The beach erosion is the big issue that's bigger than our budget can handle.

Dean Bossert

Trying to get a handle on this is like trying to get a hold of a forest fire.

John Nolan

It (baking) is very artistic but exact and I'm very detail oriented. You have to have a lot of patience, which is why a lot of American men can't handle it.

Anne Mcmanus

The transportation network can't handle these schools.

Welton Cadwell

It's going to be tough, we know that. It's not easy to defend a championship. Some of the pressure will be on us. But I expect my players to handle the pressure.

Pini Gershon

He sneaks in to get that little rebound. And he can handle the ball. One thing I like about him is that you seldom see him get rattled.

James Rowe

It's a challenge to handle this material.

Dale Decker

I wonder why it is, that young men are always cautioned against bad girls. Anyone can handle a bad girl. It's the good girls men should be warned against.

David Niven

Some people don't understand what our team is all about. We're more for assistance for the coroner who can't handle the amount of deaths.

John Callahan

Heaven forbid. We've never had that situation before. We will need to address that with the drivers and see how they want to handle it.

Jiggs Thomason

With any disease in wildlife, there are so many factors, getting a good handle on it can be difficult.

Mark Atkinson

I like our chances against anybody when we handle the ball well and play defense.

Mark Pendleton

I'm told we should get someone who can handle everything for us.

Peter Stivers

He's not going to be the favorite, and I'm not saying he's going to win, but he's a colt we feel has a chance. We feel he can handle the distance.

John Adger

We believe this is a government-to-government issue and no one company and no one industry can handle it on its own.

Michael Callahan

We have to prove to Kane County that we can fiscally handle it. We're doing all that now. Our first set of figures shows we can do this.

Patsy Smith

Our gasoline system is not meant to handle everyone filing up their tank at the same time.

Dan Pickering

We just didn't handle the pressure well. They're quicker than we are. We didn't want to get in a game where we had to chase them.

Tom Vix

We are not set up, as a local government, to handle hundreds of evacuees.

Dana Williams

It would make me so sad because I couldn't fix her, because mom's are supposed to fix things and I couldn't fix her. I really encourage parents not to feel like they have to handle it on their own.

Dana Harold

He couldn't handle things without me, and I couldn't live without him.

Gwyn Gauger

Even the bulls are pretty easy to handle.

Debbie Bowman

The maintenance guys take care of all that. They really had a good handle on it for a while. This definitely impacts our job.

Patrick Gaynor

We are going to have to handle their pressure. They are very athletic. We simply can't commit any turnovers.

Brandy Corbett

If a bunch of these companies get bought out, it may be too much for the market to handle.

Conrad Smith

We need to give great respect to the water and wind. And not have a cocksure attitude that we can handle anything.

Walt Drag

He's a senior and he has to prove to himself that he can handle it.

Chad Hitchen

I'm just doing what they say. I know I can handle it. What you're seeing from me now is what you'll see from me all year.

Boone Logan

They've been in situations like this before. The girls really do know how to handle themselves.

Sarah Mesuch

The family no longer believes they can handle the case.

Clifford Marshall

He enjoys the game and that is the only thing that you can know about him at the moment, ... If he really wants to be a footballer than he will know how to handle all the pressures there will be for him.

Paolo Maldini

There was a lot of pressure in AAU, and he put a lot of pressure on me. (But) it helped in high school. If he wouldn't have put the pressure on me, I wouldn't be able to handle it now.

Madison Yakaboski

We're not ready to handle that type of disaster.

Don Trent

You pretty much have to have a piece of equipment that can handle both.

Nick Hancock

You have to handle the crowd. They play very well there.

Ralph Willard

Hopefully, in the (games) that are close, our experience will take over in the end. Hopefully, we'll be able to handle that and get through it.

Jeff Horner

We all agreed this was good for the airport and the entire community. I see no reason to change course now. I think we should let Mr. Quill handle it.

Brandon Lee

We can't handle an emergency if we don't have the equipment.

Genie White

It?s always fun to go into a hostile environment and be the underdog. We?re excited about that. I think we?re excited to handle that. We?re ready to go out there and give them and battle.

Tasha Humphrey

Our existing centers can pretty much handle the needs in those areas.

