Mr. Harper will receive a copy of the report when the (Liberal) government gets it.

Hali Gernon

This is the hardest decision I have made in my life and it feels like a part of me has died, ... If given a choice, I would prefer to receive some form of non-judicial punishment, return to flight status, and continue to use all of the training I have received to benefit the Air Force in my country.

Kelly Flinn

I can't tell you overall how we stand. Based on the information we receive, we'll build contingency plans off that.

Jon Arnold

When a man gets to despair he knows that all his thinking will never get him out. He will only get out by the sheer creative effort of God. Consequently he is in the right attitude to receive from God that which he cannot gain for himself.

Oswald Chambers

We came out and our serve receive picked up. Our serve receive was weak that third game, but we were able to stop it and move forward. And that's getting more mature when you can apply something and stop it for that next game. I was really proud of them for that.

Lora Pate

My goal in our music is for the Lord to receive the Glory and honor from all that I do. Without him we would not have been able to do anything and it is only for his glory that we strive to do the best that we can.

Kevin Lane

Those attending this course will receive practical training in the skills needed to write content designed to maximize the effectiveness of their organizations' Web sites.

Jennifer Urick

What's important about this program is they can live anywhere in the U.S. and will receive transportation. They do not have to have an income of their own. They're not alone in this program. It's really a good program and it'll give them a chance to get on their feet.

Patricia Campbell

We are honored to receive this award from General Motors. It is especially gratifying as Motion Industries serves to set the benchmark for quality.

Bill Stevens

The local board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds available under this phase of the program.

Helen Hemmes

It was terrifying to receive the news that they had done so poorly in that first 24 hours.

Nicole Draper

Perquimans is a more solid team than we are. They serve and receive outstanding and do it better than we do.

Rock Hudnall

This is the greatest honor I could ever receive.

Jim Calhoun

In one month if refineries, processing plants, pipelines and other onshore infrastructure are in operation to receive, prepare and transport it to the consumer.

Rebecca Watson

Approximately 4,000 people receive food assistance on a weekly basis through our recipient agencies.

Michelle Harutunian

The true clinical importance of our findings, in which patients and practitioners need to balance the risk of these infections with the benefits that patients with acne will receive from this therapy, will require further investigation.

David Margolis

They all did really well. It's the first time any South swimmers have been on the podium to receive awards so that's very exciting for us.

Mike Heuke

Once we receive additional funding, we'll branch out a bit beyond the city limits, but it is unlikely we'll ever be able to afford to provide fiber to the entire county.

Jane Howard

It seems like there is a lot of baggage that you receive from winning that award. I'd just as soon finish second.

Jody Gerut

We've had no problems so far. We've also since discovered another bonus with using Linux; we receive far less spam and have less problems with computer viruses.

Greg Tourell

No one believes that we would get that top figure. There is speculation that it would be between the 19 and 21 million additional dollars. If you factor in declining enrollment, we'll probably receive a little bit more than we did last year.

Marjorie Kaplan

We're hoping to receive the bodies in South Africa within the next two weeks because the families need to get closure. This is about the families now.

Brian Bruce

Players from the Electricians receive good coaching.

Joe Burcar

We are pleased to receive approval of the transaction in Idaho and appreciate the efforts of the commission and all parties to the proceeding working together to reach an agreement that is fair and equitable to all stakeholders.

Greg Abel

We're benefit specialists. We help them through the bureaucratic maze of the VA and filing for benefits that they may be entitled to receive because of their service-connected wartime injuries.

Gregory Jones

Should we receive information about a specific and credible threat, that information would be shared with all potentially affected.

Phil Reeker

The key message here is when you purchase a ticket for any venue outside the authorized purchasing method, you are not guaranteed to receive a valid ticket. If you go through a classified ad in the newspaper or on eBay, those tickets are not guaranteed.

Barb Preuss

Of course, we are happy to receive this aid, but at the same time, we are trading our dignity for 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of sorghum, ... The Fulani man has never counted on anybody for assistance, just Mother Nature.

Amadou Doutchi

The more money we receive, the nicer books we can afford.

