very angry and frustrated. You're looking at not pennies, not nickels, but quarters - more than one.

Larry Goldstein

It's taken a while but the market is now moving on the statistics. We tried to take it up when they first came out but failed, which made folks a little gun shy. Concern about gasoline supply and prices are driving things.

Justin Fohsz

We have overfed Europe with oil. Any economics text book will tell you that when you have an excess of supply, the price will fall.

Semyon Vainshtok

It's a classic supply and demand problem. It's a soap opera. It's like a Lewis Carroll novel only better. The ultimate solution is we need to build new power plants.

Conrad Herrmann

On MSN001 the extend/retract test was initially carried out using an external hydraulic supply, and tests with onboard supply are due to begin on 22 November.

Mark Cousin

Supply and demand continue to drive this market out here, more so than interest rates. Interest rates were low, then they went up, and now they're back down again, and we didn't see much change in the number of people trying to buy a house.

Dave Nash

Penn Hills has an endless supply of athletic kids. They are extremely fast, and you see that right away. Their speed is who they are.

Tommy Dolde

Recognizing the dynamics of the CRT industry, we must be proactive in managing our asset base and capital structure. We have to bring ourselves into a better position to continue to supply our customers with the most competitive products.

Jeong Il Son

We conclude that transplantation of a frozen-thawed ovary with its blood supply has allowed long-term fertility restoration.

Amir Arav

BOUNTY, n. The liberality of one who has much, in permitting one who has nothing to get all that he can. A single swallow, it is said, devours ten millions of insects every year. The supplying of these insects I take to be a signal instance of the Creator's bounty in providing for the lives of His creatures. Henry Ward Beecher.

Ambrose Bierce

We are a young team ? nine juniors and just one senior ? and we need to supply some leadership for the girls new to the team. We have to bond a little bit more as a team and then I think we will come around.

Jen Kollaer

We're seeing record highs across the state right now. It's primarily due to Hurricane Katrina, but previous factors like the rising cost of crude oil before this latest disaster and the fact that nation wide refineries are having things break down thereby creating less supply, were also factors.

Jeannie Chavez

I don't want to get overly bearish. But we're getting a ton of supply, and not just Treasuries.

Ted Ake

The minister has not insist on anything, apart from a request that he's kept informed. All the necessary documents will also be at his disposal. He was previously not kept informed, but it was my duty the past few days to supply him with all the details.

Jannie Ferreira

These are large research institutions, and a lot of these very big gifts go toward supplying infrastructure for, and paying for things like, medical research.

Ann Kaplan

Most of the smuggling incidents of fuel take place through the river routes and the government should direct the distributing companies to stop supplying the items through these routes.

Nazmul Hoque

TORTOISE, n. A creature thoughtfully created to supply occasion for the following lines by the illustrious Ambat Delaso: TO MY PET TORTOISE My friend, you are not graceful -- not at all; Your gait's between a stagger and a sprawl. Nor are you beautiful: your head's a snake's To look at, and I do not doubt it aches. As to your feet, they'd make.

Ambrose Bierce

The effect [of the hurricanes] on the supply side may be long-lasting and continue into 2006.

Claude Mandil

Among a constellation of negatives, that has been one fairly large negative in investor's minds. Every time you have some new, fresh supply coming out, people do get a little bit worried.

Doug Taylor

We expect prices to fluctuate within a fairly narrow range according to local supply and demand, with property having to be accurately priced or it will not sell.

Miles Shipside

There is a cheerleading party on Friday and a coaches' party on Friday. We feed them and limo them around. We supply everything. It's the only tournament you'll ever go to like this.

Tom Silvey

Companies cannot make a difference if they look at the problem as just sales rep-to-doctor, or parts supplier-into-production. But if they understand it from a product flow view, they can build a demand-driven supply chain. The doctor becomes the demand signal.

Chris Holt

Our country has been asleep at the switch on these things. The basic economics are that the supply of fossil fuels is limited and the demand is outstripping the supply. It's a recipe for continued crisis if we don't start changing our ways.

Tim Pawlenty

It's a very strong week for auctions, compared to other weeks in the year. It's very unusual to have so much supply concentrated in one week.

Alessandro Tentori

They've enjoyed tremendous interest in the last 18 months due to the tightness in supply of these disks.

Krishna Chander

Should the dollar price of oil continue to soar as oil supply from the world's major oil producers is threatened, a substantial increase in the rand-denominated value of imports could follow.

Shireen Darmalingam

When unfettered and free of frictions, a competitive marketplace will supply the products and services investors demand at the lowest possible price.

Paula Tkac

We believe the tight supply environment may be unraveling faster than we previously anticipated, which does not bode well for pricing and bookings relative to our previous expectations.

