Promise Keepers
FameRank: 6

"Promise Keepers" is a Christian organization for men. While it originated in the United States, independent branches are established in Canada and New Zealand. It is self-described as "a Christ-centered organization dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, helping them to grow as Christians".

Promise Keepers is a non-profit organization, not affiliated with any Christian church or denomination. Their most widely publicized events tend to be mass wikt:rally/rallies held at football stadiums and similar venues. They also sell a variety of promotional products to "help men keep their promises," including clothing, books, and music. Bruce Wilkinson developed the widely used video curriculum, Personal Holiness in Times of Temptation, as a part of "The Biblical Manhood" series for Promise Keepers.

More Promise Keepers on Wikipedia.

We believe in a biblical model of leadership in the home ... which is the man is a spiritual leader of his home and ought to lead by example spiritually in the home.

Guys in the West are a little more laid-back . . . We have to work harder to get guys organized and make sure they know about it and bring friends and guys to the meetings.

It's to help them be better men, ... To be stronger in their beliefs and to be servants to their families and their communities.

Going to pass up an opportunity this Saturday to parade congressman and senators in front of hundreds of thousands of men. So there is no evidence of this political connection.

It's so hard that it takes hundreds of volunteers and a few dozen staff to host 10,000 or 15,000 men, ... Putting on the arena events costs in the hundreds of thousands. It's the constant effort to cut costs and not let it show.

Brad showed us that we had permission to speak out about the Judeo-Christian values that we believe in, that we don't have to cower or back down, or we don't have to spiritualize everything. We have every right as Americans to say, 'I don't believe in same-sex marriage.' That's what Brad reminds us.

I think what it makes sense for political people to do is not to get on the stage, not issue press releases ... and not exploit it for political purposes, [but] simply put on a pair of blue jeans and a sweatshirt and go and be part of the crowd.

In the past I was a little more career-oriented and really thinking that being the breadwinner was enough to be a husband. But there really is a lot more to it than that.