110 quotes about surprisingly follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Earnings growth has been surprisingly low for drug stocks and there is more of that to come as we go through a cycle of patent expirations, ... But I think the stocks are close to being washed out and if you have patience they will do quite well over a longer period of time.

Daniel Boone

Surprisingly, one in Providence, Rhode Island, just shows that big-time congestion can come to small and medium size cities. In addition, Tampa, Florida; San Jose, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; San Diego, California; and Cincinnati, Ohio; are all new to the top ranking this year.

Bill Buff

Not surprisingly - especially in the case of retail banks - not only is revenue climbing steeply, but banks have also been watching their expenses, and through the year made gains in improving efficiencies.

Anton De Souza

Surprisingly, Utah is the second highest in the nation in the number of eighth-graders taking algebra, but we are still low in achievement. Our state math core only goes through linear equations.

David Wright

It was surprisingly touching. It's more real than words on a page.

Sarah Olson

There are surprisingly few real students of the game in baseball; partly because everybody, my eighty-three year old grandmother included, thinks they learned all there was to know about it at puberty. Baseball is very beguiling that way.

Alvin Dark

Surprisingly I'm actually starting to pick at that area for the first time in a long time.

Marc Klee

Grooves get cut into the ice so it has to be flooded each week. You put it on in layers so it freezes up by the following week. Surprisingly, with the weather we have been having, our track is in really good shape right now.

Bob Demesy

The surprisingly weak quantitative literacy ability of many college graduates is troubling. A knowledgeable workforce is vital to cope with the increasing demands of the global marketplace.

Stephane Baldi

It went surprisingly well for these teams being in a match together for the first time. Both teams fought hard - we still have more challenge matches to go, so I can't say this is going to be the lineup we're going to go with all season.

Mary Rea Pipa

The trust fund is doing unexpectedly and surprisingly well.

Karen Lee

Just because people were extremely concerned in the first days after Katrina hit does not mean that spending has fallen apart. Indeed, the weekly chain store sales results suggest that the impact so far has been surprisingly modest.

Steve Stanley

The news out of Sun on the Niagara product is surprisingly weak. Based on Sun's early descriptions, the Niagara architecture appears to be targeting a niche (market).

Karl Freund

She's got a surprisingly good short game and nothing bothers her. But her second nine in the 18-hole rounds tends to hurt her. That's something we're working on.

Ann Curtis

80 percent of the hard work is still in front of us. But in the past, North Korea has been surprisingly flexible if the right incentives were offered.

Joel Wit

I think we're going to see very strong reports for both Dell and H.P.. All the evidence suggests that PC's, including servers, are selling surprisingly well.

Mark Stahlman

Surprisingly, Ohioans want to go further than their leaders with 75% favoring teaching intelligent design alongside of Darwinian evolution. Even after all the attacks on intelligent design by the dogmatic Darwin-only lobby, the public clearly wants to know more about the theory and make up their own minds.

Robert Crowther

Anyone who has ever gone through this knows how tough it is. Surprisingly, they've handled it well. It's no fun, but they're ready to go at the next practice or the next game. They're a resilient group.

Neil Dougherty

People are getting nervous about U.S. data. It is a lesson learnt from the New York market's tumble following surprisingly strong price data.

Tetsuya Ishijima

Racing has been surprisingly close. The rating system has done a very good job of comparing the boats. We tied a race, which is really rare. Other races have been decided by seconds. You can't get much closer.

Dee Smith

The numbers are surprisingly strong. I normally expect HP to miss Q3 and I expect Dell to beat it, so this is a big role reversal.

Barry Mills

Looking back, I think we were all quite mature, surprisingly responsible. In earlier wars, boys of our age had just gone off to raise hell or enlist or both, but we stayed dutifully at our desks doing tomorrow's homework.

John Knowles

I think the economy will be surprisingly strong in the first half. The real question is: What comes after that?

Christoph Bianchet

Overall we have not seen that many seats that changed hands one way or the other, and Republicans did surprisingly well in the East, enough to offset any late Democratic advantage in the West.

Stuart Rothenberg

Not surprisingly, 85 per cent said spam and virus protection had been their number one concern in 2005.

Andrew Lochart

Surprisingly the test was positive.

Jose Maria

It was a surprisingly empowering feeling.