Suzanne Chase

We're charging hard for the future, we'll keep up with the growth. We can guarantee that everyone needing our services will receive it.

Wayne Jordan

This is another great day for the Air Force, the Lockheed Martin-led industry team, and of course our nation, to receive such a validating test rating.

Larry Lawson

Under the KEEP plan, we advocate monies going to all counties regardless of where the casino operations are located. This is an equity issue, and we feel it is only fair for all counties to receive the benefits of gaming. We are pleased to add the KCJEA to our list of partners who supports this bill, and we look forward to working with them during the legislative process.

Jim Navolio

While today's kids can receive email through their cell phones or use the Internet to do their homework, many don't know the basics of saving and money management.

Dana Hurst

We are honored to receive this award. The talent and culture of Babson really does create a uniquely powerful higher-education environment.

Patricia Green

Regardless of who you are or what group you're in, there is a significant gap between the care you deserve and the care you receive.

Reed Tuckson

But communication is two-sided - vital and profound communication makes demands also on those who are to receive it... demands in the sense of concentration, of genuine effort to receive what is being communicated.

Roger Sessions

The concern is that the maximum amount a household can receive has not changed to match the rising cost of home heating fuel. I suppose right now we're doing a lot of praying that that it's not going to be as hard a winter as it could be.

Judy Kennedy

What we were not able to avoid today, just like yesterday, was volatility. We have to see how investors receive the information (about Iraq and the budget negotiations).

Hector Jimenez

Our boys know how valuable it is to receive a tournament seed.

Norm Sedig

The main objective is to help prepare everyone to receive tornado warnings.

Joe Paul Boone

[But after an immediate uproar here, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry began backpedaling.] There is no accord yet, only an idea, ... This is a theme that needs to be examined when we receive a concrete proposal.

Celso Amorim

Employees who do not contribute enough to receive their employer's full matching contribution are leaving free money on the table.

Lori Lucas

Glen Carbon is still eligible to receive the exhibit. With its cutting of personnel at the museum, it is causing us to review the application. We need to make sure that there is going to be enough personnel support and community support to back up this exhibit.

Bryan Lewis

For the parade, every veteran will receive a grand marshal badge and be in the parade.

Phyllis Helphenstine

It was built to give native students a place to receive their education in a culturally appropriate place. It acts as a bridge connecting the campus and the surrounding native community.

Tina Kuckkahn

If this year we'll receive $18 million instead of $23 million, we'll have to allocate funds differently.

Scott Brockman

Only as long as a company can produce a desired, worthwhile, and needed product or service, and can command the public, will it receive the public dollar and succeed.

Curtis Carlson

These are very serious allegations. We will immediately begin to investigate these claims and if we determine there has been misconduct on the part of the coach, the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. This matter will receive immediate and complete attention.

Darryl Seibel

Jerry Lewis is the last person who should receive the Governor's Award. Far from helping, Lewis' annual telethons tell millions of viewers that people with Muscular Dystrophy and other disabilities are pitiful individuals who are helpless to ever live independently.

Mike Ervin

We want to make sure we receive our fair share of that displaced business, but at the same time we don't want to be predatory.

Mark White

We are truly honored to receive this award from the Child Welfare League of America. Like the League, we are an organization comprised of individuals that put children first. We share your passion and appreciate the recognition you have provided us this evening.

Kevin Hyman

Gambro manipulated the system to receive improper Medicaid payments, and this scheme cost taxpayers across the country millions of dollars.

Jay Nixon

You can receive information about the broad outline of a specific plot and not have enough granularity to the information that allows for the type of follow-up that law enforcement can do.

Roger Cressey

In our industry, it's not unusual to receive a box with up to a dozen bar code labels on it from the manufacturer. The scan tunnel can differentiate the right bar code we need.

Doug Eckrote

In the early part of next week we plan to resolve the trial that this defendant was in on Friday, ... We hope that within a 30-day period we will receive the complete investigation from the Atlanta Police Department.

