Weak U.S. housing data fueled concern of a U.S. economic slowdown, triggering buying of bonds.

Tsutomu Kawasaki

They talk about his defense, but what I saw offensively was not a weak shortstop. He's got more strength than I was led to believe. Anybody can do the drills when the ball is coming at you at 50 miles an hour (in batting practice), but I like what I see early.

Jeff Pentland

The market has been depressed, and has already discounted a Chavez victory. I don't know who was surprised by the reports and this was not a reason for anyone to sell. But the market is very weak and is very open to manipulation.

Jose Gregorio Tineo

He wants to become the number one opponent of a government that is already weak. This was the only path he could take if he did not want to die politically.

Carlos Larreategui

That's the story of the season. We need to start off strong, especially against a team like Mentor. We started off weak in all three games and the momentum wasn't on our side.

Lisa Newsome

Microsoft's pitch seems to say that big antitrust cases have to take forever or they can't be brought, which would strangle antitrust law in a fast-moving industry. When you are weak on the facts and weak on the law, you pound on the judge.

Donald Falk

The biggest positive was handset margins, which came in at 4 percent, up from 1.5 percent last quarter and our 3 percent forecast. Given fairly weak orders -- down 1 percent from last year -- and our own supply-chain checks, we suspect Motorola will reduce its 2000 unit shipment plan.

Mark Mckechnie

It's kind of all been about teamwork. We have five guys on the ice who play as a team. We don't have a weak link. We feel our strengths can be other teams' weaknesses.

Jeff Horvath

Consumers are trapped between a small group of powerful, non- competing oil companies out to maximize profits and weak governmental authorities who consistently fail to strengthen or enforce the law.

Mark Cooper

Despite terrorist threats, fuel price rises, and a weak dollar, ... Americans feel free to travel again, especially to Europe, where they've been going in increasing numbers.

Amy Ziff

I see her not dispirited, not weak, but well, remembering that she has seen dark times before, indeed with a kind of instinct that she sees a little better in a cloudy day.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

That was an incredible experience, ... I hear people say that the field was weak (because it was played opposite of the British Open), but winning is winning. Now that I've done it, I know I can do it again.

Jason Bohn

Energy prices are still pushing inflation and otherwise price pressures are relatively weak.

Ralph Solveen

We know this is by far the best oil company in the world. Will it be the best stock? The main point is this: more than ever the new CEO has re-affirmed XOM as the key play into a downturn. Up cycles will build cash, even if it drags on returns. Oil is weak for now (through Q1 results).

Paul Sankey

When a prosecutor walks into court and says we've been investigating this case for two and a half years, grand jury investigation for nine months, and we have 51 witnesses, you know what that means -- they have a circumstantial evidence case, and I suggest it's a weak circumstantial evidence case.

Gerald Shargel

We are not that surprised that the company guided down for the first quarter given their previously announced weak production schedules. However, we are surprised by the magnitude of the first-quarter and 2005 revision, which suggests the further risk to production schedules in future periods.

Himanshu Patel

The whole market is quite weak and there's quite a lot of selling of futures and red chips.

Frederick Tsang

The fourth month of gains in core prices could certainly push the central bank a step further toward raising interest rates. Debt maturing in five-years or less will remain weak.

Norihisa Takao

Fishermen are inherently reluctant to put pots in the water without an agreed-upon price. It puts them in a very weak position from a marketing standpoint.

Nick Furman

It will make a weak man mighty. it will make a mighty man fall. It will fill your heart and hands or leave you with nothing at all. It's the eyes for the blind and legs for the lame. It is the love for hate and pride for shame. That's the power of the gospel.

Ben Harper

We drained the lake because of safety reasons, because the dam had some weak spots in it. Those repairs have been made.

Monty Jackson

He was a poor weak human being like themselves, a human soul, weak and helpless in suffering, shivering in the toils of the eternal struggle of the human soul with pain.

Liam O'flaherty

Apparently, more Sun servers are sold running Oracle software than anything else. Weak results and guidance from Sun only serve to compound our near-term worries.

