384 quotes about furthering follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The negotiators did a good job, but we have a lot further to go.

Hubert H. Humphrey

Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do more to deserve praise than culture without nature.


As we go into the driving season we will see further tightness in supply and demand.

Arjuna Mahendran

The fact that it came up during strategic planning, we decided to research it further.

Diana Baltimore

Any further fragmentation of an Indonesian state...would be the last thing that Australia wants.

John Moore

The bottom line is we'll begin to carefully review the commission's recommendations, but we have no further comment at this time.

Glenn Flood

This attack is further evidence that we have no stable and calm situation even in the capital of Afghanistan, ... We are dealing with a permanent threat.

Peter Struck

I thought in the 1982 World Cup campaign we were very unfortunate not to have gone further.

Trevor Francis

Shareholders are considering the offers and further announcements will be made in due course.

Philip Dunne

The idea is to prohibit further use of a criminal implement.

Gary Marbut

The finance minister agreed that the public sector units cannot be allowed to bleed further.

Petroleum Minister Murli Deora

Gross reserves rose by a further $0.742m in December 2005 to $20.65bn.

Kevin Lings

There is strong commodity demand still emerging from Asia, which is expected to grow further as most of the demand is emanating from developing economies.

Bharat Sheth

I don't want to downplay what Cordiano and those guys did ... but at no time in the discussions did Ford say we can't (cut further) because of this (deal) with the government.

Buzz Hargrove

It is the basis for further negotiations. Now, we need to have ... comments and amendments to this document.

Francois Leotard

We have to concentrate on how we find the people who are helping or thinking about planning further atrocities.

Sir Ian Blair

This number is likely to further rise.

Shaukat Sultan

Upon further investigation, they determined the person was involved with a fire.

Brian Humphrey

Looking forward to receiving further details about the governor's proposal.

Sheldon Silver

Since the Shanghai index broke both the 5- and 10-day moving average today, further downside is expected.

Chen Huiqin

This is a good signal by the central bank to control credit, as it's further fueling inflation.

Hasitha Premaratne

The Commission should be welcomed for acknowledging a problem with their food safety authority, but it needs to go further.

Adrian Bebb

Further actions will be implemented, if necessary.

Leif Johansson

They're lucky that truck didn't go into the bar further and hurt people.

Tammy Phillips

As soon as we went a little further north though, we didn't see them any more. We might have been on the edge of their distribution.

Joe Jones

We could not reach agreement mainly on gas pricing and there will be no further negotiations on this (for now).

Mahmudur Rahman

Sealed up the problem further.

Jeff Parker

There was nothing that could have further delayed his release. They had to let him go.

Linda Foglia

I am waiting for further instructions from the coaches but we shall see how it will go.

Augustine Choge

We are continuing with our attacks on oil facilities and oil workers in the next few days. We will act without further warning.

Jomo Gbomo

Israel found no further justification to keep me in jail.

Haj Ali

We firmly believe that dialogue about diversity, about representation, about accountability and about checks and balances needs further airing in this parliament.

Pita Sharples

It is not excluded that Belarus could end up even further in the orbit of Russia and in confrontation with the West.

Oleg Manayev

There's no further agenda whatsoever.

John Bond

We can't speculate on this investigation further.

Jennifer Freeman

Further improving our compliance is the highest priority of the bank.

Rijkman Groenink

So how much of the further reduction is possible remains to be seen.

Koji Endo

It's something that consumers expect. You can easily compare prices and find the best prices online and make the holiday budget stretch a little bit further.

Heather Dougherty

Those (the rescued) children were readily accessible, but the boy that died was further in the room.

Ron Lipps

The lawsuit is totally without merit and worthy of no further comment.

Robert Morvillo

Further suicide bombings in the UK must be expected, and the targets are unpredictable.

Lord Carlile

That just further underscores that this is not authorized.

Michael Novak

Until we see further evidence we are still at phase three of the pandemic alert.

Dr Margaret Chan

Growth is expected to slow further, with a recession possible.

Robin Clements

I think for people who were not convinced of the risk, this provides further evidence.

Dr. Nanette Santoro

There's no obvious reason from this report to explain why further analysis is appropriate or even necessary.

Bob Ekstrand

For the Nikkei to go up further, gains need to become more broad-based.

Hiroshi Arano

Because this is a legal matter that is now in the courts, the administration has no further comment until it is resolved in the courts.

David Donnelly

All we've done so far is say some of these concepts make sense for further study.

