219 quotes about husband follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday.

Erma Bombeck

My husband Jack [Stanley] founded the company in 1956, and we have four generations working here. We can't imagine being anyplace else.

Margaret Stanley

And she has a husband who likes to eat? Well, that changes every day.

Raymond Prado

We were nervous, and in fact, we were sitting there waiting, and my husband said, 'If I could, I would go and take her off of that thing.

Grace Corrigan

A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.

Honore De Balzac

We have a 29-year-old woman whose husband does not come to church. She downloads the sermons at home.

Brian Boles

It just continued to lunge at my husband and bite him from every angle.

Barbara Darda

My husband still isn't back to work. We're all in a bad way.

Helen Huber

What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? About 30 pounds.

Cindy Gardner

My husband grew up here, and we had to see how his old neighborhood made out.

Crystal Pinson

Back then, I wasn't much afraid of anything. We kept doing what we were doing, especially my husband. He didn't have to worry so much because he didn't have a job to lose.

Clara Brooks

We do our best to teach them how to be a father and a husband.

Albert Flores

If my husband were beating or raping me, I'd probably be drinking or doing drugs too.

Vicki Hutchinson

A good son makes a good husband.

African American Proverb

If you are in a marriage where your husband is handling the money and he's terrible at it, you feel you can't step in.

Caryl Rivers

How could a man ever trust in a woman's judgment when he knows she chose him for a husband?

Curt Goetz

I don't know what exactly it is - if it's sleeping in my own bed, having my husband around, being in my house or having family and friends out there cheering for you.

Stephanie Louden

I've been using it for two years and so far I haven't had any physical effects. But I am addicted to checking it every 30 seconds or so, much to the chagrin of my husband.

Julie Soderlund

My husband has been extremely supportive. It's been a real, 'You go, girl!' chain reaction.

Rhonda Taylor

I'm a better person for it. I'm definitely a better husband, a better father, a better grandfather for it.

Sen. Mario Gallegos

I love working out but I really have more enjoyment cheating on my husband with other married men.

Amy Fessler

I'm hyperventilating, I really am. This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to my husband and me in this business. This is an amazing night for greyhound racing.

Mary Butler

HUSBAND, n. One who, having dined, is charged with the care of the plate.

Ambrose Bierce

[Forget about opening the front door in your pajamas to get the paper.] O-o-oh, never, ... I send my husband.

Mary Evans

My husband was a good man. I was married to him for 41 years. I knew him since I was 15, and he was 17.

Harriet Seabury

When you said you were a battered husband, you intended that someone battered you?

Michael Brewer

My opinions have definitely changed. I am so glad my husband is no longer there, and I wish all the soldiers could come home.

Cindy Murphy

My husband and I just thought he needs to be in this one.

Dorothy Bass Atkins

All I want is food right now. I've got a dog. I've got a husband. We need the necessities.

Butterfly Samson

I wanted to buy myself a job and when my husband would retire from the Cook County Sheriff's police, that he would have something to retire to.

Muriel Finkel's

Some girls never know what they are going to do from one husband to another.

Tom Masson

I love it. It's exciting and our style of play and philosophy hasn't changed that much from when my husband coached.

Jessica Porter

My husband brought a sword from Japan. His mom had it.

Joyce Everett

My husband was just OK looking. I was in labor and I said to him, 'What if she's ugly? You're ugly.'

Beverly Johnson

I could be such a wonderful wife to another wife's husband.

Judith Viorst

My husband was the only one who knew. I didn't tell anyone.

Sara Friederich

What woman doesn't believe that her husband had better taste in choosing a partner than she did?

Victor De Kowa

When two people marry they become in the eyes of the law one person, and that one person is the husband.

Shana Alexander

I came back to finish my (college) degree and then I met my husband here. There's something about the beach that brings everybody back.

Susanne Truitt

A husband is like a fire, he goes out when unattended.

Evan Esar

I told my husband this morning that I had a feeling she was going to go off. I knew she was going to have a big night.