Neil Herman

He has become president precisely because he is a weak leader and no one thinks he would be a long term threat to them.

Yogendra Yadav

It's a very gloomy picture. We can reasonably expect a very weak economic picture for the first and second quarter.

Tomoko Fujii

People want a strong, light, and porous material, which is almost a contradiction in terms, but nature does it. Bone is made from calcium phosphate and collagen, which are both extremely weak. But nature mixes them together at room temperature and without toxic chemical to create something that is very tough -- this fascinates us.

Antoni Tomsia

The main thing, I think, is that the computer user will continue to be the weak link in the security model.

David Mackey

In the meantime, the data on the US economy (especially employment and industrial production) will look very weak in the next few months.

Lincoln Anderson

We're expecting even more weak data to come out of the U.S.. We're not excited about stocks that are linked to the U.S. demand cycle for at least the next three to six months.

Atul Lele

A common danger tends to concord. Communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak. In Communism, inequality comes from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence.

Pierre joseph Proudhon

I was missing a little bit of energy. I got sick two, three days ago, and I'm still little bit weak, so it's difficult to run around and try to make winners all over the court, especially on clay. So I had to work a little bit harder, and unfortunately, I'm not really ready for this.

Marat Safin

While the data is on the face of it good, the weakness evident in this report suggests that the consumer sector remains weak. Mixed messages for the Bank of England.

Gavin Redknap

For national Republicans, this 2006 race is really about the presidency, but I don't think that's the case for the people of New York. Clinton is so popular that Pirro can't say, 'She hasn't done a great job for New York.' The only thing you can say is, 'She can't continue doing a great job forever.' Talking about 2008 will help with fund-raising, but it's a pretty weak political argument.

Celinda Lake

If my defense is weak, and giving up 2-3 runs, we're dead.

Ron Hoyt

We don't have any weak spots. We're a pretty strong defensive team.

Chris Steinmetz

At first, I was scared but then I decided I couldn't let her think that I was weak. I told her that I'd fight if that's what she wanted.

Sabrina Packard

The signal we are looking for is very, very weak, about 1 watt of power -- or like looking for a Christmas tree light on Mars.

Richard Cook

It's the sort of thing that any researcher dreams about and the fact that has happened to me at this stage of my life is magic. There's no other word for it. It's just wonderful music. There's not a weak moment from the beginning to the end.

Janice Stockigt

The universe was quiet, vacuous. Very slowly, a weak attraction brought them together, creating a collision that made particles and energy.

Paul Steinhardt

I would like to attribute the surplus to the weak domestic demand.

Mei Xinyu

Investors increasingly fear that the US Fed will soon end its rate hike policy, which will keep the dollar in a weak tone against other major currencies.

Osamu Takashima

If we make breaks we need to finish them off. We need to be clinical enough but also composed enough that if the opportunity's not there, then we have the patience to attack where they are weak again.

Tana Umaga

Normally, it's three or four games into the season before you know the strengths and weak points of the various sides, so there'll more adjusting on the run in this one.

Chris Whitaker

The general view is that he's weak. People expected more leadership from him.

Salah Abdel Shafi

The jobs number was fuzzy, even though on balance it helped to perk up the market, ... Based on that number, the market is now factoring in that the economy is not weak enough for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in its Sept. 24 meeting.

Alan Ackerman

The key was the weak retail sales report that helped bond yields come in.

Alec Young

We played a good team ? probably the best team in district. They hit the ball well, have a lot of speed and are solid on defense. There are not many weak spots on that team.

Larry Zachary

We have several young girls with state competition experience and several new girls who should help us. We have no seniors and just two juniors, so we are young. We will be strong in the middle distance, the jumping events and relays. Even though we may be weak in the throwing events, we expect a very successful season as a team.

Wally Stephens

CUNNING, n. The faculty that distinguishes a weak animal or person from a strong one. It brings its possessor much mental satisfaction and great material adversity. An Italian proverb says: 'The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses.'

Ambrose Bierce

There will be good and bad results as the impact of the weak dollar has been priced in in some stocks but not in others.