Jack Fultz

In the past, advertising campaigns have been planned long in advance. But now advertising has become increasingly responsive to pop culture, so the campaigns can rest on something that's surprisingly recent.

Lucian James

The response was amazing. Surprisingly, the media picked it up and ran with it. We were getting countless numbers of phone calls from people who wanted to know where they could purchase it.

Puggy Blackmon

We launched it on Sunday and got over 1000 downloads. ... The feedback from viewers has been overwhelmingly positive. Not surprisingly, people are telling us that they like to watch TV.

David Steiner

The girls? bats were surprisingly silent against River Valley, especially in that first game.

Roy Nash

Although many employers no longer offer character references, they will still confirm or deny an employee's dates of employment and overall role at the company. Surprisingly, these are the most common details for a job seeker to exaggerate.

Brad Fredericks

He's fitting in really well. He's fitting into the scheme surprisingly well. He's a quick learner; he learned the defense really quick from what I hear. Personality-wise, he's great.

Ricky Phillips

Used throughout a room, orange can become surprisingly neutral, and yet it can be bright and mood-enhancing.

Jonathan Adler

I expect good numbers from Canon again. Canon's cameras are doing surprisingly well despite an industry-wide price slump. They are committed to keeping up margins.

Taiji Yoshida

The report was surprisingly weak and highlights the reality that, until forced to do so by ever-increasing demand, firms will not commit to new workers.

Joel Naroff

You'd think that in the winter months, people wouldn't use the park as much. Surprisingly, we have found the opposite to be true. Members bring their pets here if snow is on the ground or if it's raining outside.

Megan Owens

The Berkshire Hathaway commitment generated a lot of interest, not surprisingly.

David Heiman

Surprisingly, he had only minor injuries.

Victor Penman

With no debate in Congress or directive from the White House, the Pentagon has narrowly defined its role as 'homeland defense' against an enemy attack from outside the United States, limiting its role in disaster response to a last-resort backfill for civil authorities. Not surprisingly, that philosophy dictates a very passive posture.

Stephen Flynn

Baker has a strong radio presence and has run a surprisingly strong campaign in the countryside. But there are still very deep political fault lines in Haiti that extend from Aristide.

Dan Erikson

Not surprisingly, especially in the case of retail banks, not only is revenue climbing steeply but banks have also been watching their expenses and through the year made gains in efficiencies.

Anton De Souza

It's been surprisingly painless. I thought things might be a little rougher than they have been. The parents from Apollo have been fairly supportive. But the Sauk Rapids people have been really happy as far as having a program for their kids to play in.

Nathan Hampton

Not surprisingly, the disclosure of information about unsuspected paternity comes with potentially devastating effects.

David L. Katz

I think everyone was really so shocked, ... There was really surprisingly little discussion.

Robert Grossman

There is a very tight basic supply/demand balance around the world, and economic growth has been surprisingly strong so far this year.

Patricia Mohr

We think that with the risk of surprisingly tight U.S. monetary policy diminishing as the U.S. economy decelerates, and with the peso strong, the scales are tipped to a 50bp east at the January meeting.

Michael Gavin

It's tough for the kids but we had a surprisingly good season.

David Harackiewicz

He has caught on surprisingly fast. The one thing he has going for him is he's played in the NFL and started a lot of ball games. So, he understands football.

Jim Bates

In the locker room (after the second period) the mood was surprisingly good. We knew we could come back.

Drew Leblanc

Runs have been surprisingly hard to come by during the early season. I guess we've been coming around slowly, but we really broke out today. I hope we can keep it up at Andrew today in the SouthWest Suburban.

Terry Piazza

The pickup in imports is in line with the sense we had that the slowdown in the U.S. economy is close to its bottom, ... To some extent, last month's trade balance seemed surprisingly narrow, and this number is more in line with our basic view of the economy. We continue to see a U.S. economy that is growing slowly, but definitely growing.

David Roberts

It has been surprisingly calm today.

Wayne Gerke

We recorded that EP with an aspiring sound engineer and played a lot of graduation parties. Surprisingly, we grew the most after I left for Marquette (in fall 2004). We've learned how to play our instruments really well in the past year.

Jack Jostes

In Poland, we could pay for groceries with a credit card, ... Surprisingly enough, campgrounds take charge cards.

Carol Mickelsen

Not surprisingly, when we have a market that's not quite sure about direction, you're going to see real volatile days like this where things are turning on emotion rather than on any underlying fundamental.

