185 quotes about transporting follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This construction will bring huge environmental benefits: a sustainable transport system linking the two sides of the Alps. You have to look at the big picture.

Stefaan De Rynck

We had a way of looking up ZIP codes and looking up plane schedules. Now we're deciding whether our systems are better, or if we should just link to the Web. We have more options because we have the ability to transport Web content to our customers.

Tom Secunda

The CISD Transportation Department promptly responded to the situation and had buses available immediately to transport students, along with their teachers, to Alice Johnson Junior High. AJJH and Harvey Brown staff organized tables to greet parents and have them sign out their children.

Stephanie Schraeder

The police are planning to transport them to Jakarta for further questioning.

Anton Bachrul Alam

The out-of-pocket cost is usually about $50 to $55 a day (per inmate) that we pay to another county to rent the space, ... But we also have to pay for our officers' time to transport them and the cost of transport, like fuel costs.

Gary Hanson

Anytime you transport low level radioactive waste, you're supposed to make sure it remains in the container it is being transported in.

Scott Burnell

They're transporting bandwidth in an Ethernet frame over a lambda, over a wavelength, and then dropping that wavelength at different video distribution points. The ability to transport video over lambda is rejuvenating the optical market.

Steve Rago

Easter breaks for many people will include short-haul trips, where alternative modes of transport are much more practical. Short-haul travel is particularly polluting because the take-off and landing segments, when most fuel is burnt, represent a large proportion of the flight plan.

Richard Dyer

U.S. Helicopter has made the right choice by serving this market with the S-76C++. The S-76 helicopter has always set the industry standard for corporate and commercial transport. The C++ has the whole package; smooth ride, quiet, comfortable cabin, superb reliability and dispatch rates, easy to maintain and efficient to operate.

Jeff Pino

Motorcycle sales are gaining momentum in India as individuals consider that the main mode of transport, ... Incomes are on the rise, finance is available everywhere and that helps a motorcycle purchase.

Dr. Sanjay K. Jha

Our industries are under intense competition and for many of us, rail has been the most economical means of transporting in our raw goods and shipping out our finished products. Unfortunately, since most of our businesses are captive to only one major railroad, there is a monopoly of power and the railroads have been using this to dramatically increase prices and reduce service.

Patrick Schillinger

When people see our logo on the side of buses, it will reinforce that we are one of Europe's biggest transport operators.

Bob Davies

Your body's just a vehicle, transporting the soul.It's what's inside of people, is beauty to behold.

Damian Marley

There is no way this exercise makes us feel safer or happier about weapons of mass destruction travelling on our roads. However much you practice for eventualities the brute fact remains that transporting plutonium alongside high explosive is simply madness. This government is determined to take any risks to maintain its genocidal nuclear weapons.

David Mackenzie

I believe it will be utilized a lot. And it lays the foundation for us to potentially start up a service with a provider for island-to-island medical transport.

Rodney Miller Sr

We're looking at options to transport a bunch of animals to other agencies. That could include big fly-outs, everything.

Dave Pauli

Transport has never been cheaper and we all want to travel more.

Sir David King

This allows us to expand and provide critical care capability, which will give us rapid transport for any trauma or emergency injury patients.

Steve Kramer

The air transport industry is in sort of a perfect storm, in which a series of events have coincided -- many of which we've seen once or twice before, but never all at once -- and it has put tremendous stress on the system.

Dan Lewis

I hope that the School Board will see the wisdom of providing bus monitors, at least for all buses transporting elementary school students.

Michelle Allen

With their advanced shaping and scheduling capabilities, the pseudo-wire enabled ACE-3100, ACE-3200 and ACE-3400 permit operators to implement overbooking strategies, allowing them to optimize network utilization, avoiding congestion in the packet transport.

Gaby Junowicz

Circuit emulation, though advancing in sophistication, continues to concern operators and limit their enthusiasm for transitioning fully to Ethernet optical transport. Most operators believe Ethernet will in fact catch up soon, but standards work must be completed, performance demonstrated, and interoperability proven.

Scott Clavenna

We're getting more and more requests to transport larger patients every day.

Roy Carroll

Processors need to buy copper and have it delivered now to avoid additional transport charges during the holiday.

Gu Yuan

Frank Martin gave up on his old, former occupation transporting for the mafia, [and now] he just wants to have a straight life. [Martin] is the chauffeur for a kid and the kid gets kidnapped and he has to get the kid.