Adrian Darley

A correction was inevitable given the market is facing three clear near-term risks: weak first-quarter results, a worsening foreign exchange outlook, and the uncertainty about U.S. interest rates.

Jason Hwang

I'm not looking for quite the same steep declines this year, but early August has already been weak and we are definitely trending a lot lower for the period. You're not likely to see another sustained upturn until the end of the year.

Jeffrey Hirsch

We don't have a weak spot in our lineup. All but one starter has a winning record, and eight have hit double digits in victories.

Tim Crawford

There was a weak alibi. We went down armed with the information and initiated interviews. We were more comfortable (that) we were on the right track. It was all a hoax.

Sgt. Charles Ringer

The dollar will continue to run lower, but it's not the end of the world. A weak dollar benefits about a third of the companies in the S&P 500 and oil prices are moving in the right direction.

Art Hogan

Only Love Can Break Your HeartSummer, you're unwelcome in my room,leave me be, overwhelmed by grief. Drunk on whiskey from The Pharaoh's Tomb I'm weak as a pacifist, I'm eaten alive by jealousy, only god knows why. Just like only god knows why Alan said coming out is fab and brilllike falling in love.Summer, be gone! Alan's gone. Family and friends are gone.

David Harkins

The refinery outages should lead to weak demand for crude oil from the refining sector. It's not crude oil that is in short supply, but gasoline and distillates.

Tobias Merath

The track and field athletes have to train for years. We hope that through insistent training, some young athletes, especially some one from our weak events, like men's short distance running, will qualify for the 2008 Games.

Luo Chaoyi

If you're in a weak bargaining position, it can be used against you.

Joe Sweeney

Chrysler was as weak as feared.

Patrice Solaro

The underlying tone is still weak.

Brian Fabbri

The market is weak today because of continued adjustment of the 10-year U.S. treasury and the strength of the euro.

Alberto Bernal

We came out and our serve receive picked up. Our serve receive was weak that third game, but we were able to stop it and move forward. And that's getting more mature when you can apply something and stop it for that next game. I was really proud of them for that.

Lora Pate

These accords are a short-term measure that won't help solve the inflation problem. The inflation risk in Argentina is caused by an expansive monetary policy by the country's central bank, which is focused on keeping a weak exchange rate.

Pablo Morra

Shooting has been a weak spot at times this season. We just can't seem to find our rhythm as times. Give Georgetown credit. They really played well in the second half and really shut us down with their press. We just didn't adjust well enough in the second half to win, but the effort was there.

Steve O'connor

The auction result was disappointing and the market trend is already weak. Investors are staying on the sidelines and not buying.

Osamu Tamada

If you're weak and shy and submissive, get over it.

David Deangelo

Right now they're holding their own. But they're still weak, and we can only feed them certain amounts of food.

Doug Mccroskey

We're on the record as saying ... that Mr. Clinton and his surrogates have already engaged in perjury, subornation of perjury and obstruct of justice and that evidence gives us a right to a legal presumption that Mr. Clinton's entire case is weak and unfounded. Therefore, there was error and the case should go to a jury.

Donovan Campbell

Conditions for manufacturers are getting increasingly tough as costs continue their seemingly inexorable rise but weak demand keeps prices down, squeezing already thin profit margins even further.

Ian Mccafferty

Courage and cheerfulness will not only carry you over the rough places in life, but will enable you to bring comfort and help to the weak-hearted and will console you in the sad hours.

Sir William Osler

Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled.

William Blake

The pain was bad. The doctors told me I was born with weak tissue there. But I am ready to play this season.

Cori Boston

The team we played, unfortunately was very weak. But it was an opportunity to get matches played for kids who don't usually play.

Sandy Wood

The weak update on major renovations in Sydney is just one among a plethora of indicators pointing to NSW having slipped behind the pack.

Harley Dale

The report was surprisingly weak and highlights the reality that, until forced to do so by ever-increasing demand, firms will not commit to new workers.