Mary Mcginnis

We figured they will need to get something for their husband and sons after they get something for themselves.

Jason Snyder

I love coming home to my own home and husband and everything we have.

Allyson Darnell

My cake lady and her husband dropped off the cake, ran to the grocery store and bought all the flowers in the grocery store.

Staci Snow

We are deeply mourning. Rick Husband was a great friend and an excellent pilot.

Valery Tokarev

No wife can endure a gambling husband; unless he is a steady winner.

Thomas Robert Dewar

Whenever I fail as a father or husband... a toy and a diamond always works.

Shahrukh Khan

Like all New York hotel lady cashiers she had red hair and had been disappointed in her first husband.

Al Capp

Oh, I was devastated, it takes a lot to get that much money. (The cash) was a surprise. I had not told my husband and was going to pay some bills.

Kathy Lerew

The perfect combination of everything that not only delights, but exalts me is my husband. I could not ask for a better man.

Kate Mulgrew

I knew Elizabeth Taylor when she didn't know where her next husband was coming from.

Anne Baxter

My husband touched it and the whole frame just fell down. We came running out. And this is what we found.

Michelle Johnson

We miss Craig more every day. We loved Craig. He's been a wonderful son, husband, father and brother.

Andrea Macy

No woman can endure a gambling husband, unless he is a steady winner.

Thomas Dewar

I think my husband shot himself. Will you please come and see about him?

Barbara Jones

Before I met my husband, I'd never fallen in love, though I'd stepped in it a few times.

Rita Rudner

I expected to have one husband and seven babies. Instead I had seven husbands and one living baby.

Lana Turner

But my husband said, 'Why don't you do something for yourself?'

Holly Stein

And today we grieve the loss of her, but because of the contributions she and her husband made, the world is a better place.

Johnnie Carr

In the course of the attack she shouted out to her husband `I am bleeding'.

Richard Horwell

We got up Sunday morning. My husband opened her door to check if she was in her room she wasn't in there.

Tess Sabado

Just for a second, my husband was afraid he was going to hit the kids in the crosswalk.

Connie Smith

I have a really great husband, and we work it all together, ... I wouldn't want to give up any of it.

Barbara Walker

We managed to rescue her two-day-old child, five-year-old child and her husband.

Malcolm Midgely

The lover in the husband may be lost.

Lord Lyttelton

Now my husband jokes that if his dentist isn't within walking distance, he isn't going to the dentist.

Susan Hicks

My husband is the criminal who did this. He lit a trash pile and a aerosol can popped out onto the grass and caught it on fire.

Kelly Moore

A husband is what's left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted.

Helen Rowland

Sunday night my daughter and her husband were both awake in the front room and they didn't hear it at all.

Barbara Egerton

In ten years I've watched my son go from being extremely uncertain about where he was headed, to really being a great husband, a great dad, a determined athlete and a good business guy.

Joseph White

She told about how the chaplain came to tell her that her husband had died and all the trauma that she went through.

Joe Doherty

I knew my husband would be miserable on the cruise, and we thought it would be tough for mom to go to the Frozen Four alone.

Margaret Sander

Oh, I'm getting a divorce because I cheated on my husband and I'm now going to sleep with his brother and don't ask questions, just make out!

Christina Moore

If you have this enormous talent, it's got you by the balls, it's a demon. You can't be a family man and a husband and a caring person and be that animal. Dickens wasn't that nice a guy.

Dustin Hoffman

My first husband was uneducated and very poor. I can't get involved with another uneducated man.

Marci Maynes

Gus (her husband) and I had done some country dancing, and I knew there weren't any Western stores nearby.

Lynn Seaberg

My husband got in five votes on the phone. I got one on the Internet.

John O'hurley

My husband went out in the backyard and buried him.

Lynsey Magyar

The usual fraud in American law is when the wife claims the husband said they were going to have children, and now he won't.

Raoul Felder

As I get older my husband asks me why I don't give up painting, but I can't. If I'm not in the hospital, I'm here. It just means a lot to me.