Louis Leterrier

We urge commuters to use other forms of transport.

Thandi Mlangeni

There's a huge amount of work around in infrastructure transport and mining, so you can see them maintaining that order book around A$16 billion.

Brent Mitchell

I realized more than anything that I wanted to learn how to do that. To be able to transport a whole roomful of people to a different world is breathtaking.

Anne Beardsley

We normally package, get them ready for transport.

Lt. Jack Saint

Everything seems to be in that ballpark and up. Material costs, steel, wood, not to mention the gas to transport everything, has gone way up.

Rob Rowlson

Everyone needs to take a deep breath and wait [for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigation], then we can make judgments to avoid the situation in the future.

Peter Gibson

When you turn the control wheel to the right, the plane is going to bank to the right. It's not rocket science by any means. But there's a lot more involved with trying to maintain control of a transport-category airliner.

Les Abend

Regardless of what the state law says, parents should not allow their teen to ride with other teen drivers, nor should they be allowed to transport other teens in the first year of driving. It's tempting to be lured by the convenience of having other options for getting kids to and from school and practices, but the risks are just too great.

Cheri Cihak

We don't want to say, 'I told you so,' but these are the kinds of things we have been fearful of for quite some time. There are real problems with transporting inmates to all hospitals and not having sufficient security at those hospitals.

Ronald Bailey

Life has to go on and people have to use the transport system. People always expect the Americans in particular to shy away after there have been incidents but we have not heard of any mass cancellations.

Frances Tuke

Be very forceful in communicating whether you want to be notified if there is a change of condition and they'll be transporting your relative somewhere, whether it's day or night. Advance directives are always helpful, but I've seen patients with these and sometimes the dots don't get connected.

Sharon Ward

Today's acquisition proposal will deliver immediate value to both Patrick and Toll shareholders, ongoing benefits to all shareholders, create a truly world class transport and logistics company and gives Patrick shareholders a better structured, lower risk exposure to the aviation business.

Paul Little

We don?t have any preconceived notions about where the jail should be built. Obviously, we want some place that works with all of the jurisdictions as far as transport and accessibility.

Doug Stanley

By rewarding energy efficiency and increasing taxes on dangerous and polluting forms of transport, Brown can help to combat climate change and end fuel poverty.

Stephen Tindale

I believe that dreams transport us through the underside of our days, and that if we wish to become acquainted with the dark side of what we are, the signposts are there, waiting for us to translate them.

Gail Godwin

If we could deliver the current transport plan that would be great -- we didn't deliver the last one. We need to see better project management of large public infrastructure projects.

Denis Casey

Government must not burden automotive manufacturing in the UK off the European map. Manufacturers must have the confidence to develop their operations and government must help us meet the competitiveness challenge. That means a light regulatory touch and an integrated approach to regulation in environmental and transport policy.

Christopher Macgowan

Imports remain a concern with the currency holding at $US0.75 cents and cost pressures persist, in particular for power and transport.

Chris Drew

It will take some time to prepare and transport food for 300 people, but they'll be assured of a good selection.

Cathi Chuck

Most people have no alternative, particularly those who live in rural areas. A lot of motorists tell us that if there was a decent and affordable public transport system they would use that ... but we are still a long way from having an alternative.

Paul Hodgson

We have lost one shuttle for every 57 flights and that is not a good ratio. I do believe we need to continue space flights, but maybe we can follow the example of the Russians and use unmanned vehicles to transport hardware into space.

Lincoln Davis

I don't think the city has done nearly enough for disasters --manmade or natural. In the wake of Katrina I want to take a look at our evacuations at our ability to transport the elderly and infirm ... at triage possibilities.

Jack Weiss

We expect strong defense aftermarket revenues combined with some renewed interest in business jet travel to partially offset softness in commercial air transport markets, ... These factors plus accelerated cost productivity gains are expected to help offset income lost from the commercial air transport business.

Lawrence Bossidy

It's a new environment and a new point in both of our careers, where we can see if we can transport some of the skills (we learned in Humboldt County).

Bill Burke

I can give background information to members or find answers to their road-transport questions directly -- that's my job.

Gary Green

Some of those pilots were very high-time pilots, with the best airline transport rating, which is the highest license a pilot can have, ... Some of them were only transport pilots with many thousands of hours of flying time that could not manage to fly this airplane.

Don Kennedy

Not the best of gifts, not the best way to transport it, either.

