Now that I think back, I was lucky to be 12 when I found out I had diabetes. I hear about babies 6 months old having it and I think to myself, 'What are they going to do? How are they going to handle it?' I was old enough to manage it in those days.

Jay Leeuwenburg

We didn't start that good and were lucky to be that close. Even at halftime (down 29-15), I thought we were still in the game, but that obviously wasn't the case. I thought we could run with them, but we couldn't.

Tom Caudill

We're very lucky, that's all I can say. We've been blessed.

Roy Jackson

I'm lucky I didn't get squashed. I felt like an ant out there a couple of times.

James Devlin

We turned on the TV and saw our neighbor's house. If our house had gone up, we would have had a change of clothes and a boat. It would have been a big loss. We are lucky.

Vanessa Floyd

Lucky enough, I kind of figured if it did flood, I was going to be gone at least a week.

Jamar Nesbit

I was lucky. I had a lot of really good influences.

Brad Dourif

We've got some experienced blokes back, we're lucky enough to have Matthew Elliott come across, Jason back, Greg Blewett and myself, so that gives us some sort of basis with experience, and mix that with young guys we'll expect to play well, and we will play well.

Darren Lehmann

There are a lot of people here that lost their homes. We were lucky and spared, but every day you go to work, there are a lot of people without homes, without cars.

Joey Kern

Henry was very friendly, a happy-go-lucky guy and a gentleman.

Lupe Silva

It's lucky she didn't hit the house straight on.

Kevin Carroll

They came down at about 1, 1:30. It's lucky no one was going through there when they came down.

Gary Hudson

That call was a big momentum swing. It was a lucky break for us. And we were able to build on it.

Andrew Ebbett

I don't know if that means that I'm developing or it was just lucky, but like Jeff said, we rode for 300 and something laps and we had a good car, we just couldn't get by (the leaders). I heard Jeff make a comment that he thinks our car would be really good in clean air, so we just stayed out.

Steve Letarte

Normally, we're good free-throw shooters. We were lucky to hang on and get it.

Bret Teutken

I did my military service from 1989 - 92 and I was never shot at or had to fire on anybody. I was very lucky. I was more involved in intelligence and counter-intelligence.

Oded Fehr

I was really lucky that Coach Hargrove took a chance on me because I feel like Portland has been a great fit for me.

Jackie Stiles

We don't feel lucky. We capitalized on their mistakes.

Demorrio Williams

I've been blessed. I've been lucky.

Kelly Meek

[Then came Welles' 1941 masterpiece,] Citizen Kane, ... a high point in a lucky life.

Robert Wise

Most of the time the puck doesn't come to you. This time I was lucky.

Steve Bernier

Things escalated to a level that should not have happened. We're just lucky that nobody got hurt.

Ben Johnson (makah Tribe)

I've felt lucky to be able to do what I have done. I've been able to coach my two sons [Marc and Craig], plus they've been able to coach with me. That's been a high point.

Ron Dickerson

I can't find Simon, ... It was horrible. I'm very lucky, but I can't find Simon.

Petra Nemcova

I got a lucky break. I didn't even know it went in until everyone put their hands up.

Ryan Stone

I?m surprised that grocery prices haven?t been more inflationary, and I guess they will eventually. I think we?re lucky that prices are as stable as they are.

Steve Burkholder

If a man has one friend he can tell anything to, he is one lucky dude.

Kevin Leman

Life is short. If I didn't have the defibrillator, I would have been dead at the Christmas party three years ago. How lucky am I?

Joy Deneen

We got really lucky with an awesome group of girls -- it's so much fun.

Robert Whitney

I tried to go backhand and maybe I got hooked. I just kind of tried to go backhand and it just slid between the legs. It was a lucky goal but I'll take it.

Andre Roy

We're lucky (the Lake City coach) didn't send (Law). It would've been a close play at the plate.

Kris Cox

They got a couple of lucky goals. The ball bounced their way, [and] they got two easy goals.