Joel Naroff

You have Taiwan Semi saying that future orders look weak and that's indicative of a lot of companies. You just had Sun Microsystems (SUNW: down $0.35 to $3.70) return to profitability, but then take it back for the next quarter. All these comments show that any tech recovery is probably pushed back until 2003.

Walter Winnitzki

While the market continues to be weak in comparison to last year, it appears to have stabilized, which on the margin this is good news for Cisco.

Christopher Stix

We believe fundamentally that the market should consolidate. The strong should get stronger and the weak should go to the wall, and the market should determine that.

Martin George

The markets are fixated by the upcoming Fukui comments today. He will probably try to get rising long-term bond yields under control. The yen looks weak today.

Teruhisa Tsuji

The Bank of England is walking on a tight rope as the data this week has been quite weak, pointing to downside risks in the economy. We see sterling coming down from their lift last week, going lower against the euro from here.

Neil Mellor

Destiny is but a phrase of the weak human heart - the dark apology for every error. The strong and virtuous admit no destiny. On earth conscience guides; in heaven God watches. And destiny is but the phantom we invoke to silence the one and dethrone the other.

Edward G. Bulwer lytton

We knew the data collected after the attack was going to be weak, but I was a little dumbfounded by the fact that the numbers even before the attack were awfully weak, ... Even before the attack, the economy seems to have relapsed into the doldrums.

Sung Won Sohn

This is our seventh shutout. And it's not like we're playing weak teams.

Kevin Elwell

I can't interpret this report as a weak economy, and I don't think the Fed will either. They are going to persist in moving interest rates up until they see greater indications than what we have now that either the economy is weakening, or inflation is getting under control, or both.

Lyle Gramley

They all agree we need to be tough on borders. It will be difficult for even the most progressive senator to vote against that and look weak on border security.

Michele Waslin

It's a larger fall than we anticipated. This is pretty weak stuff.

George Buckley

When the judgement's weak, The prejudice is strong.

Kane O'Hara

In weak market environments, the stock trades at a discount to the parts. The move to realize value is not unique to Tyco.

Leon Cooperman

The big risk is on the downside, but the market is ignoring a multitude of things they should be concerned about, such as the deficits and the weak labor market. We are getting to a point now where so many stocks are so overvalued that it is ridiculous and somebody at some point is going to say 'Mummy, the Emperor doesn't have any clothes on'.

Steve Previs

Strictly jailhouse talk, the strong violating the weak, ... With that, you can see King working with his mind, how he controls him. He's going back into Mike's childhood, trying to get him to rediscover the bully in him.

Jose Torres

We've achieved a good profit outcome despite softness in some of our businesses and weak revenue growth. Our profit reflects the fact that we continue to tune our business models and cost structures.

Lewis Platt

It's heartbreaking, ... Every coach would tell you that they would love to be able to sit back and lick their wounds, but they got Robinson next week and it's not a district for the weak and they are not weak, so I have a feeling they will bounce back and play hard.

Joe Thompson

The market conditions in the chicken industry are pretty weak right now. With the added visibility that Sanderson provided today, I think it provides more concrete evidence that there is ongoing weakness in the market.

Christine Mccracken

Stealing tapes is not the most elegant, but one of the most effective attack factors. Many companies think about hacking in terms of getting root access to servers, but if they have weak physical security, someone can just walk out the door with a box of tapes.

Jon Oltsik

A stronger Canadian dollar, seasonally weak coated pricing, and higher labor related expenses affected first-quarter results.

Arnold Nemirow

With a single digit equity market return, a flat yield curve and the weak funding status of many pension plans, sponsors should brace themselves for another tough year.

Ian Markham

If terms of trade are declining and you really are playing a volume game not a margin game, that means you don't have pricing power and you will look to keep your currency weak for a while.

Bhanu Baweja

On one hand you have very strong signals from businesses services, but on the other quite weak ones from the retail sector. That's going to drag overall services growth down.

Alan Castle

It is invariable found that a content man is usually a weak one.