Philip Cook

For the first time in history, we are hearing from shippers, not shipping lines, that bottlenecks are affecting their bottom line. If we are hitting the wall in the traditional modes of transport, short-sea shipping might become a major contributor to goods movement.

Jeff Shane

Previous research has shown that every spring there are massive dust storms in Asia that transport soil eastward to Japan and across the Pacific to the United States. Now we've found that sulfate and organic aerosols are also present, and in roughly the same amounts.

Thomas Cahill

We're running 410 buses every day. We transport over 28,000 kids each day.

Mike Connors

We hope they become much more reachable. (This week's fair) was so haphazard and happened so quickly ... Getting the word out to them and managing to transport them down was the biggest logistical problem.

Jason Cooper

Pricing is dynamic in this industry and we will price our flights based on our competition - both other airlines as well as other means of transport like the railways.

Jeh Wadia

In one month if refineries, processing plants, pipelines and other onshore infrastructure are in operation to receive, prepare and transport it to the consumer.

Rebecca Watson

We welcome this first fully integrated public transport ticket for our area.

Richard Barnes

This sparkling Opera Box production promises to transport everyone to the banks of the Danube.

David Lindsey

They've got the whole gambit of the required transport available to offer the total solution. You can start from Asia all the way in to the ports and then onto the store shelf.

Steve Marsh

We have sent smaller 1-ton vehicles to carry the food, as the 15-ton trucks were unable to move in smaller villages that were accessible. We plan to have animals such as donkeys or horses to help transport the food later.

Amjad Jamal

Cities demand huge amounts of energy to run their infrastructure and fuel their transport, they suck in vast quantities of water, they demand large amounts of food.

Nick Nuttall

The bid process is based on a balanced scorecard which includes things like facilities for spectators, practice facilities for players, dressing rooms, transport infrastructure and so on. However, 50 per cent of the scorecard is based on commercial return and Cardiff, backed by the Welsh Assembly and Cardiff City Council, were into figures we couldn't possibly reach.

Jim Cumbes

We do all our work within the institutions, thus eliminating the risk of transporting prisoners outside for dental services.

William Mathews

Oil-sensitive sectors continue to weaken, led down by retailing, wholesaling and transport.

Alan Oster

We used to have to transport the players all over town. Now, we'll essentially have everything in one place. That will be great for the players.

Phil Garcia

The state takes full responsibility for the provision of transport and security for the president and deputy president -- as well as associated costs -- irrespective of whether they are on official or private travels.

Murphy Morobe

Acting is all about truth and honesty, and the sensitivity that's capable of transporting you.

Thomas Kretschmann

No logging permits are given to this area, there is no transport system _ not a single road.

Bruce Beehler

Emergency service agencies can request that information from us. We will provide a list of the top 25 hazardous materials we transport so they can be better prepared to respond to emergencies.

Robin Chapman

The idea that shipping tens of thousands of tons of high-level nuclear waste to Utah for a pit stop before transporting it further to a hypothetical permanent repository will improve the safety and security of the waste is ludicrous.

Wenonah Hauter

It was to ensure that any hardware industry coming up near the airport should be able to transport immediately its products anywhere in the country and the world.

N. Chandrababu Naidu

We're the last industry in the United States to rationalize. It really hurt the United States because we don't have a national grid system where we can transport power easily from many places to other places.

Dot Matthews

We are used to transporting millions of people ... transporting them safely. And we want to keep that impeccable record so. We know what our priorities are.

Sir Richard Branson

We cannot reduce our oil dependency without tackling our oil-guzzling transport sector.

Claude Turmes

[Transport Minister Jean Lapierre has sent tough letters to the top executives at Crown corporations under his jurisdiction, The Canadian Press has learned. Citing] recent events surrounding the expenses and salaries of two CEOs of government-related corporations, ... heightened.

Jean Lapierre

He's spent his personal time cutting hay, stacking hay, and (transporting) hay … he does that and his business is to sell hay; he doesn't let the money get in the way of him helping the community.

Sara Isaacson

If we can raise the money in a couple of weeks, or a couple of months, that's great, we'll get started on the project right away. If the fund-raising goes more slowly, we may need to look at other things the hospital can do to help. That might mean providing a bus for transporting dialysis patients back and forth to Sioux City.

Mike Donlin

Despite this damage, about 90 percent of Gulf oil production could return to the market in one month, if refineries, processing plants, pipelines and other onshore infrastructure are in operation to receive, prepare and transport it to the consumer.