Dolores Smitley

Sophia left her husband and two boys behind.

Lloyd Edgecombe

If a woman earned a dollar by scrubbing, her husband had a right to take the dollar and go and get drunk with it and beat her afterwards. It was his dollar.

Lucy Stone

My husband and I were anxious to return home to raise our young daughter.

Linda Brown

If my husband and I had gone to vote, things would be different today.

Betty Hughes

My husband said he needed more space. So I locked him outside.

Roseanne Barr

They did nothing but put her in the same cabin that everyone had been complaining about and they closed the door and left her. They didn't make any effort to reunite her with her husband, who was either on the balcony or had just fallen off.

James Walker

Apparently she was going to gain financially from having her husband killed and that's why she made the deal.

Christy Gilfour

If a husband and wife are both firefighters, do they both get the exemption or is it just one per household?

Keith Pitman

My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives.

Rita Rudner

My husband retired two years ago and I have two wonderful grandchildren that I plan to do fun things with.

Mary Rich

My husband has not been in court since the 1979 trial. This is the most significant legal action since his conviction.

Kathy Macdonald

It was a gift from her husband.

Jennifer Hanley

Don't stay long when the husband is not at home.

Japanese Proverb

It was huge. It was a lot of fun. My husband said, 'We could do this on a smaller scale.

Janet Schichnes

I now pronounce you husband and wife, ... You may now kiss the bride.

Richard Smith

What do you say to a man that basically murdered your husband? ... I'm just deeply sad. I'm not angry with him, just deeply sad.

Tom Mcdonald

"A house does not need a wife any more than it needs a husband." (on the term "housewife").

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

My husband would die all over again for their freedom to do that.

Dawn Rowe

I know, ... I'm the hurricane. I'm going to be more popular than my husband.

Spencer Tillman

I believe she would be jealous of a fine day, if her husband praised it.

Hannah Moore

Were missing Sally, my sister. Sally Canfield, and her husband Timothy.

George Butler

Today we were saying she couldn't last another season without her husband.

Beth Brumbaugh

It has not been an easy cross to bear. It has caused considerable confusion. My husband constantly complained about the awkwardness of being married to a woman whom he called Sister.

Sister Parish

In every charge, in every count, she was an active participant in the sexual assault of these children. Even after her husband was arrested (on domestic violence charges), she never came forward and said anything about the sexual assaults by her husband.

David Lamb

I lost two things dear to me this year. I lost my husband and I lost my house.

Joyce Smith

I'm only upset that I'm not a widow. [On her ex-husband Tom Arnold].

Roseanne Barr

Is it possible that the husband doesn't know what's going on? The answer is yes. It's possible that Gretzky had no concept or very little concept.

Arnie Wexler

The gas card is a nice bonus, ... It's not the only reason we came. My husband donates regularly, and it's something we wanted to do together.

Tom Mcmahon

We are so not racist. My husband is Hispanic.

Dawn Marner

My husband and I stood for Norm and his wife when they got married.

Betty Clark

I think my husband Bruce Paltrow is up there, stirring this up for me.

Blythe Danner

I have times when I despair, and I cry. There are moments when I want to give up. But my husband needs me. So I get up for one more day.

Maria Jones

Women, you can have it all - a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career.

Jada Pinkett Smith

God has been with us every inch of the way, I mean I was telling my husband, from day one he's been right there for us.

Amelia Sheasby

I don't want my husband to push me around in a wheelchair. I don't want someone to lead me around because I'm blind.

Della Reese

By the time my husband and I got there, there were paramedics, fire and the gas company. My next door neighbor -- she was out in the ambulance already.

Sharon Dias

She didn't kill her husband; let her go home and grieve, let this family go home and grieve.

Gwen Harris

Here's your favorite husband. Can I get a smile? Come on. Can the nice lady smile?

Bob Horney

My husband does tax preparation this time of year, and we thought it would be a good diversion.

Carolyn Rogers

Attempted to intimidate or harass the owner, her business and her husband.