Paul Howard

We can't imagine Mr. Spinks wanting to do anything that could be as potentially harmful to Ohio County culture and history as this. If we do receive official notice, then we will respond at that time.

Campbell Mercer

It is so important that these relationships receive this recognition, so that no patient in a hospital, nursing home or convalescent center will ever be denied the comfort of being with their loved ones.

Rand Hoch

We did not receive a significant number of requests from customers who wanted to cancel existing reservations.

Tom Donahue

Companies of all sizes as well as consumers in Cincinnati now can conduct business faster than ever before with the same UPS convenience and reliability they have come to expect. And the enhancements work in both directions because our customers will benefit from this network upgrade when they receive packages coming into Cincinnati as well.

Kurt Kuehn

They recently receive approval to proceed.

Paul Mann

I saw moments of brilliance. We were just not real consistent. Our serve-receive was not as strong.

Carly Curtis

The best time to frame an answer to the letters of a friend, is the moment you receive them. Then the warmth of friendship, and the intelligence received, most forcibly cooperate.

William Shenstone

There was never an opportunity I asked for food and didn't receive it. People are so giving ... and they have really been a blessing in the past year when I've asked for food that we need.

David Warrick

We've become very well-known and through our exposure, we receive a lot of yearly invitations.

Andrew Yaracs

Despite this damage, about 90 percent of Gulf oil production could return to the market in one month, if refineries, processing plants, pipelines and other onshore infrastructure are in operation to receive, prepare and transport it to the consumer.

Rebecca Watson

I think we are going to see many more grants in the future that the city of Waynesville is going to apply for and receive.

Bruce Harrill

Now I begin to feel that all that is important comes in quietness and waiting; and that activity should be only the working out, the digesting and putting forth of what one learned, so that one may become empty again to receive more.

Rodney Collin

He's on top of things. He's monitoring the situation, and he will ensure that any person and every person who can be fed, who should receive clean water or medical care does so in a very fast manner.

Alfred Mutua

And I think there are folks in the White House ready to receive that pitch.

Manuel Miranda

I will not say who won or who lost. The people of Ukraine and Russia won. Europe won because it will calmly receive gas. Common sense won.

Yuriy Yekhanurov

The priority here is that individuals receive the care they need so they can maintain independence in the community. In addition, there will be a cost savings to the state.

Rob Kenny

The girls are in a position now that when they do well, they are going to receive the attention. I think that everything that has been asked is all fair and good. I'm just extremely happy to have the opportunity to work with Richard Childress. He's first class.

Sarah Fisher

It's an equity issue, and we understand if we are to receive a portion of the money. It doesn't seem unfair.

Kevin Gilmore

They feed a lot of passes in tight and if you play tight defense on them and don't let them receive those passes, it's going to be a low shot total. We played really well against them. We had our sticks on their sticks, and they dropped a lot of passes.

Pat O'toole

We didn't receive any complaints from the residents. That sort of led the committee into saying, maybe we ought to give it a try.

Mike Coll

Coors is honored to receive this recognition from HRC Foundation. We will continue to strengthen our company by supporting our diverse and talented employees, as well as the communities with whom we do business.

Frits Van Paasschen

Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.

Og Mandino

Education is what most receive, many pass on, and few possess.

Karl Kraus

Colorado realized the importance of the CHI PACC program and was ready to receive this waiver before Katrina. The hurricane has certainly elevated the need for children's relief programs, not only for those states directly impacted by the disaster, but for states like Colorado that are helping to absorb displaced citizens.

Joel Hefley

It is important we realize everyone pays the price. Fraudulent and erroneous claims rob our Medicare fund and often cheat people out of services they deserve to receive.

Jerry Mitchell

Parents should never have to choose between their child's health and safety and their ability to receive an education, ... The Child Medication Safety Act will help restore the right of parents to make decisions in the best interest of their children.

John Kline

I think we are eager to finish negotiation of the contract and to make it public. We expect the contract to receive significant public scrutiny.

Ronnie Chappell

To be an atheist requires an infinitely greater measure of faith than to receive all the great truths which atheism would deny.

Joseph Addison

He did his best. There is no question we can't change the things that happened and we take what we receive.