Dave Young

With increasing market demand, the capacity will further rise.

Yang Hua

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.

Richard Dawkins

So that further questions cannot arise . . . with the inevitable negative results.

John Hubbard

If they don't see that evidence, it may well regenerate the case for a further rate hike.

Craig Ebert

Without a further [dollar] decline, U.S. net foreign indebtedness and the federal debt burden threaten to become overwhelming.

Jim O'neill

This was the first conversation, we will hold further meetings.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

We remain committed to accelerating our business plan. We'll have more to say about our plan on Jan. 23 and can't comment further at this time.

Becky Sanch

The further you go, the better chance there is that you're going to get your heart ripped out.

Dave Adolph

We're much further down the road than we were a year ago.

Julia Taylor

The investigation is further along.

Charles Branson

This does not solve the problem; it only pushes the danger from China further off.

Cass Johnson

Is eBay diverting from its core business? ... Nothing could be further from the truth.

Rajiv Dutta

Further rate increases are possible.

Burhanuddin Abdullah

Further the ideals that inspired Daniel's life and work.

Daniel Pearl

We will see further consolidation both in Europe and the U.S. , whether we will see more transatlantic transactions of this size is far more questionable.

Matthew Czepliewicz

This point will help us to further consolidate us where we are and we can build on that.

Dr Dean Weatherly

I can't elaborate further but there are a couple of things we really need to address.

Des Gleeson

This is going to push it up a little further.

Leigh Morris

This is as far as we've discussed, so I wouldn't anticipate that we would go any further.

Bridget Blanshan

We have enjoyed excellent working relationships with CGNU and can see further possibilities for future cooperation.

Fred Goodwin

The addition of Comcast Latino on Comcast.net further demonstrates Comcast's commitment to providing content that reflects the diverse interests of our customers.

Charlie Herrin

The further out the less stressed, but everyone was affected.

Roger Peak

All of the good work these people have done is a great foundation for further work.

Niles Bruno

Upon completion of our investigation, further action may be taken. (The charges) are very serious in nature.

Joe Munem

The geographic focus to further growth is very important to us.

Pietro Parravano

This is further evidence of a deterioration in their business.

Brent Bracelin

They are hungry and that is difficult to develop and germinate. But, they want to get back there (to state) and go further.

Lora Pate

We will continue with our constructive effort, and we are ready to talk further.

Nebojsa Vujovic

[His cover of] Further on Down the Road ... A Pirate Looks at Forty.

Taj Mahal

These are birds that are already endangered, and any further pressure either from the virus itself or misguided attempts to control it through culling would be disastrous.

Andy Evans

Euro-zone data flow this morning will encourage further hawkish rhetoric from the ECB.

James Knightley

There has to be an understanding that further strengthening of the yen at this stage could be damaging to Japan's economy.

Michael Mussa

We have concerns New Zealand will be able to fund its current account deficit so we see the New Zealand dollar weakening further.

Prashant Newnaha

Right now I would not burn unless I had to. It is so easy for a fire to get out of control and the winds will only further the fire danger.

Scott Kiser

Demand is falling further and faster than we ever thought it could.

Kevin Mitchell

They remember what happened. They want to get back there and go even further.

Paul Cates

The system becomes more coherent as it is further extended. The elements which we require for explaining a new class of facts are already contained in our system. . . . In false theories, the contrary is the case.

William Whewell

Further testing has to be done.

Neal Cohen

Strong figures will certainly re-ignite expectations of further Fed rate hikes.

Toru Umemoto

Many of us would have liked to go that little bit further and faster.

Patricia Hewitt

All governments eventually lean further and further towards aristocracy.

Frank Herbert

The Board can only do so much and we now have a better understanding of how this matter came to be, and we'll have a further meeting in future to discuss it again.

Van Huyssteen

Look No Further, Look No Further Than Me.

Al Taylor

This is taking telemedicine a step further because you can make the consultation patient-centric.

Parv Sains

I think this creates further a credibility gap for the government, and it is certainly fortuitous this came out before final action is taken by Congress.

Bob Barr

There could be further delays, and eventually we can't work on the ground and make the schedule.

Gary Tanimura

She is splinted and further diagnostic testing will determine her course of treatment.

Jenny Moshak

I'm surprised by the drop in crude stocks and the further decline in crude oil imports.

Tim Evans

This will free the company up to invest further in telecoms.

Raymond Hill

They hold their prey firmly in their jaws and go back into the water where they can further digest it.