Chris Danely

I think it'll go up to $5. It makes my head hurt. But I guess it's all about supply and demand, right? We demand (gas), they supply it, and they get to pick the price.

Jorge Rodriguez

A supply disruption could trigger a release, but it is too early to say. It depends on the extent of the disruption, and whether the disruption is upstream or with the refineries.

Claude Mandil

I made it clear I was not a supply-sider. I have to say, it really worked, but I was dubious at first.

O. Donald Chapoton

The company increased the overall supply of shares and the market needs time to digest this.

Gideon Lo

The warehouse is empty. There's nothing in there. We're supplying a whole city, a whole county, with three truckloads of food.

Pete Dekryger

Some people have got based on the request that we have made. Some people have benefited from the allotment and some have not and that was because (the supply) came short.

Crenston Boxhill

We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear's work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come.

Joseph Paul Goebbels

Much as I like owning a Rolls-Royce, I could do without it. What I could not do without is a typewriter, a supply of yellow second sheets and the time to put them to good use.

John O'hara

Whatever the PC case or power supply, the XG line extends the life of a PC to give the extreme gamer the ultimate gaming experience, ... Our XG products offer X-treme styling, X-treme cooling and X-treme reliability for the X-treme lifestyle.

Alan Hunter

There has to be a lot of cooperation. We are in implementation, but a company had better have people in its ranks who are capable of dealing with the supply chain.

Brad Mack

This is an attempt by Nippon Sheet Glass to smooth out the business cycle so they are not totally dependent on supplying glass to liquid-crystal displays. Once Nippon Sheet Glass gets the Japanese carmakers under its belt, it can then sell to the European manufacturers.

Michael Newman

After the storm passes through, getting supplies is very, very hard. So it's really in your best interest to supply yourself ahead of time, before the storm even hits.

Shane Wilson

The supply almost matched demand in the fourth quarter of 2005, compared to a surfeit a year earlier.

Brian Lee

Logistics decisions are so critical to real estate development now, and ports are the critical link in the supply chain.

Dr. John Martin

In an environment where mine supply is broadly static, central bank sales effectively constrained and scrap supply declining, strong physical demand is genuinely important.

John Reade

On Monday, we'll either start replenishing that supply or we will have to shut down.

Tom Jensen

Right now the market supply for oil is tight.

Dariusz Kowalczyk

Two guns were found in the apartment as well as multiple rounds to supply those guns. One of those guns was found on the head board of the child's bed. The other gun was in a little case where toys for the child were kept.

Russ Kingery

If we're going to have more supply available both for in-stream and out-of-stream uses, it's going to require those tools. It's not going to be massive new storage projects.

Rob Masonis

Supply managers continue to be challenged by business conditions, ... The start of the war will begin to bring clarity to a difficult situation. In many ways, the threat of war was more intimidating than the actualization.

Norbert J. Ore

And I expect the demand for clean, late model trade-ins to grow this year but the supply just won't be there. What does this mean for late model used car values? Prices should remain relatively constant, if not slightly higher.

Mark Perleberg

We have not yet seen any supply disruptions, but it remains a key risk, ... That risk will only increase as we get closer to a date where Delphi, if unable to achieve a contract with a UAW, needs to impose a contract.

Mark Oline

Their job is to look after the public interest, and that is what they did. And since production is so close, it provides a more stable source of supply.

Chad Jones

This isn't just about getting bids from companies that are ready to supply right now. If we like someone's product, even if they only have two employees, we'll work with them and show them how they can gear up to supply us.

Patrick Page

They're starting to use more oil every year, and it's putting strains on the supply picture, ... If they keep growing the way they are now, the demand will keep up.

Michael Covington

If a BSE report can be a positive thing, it is a positive thing. It shows the protocol worked and continues to guarantee the safest food supply in the world.

Steve West

The overall picture in September is one of negligible decline in manufacturing activity. Production registered significant growth, with nine industries reporting greater output. Deliveries of commodities were somewhat slower. However, commodities appear to be in ample supply as once again the short supply list is vacant.

Norbert J. Ore

For consumers, a big crop like this tends to stabilize wine prices. For growers, it may slow the rebound in prices for red grape varietals, except pinot noir, which remains in tight supply compared to the strong demand.

Nick Frey

We are sensitive to the prices that the general public consumers have to pay at the pump. What we're doing is focusing on what we can do to try and get more supply on the market.

Mark Boudreaux

Everybody is focused on the refunding and the amount of supply that's coming.

Joseph Shatz

We're not in a drastically different situation supply-wise than what we have been over the last two or three winters. There have been some new pipelines put in the ground. They're always drilling and looking for additional sources of supply.