Rebecca Watson

Icons are our windows into the Kingdom of Heaven, transporting us beyond our brokenness and helping us focus on praying to God for enlightenment and for glorifying God.

Cornelia Merchant

People said things like public transport will not cope, London will become a ghost town, businesses will be driven out and nobody will come to central London to shop any more. None of that has turned out to be true.

Richard Dodd

We agreed to a slight procedure protocol change on that. As long as it is a trauma patient, we will transport. The trauma patient criteria is being reviewed and revised. But, that will take some time.

Jaime Sarbaugh

By the time this project is stopped, loads of money will have been wasted. Building this bridge doesn't confront the real problem, which is that Sicily has a transport system from the Middle Ages that you'd have trouble finding anywhere else in Europe. This money should be spent elsewhere.

Roberto Della Seta

I can only remember one case this year where we weren't able to transport someone through helicopter because fog was a factor.

Rene Perez

Helen Clark must explain why it is acceptable for a minister who has admitted 'cutting corners' on returns to the Companies Office to retain the critical transport and energy portfolios.

Gerry Brownlee

And you also need people to maintain the safe houses, the communication, to procure the equipment and the chemicals, and also to prepare the devices, and finally to transport the devices and the bombers to the target location.

Rohan Gunaratna

Clearly this person made a decision that this was the mode of transport that they were going to take, for what reason I don't know.

Sean Pearce

I fear someone is going to be coming over that overpass bridge and will plow into a car stopped in that lane trying to turn right onto [the frontage road that leads to J.B. Hunt Transport Service's headquarters].

Aaron Westrick

What is needed in out of the way places, especially in the rainy season, is an elephant. They are an excellent means of transport and don't need to be refueled.

Rory Hensman

A revolution is taking place right now in mobility. Customers today demand a variety of services that will allow them to live, work and play in their fast-paced, mobile world. These new services drive new packet traffic, not only across new air interfaces, but also in the transport to each cell site.

Larry Lang

Since the earthquake struck in October, these helicopters have been crucial in transporting food and non-food items, like medicine and warm clothing and they have helped to prevent many deaths.

Amir Abdulla

Each location was told to expect as many as 500, making a total of 1,500 for our state. So far, the number of people with medical needs has been small enough in Raleigh that the Wake County transport units have been able to handle them.

Robert Cardwell

We need to build communities with every day facilities within easy walking and cycling distance and access to a modern public transport network.

Stephen Joseph

The Sentence to Service workers transport the trees to the chipping site.

Billeye Rabbe

We have multiple suppliers for each product to ensure inventory flow and guard against unforeseen obstacles. Establishing a presence near multiple ports helps us build contingencies into our distribution network. We are trying to diversify the mechanisms for transporting product inbound and around the country.

Joe Roth

We are pleased to have concluded the basis and substance of a deal with Gate Gourmet. The key to unlocking this dispute now lies firmly in the hands of Gate Gourmet and the Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU). They must sort out their differences for the good of our customers and the employees of Gate Gourmet.

Mike Street

We called all over Columbia and Orlando. Every refrigerated truck available for rent was already in New Orleans helping with the relief effort. It forced us to put the transport on hold for quite a few months.

Martin Vince

We have also had extra ambulances at the scene to help with transporting the injured.

Mpho Gabashane

We can find the water, we're not sweating the water. It's just being able to have something to transport water to the fire and put the fire out that's a necessity.

Bruce Wilkerson

China needs to develop regional air transport because of the country's size and population.

Xinhua News Agency

Chloride is essential for digestion and in respiration. Without sodium, which the body cannot manufacture, the body would be unable to transport nutrients or oxygen, transmit nerve impulses, or move muscles, including the heart.

Mark Kurlansky

We are in the process of transporting rough 60 generators to Ft. Worth, Texas to our staging area there. Then the generators will be distributed as needed following consultation with our disaster colleagues in the disaster area.

Kevin Clark

AT&T's basic business is transport, so to the extent that AOL would give them more traffic and to the extent that AT&T could limit AOL's involvement with its competitors . . . it's certainly something they need to look at.

Robert Wilkes

I think the Department of Transport should change some of the regulations and I think CATSA should report to the Department of Public Safety not the minister of transport.

Colin Kenny

We're relying on that report to tell us exactly where are we transporting students that are walking two miles or more away from home to get to school, versus other students who walk more than two miles that don't get transportation.