Lisa Gallon

The strategy for us in this case was to handle it face to face.

Jeanne Miller

I might not have been mature enough to handle it. I think I'm a lot more focused now and that helps me be a better leader.

Jason Jacobs

The wheels came off in the fourth quarter. The press really bothered us; we didn't handle the ball well. They got a bunch of steals (13 for the game) and easy baskets.

Jim Wiscombe

The way you handle it is come back out the next week and throw five touchdowns; that's what Daunte did yesterday.

Jeff Blake

Something that I can't handle, I can't do nothing about.

David Terrell

The bottom line for all of this is civil courts are much better able to handle these (types of cases). Criminal law is not really set up to handle child-custody cases.

Mark Campbell

That is a case resulted from economic disputes, the Shanghai judicial department will handle it according to law.

Jiao Yang

We have no capacity to handle a Hurricane Katrina or an avian flu outbreak. We can barely handle a regular flu outbreak.

Angela Gardner

He proved last year he can handle the pressure. He's very competitive and driven.

Brent Kemnitz

People are tired, but they're doing OK. They're trained to fight fires, so they can handle it.

Mary Apple

Get a handle on what's going on with your cows.

Jim Chapman

We couldn't handle the ball even when they weren't guarding us. That makes it pretty tough to win.

Greg Vock

We don't put on any extra people. We just juggle people around. We handle it.

Bridget Robertson

I loved my father so much and couldn't handle what she was doing to him.

Laura Melisi

I see him possibly doing all four at state this year, but he can handle it.

Gary Heide

I hope somebody wins. We can't handle the business we're getting.

Amanda Johnson

(Kenny) was a lot to handle. He had several big plays at the end that really won the game for them.

Mike Drews

I was thinking that we're just going to have to hang onto the ball and get out of this. We had to have Ashton in there to handle the ball.

Tina Burton

You have to remember that Congress created the Part D program to begin January 1, 2006. So we put all the contingencies in place to handle as much as we did.

Peter Ashkenaz

That depends a lot on this game. We've worked so much, but if we don't handle business now ...

Brandon Hoyte

Once we get a handle on this (monetary policy) we will do alright because there is plenty of cash around.

Michael Heffernan

I told him he never instructed me on how to handle any hurricane contingency plans.

David Bailiff

Our plan was developed to handle in excess of 5,000. We have 25,000 body bags on hand.

Ricardo Zuniga

I don't make excuses, ... I didn't handle the ball well and I think that created a bad momentum for us in the first half.

William Henderson

We aren't big enough to handle the magnitude of this crisis.

Wayne Pacelle

I think we're smarter than that. I know this: We better have a great effort and handle ourselves. If not, we'll get beat.

Jack Bicknell

His whole concern is the effect it is going to have on him emotionally once it is done. He's giving it 100 per cent effort, but whether he can handle it, I don't know.

Hersh Wolch

I wouldn't know how to handle serenity if somebody handed it to me on a plate.

Dusty Springfield

Would begin to handle this with the best interest of shareholders, and not the best interest of Michael Eisner, in mind.

Stanley Gold

I'm just taking it day to day. It's tough to handle.

Cedric Bozeman

I'm extremely alarmed if anybody does handle the bat.

Cheryl Brom

We have as much work as we can handle. We're doing well under this president.

Dale Stump

It was interesting to watch them handle the ropes.

Marcia Freeman

You have to accommodate the whole field. The first group can handle the biggies. The last group can't.

Picabo Street

We don't have a significant handle on what's going to be coming to the town. And I see that as a detriment to the taxpayer.

Donald Pitkin

If the health authority can't handle the call, it shouldn't stop there.

Gary Fish

Up until the other day I couldn't handle the pain caused by pressure in the skate.

Matt Cooke

Mickey has nowhere to go but down. I think the biggest question is how he will handle it when he fails.

Kevin Cooney

We like to encourage youth. We show them the proper way to use BB guns. If we show them the proper way to handle guns, there will be less accidents.

Bud Bowman

We did not handle this well. We need to do a better job of communicating with you all.

Thomas O'neil

We tried to make it a hectic game. We got them playing at a pace that they didn't handle very well and we were able to get back in the game.