Brian Voelker

Honestly, we were lucky to tie because we came back each time. Now the kids are jelling. That's the idea. They're going into the playoffs with the attitude that they can play with the best.

Juli Veee

She's not just here for the paycheck. She loves what she does and she loves teaching. She saw something in me that I didn't even see for myself. She has that effect on everybody. She always tries to see the best in people, and the people at PIC are very lucky to have her.

Thomas Warburton

The thing I like the best about Josh is he's one of our hardest workers in practice. I've always felt it was real important that your best players be your best practice players, too. We're lucky in that with Josh and Cory.

Gary Mills

(Salinas) had some good hits. I also felt they had a lot of lucky hits.

Catherine Hallada

If we?re lucky and win, we might get to play next week.

Kevin Froud

She councils me just to see how lucky I am to have two sons who share the same interests I do.

Dave Fouch

The Lucky Craft Pointer 100 has certainly been the big seller with my customers.

Larry Aggus

I think it (playing the District over two days) is a good idea, especially since we were lucky enough to get a bye.

Michelle Hewitt

If we are lucky, we can give in and rest without feeling guilty. We can stop doing and concentrate on being.

Kathleen Norris

If you're lucky enough to be Irish, then you're lucky enough.

Irish Sayings

We were very lucky in that eight-year period, and the luck just ran out. We always thought it would run out.

William Gray

They said that I was more than welcome to go to bankruptcy court and file a claim, but they also said you'd be lucky to get 20 cents on the dollar returned to you as well.

Kevin Grace

This was a pretty light storm compared to most of the [hurricanes] we've really had. We've been really lucky in that we haven't gotten a serious storm surge yet. That day will come.

David Dunbar

I'm really lucky to have such a supportive family.

Kellie Lynne

We had a dead double-play ball, but we got a bad feed on the throw, and we were actually lucky to get the one out. We should have been out of that inning without giving up any runs. Unfortunately we gave up four.

Rob Valli

I think we got lucky when we picked up Powers in goal. He looks like a good one.

Wayne Puglisi

My job affords me the luxury of having help. I don't feel exhausted, I feel lucky.

Kelly Ripa

It's never been where I had to score for us to win. I've been lucky enough where we've had a number of guys who could put the ball in the basket. If I'm open, I shoot it. But it's not like we're forcing the ball to one guy.

Kelly Golob

That was a lucky shot.

Mardy Fish

They're too athletic for us to play them man. You have to hope they don't keep hitting those shots. They did, but we got lucky to be able to go out on that little run and make them play catch-up.

Daniel Jenkins

That's an extraordinary amount. People are lucky if they can lose 10 percent of their starting weight.

Thomas Wadden

A lot is going to depend on the win percentage and who is lucky, the players or the casinos.

Frank Streshley

I probably will go get a copy of that film and keep it, just so I can say I did it one time. Honestly, in this game, you get lucky sometimes, and sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

Chris Widger

I think it was one of those lucky things. Sometimes fumbles just happen like that. It's not like he was trying to do too much. Dante will be Dante, and sometimes luck falls our way and sometimes luck falls his way. We were just fortunate enough to come up with it.

Reno Mahe

We all conferred on that, and believe that he was very lucky that we were all there, no doubt.

Jodi Fincher

Lucky for us, games are played on the field. It was a physical game and our kids are going to be sore tomorrow, but, without a doubt, they'll be happy tomorrow.

Gregg Bahen

In our state, you have to be very lucky to go undefeated.

Greg Todd

We showed up and played a really good game, but we just weren't very lucky.

Jonathan Peavey

It's the only way he knows how to race but he runs into a lot of trouble in his races so we were lucky with the field falling away.

Terry Kelly

I got lucky, ... I hit it down the right-field line, and that's the only way I can get it out.

Oscar Robles

But at the same time, I realize how lucky we were to escape with a tie. John made some big-time saves or else we would have been 0-1.

Alex Hernandez

That was basically lucky. I timed it right. That was at the peak of my jump when I caught it. That's about as high as I can get.

Brendan Harris

There has been no structural damage. We have been very lucky.