Wanda Halbert

Once the refineries start making the product you have to transport it. We have to watch the pipelines to the Midwest and the Northeast. The Northeast is less of an issue because we can get cargoes from Europe. Florida has a big problem because 60 to 70 percent of their gasoline is barged across the Gulf.

Mark Routt

The movement of horses is very important to the entire horse industry and we need to be aware of the risks associated with this outbreak, including interstate transport. We feel that at this time, with the vector season in full swing, no consignment horse sales should be held in our region, period.

Pat Goggins

These adjustments around the Western General are a good example of how we can integrate different methods of transport.

Andrew Burns

There are disruptions in Durban. We are providing about 53 buses, but that can never be enough, so we are asking commuters to consider other forms of transport.

Thandi Mlangeni

I'd like to find an area with apartments, where residents could come together and learn skills, focus on vocational training, educational training, case management for medical needs, counseling, helping them deal with cognitive behaviors and offer transport to and from work. We need a place to jump-start them, where they could stay for a year.

Sherry Pfeaster

They were still at the school, loading the buses to transport the students home, when the student who saw the gun told the bus driver.

Capt. Michael Spraker

It is a management-administrative shutdown. We are not at this time touching operations, refining, transport, and business development of the multinational in Venezuela.

Jose Vielma Mora

We can transport them to transitional living programs with a Greyhound bus ticket. We try to do that to a program in the youth's hometown or nearby.

Maureen Blaha

They could put you in this if you were sick or dying with fever. It could also be used in the back of a wagon to transport a sick or wounded person.

Nila Gober

If we anticipate it taking longer than 10 to 15 minutes we'll advance the trains to the east. Then we have to transport the crew by van [to the easterly location].

Gus Melonas

We are at a critical threshold. We are going to make decisions within the next year that are either going to fix the delta, or we are going to use it essentially as a way station to transport water to Southern California.

Bill Jennings

Some deputies who favor keeping public transport free argue that it's an incentive for politicians to get closer to the people.

Miloslav Kala

Due to a generous number of items donated to the Tahoe-Douglas Chamber for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and the difficulty in transporting these goods to the impacted areas, we are conducting a yard sale on Saturday.

Kathleen Farrell

We just have to be ready to have a plan B in place, whether that means calling in additional water resources, where they transport water in to us, or finding other water sources such as other hydrants a longer distance away, that requires more manpower and more apparatus.

Capt. Michael Pruitt

This report backs the Reserve Bank remaining on hold ahead. Weakness in retail and transport is being mitigated by a pickup in mining and construction.

Michael Every

I served as transport minister, construction minister and policy chief (of the LDP). That's all thanks to you (voters).

Shizuka Kamei

There is something Canada can do because the ships would have to travel through internal Canadian waters and if the government of Canada says 'no' to the transport of those tankers through those waters, the project would not go ahead.

Greg Thompson

We are not avid rail fans. We are essentially tourists travelling around the country to see things, using rail as the prime means of transport wherever possible.

John Chamberlin

The trucks will transport food and non-food items urgently needed by the hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom have been without food and shelter since the quake struck.

Vincent Charles

We will require to export more onion to protect the farmers in the wake of high production and transport subsidy will go a big way in serving this purpose.

Alok Ranjan

This is yet another example of the government saying something about transport and the environment that the small print renders useless. How can the government trumpet its green credentials with a zero rate of tax when people can't actually buy the cars that would benefit from it?

Chris Grayling

Being there really sealed for me the fact that the world needs to hold onto the culture they have. It is so transporting. It just takes you out of the place where you've been and into a completely new area.

Dwight Gee

The elegance of Phoenix is its unprecedented ability to 'follow the modern water cycle' at the surface of Mars by investigating the geochemical signatures of water ice and the polar water transport story in the atmosphere.

Jim Garvin

Pearl River told me they didn't do that anymore that that program ended last year. I used them last year and they helped transport a patient for two weeks before they said it took too much time.

John Poole

By far the biggest expense in this process was shifting the cargo from land transport to ship at the port of departure and moving it back to truck or train at the other end of the ocean voyage.

Marc Levinson

Our architecture is set up so that you can stream any media through any transport, from any protocol to any device with full security built in.

George Fraser

We are operating a bus and train shuttle service for those who didn't get the message [to look for alternative transport]. This is primarily for those already at stations.