John Wagstaff

The valley's office vacancy rates decreased by 4 percentage points from a year ago, an unheard of drop in such a short period of time. The drop in net absorption in the first quarter is largely the result of a lack of quality office space, not an indication of weak demand.

John Restrepo

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong -- because someday you will have been all of these.

George Washington Carver

Feeling better ... but still weak and not able to resume a regular schedule.

Joseph Zwilling

I take a grave view of the press. It is the weak slat under the bed of democracy.

A. J. Liebling

The stock market had been weak due to the Wall Street performance and concerns about Asian economies. The ratings news helped to push the stocks down slightly, but it wasn't the driving force. For a change, Argentina had no negative influence.

Helio Ozaki

I know how I felt. I felt as weak as weak could be. I knew we had no legs.

Kent Davison

It's a step in the right direction, although not a big step, ... helps stabilize the currency for a while, but it's addressing the symptoms why the currency's weak, not the causes why the currency's weak.

Marc Faber

I dare you, who think life is humdrum, to become involved. I dare you who are weak to become strong; you who are dull to be sparkling; you who are slaves to be kings.

William Danforth

Watch data for February, although strong in the premium segment, was weak in the middle and even up into parts of the luxury segment.

Jon Cox

You don't intend on becoming pregnant. You don't intend on being an addict. You think to yourself every day, 'How weak am I?' But that's the power of addiction, and it'll take me a long time to forgive myself for that, and I don't know if I ever will.

Kristi Stirens

While fundamentals are admittedly weak, given the stock's weak recent performance, we are reluctant to get incrementally bearish, particularly ahead of a potential restructuring announcement.

Himanshu Patel

All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.

James Freeman Clarke

It was another solid performance. Our defense improved, but we were a little weak in some areas of the midfield.

Bill Kirk

Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible.

Richard J. Needham

One day the factory sports coach, who was very strict, pointed at four boys, including me, and ordered us to run in a race. I protested that I was weak and not fit to run, but the coach sent me for a physical examination and the doctor said that I was perfectly well. So I had to run, and when I got started I felt I wanted to win. But I only came in second. That was the way it started.

Emil Zatopek

The market has been weak in the last few days on a number of worries. One of them has been earnings. We think that despite a couple of warnings and misses, earnings in general for the fourth quarter of 2005 are going to look pretty decent.

Joseph Lisanti

You get rid of the weak, and on average the cohort lives longer.

Ralph Catalano

We knew about the weak infrastructure in New Orleans, we knew about the weak ability of the administration of New Orleans to deal with this.

John Gannon

I went back to school simply because it was a weak job market. I was betting that it would recover by the time I got out.

Richard Valdez

Our strategy is working. But it has to be seen in a longer-term perspective. It's been a weak market period. Since we sold the human resources business last May, the stock price has gone up 29 percent. You know, life's filled with successes and regrets. I think I'm a very lucky guy and there will be many more successes.

Martin Mcguinn

When love is strong, a man and a woman can make their bed on a sword's blade. When love grows weak, a bed of 60 cubits is not large enough.

The Talmud

It's the same thing every game. Our passing is weak, and it has been all year.

Jay Frydenlund

The headline number was weaker than what people expected. But when you look down into the underlying details, it's not as weak as what that headline number would suggest.

Jay Bryson

We cannot underestimate the possible loss to the reserves if, in the long run, the United States adopts a weak-dollar policy and we are still maintaining a high level of dollar reserves.

Xia Bin

There are data saying that the economy is starting to recover, and there are data saying that it tends to be weak.

William McDonough

ABSTAINER, n. A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. A total abstainer is one who abstains from everything but abstention, and especially from inactivity in the affairs of others. Said a man to a crapulent youth: 'I thought You a total abstainer, my son.' 'So I am, so I am,' said the scrapgrace caught - 'But not, sir, a bigoted one.' .

Ambrose Bierce

Typically, our first step is to write a letter to prosecutors with our concerns and recommendations. If we get the sense that the case is not taken seriously, or if a weak plea deal is in the works, we may encourage those who have expressed concern to write to prosecutors or to the judge, or to attend hearings. In the past, that has certainly been effective.