Ted Duncan

We had no idea [it would be so successful], ... The odds of the book selling 100,000 copies, much less 2 million, are immense. ... It's a lucky fluke.

David Borgenicht

I could not wait to get back. I know I'm one of the lucky ones. My apartment was fine ... A lot of guys can't come back.

Jesse Moore

And by lucky coincidence, here comes a green Mazda pickup with a brown stripe.

Robbie Burroughs

The ambassador must consider himself very lucky that he is dealing with a professional Zimbabwe National Army. Elsewhere, and definitely in America, he would have been a dead man.

George Charamba

I wasn't very lucky, ... But I feel like I threw the ball well.

Kyle Davies

It's so rare, I've only seen soft-shell crab festivals in a few locations. We're really lucky to have them here.

Joe Lee

It is also lucky that our national team will play the host.

Jorge Zamora

He had plenty of time, and I had my pad down. I figured he would try to lift the puck, so I just lifted my pad a little bit. I was a little bit lucky, but it gave us a chance to win.

Cristobal Huet

That's just icing on the cake. I think we are in a very lucky position.

Robin Farquhar

We're lucky to have Hayworth here because he's one of the biggest advocates of immigration reform.

Mike Jaskie

I'm very lucky to work with people who knew what to do.

Jane Jackson

I've actually dealt with schizophrenics before. So it was really easy for me. I felt really lucky.

Michelle Kennedy

We're lucky to be centrally located.

Larry Rogers

We refer to them as the lucky 13.

Larry Jansen

Johnston is a very good ball team, they are well-coached and have depth. We weren't sharp for most of the game, so we were lucky to stay as close as we did.

Joel Sullivan

He is lucky because he's got the horses. He's got kids that can hit and field and he doesn't really need his pitchers to do much else but pitch.

Bill Kilduff

That's going to make us feel right at home. We're lucky to have so many good skaters to work with.

Ben Agosto

We're just lucky nobody was hurt.

Matt Goebel

It was not that skilled of a move. It definitely was a lucky shot.

Amy Denson

We were lucky down here. We could have been a St. Bernard with water up to the (house) eaves.

Chris Tucker

I am lucky, ... that the popular sport in the Soviet Union was chess and not baseball.

Garry Kasparov

She's usually pretty happy-go-lucky, just friendly and always up. But she's in a different place right now.

Mark Green

Now another 16 years on and we have done it at last -- the third time lucky.

Dwight Yorke

We have been pretty lucky with the injuries. Apart from Marino Keith and Stephen Hunt, who have been out long-term, we've done okay so far.

Phil Parkinson

We're trying to get lucky and find out exactly what caused it.

Kathy Taylor

You have no agricultural community, you are not growing crops and have a huge water source in your back yard. Others are not so lucky.

Gary Barbato

That's what I'm so happy about ? we played with heart. You've got to be good and you've got be lucky, and today, we were both.

Lee Mitchell

The biggest thing is that everyone that applies is qualified. But, it's a combination of being qualified and getting lucky.

Darius Nabors

And then I see them at the games, and they just go, go, go. I never hear them complain. Heck, they're always so happy to be there. And it reminds me how lucky we are to have them.

Brian Buchanan

Critics like to build you up, tear you down, and then, if you're lucky, build you up again.

Spike Lee

I got lucky, ... It caught too much of the plate, and I was glad he didn't swing at it.

Scot Shields

We were lucky it happened during the daytime. The smoke detectors never went off - they just melted. And they were new. We would never have gotten out if it had happened at 3 in the morning.

Darrell Mays

I consider myself really lucky to be here talking.

Aidan Nolan

When I was a kid,if you were lucky, you listened to that music on Radio Luxembourg or the American Forces Network.

Georgie Fame

I got lucky and got a glove on it and kept it in the infield. I thought I should've made the play and threw him out at first, but it got a little hop and came up on me. It all ended up good.

Travis Brown

I have been extraordinarily lucky.