Riana Scott

Part of the problem is her parents live in Taiwan and she only has the Rutgers Medical Insurance. They can't transport her back to Taiwan because she is in such serious condition.

Yumi Oshima

Regardless of what Minnesota law says, parents should not allow their teen to ride with other teen drivers, nor should they be allowed to transport other teens in the first year of driving. It's tempting to be lured by the convenience of having other options for getting kids to and from school and practices, but the risks are just too great.

Gail Weinholzer

When you include the issues that can occur during the processing and distribution stages as well as transport, designing an ocean cargo policy that addresses the full scope of potential pitfalls can be a formidable task. The broad, automatic features and streamlined reporting process offered through Cargo Elite makes it an ideal product for importers and exporters.

George Butler

We've got scenarios in which parents were making actual gut-wrenching decisions to hand their child up to the front of a line of transport to get them safe. Parents performed heroic acts to try and keep their children safe, sometimes to the detriment of their own safety.

Nancy Mcbride

In 40 minutes, an agent can see 10 actors transport the audience to 10 different places. Matches really are being made.

Robert Galinsky

We're not just focusing on this week, as far as influencing people to use other modes of transport. We're introducing a viable option for the community to consider getting around in our community.

Dekova Batey

As long as the bird flu has yet to be stopped, no transport is allowed.

Phan Van Khai

The humanity of our country is at stake if it is truly against the law to transport someone for emergency medical purpose. What's happened to `Give me your tired and your poor?'

William Walker

This is the biggest give-back in Transport Union history, we cannot allow it to happen.

John Mooney

But the reality is that there are significant gaps in processing capacity here and demand for live cattle on the continent. We would far rather that demand was met by UK cattle where the transport is strictly regulated to ensure the highest standards of welfare.

James Withers

We've got to produce energy, we've got to take care of the farmers and we've got to transport goods. We can engineer those. We can make those work.

Liz Hamilton

Our clubs should also have a number of technical sponsors who could cater for such things as transport and other welfare benefits for their players and staff.

Joseph Goromonzi

The schooner Anne and Reuben was used to transport granite from Maine, and some of that helped build the base for the Statue of Liberty.

Clayton Allen

I think it's premature for the EPA to make that judgment. It begs the question of why transport a substance across miles and miles for disposal when a process for treating it on-site would be preferable.

Jane Nogaki

Gas comes from Salt Lake refineries in North Salt Lake. Most oil companies have their own trucks to transport it.

Larry Richardson

These agencies provide a safe haven for children in times of need, and we must help ensure that they are able to transport these children safely, as well.

Joyce Prager

We were pleased the tent was put up correctly and the suits went on properly and quickly, ... And we worked well with the Med-Act people. Our one frustration, inside the tent, was that when we were ready (to decontaminate) another person we didn't (always) have a bed outside to transport the previous patient away.

Nancy Anderson

This money will help make the railway a viable transport link in the Wear Valley. It will help rebuild the infrastructure and part fund newly created jobs on the system.

John Holmes

The evacuation of bodies is still continuing. Twenty bodies are still at the scene but they have been included in the tally. We will use a helicopter if land transport is not possible.

Teduh Tedjo

Juan not only achieved his flight instructor rating but also had an advanced instrument instructor rating. After six months as a charter pilot, Juan became an airline transport pilot. He accomplished all of this while working at odd jobs to pay his living and flying expenses. Without a doubt, Juan is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen.

Ron Gatewood

This is mobile instant messaging, from your phone, with your voice. You can see who's available online and call them. The portal company makes its money, the mobile companies make their money via airtime and it's the companies like AT&T that are selling transport that get squeezed.

Jacob Guedalia

At the time we were approached with the idea, gasoline prices were still going up, and there was no bus service that could transport the individuals to their certain destination. Now that it's in effect, hopefully, people will support it and make it easier for going to places like the mall and Wal-Mart.

Scott Bias

We think the video arraignment is a great project. It's one of the best ideas the county has come up with. You don't have to transport the prisoners.

Jennifer Marlinga

Link the entire country through a network of transport infrastructure.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

We need to transport our students and we need to feed our students while we're down there.

Vicki Lightcap

Before the container, transporting goods was expensive. So expensive that it did not pay to ship many things halfway across the country, much less halfway across the world.