Brent Norberg

They beat you down and beat you up ... to see if you can handle all the stuff you're going to encounter. It's like boot camp, only worse.

Vincent Arlotti

Each plant has a certain capacity that can handle a spike flow for a day and there?s not a problem.

Jim Grassiano

The courts could not handle them all.

Carlton Jones

I haven't seen them. But I know they're going to give us everything we can handle. We're going to have to be ready.

Mike Aronson

We knew she could handle it. She always does.

Lauren Dusin

Not only the family here is going to be affected by this, but we had a team of firefighters that went in to rescue that child and had to carry that child out. I don't know how they're going to handle this.

Ron Lipps

We showed a different defense and Shafter didn't handle the zone well.

Chris Olofson

We try to break it up. Sometimes they can't handle it all in one sitting.

Dr. Jan Wrobleski

If you simply have too much work to handle, ask the boss for help.

Cecil Wilson

People forget now, but these stadiums ... were built to handle baseball, football, concerts, soccer. They were multipurpose stadiums.

Mike Shannon

Trash talk? Oh yeah, I can handle my own. I come from Detroit. That's all we do. I can talk with the [best] of 'em.

Larry Foote

His energy on the court is one of the better things we have. Even though he is only a sophomore, he gives us energy on defense and to handle the ball as much as he does.

Terry Goodson

Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there.

E. H. Gombrich

Going a mile, I didn't know if we could handle everything. Our horse wants to run farther.

Dan Peitz

One big issue is the ability to handle the animals at [emergency] shelters.

Wayne Sandford

Interstate 80 isn't able to handle the capacity of traffic that is heading up there.

Shelly Chernicki

There's a series of steps, and we handle each conflict as a case-by-case situation.

Jim Pehringer

We were not able to handle the homeless we had before the storm, let alone 5,000 more people.

Katherine Martin

I'm not going to sit here and say we'll increase by 100,000 or 200,000, but there is room to expand. The course can handle 60-70,000 on a daily basis.

Jeff Nobers

We're ready to go no matter what. We do have technology on the shelf to be able to handle this.

Robby Cunningham

We didn't handle some stuff and that's hand-in-hand with being a leader. You have to step up when you need to. We had some things that didn't need to be done.

Dave Balza

This is tough to get a handle on.

Jim Stute

I like it back in the old days when gas was $1.50 a gallon, I could handle that a lot better.

Rene James

We were not getting anything from our press to begin with, so I decided to change it up and to see if they could handle that. It proved to be the difference I believe.

Scott Kinsaul

I have never been in that situation, ... But evidently from what they have been doing in the preseason, they have been able to manage the situation and handle it.

Michael Vick

The idea is to expand it with two additional travel lanes to be able to handle that volume.

Craig Quintana

Facilities are always staffed to handle traffic safely.

Greg Martin

Who gets the second-base job is not up to me. Hopefully, I can show them I can handle the job.

Jeff Keppinger

I don't think anyone will have a handle on how the fingers of the Dan Ryan will be affected. All the roads are interconnected, and one accident can have a domino effect on everything.

Joelle Mcginnis

The key is our pressure defense, and how their guards handle it. We cause a lot of turnovers.

Dick Bliss

We have more kids than we can handle most of the time. And the area's growing so much.

Pat Lippold

We've got to get a handle on these things. We've got to make sure folks are safe.

Steve Shannon

It's just going to be a matter of how focused we are and how ready we are to handle our responsibilities.

Gerris Wilkinson

Touch not; taste not; handle not.


In May, we could see things were going from beginning to end, ... But it was a fragile system, and we had to harden it so it could handle the rigors of daily use.

Brian Lamb

We have reporters at every professional game, ... so we have to have people at the office around the clock to handle that data.

Steve Williams

We're learning to handle it. We play well against man-to-man, we're getting there against a zone.

Doug Light

It will be easier when we're out there trying to get a European carrier to explain we have the facility in place to handle them. If you have a facility where it takes two hours to get through, they've already had a poor experience when they get here.

Fred Piccolo

We didn't handle the elements as well as Loyola did.

Jim Stagnitta

I've been living with the minor second all my life and I finally found a way to handle it.