John Gielgud

I was lucky that Duff took a chance and from that we've achieved more together than we could have apart.

Jeff Pain

I'm still able to just do my thing and still be a mother at the same time, ... I guess I'm lucky with the job I have.

Kasey Chambers

That was our focus, stopping him. I saw the film from other games and I went, 'Oh, are you kidding me? This kid is for real.' We have two guys who can guard a guy like that and we were lucky we did.

Dieter Horton

I tried to get lucky and keep the ball in front. I didn't make the play, but it is definitely a make-able play.

Matt Treanor

I just got through. I was lucky to get through. I heard a noise. It was just a big fire. I didn't come back. I was nervous. I didn't want to come back. I didn't want to see.

Mary Lee

We have been lucky because we have been able to learn from some of the lessons of the existing academies.

Phil Hearne

Feeling lucky punk? Oh, good.

Joe Strummer

We're very lucky to have Chris on our team. He makes everyone around him better. Playing No. 1 singles isn't easy because you're facing the best competition every day, but he's doing a great job there.

Matt Kuk

He's got the breeding and the pedigree to be a decent horse. I just think I got lucky in getting him. It's like anything else. You claim a horse and sometimes you get lucky.

Art Sherman

We knew we were going to beat Pine Eagle, but after that, we didn't know what the heck we were going to hit. We got lucky. ... Our kids wrestled well when they needed to, and came through and won.

Kerry Benthin

Apple's Boot Camp had nothing to do with this, either, as some forum people have apparently decided. That being said, lucky you if you have an Intel Mac: you can boot to Windows to keep playing.

Ryan Gordon

I was lucky that way. I always held on to it and appreciated it, ... The songs on this album were more personal and I really wanted to sing them.

Jason Mraz

With the casino and the beds, our passengers will have at least two ways to get lucky on one of our flights.

Richard Branson

I felt like I'd had lots of chances during the Olympics, but I guess I was lucky that (the goal) came in the bronze-medal game.

Martin Erat

It just popped right out to me. It was a long time coming for goals for me. I got lucky tonight and hopefully they keep going in.

Jonathan Horton

That's what happens when you're lucky enough to land a John Ramistella on your team. He will take it upon himself to get the job done.

Glenn Wilson

We've been pretty lucky in that regard.

Terry Goodman

I was very lucky that I fell into a great situation where I could work very closely with coach Martz.

Ryan Fitzpatrick

Johnny Pesky always said I would rather be lucky than good. We were lucky against California and not lucky against the Mets.

Bob Stanley

People were just not watching for tornado-type activity, and it caught a lot of people off-guard. We're lucky we didn't have more injuries than we did.

Cecil Whaley

It was one of those games where it was going to be a play like that, or a lucky bounce that decided it.

George Demello

They probably could've called a travel, but I grabbed the ball and threw it up there, and I was lucky enough that it went in.

Jeremy Kendle

We don't just have a lot of kids coming out, we've got a lot of quality kids competing. We're lucky enough to have a very deep squad this year if we can stay healthy. We're very deep in a lot of events.

Bill Harrelson

I was excited to win because I can finally drive my new truck. I feel like I'm skating amazing and I'm in my prime right now. It's so fun. I'm so lucky. It's crazy to be able to do this.

Ryan Sheckler

He's a good little boy. He's a very intelligent little boy. He's very lucky at this point.

Russ Kingery

You never know when domestic violence is going to happen, ... We're lucky to have such supportive legislators.

Beth Davis

It just made me really fight for what I had after that, which was really good. It really sent me off in the right direction. Looking back on it now I'm really lucky. Getting kicked out of the band was definitely the best thing to happen to me at that time.

Lou Barlow

I had chances before. They just weren't going in. I'm just getting lucky breaks now, that's all it is.

Radim Vrbata

I wouldn't say lucky, but we found a way to win at the end. ... I was just thinking, don't miss them. I just relaxed.

Cass Matheus

I had to let go because I thought my arm was going to pop out of its socket. He could have easily killed me. I am lucky to be alive.