Marc Levinson

I think my escape from the Siberian Transport was my most difficult performance. I was placed in the great vault usually assigned to political prisoners, and when the great door was shut, I had the hardest time of my life, perhaps, in releasing myself. But nevertheless, it took me 18 minutes to walk out, and face the dazed officials.

Harry Houdini

We don't think that the Government of Barbados and the Ministry of International Transport have done justice to the officers, especially one particular officer at International Transport in protecting his rights.

Dennis Clarke

On that particular day, the incidents occurred while we were transporting people to Chicago for a work day.

John Parsons

Rehabilitating this facility is a great investment for us -- the facility itself is of tremendous value to TransPORT and the region, and a great location for our first port development -- it puts us in a whole new ball game.

Dan Silverthorn

NATO has been supporting Haj pilgrimage for those Afghans who wish to go to Saudi Arabia. The Alliance has played a role in helping transport concerning their security as they leave and come back to Afghanistan.

James Appathurai

It means that all fishermen will only be able to possess and transport seven-times the daily limit of any game fish.

Ron Garavelli

(We will provide) technical rescue for the fire service, safety officers for the responders themselves (and) flammable liquid specialists. We're transporting our own fuel.

Roger Johnson

I don't think it's wise at all to be transporting this stuff. We don't want to ship it off somewhere else, they don't want to receive it, and I don't think very many people in the middle have been notified that it's coming through.

Leonard Akers

At the moment we have a contract to transport general workers from Bathurst to Port Alfred where they work, everyday. Also we take people to just about anywhere, Cape Town, Durban or Johannesburg... business is good indeed.

Andile Bentele

I hope they put them in prison for a long time. We cannot tolerate people transporting illegal aliens under the guise of humanitarian aide.

Laine Lawless

Bombings on some of the gas pipelines have affected operations in one of our oilfields leading to disruption of crude oil supply. We are now transporting oil to the refineries using tankers.

Nripen Bharali

British ferries have stopped transporting live animals to the Continent. This has made it very difficult for England fans to get to away matches.

Jo Brand

In business, time is money, and an hour can make or break a deal. By reducing the airport commute up to 90% with a fast, reliable and cost-efficient mode of transport, business travelers are now able to maximize their time at the office.

Jerry Murphy

With the geological advantages, the pipeline we are building would be a speedy and convenient shortcut to transport oil from Russia.

Tao Ran

It's illegal to transport roosters across state lines or for foreign export for animal fighting.

John Goodwin

We were given transport, communications. We were well equipped.

Colonel Adoum Maratis

We realize that it's more than transport. Getting a video packet from point A to point B has to be as easy and spontaneous as making a phone call. We've integrated services that mimic what you're used to in the telephone world into the video world. We call it VOIP Plus; it's what VOIP will be when it grows up.

Eric Murphy

Manufacturing job losses in the second half of 2005 pushed Arkansas' overall job growth for the fourth quarter to zero. However, Arkansas firms ... benefiting from the opening of the Japanese and other Asian beef markets, and J.B. Hunt Transport, profiting from the U.S. economic expansion, will drive Arkansas job growth higher in the first half of 2006.

Ernie Goss

The Minister of Transport issued this appeal to motorists: Can anyone give him a lift to Leicester?

Eric Idle

Roads through previously remote rain forests create easy access for commercial hunters to find and transport endangered forest animals to city markets.

Erick Brownstein

I don?t think anyone believes Venezuela can launch an attack using transport planes. Venezuela is buying light rifles, transport aircraft, helicopters. There is no real comparison.

Enrique Obando

Is analogous to building part of an airplane in a factory and part of the airplane on the runway. You can imagine that's a pretty expensive way to split the construction so the fact that we can just do the entire integrated rocket, transport it as a single unit, that definitely reduces costs.

Elon Musk

The accumulation of personal wealth and the extension of commercial transactions have developed a great and lamentable increase in certain classes of crimes, while the improvements in transport have largely facilitated the escape of fugitive criminals.

Edward Blake

We received overwhelming support from transport operators but there were concerns voiced by taxi representatives. One of their main apprehensions was that there are so many taxi associations that it will be difficult to come up with single fare system for taxis.

Zwelakhe Mayaba

The oil price increase surely will have impact on China's economy as 40 percent of oil consumed in the country is imported, ... especially on some sectors, like agricultural means of production, oil refinery and public transport. But the impact is limited.

Zheng Jingping

With improved transport, and with so many people moving around the country like never before, it is vital people are able to communicate with each other.

Zhang Shiping