Jakob Kolliker

Cathy is an exceptional young lady. She is an outstanding student and intern, which she had to be to land the internship and receive the award. Our department is proud of her, and the way she managed her priorities, with a family, school and work, is commendable.

George Novak

We want to make sure every Floridian has had the opportunity to apply for and receive the assistance for which he or she is eligible. Don't make assumptions about whether or not you're eligible; call and apply by January 19.

Justin Demello

Would I love every person in this crime to receive life in the penitentiary? Absolutely. But we have had to work with the first two defendants to be able to achieve even charging Ms. Burwell.

Attorney Wes Nance

Even if you have the best facilities that cost millions of dollars, if you don't engage practically with patients, you won't have loyalty. You can have all the technology in the world. But what patients remember is the care they receive.

Gerard Van Grinsven

I think this is an example of how errors can occur in murder trials. Juries can receive information that is erroneous, factually wrong. Juries can make the wrong decision. I think this an excellent example of that.

Richard Auger

It's difficult to measure this offer as little is known about how the bidder would finance the transaction. While our initial feeling is to ignore the offer, it is academically possible that the bidder could receive funding, making this offer real.

Jon Cartwright

A lot of times, they need it. No one wants to wait six to eight weeks (to receive a check by mail).

Calvin Cole

They (refugees) have continued to receive half rations and we hope the generosity shown by the international community in the past will be repeated.

Jo Woods

We appeal to state banks to help. Contractors who receive job orders from us should not be asked to give collateral. The project itself or the contract of work should be deemed as the collateral.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

It's still an investigation so we can identify him, give it some closure and inform possible family members so he can receive a proper burial.

Jeff Young

For very little extra cost, our drivers can compete on a higher level and receive more for their efforts at our speedway.

Randy Mooneyham

A move to Division I will increase the exposure of the entire university, not just the athletics program. Recruiting will be a little easier, because of the national recognition NCCU will receive from being Division I.

Henry Dickerson

But the thing to remember is that nothing is free - someone has to feed the horse somewhere along the way. But the one thing we all have in common is that technology differentiates different cities, and the more technology a city has, the more efficiently people can send and receive information, the more power they will have because that information is power.

Jack Cassidy

These two defendants did not receive cash from McGriff.

Gerald Shargel

If you receive one it is because we really want you to be there. Please come and help congratulate these fantastic young people.

Martin Guildford

If ordinary citizens could use their Senate seats to receive $80 million in state contracts, we could all afford to put $2 million into our campaigns.

Trav Robertson

Only establishments that meet the extensive quality criteria required to become AAA Approved receive an AAA Diamond rating.

Brenda Yager

If people receive executables in the mail, they should not run them.

Carey Nachenberg

He is a dangerous quarterback. As a defensive back, you have to be aware he's going to try and run you over or sit back there and beat you on the pass. He was recruited by everyone in the country. He didn't receive all those accolades and honors for nothing. He's put up some good numbers. He's starting to run this offense well.

Roman Harper

We want to get as many people as possible to receive their training and get into the Red Cross system.

Mike Adametz

(I'm) definitely encouraged and enthusiastic that in the end he'll ultimately receive an order granting him a new trial.

John Trevena

They didn't really say much, but they did tell us if we worked on our ACT and GPA, we might be able to receive it. It got my attention because my parents couldn't pay for me.

Loren Smith

When requests come in from Congress, of course they receive appropriate consideration.

Paul Gimigliano

God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.

Billy Graham

The plan we're working on today would change between when we receive the certification from the DOT and change again when we finally launch the airline.

Stacy Geagan

Those clients with money who can hire private counsel can receive a lot more services than we can offer.

Rebecca Murrell

We realized that we were going to build a new city within a city — a lot of planning, trying to be able to receive the anticipated 25,000 evacuees. We weren't sure when they were going to be able to leave, how many buses to expect and when.

Mark Sloan

Companies of all sizes as well as consumers in Atlanta now can conduct business faster than ever before with the same UPS convenience and reliability they have come to expect. And the enhancements work in both directions because our customers will benefit from this network upgrade when they receive packages coming into Atlanta as well.