Dan Paden

The market is turning weak. The short-term downside risks are high.

Linus Yip

It's more excitement than fear. There's a lot more possibilities that can happen. You can pop the ball out at any time with the quarterback handling it a bit more. I think it's just a good opportunity for us to show the defense is not a weak link in the chain.

Oscar Lua

We endured many significant challenges in the second quarter, in particular, a soft U.S. retail market for athletic footwear and apparel. Despite these challenges, we met our bottom line expectations as we began to see an impact from our efforts to control expenses in a weak retail environment.

Philip Knight

The trend for firm longer bonds and weak shorter debt will continue this month. Investors feel safer buying bonds on slumping stocks.

Yoshihiro Gake

While we knew the first quarter would be weak, the results are worse than we anticipated.

Claire Babrowski

It would have to be a very weak pandemic strain for us to be able to stop it right now. Most likely we wouldn't be completely prepared.

Timothy Germann

What we have seen is less than expected end-user demand. We don't know what is causing it. If I were to guess, I would put weak sales of (Lexmark-branded printers) on top.

Paul Curlander

We believe that, with current sales trends still weak, the company's holiday selling season could very well be hampered.

Alan Rifkin

Comcast is trying to steal Disney at a weak moment.

Brad Ruderman

When a thought is too weak to be expressed simply, it should be rejected.

Marquis de Vauvenargues

I embrace everything about Ally... I don't particularly see her as a whiner. One week she's tough, the next she's really weak. I love that. She's human.

Calista Flockhart

Most of the dogs were running away, all emaciated, weak, but they could still run. The strategy was to put food and water down so they would have something to eat. The ones boarded up were worse off; no light, mold, mildew and bacteria.

Garo Alexanian

This is pretty much what we expected based on market research and conversations with executives from ECA member companies. It's good news, but it's difficult to ascertain whether it is a trend. We had a strong January in 2004 before the index went downhill, and we had a weak start last year before a sustained rebound that began around June.

Bob Willis

Gasoline is definitely the weak sister. As long as we can hold above 24 days of supplies, we'll have no trouble going into the summer.

Chris Mennis

The commission lacked the necessary statutory authority to respond more robustly with meaningful civil penalties and express anti-manipulation authority. The commission played a weak hand rather well, in my opinion.

Joseph Kelliher

We seem to be getting more and more data along those lines every day. It's not just a coincidence that the one area that's weak [at Hewlett-Packard] is directly related to Y2k concerns.

Kurtis King

I expect bonds to stay weak today.

Kazuhiko Sano

If an ad campaign is built around a weak idea - or as is so often the case, no idea at all - I don't give a damn how good the execution is, it's going to fail.

Morris Hite

They started to double down on Jake a little bit, and we did a poor job of reversing the ball and trying to get into a weak-side post. They did what they had to do to stop Jake. We have to have other kids step up at that point.

Jeff Elliott

From a team standpoint, I was very happy with our balance. We were the only team to score (top eight) in 13 of the 14 events, which shows balance. We still have some weak spots, but we are working on them.

Dave Hirsbrunner

Consumer caution persists and a weak housing sector remains a drag on overall services sector activity.

Michael Blythe

CIBC is likely to focus on the domestic market given a relatively weak capital position.

Quentin Broad

The Merrill Lynch report had significant impact on investor sentiment, which was already weak when the index failed to pass 6,700 yesterday.

Alex Huang

Everyone thinks that Region III is a weak region but it's really not. There are some really good athletes there.

Kelly Ellis

The enemy is like a woman, weak in face of opposition, but correspondingly strong when not opposed. In a quarrel with a man, it is natural for a woman to lose heart and run away when he faces up to her; on the other hand, if the man begins to be afraid and to give ground, her rage, vindictiveness and fury overflow and know no limit.

Saint Ignatius Of Loyola

Demand for PCs is weak and microprocessor prices are becoming more aggressive, ... To stimulate PC demand and improve Intel's long-term competitive position, we believe the company's Pentium 4 price cuts will become more aggressive.