Keith Clark

Our CEO, Ron Forman, must be the luckiest man out there and he was lucky this time. The trees fell the right way.

Dan Maloney

We're very excited and very lucky. We love these people to death and can't thank them enough.

Felicia Brown

[Gregory said yesterday he had a] big interest ... I have had no contact with Hearts and I have not seen the stories, but I would be interested in the job. It is a top job and it is there for a very lucky person. I would have a big interest in the job and I am keen to get back into management.

John Gregory

I lost the puck. Somehow I got it back and was able to get it in. Sometimes you just get lucky.

Jarkko Ruutu

We're not better than them. We're just lucky enough to be gifted and be able to make music that represents how we feel.

Bert Mccracken

I'm a good pool player. I just got lucky but if you shoot the puck, that's what can happen sometimes.

Kristian Huselius

We are exceptionally lucky to have this man.

Dan Cook

I don't feel any different, I feel like I can do anything, I feel like I'm lucky, like I can do anything I want.

Chelsea Nashburn

It hasn't been ideal but injuries are part of the game and we are lucky that we have great depth in our wider squad.

Gordon Tietjens

This time, we did (get away with it). We got lucky.

Claire Miller

It feels like the end of the world, fourth place does not cheer me up at all. I had hoped for calm weather, the rain did not disturb me but it was like a lottery because of the winds. I just didn't get lucky.

Tero Pitkamaki

To do what she has done and be arguably the best freshman in the country is fabulous. She has done an amazing job, and we feel super lucky as a program to have her.

Richard Gallien

I'm very lucky when it comes to weather.

Wayne Rogers

We feel lucky for this house and what they've given to us.

Jorge Villalobos

It was a lucky shot. But we've been on the wrong end of luck for a long time. It's about time luck went our way.

Kevin Furtado

Life is very good. We've been blessed. It was a one in a billion chance of this happening to us and we were lucky that it did.

Frank Ostini

At 14, 15 or 16 years old, he'd be interested. When a male dancer sees how lucky he is to be among all these beautiful girls, he will continue to take ballet.

Herci Marsden

That was a lucky shot. I didn't think it was going in. It was a big relief when it did.

Meredith Corriher

I looked up and saw that we had a screen so I decided to shoot high and hard and was lucky enough to pick the corner.

Robyn Regehr

The majority of work I do is in independent films, where you're lucky if you have five takes.

Patricia Clarkson

I got lucky. Count your blessings and move on.

Jon Papelbon

It was a fast, fun, up-and-down game. Both teams shot very well. We were lucky to get out of there with a win.

Geoff Broyles

The first period I think we were lucky to get out of there with just a goal deficit. To tie it up there and then have them score right away was really deflating.

Peter Hafner

I was going as soon as the ball hit the bat, it was lucky that it was a chopper. I just ran and hoped to God I was safe.

Joey Gathright

We had a good game with them down there earlier. We were lucky to win last time and they are a much improved team now.

Robert Hammonds

And I thought some lucky actress will get to do it. But not me. Someone with clout.

Felicity Huffman

I feel as though I've been very lucky.

Peter Jones

For some seniors, they have no kids or family. The services of a senior center are very important. We are so phenomenally lucky to have this set up this way.

Janice Mcintosh

We are so lucky. The musicians are in the corner, so if a child in the audience can?t be engaged by the artwork or the scenery or the acting, then there are these fabulous live musicians.

Jill Womack

He's a lucky cat to end up at our door. He's our eternal kitten.

Nanette Westhof

We're a generation away from those guys, and we have a different economic scale to live up to. Our generation is lucky if we have jobs that we like and people that we can relate to.

Danny Shafer

Few people have the opportunity to see it from both sides like this. I'm very lucky.

Thomas Wang

Obviously, I'm so lucky, I'm very lucky my son wasn't in the car.

Megan Kelley

We're really lucky, ... We have a lot of stuff so we should give it away to help. These kids have nothing now.

Stephanie Green

I was surprised by that. Their front line is very good. They (Central) just had an off night. They are awfully good, and we were lucky to get away from them.