George Touart

The purpose, she said, was only to scare her ex-husband. The defendant was the driver of the car and she waited outside.

John Tate

I've never yet met a man who could look after me. I don't need a husband. What I need is a wife.

Joan Collins

Also, my husband says their hamburgers are like the ones his mother used to make.

Joan Rodgers

She had a husband in the Aleutians, and sent him a telegram telling him how to answer the questions, ... They brought him home.

Phillip Levine

If you were out of a job and your kid needed diapers and your husband just left you, you would be so confused.

Barbara Steele

The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband.

William Blackstone

Laci's husband, Conner's daddy -- the one person that should have protected them.

Richelle Nice

The way we are dancing in this show is the way you would only normally dance with your boyfriend or your husband. It's very sensual and sexual. You do get very close.

Rachel Hunter

My husband wanted to fix up the cabin.

Lori Murray

I like being up a little before everybody and lighting the campfire. And my husband cooks.

Chris Daniels

Everything about my husband is sexy, especially his lips.

Kelly Preston

I loved the fact that he was a hardworking man, and I saw him all those years to be a great father and a good husband. I had always admired him.

Deb Millington

Austin's been wonderful to us. We'd consider moving here if my husband could get a job.

Phyllis Martin

One of my niece's husband worked on an oil rig, and I imagine that is the first thing that will get running again.

Barbara Upton

I felt like my husband had been murdered again and my heart had been pulled out.

Rosemary Dillard

He was a loving father and husband and very proud of his country, ... We all respect him for what he decided to do.

James Sutton

The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.

B. R. Ambedkar

My husband died doing what he loved most, flying, ... I'm proud of my husband. He was an extraordinary man, husband and soldier.

Patrick Stewart

Usually it is advisable to choose this regime if the husband has risky business activities.

Bertrand Lapeyre

We've got to get this house finished to bring her husband home.

Connie Jackson

She [Jane Austen] was then the prettiest, silliest, most affected, husband-hunting butterfly she ever remembers.

Mary Russell Mitford

What could I do? I had nothing, I felt so ashamed in front of that scene, ... I gave her husband a bunch of Indian money.

Don Mccullin

Let's face it, if your husband were to die tomorrow, who would want you?

Terry Bennett

If the husband hadn't pulled her out so soon, she could have been quickly overcome by fire.

Heather Danenhower

My violinist this year, Marcy Clement, has been with me since she was 18 and now brings her husband and three children along.

Gayla Curtis

There are two kinds of marriages -- where the husband quotes the wife and where the wife quotes the husband.

Clifford Odets

The star was celebrating her 47th birthday with her husband, film director Guy Ritchie and her two children, Lourdes and Rocco.

Barbara Charone

[Of a husband] Feed the brute.

George Du Maurier

When a husband is embraced without affection, there must be some reason for it.


My husband was one of the few people who could keep me laughing at all times.

Roberta Stewart

My husband is a big joker and my son-in-law thought he had somehow dummied up a ticket.

Frances Chaney

I just thought it was so fitting, because my husband was an editor and loved books and because his father's weaponry collection is there as well.

Jan Roberts

My father was a disabled veteran; my husband is also.

Sue Allen

I don't remember saying anything, but my husband said he heard me saying 'let me go,' .

Marguerite Robinson

My husband and I were looking for a place to stay so literally everything we came down here with is in there.

D'anne Gray

If Marilyn is in love with my husband it proves she has good taste, for I am in love with him too.

Simone Signoret

My husband is a big talker and he's full of puffery.

Donna Ingram

I don't want to ever have to look at that and see my husband in it.

Debra Shaw

I had just got home from Christmas shopping and they were about to go out, when we saw the fire chief go by. My husband, Jed, who is a fireman, turned his pager up and we found out about the fire.

Bobbie Jo Dunn

He murdered my husband with a car.

Michael Hastings

As a husband and a dad you want to be there for your family. And when you're not, it makes me feel like a failure.

Bryan Gilmore

In the past I was a little more career-oriented and really thinking that being the breadwinner was enough to be a husband. But there really is a lot more to it than that.