Jeff Keebler

There's no fear of supply shortage whatsoever. There's nothing out there giving the slightest hint that the supply and demand balance could tighten in the near term.

Peter Bogin

A pretty quite day. A bit of buying interest from the corporate side that matched was matched off by supply.

Robert Aloo

With rising demand and lower supply, obviously that's going to put pressure on parking rates.

Ross Moore

It must be ship supply.

Peter Norfolk

With dramatic construction cost increases and a drying land supply, Apex may finally see some substantial development activity. Time is now on its side.

John Restrepo

We're on trial for murder, not for supplying a handgun.

Patrick Renn

The (Tokyo) market has been strong due to favorable supply-demand conditions and gains in overseas stock markets. On the other hand, it looks technically overheated.

Yoshinori Nagano

This market really can take off if the supply is there to match it.

Rhoda Alexander

The Bank of Japan's feeble 10 basis-point rate cut to 0.15 percent shows the head-in-sand attitude that has led to weak money supply growth and a slow economy.

Tony Crescenzi

We knew we had to be asset free. As we rationalized manufacturing and the supply base, we had to be nimble and flexible.

John Drury

I don't think OSU has made any accommodations for the normal musician on campus. They'd probably make a decent amount of money by building and supplying a recreational practice space.

Brian Polzner

Directors are never in short supply of girlfriends.

Bob Fosse

You can be sure there will be a teacher in every classroom, but how well prepared that teacher is is questionable when there's such a disparity between supply and demand.

Barry Wilson

We have a supply problem.

Dr Raymond Wright

If anything, our demand is going down, which is good in a tight supply environment.

Linda Casey

It's the law of supply and demand. Demand is down, supply is up, so the price is down.

Caroline Allen

Bonds are looking at equities. The equity market has stabilized after yesterday's tumble and the auction lends a negative backdrop because the market has to absorb more supply.

Michael Cloherty

Cost is one thing, but you have to be responsive to customers. It is easier to do when you are in Hungary than the Far East. The big advantage of Eastern Europe is the physical proximity to Western Europe, which means supply lines are shorter.

Ian Crawford

The fact there is excess capacity tells you there is going to be a consistent weight on the price of manufactured goods. There is a continuous need to discount because of this supply glut. There's no great acceleration in the wings.

Huw Mckay

Even until a few years back, replete with infrastructural deficiencies like inadequate water supply, power and poor roads, Indian could have hardly hoped of becoming a destination for manufacturing something as hi-tech as a microchip anytime before decades. But now as India witnesses an explosive consumption of electronic goods and equipment, this market has become too big to ignore.

Vinnie Mehta

Supply-chain applications are in a trough of disillusionment. CEOs signed off on supply-chain packages a couple years ago and now are beating their heads against the wall, wondering what they bought.

Jeff Woods

Our natural gas supply problems are man-made by legislation and red tape. We are joining together to call on Congress and the Administration to take immediate action to fix the problem. The solution is in their hands and within their reach.

J. Larry Nichols

The whole idea is to get in the supply chain and up the supply chain as far as we can.

John Larkin

These were significant arrests and will have a major impact on drugs supply in the area.

Dave Hall

This is a volatile market which is extremely jittery about supply shocks. The hurricane season is still in full-swing and the market can only focus on that right now.

Justin Smirk

The incentives also have been much higher down South. Farther out West, the freight cost to your supply base is going up and up. That's why GM is closing in Oklahoma City... . Georgia has been really aggressive.

James Ricci

Our Rapid Start program was created because end-user customers realize the benefits of RFID in mission-critical applications such as in supply chains, and want access to the full power of these systems, available only by using Intermec's patented inventions.

Tom Miller

People think we have an awful lot of standards. That's a mere drop in the bucket compared to the number of contaminants that could enter the water supply.

Patrick Rogers

Given the declining inflationary scenario, inflation should further drop in March due to seasonal factors and supply improvements that would help the food index to take a breather.

Hasitha Premaratne

Our view is that the pharmacy benefit is an extraordinarily good benefit. Many of these drugs cost more than $100 at retail for a month's supply. Virtually all of our members will be paying between $10 and $15.

David Olson

Supply and demand. They've gotten older, we've gotten older, and now we have the money to spend on the shows to keep up with them.

Danny Zelisko

It would be extremely unfortunate if we say this is a large-scale technology solution. We would fail to deliver on the environment, security of supply or cost.

Philip Sellwood

The good news is that there is no constraint of supply here in Utah or the Intermountain West. The refineries are operating at full capacity. The bad news is, many markets draw on supplies from the Southeast, such as the Midwest and even into Colorado. They have found it economical to come to Utah and buy supplies from here. Really, the bottom line is, we're not insulated from the price effects.