Kate Warne

Very surprisingly, they're almost a cross section of the United States.

Rick Mayes

Our third spot did surprisingly well on both days. They enabled us to get the doubles point early on Friday.

Amy Jensen

Travel restrictions are likely to be surprisingly ineffective, at best buying a little time (days or at best weeks, but not months) for other interventions to be put into place.

Timothy Germann

Surprisingly, the main driver of the upside of the quarter was Ford's automotive operations.

John Murphy

Maybe not surprisingly, any disturbance in the flow of information across the nuclear membrane can alter cell functioning.

Martin Hetzer

They?re a seasoned team. They?re very, very well-coached. They play extremely hard. They?re surprisingly physical. They?re a very good passing team and a very solid shooting team.

Larry Hunter

Tentacles [of private industry] have reached further into university, generally under people's radar, with surprisingly little controversy.

Tom Mcdonough

Surprisingly, it appears that after even the most severe fires, the forest is naturally very resilient, more than it?s often given credit for.

Dan Donato

Surprisingly, as of December 30, they [Ukraine] have not said how much natural gas they want Russia to supply next year. They simply cannot give a figure, cannot say how much gas they need.

Sergei Kupriyanov

Surprisingly, many of our clients who are in their 50s are already planning ahead and incorporating design elements to help in the aging process.

Jim Kuhn

The first day of school went surprisingly well. The contractor hadn't gotten the no parking signs out, but students weren't parking on Maplewood.

Jack Barnes

Things are looking great for retailers, surprisingly so. Retail stocks are usually sleepy and nobody really pays attention to them. But the chances of a first quarter earnings surprise, on the positive side, are very great right now - across the board.

Patrick Gallagher

He sounds surprisingly good, strong, like he had gotten some of his fight back. I think just shutting the engine down for a couple of days has helped him immensely.

Frank Keel

What was very surprisingly to us is that while all five patients were homozygous for a mutation in the gene, as expected, all had the same mutation in this gene.

S. Auerbach

Surprisingly, the stereotype that people don't like monolithic clones of McDonald's-type stores is ... so much not the case ... Part of the appeal [of Starbucks] is that it is the same everywhere -- you can go in and know exactly what you're getting.

Robert Meyer

The need for global PR is increasing as more U.S. companies of all sizes venture into overseas markets. Not surprisingly, the survey data shows there's a gap between the need and execution of international programs, and it's tied to poor communication between the various global PR hubs.

Todd Defren

[Not surprisingly, AMD sees things differently.] It's clear the market is forcing Intel to respond to AMD, and Intel is betting its success on another stopgap solution, ... Unfortunately Intel is clouding the enterprise market with solutions that run hotter and offer minimal performance gains.

Henri Richard

Machines this small tend to stick to everything they touch, the way sand sticks to your feet after a day at the beach, ... So we built these microrobots without any wheels or hinged joints, which must slide smoothly on their bearings. Instead, these robots move by bending their bodies like caterpillars. At very small scales, this machine is surprisingly fast.

National Institute

During the past few years, earnings have done far better than what economic growth alone would have suggested. Interestingly, we have found that the wider-than-expected profit margin, courtesy of surprisingly benign cost pressures, has helped turn good earnings performance into outstanding earnings performance in recent years.

Francois Trahan

Some people like it, and some people don't like it at all. Maybe surprisingly, some of the people who like it the most are some of the old ranchers. They understand cisterns.

Stephen Gist

We played good defense today on a slow field. Surprisingly, the field was in good shape after the rain.

Jim Titus

Despite the weather being obviously less than ideal, the conditions have been surprisingly good.

Heather Atwell

Surprisingly, they're great for the conditions. You couldn't ask to get more for calves than they're bringing.

Reginald Rieger

Republicans, not surprisingly, have more confidence in Giuliani's chances of becoming president than do Democrats, but a majority of groups actually think that Giuliani has a fairly good chance.

Mickey Blum

The current business structure is 50 years old, and not surprisingly needs updating. Balancing the needs of racing as a sport and racing as a business will be of critical importance. We think our proposed legislation is a good first step in that direction.

Tim Smith

It was an incredibly good year; surprisingly good.

Dennis Desrosiers

If you look carefully at the way that they gathered data for that report, it was simply a matter of interviewing police officers and asking them if they profiled based on race. Not surprisingly, they said no.