Sam Van Wassenbergh

This campaign is a lot further down the pike than people realize.

John Doyle

The further away from the ski hill you stay, the better the price and the accommodations.

Craig Cook

The petition's filing automatically stays any further collection activity by creditors.

David Larsen

Her generous gift and enduring spirit allows us to further our commitment to our students, faculty and community.

Richard Rogers

We felt it was a harassment tactic in an effort by some board members to further ridicule her.

Waukeen Mccoy

If they did it, it would probably be the catalyst to get me to move further out in the country.

Michael Goodwin

Adding further conditions now would be a betrayal.

Cemil Cicek

Until more information is generated by police, we really can't go any further.

Joseph Dominick

There are arguments for further consolidation, but it would be a very heroic bidder that would pay this much.

Simon Brown

We are looking for further acquisitions now.

Stephen Pelletier

We have such a weird climate here. Allergies are definitely a large consideration with furthering illnesses.

Jean Hallstein

We have had no further contact -- again, no contact -- but we are making all efforts to attain their immediate freedom.

Michel Barnier

We are here and it is now. Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine.

H. L. Mencken

Testing and monitoring of more than 300 close contacts failed to detect any further cases.

Maria Cheng

We are awaiting for further results. We will continue to investigate whether she had been in contact with anything that related to bird flu.

Siti Fadillah Supari

We requested that they be withdrawn from that process. I don't want to comment any further.

Mike Daniels

In that case, Mr. Fisher, I have no further use for you.

Hersh Wolch

We're hoping to look at this again and we may have to downsize this. We may not get to $1.9 million. There are a lot of further decision points.

Bud Schmidt

Clipper could also support exploration of the Moon. The concept could even be aimed at going much further.

Alan Thirkettle

That puts further pressure on the [low] wages in the U.S..

Sarah Anderson

There are a lot of things in motion that will contribute to more bills being presented electronically, which will encourage further consumer adoption.

Beth Robertson

We are working on the basis that it is indeed a kidnapping but we have no further confirmation.

Hoshiyar Zebari

We're uncomfortable commenting any further until we see the final order.

Patty Henson

This is one area that we ask China to make a further improvement.

Dr. Shigeru Omi

All the conditions are there for further rate cuts.

Alvaro Bandeira

Money damages can get the job done. Beyond that, nothing further needs to be done. Money damages are a completely acceptable solution in this case.

Carter G. Phillips

Here the skeptic finds chaos and the believer further evidence that the hand that made us is divine.

Robert Moses

We've moved the entire population upward. The bottom is moving up, and the top is moving further.

Owen Roberts

Looking forward to further serving those in the Orange County community.

John Warren

He has given us a statement, but we are not prepared to say anything further.

Bala Naidoo

As a one-shot deal; this frees RIM to go back to its business without any further complications.

Avi Greengart

The currency may extend declines because of the prospect for further, more aggressive rate reductions.

Nuno Camara

As we get further away from the incident, we're finding what would be the cost of the repairs would be considerably less.

Richard Knight

We believe the league dealt with the matter quickly, decisively and appropriately - and did not feel that any further action was either warranted or necessary.

Bill Daley

Because the enforcement acts are ongoing, we're unable to provide further details.

Paula Grenier

We remain committed to accelerating our business plans. As we've said, further details of those plans will be announced in January and we really cannot comment further at this time.

Marcey Evans

But consolidation must take priority over any discussions about further tax breaks.

Axel Weber

Energy stocks will fall more if oil prices pull back further.

Gordon Higgins

I'm too old to race further. I have exceeded the expiration date.

Georg Hackl

I am concerned that the drug cartels will further escalate the violence with the use of explosives.

Arvin West

We are laying the foundation for further growth in North America. Our continuing expansion here demonstrates a clear commitment to our customers in North America.

Frank Mueller

The city will have no further comment on this issue. We're just going around and around with Mr. Jimenez.

Charlie Schaffer

Some of them are further along than others.

Claudia Jones

We believe we are setting the stage for further progress in 2006.

Steve Burd

The engine of my car blew up. So there we were by the side of the road, with no way to go any further.

Colleen Alatalo

We'd like to talk further with the audit bureau and clarify this. We definitely believe they (the expenditures) are allowable.

David Larson

The acquisition of New Oak Communications further reinforces our commitment to supporting our customers' Internet business initiatives.

Dave House

At the end of the day, it ended up that I did not need to have any further medical attention.

Jim Pfaff

It's further reinforcement that these things do happen.