Morton Feldman

Jeff should be the one to handle it because he was the (director of player personnel).

Willis Reed

We wouldn't start them, ... if we didn't think they could handle it.

Paul Cohen

These numbers are going to be very fluid for a very long time until we get a handle on things.

Meg Casper

Those guys have to be ready to step up and play. This is the opportunity for them. We'll see how they handle that.

Jim Boeheim

Let's get serious. Glen Davis, he's so tough in the paint. They can't handle him.

Digger Phelps

We did not want to get into a position where we had more orders than we could handle.

Jack Butorac

We all want Wal-Mart to handle the traffic right. That's the one thing everyone is concerned about.

Norm Bowers

It's not the guards that make the plays. It's really the forwards that are able to handle the ball and deliver it.

Al Skinner

I thought she was outstanding in the second half. She came out and really gave us all she had. At 6-foot-4 and able to handle the ball, she's hard to defend against.

Nell Fortner

This is astonishing. We certainly will look at this, and we have to get a handle on it.

Linda Koop

We believe the city has the ability to handle its financial problems and we expect that it will do so.

Terry Stanton

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

One day he was the setup guy, next day he was the closer. There wasn't that analysis of him -- is he going to be able to handle the role?

Bob Apodaca

We probably wouldn't have built there if we knew that we wouldn't be able to handle the capacity.

Diane Wagner

If he can't handle it, he'll give it to someone else. It has been long enough.

Carol Turner

When this is fully up, you're going to see a significant increase in the capacity of the health-care system to handle more citizens in Arizona.

Don Budinger

We've added 10 clients who weren't customers of QAT. And we're looking for another graphic designer now to handle the extra business.

Steve Ateyeh

He did the bunt on his own. I have confidence in him to handle the bat and get a ground ball to the right side. He's an unselfish player.

Kyle Crookes

A lot of people cannot have the expense. They can't handle it. Those few pennies or those few dollars really mean a lot to people that are on fixed income.

Pamela Miller

Tech really did hang in there with us for a while. They gave us all we could handle.

Jim Dakin

I had to come in and show I could handle myself inside with their big guys. This game gave me a lot of confidence.

Tyrell Biggs

Should one (a special election) arise, we'll handle it, it just won't be easy.

Nancy Bell

It's how we would handle any non-compliance issue.

Mindy Waldron

There's a lot of tension with the immigration issue going on, but this transcends that issue. You don't handle it by banning the American flag.

Mike Burk

By conservative estimates, we're losing one species every 15 minutes. We don't have a really good handle on what species are out there yet, let alone what is out there on the brink of extinction.

Richard Kissel

If you can't handle it, quit.

James Pennebaker

After the newspaper article came out, we got together and we're going to come up with an agreement to handle crosswalks. We looked at the way things were being done and agreed it might be confusing.

Jorge Cervantes

Sometimes you get frustrated when a team goes on a run. But we have to be able to handle that. If she hits a big shot we need to hit one of our own.

Cameo Hicks

He's an incredible athlete...he's got a lot of stamina. He logged a lot of minutes as a freshman. He can handle it.

Brian Clemens

These guys are bigger, faster, stronger. But it's nothing we can't handle.

Tony Kays

Breaking their pressure took a lot out of us. They're very quick and run to the ball well. They make everyone handle it. That put us on our heels a little bit.

Doug Stewart

I should not make any comment, ... going to handle this the best they know.

Brian Oxman

It's a given that they handle life-and-death emergency calls. But they don't handle calls where somebody's going to die call after call after call. It was a kind of doomsday, sum-of-all-fears atmosphere.

Joe Narcisse

It was us not being able to handle their pressure. However you want to describe that, whether it was their being good or us being bad, their pressure was too much for us on a couple of those runs.

Matt Painter

It was more something that happened (Wednesday) night than a cumulative thing. It was something that happened during the game and afterward. We're going to handle it internally.

Otis Smith

I think our chances are as good as anybody's. Why should I have any doubt. David Wells, David Ortiz? We can handle those guys.

Tracy Williams

It's just a funny thing. I've just gotten good pitches to handle against them.