Mark Edelstone

Six of the seven last years, technology stocks have been weak around that time period. June, July has usually been around a bottom.

Andrew Neff

I think it's a weak decision. I think its short sighted and if you are looking into the future of Indian cricket, I don't think this is a wise decision as well.

Ravi Shastri

If I'm on the weak side and one of my players is on the strong side and he's coming to the basket, I might just pull on the guys shorts -and that's not going to show up in statistics -but the player on my team knows that guy couldn't come over because I pulled him. How do you measure that?

Adonal Foyle

Texas is the nearest thing to heaven there is. We love our state but we are embarrassed by our weak government. We ignore 400,000 souls in Third World conditions with no electricity and no running water. We pay our teachers less than our football coaches, and we get the results you'd expect.

Paul Begala

I think you form a bond of different personalities where even without saying a word you challenge each other to be good. You don't want to be the weak link in the chain.

Don Sutton

Technique! The very word is like a shriek of outraged Art. It is the idiot name given to effort by those who are too weak, too weary, or too dull to play the game. The mighty have no theory of technique.

Leonard Bacon

The birth is surely a bright piece of news, but it is unlikely to boost the economy, which as we all know is in a very weak state.

Masaru Kazama

On many occasions, we observed weak understanding of basic program management and systems engineering principles, an abandonment of traditional processes, and a lack of rigor in execution.

Richard Covey

I will be back. I am not quitting. I am not that weak.

Bobby Hamilton Jr

There's a weak place in every plot, ladies and gentleman, (and) in this case, the weak place is the plot.

Mark Rylance

The chain stores sales data is coming in a little bit weak and oil prices are up. That's positive for the bond market, negative for the economy.

John Spinello

Local housing markets will cool off, leading to a slowdown in spending and some job losses in construction and other real estate-related industries. With this in mind, we are currently forecasting a plateau in home prices, a moderate decrease in sales and new building and two years of weak growth. However, this forecast represents the middle of the road.

Ryan Ratcliff

For as long as multinational communities have existed, their weak point has always been the relations between different nations.

Slobodan Milosevic

The U.K. over the past six months shows us how the economy can go from looking quite weak to improving in reaction to a rate cut. It will also occur in New Zealand, so the RBNZ is unlikely to cut aggressively.

Adrian Foster

Political uncertainty is the main factor for the market decline. Buying sentiment was very weak as the crisis appeared to be continuing for a while.

Sukbir Khanijoh

The government budget, the lack of the declaration, the prime minister's abdication from the role, and the consequent weak public education program has resulted in what we have today: a tremendous increase.

Mechai Viravaidya

She did three runs of slalom training, but not at full strength. She still has some temperature and still feels weak.

Ozren Mueller

Bonds will likely stay weak. The economy is growing and the central bank plans to shift policy around April.

Yasunori Kuroda

This constitution is full of mines that are going to explode. The articles stipulated in this constitution will have grave consequences if they are submitted to a referendum. This constitution will lead to a weak Iraq that is unable to defend itself.

Saleh Mutlak

All you need is a weak Republican year for Democrats to be competitive in southern Indiana. And this is a weak Republican year.

Bill Blomquist

With the exception of Sydney, which is still very weak, there is no feeling that a substantial pull-back is in the offing for the housing industry over the next 12 months.

Harley Dale

The pain is still there. It goes from the lower back into my right leg. It started in my back because of my hamstring and it's still weak. I can't swing a bat and I can't even bend over for a ground ball.

Cesar Izturis

I've coached several great lines at Nevada Union and Placer. If this group reaches it's potential it could be one of the best lines I've coached. I haven't had a line like this with size, strength mixed with athletic ability. Usually any line has a weak link. This line doesn't.

Joey Montoya

That's one thing we've been working at. We started the year pretty weak at the free-throw line. Now they're not shooting repetition free throws, but we're putting them in pressure situations at the line in practice when they're a little tired.

Michelle Snow

It was clear by then that he was with Rebecca and that they were a proper couple. I so wanted to turn my back on him but he always managed to win me over. I know now that I am weak-willed and that I should have moved on with my life but what can I say? He had such a strong hold over me, it was hard for me to deny him.