Kent Willis

We try to reach out to the kids. Surprisingly, a lot of the older church folks show us support. They say, 'Hey, whatever it takes to get the young people in the church ...' because they see the need.

Brad Clark

[Not surprisingly, Mitchell has a counter.] There's about $100 million in it, ... Starcom was always on top and oops, they're now not. Prior to Nielsen's numbers, everyone used to lie, including us, I might say. But Mr Leeds seems to have most trouble adding up. It's not good for a media man.

Harold Mitchell

This is a surprisingly strong start of the year.

John Silvia

These fractions are surprisingly high. We would have expected them to be exhausted by 2003.

Dale Hurst

Surprisingly, we learned that within the boundaries of obvious pitch velocity and anthropometric differences, elite youth pitchers in many aspects use pitch techniques similar to pro pitching techniques.

Mike Torry

The U.S. economy has proved to be surprisingly capable of absorbing such shocks and, after a short period, the effects of Katrina are likely to slow but not stall the forward progress of the national economy.

Anthony Santomero

Surprisingly, only 35 smoking rooms were reserved through 2010. We called all 35 people and let them know of the new policy.

Rob Doughty

The health and environmental effects ... have been relatively and surprisingly minor.

Kalman Mizsei

Surprisingly, I sold about 3,000 copies at shows and in communities back home. I knew then we had something.

Chad Bradford

For the past few months, core C.P.I. has been surprisingly well behaved. You would be very hard-pressed to find such a long stretch of benign numbers.

Anthony Karydakis

The pitch is surprisingly heavy, although it is not as bad as Chelsea's. It has obviously been used a lot by Edinburgh.

Andy Robinson

Not surprisingly, logistics become quite a big thing when you're working with ice.

Heidi Bayley

In the first quarter, we had high capital market revenue because trading revenue was high but investment banking revenue was weak. I think this quarter we are going to see an explosion in investment banking revenue and what I'm hearing from companies is the trading revenue is surprisingly staying up.

Ruchi Madan

A fair chunk of people signing up for this course are from the public sector, ... But surprisingly there is a lot of interest from utility companies and financial services where there is obviously a strong adherence to procedures and processes.

Robert Chapman

He's just a good athlete. He throws surprisingly well and he can run. That's the kind of guys I like.

Willie Slater

GM's numbers are surprisingly bad.

Pete Hastings

This is Social Security, and the government is not going to get itself into a situation where it has to cover for a lot of cowboys out there, ... There will be standards and they probably will be written tighter...we have a pretty good private pension system and it's very regulated, and there are surprisingly few blow-ups.

Paul Hewitt

The President spent surprisingly little time talking about health care in his address, an issue of primary concern to everyone. But the ideas he did espouse are more about saving money than getting people health care.

Judith Stein

It's a pretty wild race, really funny and a great event to watch. Some of the contraptions can get going surprisingly fast.

John Seaberry

The kids did surprisingly well with the travel difficulties. They were very professional, they prepared very well and they kept that focus from practice and were able to strike the ball real well.

Amy Jensen

I think that people are going to stay at home because of fears of terrorism and that domestic travel is going to be a surprisingly strong business, ... And I think the companies that are poised to benefit from that, Frontier and Continental, are going to do very well.

Ken Heebner

Photographers are placing the highest priority on generating new business, creating a more efficient workflow, and using the Web for marketing and sales. Not surprisingly, when we turn to issues related to digital photo editing and the publishing process, their primary challenges seem to center upon workflow time, color management, and photo management.

Jeff Hayes

The changes are big and bold, and so the 'Change' launch campaign is big and bold. But that's the idea -- great tempting food that is surprisingly from McDonald's.

John Hawkes

While the economic data have been all over the place in recent weeks, there are no obvious signs that the economy is cracking in the face of record energy prices. Indeed, the export and production data have been surprisingly perky.

Douglas Porter

Surprisingly, the main driver of the upside in the quarter was Ford's automotive operations, which posted a pretax loss of $12 million, much better than our forecast for a loss of $910 million. Within automotive, North America accounted for the majority of the upside.

John Murphy

Enceladus is surprisingly warm, internally fractured and active ...

Carolyn Porco

September sales were surprisingly resilient in the face of significantly higher gasoline prices. While this is reassuring, the question remains: 'How long can the consumer maintain the current spending rate given expectations for continued pressure from energy prices?

Emme Kozloff