Promise Keepers

My husband and I would love to see him do anything he wants to do.

Kathy Monaghan

My husband died doing what he loved most, flying. I'm proud of my husband. He was an extraordinary man, husband and soldier.

Roberta Stewart

Have you seen my husband? Seriously.

Heather Budak

She's got that life where you're able to pick your husband and pick your baby time, so good for her.

Aisha Tyler

I still have not made a decision where my husband will be buried.

Mirjana Markovic

Never trust a husband too far or a bachelor too near.

Helen Rowland

She also has a few cashmere sweaters. I didn't have my first until my husband bought me one when I was 28.

Diane Clehane

It is not tough to be a husband-and-wife team. But Bob is very competitive, though. He is the athlete in the family.

Muriel Rowland

My husband told him to go out the way he came in because we didn't see him and he didn't see us.

Marguerite Robinson

My family is my inspiration: my husband, kids, parents, brother and sister.

Sherrie Barrentine

She was the perfect fit for our home. Now my husband thinks I'm crazy, though.

Rebecca Edwards

I felt like my heart had been ripped out. I felt like my husband had been killed again. I felt like the government has let me down once again.

Rosemary Dillard

For women who turn to welfare, Big Brother becomes Husband.

Tammy Bruce

The husband who doesn't tell his wife everything probably reasons that what she doesn't know won't hurt him.

Leo J. Burke

I think there's something degrading about having a husband for a rival. It's humiliating if you fail and commonplace if you succeed.

Christopher Hampton

An easy-going husband is the one indispensable comfort of life.

Marie Louise De La Ramee

I've got a 15-year old son and a 10-year old daughter, and if they were going to do one of the following things: be an alcoholic; be a drug offender; beat their wife or husband; or gamble. I hope they would gamble.

Pete Rose

My husband will never chase another woman. He's too fine, too decent, too old. [said when George Burns was only 64. He lived to be 100].

Gracie Allen

My husband said it's gonna get cold, so I ran over and got her.

Patricia Kern

A husband is always a sensible man; he never thinks of marrying.

Alexandre Dumas

One family talked about not being able to enjoy their backyard pool during this beautiful weather, ... We've got a husband of a family in the hospital this evening, with symptoms from cryptosporidiosis.

Paul Nunes

She saw the knife. She knows her husband was angry.

Vicki Hutchinson

I voted for my husband Al Gore and it was a thrill. It was wonderful. It was very exciting.

Tipper Gore

My husband has worked here since 1983 though.

Judith Bondus

Matthew was a fine, loving husband, but his life was cut short.

Jimmie Smith

They were from the U.S. military from Fort Wayne and they had come to talk to me and my husband. I more or less cracked outside.

Pam Beery

As far as I'm concerned, this guy murdered my husband as much as if he had the controls in his hands and flown the plane into the building, which is what his intent was.

Christie Coombs

At the end of the day, I think Karen realized it would be best for her husband to be in a place where his career could flourish.

Darek Braunecker

We had to split up to be fair. Sometimes, I?d be at one game, my husband at another and my mother would be at a third.

Barbara Bettencourt

I'm not particularly pre-occupied with the husband / baby thing. Besides I have a dog.

Calista Flockhart

And it wouldn't be a Desperate Housewives game if you couldn't try to steal a neighbor's husband, too.

Mary Schuyler

(The husband) alerted 911 that the fireplace was making strange noises.

Matt Richter

I think every woman's entitled to a middle husband she can forget.

Adela Rogers St. Johns

"i forgot to ask how's your husband Mrs O""oh, he's dead miss babs""how terrible, how?""his heart stopped beating".

Victoria Wood

Only my president and my husband had that.

Judy Rose

(My husband) goes, 'This is very reasonable, very reasonable.' And it was.

Josie Shigeno

Unless my husband or I develop a health issue, I plan on running again.

Beth Davis

She was the only one involved, and that her 36-year-old husband did not know anything about the fact that (her claims of illness) were false.

Robert Stott