Mark Bilder

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material but I know it when I see it.

Potter Stewart

We need to further investigate.

Cristiana Salvi

The gas row between Russia and Ukraine should further support the sector.

Markus Steinbeis

The truth is, it goes much further than that.

Howard Simon

The economic case for further mergers and consolidations in Europe is very strong. We haven't seen all the bidders come out.

Lucy Macdonald

You have to investigate further. Is it a habit or a one-time thing? That would throw up a red flag to me.

Vinny Cerrato

We believe that these facility developments will enable us to further enhance our service offerings to our customers.

Brand Pretorius

. . . I believe that you cannot go any further than you can think. I certainly believe if you don't desire a thing, you will never get it.

Charleszetta Waddles

We are obviously disappointed that Andy has been ruled out for a further period of time.

Mike Ford

If they show up and see a strange car in your driveway they may investigate [the matter] a little bit further.

Tom Kraeutler

No further comment is being made.

Cindy Guagenti

We believe management is willing to bring this exposure down further if adequate profitability is not attained.

Thom Albrecht

If he had not moved us both further up the road, I dread to think what would have happened.

Arthur Griffiths

The only interest they have is to increase abortions in America, and to further their own radical, extremist agenda.

Olivia Gans

Nothing could be further from the truth, ... This is about his record.

Charles E. Schumer

The bad news is rain stays in the forecast basically until further notice.

Ryan Walbrun

Contrary to most expectations, I believe we can together bring about major policy changes. We can't afford further stagnation.

Michael Mueller

The signing of these two key members of our football team is further evidence of the commitment this organization has to building continuity.

Jim Barker

This is creating an environment that can only further alienate the Muslim community.

Massoud Shadjareh

That may or may not further your goal.

Dave Mcalindin

The decisions of the acquisition process stand. There will be no further review.

Mosiuoa Lekota

The whole market expects rates to fall further.

Tony Volpon

We would be open to further dialogue, of course.

Greg Cook

He is, and further than that, if he were subject to blackmail, it would have been before a lot of this stuff was publicly known.

Richard Gephardt

I'd like to see a further development of downtown.

Carol Palmer

Overall it is satisfactory but we hope that there will be further improvement between now and 2009.

Katharina Von Schnurbein

It is a component constraint. I don't want to go further with which one [it is].

Tim Cook

There is a chance for Malone to go further and control 100 percent of UPC.

Stuart Linde

I've got to stand further and further back. It's too intense.

Doug Collins

As far as the club is concerned, the issue is now a closed book, and nobody at the club will comment any further on the matter.

Stephen Vaughan

The actual medical condition of people in the ICU is still being evaluated, ... Currently everyone is considered stable. I do not expect that we will have any further deaths.

Rhonda Cornum

I like this park. I don't like that it has a first-base dugout, though, cause I have to run further [to left field]. We even have that at home. Can we change that?

Adam Dunn

It's amazing how Toyota can cut costs even further. This definitely gives them a competitive edge over their rivals.

Atsushi Osa

I have looked further into space than any human being did before me.

William Herschel

I see no further central bank tightening this year.

Luz Lorenzo

No further action is being considered by the organization at this time.

John Feudo

The students have a lot of responsibilities to deal with during their senior year. The further along they get, the busier they should become.

Tom Wahl

I absolutely think it has further to go.

Thomas Underwood

My sense is that he's said what he's going to say about his family and feels that there's no need to bring further attention to them.

Bruce Oppenheimer

I think she needs further than six and she will get a mile in due course.

Chris Richardson

They didn't want another case involving Brother Connor. They were determined to quash any further disclosures of abuse.

George Maloof

We're not expecting a panicky financial market meltdown or much further dollar weakness.

David Malpass

It was the readings they were taking of the atmosphere indicating they were not equipped to go further.

Gene Kitts

Telling Saddam that they were further along than they actually were.

Joseph Cirincione

We believe there is strong potential for development of further oil and gas reserves in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin.

John Lau

I think that's something we need to investigate further.

Michael Jerrett

I commend you all for being here because you want to learn further.

Lauren Johnson

We've been informed through his agent that he is fine. We have nothing further.

Larry Beinfest

It just kept moving further and further west.

Anne Ward

Our ability to further our inquiry with regard to Michael Edwards and with regard to Mr. Decker is basically at an end. We believe that we have pursued that inquiry as far as we can go.

Larry Leake

It allows them to provide for new programs and further develop existing programs.

Jody Tremblay