Shaun Cumberland

Mom mainly does the cooking. I would rather handle the desserts.

Latoya Holland

I'm here to handle the job that is at hand. Who knows what the future will bring?

Rep. Leonard Bentz

I've got a pretty good handle on how to jockey for a favorable starting number.

Michael Walchhofer

It's going to stay below flood stage as far out as my forecast goes, through the 17th. I think the Willamette will handle it.

Rodger Nelson

Jeff is a good trainer and he'll handle him the right way.

Floyd Mayweather Sr

We can handle 490 dealers.

The Archives

He knows he scares people. You get the impression he knows how to handle them.

Wayne Lawson

We're set to handle increased business.

Susan Terpay

When you have to run that race or get out on that mat, you're the guy. Boy, that helps. That just helps you develop that character and how you handle adversity.

Dan Sabers

We really think the standards bodies should handle interoperability.

Hal Speed

It's very difficult to get a handle on the true count. It's a very transient population and they move around a lot.

Mary Savage

Our population continues to grow, so we have had to add positions to handle that growth.

Francis Moore

It was designed to handle 20,000 to 25,000 applications a day. In one day it handled 110,000 applications.

Barry West

But Seattle is growing fast and we're going to need a lot more than roads and bridges to handle the population that's already there.

Kristina Hill

I can't handle any more pain.

Alberto Rodriguez

I think the way we handle this win is almost as important as the victory itself.

Jim Mora

We couldn't handle it. We get caught up and intimidated. And they didn't miss a shot.

Tim Sumrall

Of course, I'm going to try to put on some more weight. But I can handle the physical aspect of it. I'm fast enough to cover receivers, and I'm strong enough to blitz.

Tommie Campbell

You give me five days' notice of a disaster, and we'll handle it well, ... We don't know where [a fire] is going to hit. Our evacuation routes are limited.

John Anderson

It was pink, had a short bowl and a brass handle. And it was a Kohler.

Henry Koltys

We're very bullish with the average investor being able to handle their own stock portfolio, ... You don't have to be a genius.

Adriane Berg

We have a pretty loyal crowd. They tend to look out for these guys if there's something they can't handle.

Andy Caldwell

We're in a game where, we know they're going to score their points. How are we going to respond to that? How are we going to handle the adversity?

Troy Davis

Enterprises running Web services in their data centers are faced with adding more servers to handle capacity.

Fadi Azhari

It's so widespread, ... It's used against many different countries, and law enforcement only has a small handle on it.

Mark Rasch

I want for them to finish school and educate themselves as much as they can so they'll be able to handle their things.

Shawn Powell

It just gets overloaded and the sewers just can't handle it.

Don Foster

We are going to have to be able to handle their full-court press. They are quick and very athletic. We are going to have to be quick and aggressive on offense.

Stephanie Murphy

They were just being kids. I remember doing that. I remember being 16 and thinking I could handle that.

Angela Fraser

Twenty-three was a load for us to handle. I thought everything they were getting was going to the basket.

Michael Toups

They have one dynamic server out there. She's really good. We had to try to handle her. We put special people in. Sometimes we came through, sometimes we didn't.

Richard Jarrett

I'm just going to take it and try to make the best of it. I've got to show them I can handle what they're going to throw at me.

Jerry Rice

They were in foul trouble and had to make a few substitutions. I felt their backups couldn't handle the pressure. That's when it went into our favor.

Andre Payne

These huge settlements are a new phenomenon for the SEC, ... I don't know how else you would handle it.

Bruce Carton

What's important is, how did they handle them?

Kevin Sanders

That's a very disappointing handle that people put on me.

Gene Cernan

A while back. There were enough compressors running, but the load was more than they could handle.

David Jacobs

The governor naturally is very concerned about this. But he has total confidence that the commission will handle this and do the right thing.

Lonn Hoklin

We're working with our friends at Vauxhall VXR on how they want to handle the end of production.

Chris Payne

I can easily handle the legal fees.

Adam Fisher

We might have a facility here in Bastrop to handle some of the people who won't be able to go home for extended period.

Scott Henderson

He went to Birmingham for rehab and they didn't handle it well. They didn't clear him until the end of training camp.

Mark Mersel