Lee Peacock

I've never owned a retail business, but I put myself through graduate school by working in an office supply store. If you like what you have in your store, it sort of comes naturally.

Steven Brown

We are looking at whether we should be in a position to expand or even build an upgrading refinery in Canada. Under current economics, also labor supply and the cost of construction, it is really difficult and really challenging make a decision to (build) in Canada.

John Lau

Consumers benefit from the conventional advantages of flash memory, including the fact that the device does not require batteries or an external power supply. However, we have now introduced even greater storage capacity and a reliable, secure means of storing and sharing everything from data files right through to music and graphics.

Gary Naidoo

This operation was a coordinated, nationwide attempt to root out bribery, kickbacks and fraud in the repair and maintenance of Navy supply ships in the maritime industry.

James Robinson

The biggest influence on home values is supply and demand.

Robert Irwin

There's far greater demand now in Kent County for housing than there is current supply and that has driven the price up.

Charles Martin

Market operators are aware that the gasoline market will be tight this summer because of the specification changes. The main concern a couple weeks ago was that supply was more than plentiful, but when you look at gasoline stockpiles, they don't reflect the gasoline that will actually be used in summer.

Alexandre Kervinio

Federal policies must fully consider the impact of environmental regulations on fuel supply.

Bob Slaughter

Right now we are not able to supply enough product to meet demand. We are set on achieving a production structure that will not take a back seat to plasma in terms of cost.

Katsuhiko Machida

Initially, it was dollar positive. I think the markets are waiting for more details. Where is it coming from? Who is supplying it?

Hugh Walsh

The loss of that line was such a huge, significant loss that we had to issue a call for blackouts to keep demand and supply in balance.

Gregg Fishman

Historically, spare capacity of 1 to 2 million b/d is still very low considering all the uncertainties on supply in Nigeria, Iraq, Iran and the Gulf of Mexico and it means there's not a huge margin of flexibility if anything should happen to those producers.

David Fyfe

I remain cautious. I wouldn't be surprised if demand assumptions get revised down in 2006 and with supply coming on, that's going to have a negative impact on commodities prices.

Tim Rees

We're focusing much too much on what's moving, which at the margin are the kind of that are negative for stocks and forgetting what's really crucial here. The fact is we are in an excess supply of money relative to the needs of the economy and corporate earnings growth will in fact be quite good in the third quarter.

Aaron Hill

There are fears in the oil markets of the continued supplying of markets with crude oil although there's a big surplus; there are quantities that the market cannot absorb, there is no buyer.

Sheikh Ahmad

Water should be safe to drink throughout the city. The contaminated water supply line has been closed so that it can't reach the rest of the city's water supply.

Matt Rhodes

The supply chain solutions business acted as a bit of a drag on the results for the quarter.

Art Hatfield

The converter only needs a power supply and some clocks. Feed it some audio analog and the device will do the conversion and output digital audio in the form of I2S or left justified depending on the part.

Carl Alberty

We are introducing these new rules when demand is high and it looks like supply is going to be low, therefore putting a squeeze on supplies and prices.

Philip Verleger

All energy prices have gone up, and wind is a pretty hot commodity right now. There is more demand than there is supply right now.

Michael Sloan

The Adventists cut our supply lines. It was traditional military strategy.

Jimmie Jones

Bonds are likely to rebound following the auction. It looks like there will be plenty of demand from investors. A respite from auctions for the near future should help supply and demand conditions recover.

Kazuhiko Sano

So it is up to the supply base to correct itself rather than rely on some automaker father figure to step in.

Thomas Stallkamp

I like energy stocks very much. There isn't much supply coming on stream at the moment and the demand is there.

Roger Nightingale

We're expanding and will try to supply fresh, organic produce to the surrounding community.

Danica Adams

When you see a child dying in front of your eyes, that means the food supply and malnutrition situation in the country is very serious.

Rima Salah

Lake Tahoe is the key to our water supply, and what has happened there this past month is nothing short of awesome.

Bill Hauck

The trail base, the lake ice and the snow supply for Main Street have not been this good in eight years.

Bill Pierce

To increase production and boost supply we need a series of long-term policies that would increase investment. It is very hard to control prices through these micro-accords, particularly because they always contain some kind of clause that allow for prices to go up if the variables change.

Luciano Miguens

What we're suggesting here is we have a good uniform, plentiful supply of clean, young functional islet cells.

David Greenwood

He is one of those wise philanthropists who in a time of famine would vote for nothing but a supply of toothpicks.

Douglas Jerrold

We have to work through capacity bottlenecks and need more focus on production processes to improve order fulfillment and supply chain efficiencies.

Jim Owens