Fred Rakers

He's doing just fine. He got really lucky.

Corey Hyde

We know what we've got in Lucky. He's just going to get more and more opportunities, and he showed you tonight that we've got more than one back on this team.

Coach Dave Bradshaw

When everybody found out he was available, it was like a kid in a candy store. We're lucky we got the candy first.

Steve Mooshagian

Apparently, fairly recently he did win $500 on a game called Lucky For Life. They are all scratch-off games.

Alfred Bea

My goal each game is to win one game. We've been lucky to be doing that all season.

Derek Heyliger

We looked sluggish in the first half and turned it on with defensive pressure in the second half. We were very lucky where we were coming out of the first half.

Andy Cameron

To know Bob is to love him. He's always been happy go lucky even through his tragedy. He's a very kind and compassionate and caring man and a sense of humor I love.

Roxy Harshbarger

The wind actually caused the vehicle to twist and I lost it. I turned around and ended up in the ditch. I'm lucky.

Mike Engle

He brings a fresh perspective to the issues at hand. We are lucky to have him.

Ron Bonjean

Last game we got lucky; a lot of things went in the net. Tonight we didn't get lucky; a lot of shots, but nothing went in. It was one of those days.

Jozef Stumpel

We got lucky with the red flag for sure. To come from the fourth row and put it up here on the box, we?re very, very happy with that.

Mat Mladin

And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.

Michael Jackson

I feel lucky that everyone was OK. All that is just material things inside there, but it still hurts.

Robert Miles

We would be lucky if we see even five pence (9 cents) in the pound ($1.82). That's probably understating it.

John Alexander

We've got the greatest job on earth and we feel lucky every single day. Besides, if you're not a little scared, then what fun is it?

Kristian Bush

We got lucky, as he all of a sudden matured. He's got a great upside.

Rich Alday

We are real lucky to have a huge number of resources in this area to pull this event off.

Scott Roemhildt

If you asked Simon now, I don't think he could call who's going to win this season. It's a dead heat. Besides, Simon just got lucky!

Randy Jackson

New Mexico dodged the bullet last year as far as having large fires. Arizona wasn't so lucky. Now, it's our turn.

Mary Zabinski

For me, shooting films and breaking into Hollywood are just like gambling. For an actor, good scripts, appropriate roles and good film crews are not that easy to find. I am so lucky to have had so many chances.

Chow Yun fat

Our aim is to make it possible for as many people as possible to experience the same sensations as those of us who are lucky enough to drive F1 cars.

Marc Gene

The course is wonderful, it has good design and the fairways and greens are in good condition. But when you play good everything is good. I start early tomorrow and hopefully if I can get lucky with my tee time I can do well.

Ricardo Gonzalez

We got lucky - there happened to be a cancellation here and we were able to get a room.

Bryan Becker

Our airport has been very lucky over the years with very few serious accidents.

Jim Barclay

After the first concert, it became the concert you wanted to do, if you were lucky enough. It was just brilliant.

Guillermo Resto

Mammograms are really sort of a gift. You can either catch something early or count your lucky stars because nothing was discovered. Either way, you're ahead of the game.

Charlotte Ross

We were very lucky to pull the game out. It was the worst basketball that we've played all year long.

Percy Wade

He was a sweetheart of a guy who always made you feel good about life and made sure you knew you were lucky to be around this game.

Bill Raftery

We did not have the flooding I thought we'd have, ... We were extremely lucky.

Jimmy Weekley

Sometimes they are too crowded there's only standing room if you're lucky.

Franz Kolbjornsen

We were lucky because of the tunnel. Luckily, I was in the last wagon. Those up front were critical.

Ivan Stanic

He doesn't give you anything that you're going to put the barrel on consistently. When we beat him, it was just one of those days. We kind of got lucky.

Lyle Overbay

It makes you realize what you have. It makes you realize how lucky you are.

Ashley Kuschel

I think it went as expected. We were lucky in that we got good weather.

Peter Tartaglia