Lauren Alcorn

The market had already factored in the pretty weak results in beef, but Pilgrim's Pride earnings highlighted the difficult trends in poultry. We anticipate poultry pricing will be pressured through at least spring, barring any notable AI outbreaks.

Farha Aslam

We're working on an integrated solution with a major chip manufacturer. Much of the technology exists already, we're using a lot of the sophistication we've developed for the uplink, where a base station has to work hard to pick up a weak signal from a mobile, and using it on the downlink.

Chris Gilbert

The Canadian dollar is doing fairly well this morning, in part because of a generally weak U.S. dollar. Canada is also being helped by oil prices remaining high, as a result of political instability in a number of the producing areas.

Paul Ferley

There's no sign of recovery for the euro, ... There's not much the European Central Bank can do with strong oil prices and a weak euro adding inflationary pressure. It has prepared the market for a rate rise next Thursday -- we expect 25 basis points.

Neil Parker

In making our decisions, we must use the brains that God has given us. But we must also use our hearts which He also gave us. A man who has not learned to say, ''No'' -who is not resolved that he will take God's way, in spite of every dog that can bay or bark at him, in spite of every silvery choice that woos him aside-will be a weak and a wretched man till he dies.

Alexander Maclaren

I tend to think we're in for some period of weak growth, and I'm not talking about a quarter or two. I think for all of 2003 maybe into 2004 we'll continue to see weak growth.

Ray Rund

The offensive line had been kind of our weak spot to this point, and we challenged them. They met the challenge.

Greg Dickinson

I certainly would agree with that. Unless a doctor applies for privileges at a hospital (the system for checking on the quality of their work) is very, very weak, at least.

Dr. Juris Macs

The market is selling off because the fundamentals are weak and the stocks are overvalued.

David Beard

They had shooters on the weak side so we couldn't really help down low. We went on a run with the zone so we just stuck with it.

Loren Stokes

I always thought that Northwest had the upper hand in this, and that AMFA was playing with a weak hand, and now they have a weaker hand, ... Northwest has always had the fortitude to fly through a strike, and now they have demonstrated that they have the ability to fly through a strike.

Scott Hamilton

We're back to expecting a rate cut on December 11. Meyer changed people's thinking by essentially saying there's no limit as to how low (the federal funds rate) could go and today we're getting an added boost from the (weak) stock trade.

Chris Rupkey

We continue to believe the company's assumptions appear to be somewhat aggressive given the recent softening in demand trends and the weak orders in the quarter.

Patrick Murray

I don't relate to machismo ... If anything, it's about letting go of the definitions we've had of men and women, and that women are somehow weaker. Not in the experiences I've had with women in my life: I don't find my mother to be weak, and my wife is certainly not weak. As far as men being domineering and physical and violent, my father is not. My brothers aren't. I hope I'm not.

Anthony Edwards

In a weak market they are not positioned well.

Michael Legg

Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind.

W. Somerset Maugham

Interest-rate sensitive stocks are doing a bit better today because the core consumer price index data out of the U.S. shows that inflation is still quite tame. Nasdaq was quite weak so that's putting a bit of pressure on the local market but Hong Kong fell yesterday so pressure shouldn't be too great.

James So

If you're not a bird watcher you won't be very excited, though gulls are graceful in flight and striking in appearance. If you're a bird watcher this makes you weak in the knees.

Bryan Pfeiffer

What history dictates is even relatively weak presidents have often gone for home runs with nominees.

David Yalof

We've got to move on, we've got to get ready to play Jerome. The kids responded in practice (last Friday) with a hard, physical practice. ... It wasn't a practice for the weak of heart, but no one complained. That says a lot about the kids.

Andy Gast

If this was going to be necessary we would need very strong safeguards, and the directive is a little weak on that point.

Peter Hustinx

Members report severe slowing of October business activity resulting from the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist events, which aggravated already-weak business conditions.

Ralph Kauffman