Kurt Kuehn

We have been informed of this potential opportunity. As with all other potential investments, we will review any information provided when we receive it and give this opportunity consideration as warranted.

Arthur Blank

Our stockholders will receive a sizable premium over current market levels and our company will be able to continue its tradition of providing outstanding service to our customers.

Paul Arnold

Always expresses solidarity with nations that face natural catastrophes and extends most of the aid they receive.

Amr Moussa

The hospital has been very cooperative. Once we receive their plan of correction and approve it, the probation would be lifted.

Laura Wentz

If all the '06 projects stay where they're at, we need to balance that out between '07 and 2010. We're pretty much going to be dealing with the existing programs and are likely going to be moving some projects back because we did receive less funds.

Kevin Blanshan

This is one of the highs. I don't think there is any more, this is it for me. I'm really surprised to receive this so young. I expected it to come later on, when I was older.

Patrick Rafter

All this climate of terror give us a clear indication of the kind of sentence that Nur will receive.

Gamila Ismail

We're always happy to receive gifts of money, which is the most flexible kind of gift. We can buy food with it at probably as cheap a cost as can be.

Bob Bowen

Bruno Rossi was a giant at MIT, and as an MIT professor, I am humbled to receive an award named in his honor.

Deepto Chakrabarty

All Patrick employees who went to Pacific National when the joint venture was formed in 2002 were required to resign from Patrick and did not receive further options from Patrick.

Chris Corrigan

We did look at the powder blue road uniforms, but this time we did not go that far. I receive a lot of e-mails and calls about bringing back the power blues.

Dave Witty

It's pretty neat because the owls are fascinating and we receive far fewer of them than injured dogs and cats.

Scott Delucchi

I enjoy the love I receive from my fans and my audience. But I think I know what is real for me and what is not.

Aamir Khan

The Act cuts direct payments available to farmers before planting in 2007 from 50% to 22% of the total annual payment. This does not affect what producers will get in total, but does affect when they receive their payments.

Pat Westhoff

The fact that it is given by people who understand soccer makes the award more valuable and will make the winner happier to receive it.


Men are like the stars; some generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive.

Jose Marti

This was a legal grow for people who are authorized to receive medical cannabis, and it was not an excessive grow.

Steve Bailey

When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.

Robert Bly

Sunday is going to be a very special day for me, ... With this golden boot it's a way of making me feel good about the work and effort put in last season and having the chance to receive it in a match at home makes it even better.

Diego Forlan

They've always tried to help me, but having schizophrenia it was hard to receive the help.

Robert Lawton

These charges are the result of a very careful investigation of allegations that she basically lied to receive aid.

Sandi Gibbons

We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.

Marianne Williamson

We do deserve a fair contract, one that acknowledges the strenuous and demanding working conditions which are ever present in our jobs. Our members deserve to be treated with the same respect other employee groups receive.

Karen Dinkins

We're excited about this new group of people who will qualify for our Senior Rx program and will receive the same benefits that were previously received by those who were 65-plus. It does, as I see it, provide a lot of benefits for a lot of people who desperately need help.

Robert Crowder

The doctor responsible for health care in that region advised us that these people needed to be removed to receive proper treatment. And that's the advice we accepted.

David Ramsay

Those numbers are outrageous, ... We need to let the Department of Education know that we need funds to support preventive programs. It's always the same schools that apply and receive funding. Well, that's going to end. Local schools will receive federal money to be spent on these needed programs.

Joe Baca

It's not a surprise that the business was sold and it's not a surprise they didn't receive much for it. It was a total disaster moving into Brazil, we've always believed that, and it was a disaster getting out, and they're still not out because they have 15 per cent of the company.

David Hartley

Companies of all sizes as well as consumers in Dallas now can conduct business faster than ever before with the same UPS convenience and reliability they have come to expect. And the enhancements work in both directions because our customers will benefit from this network upgrade when they receive packages coming into Dallas as well.

Kurt Kuehn

It hasn't been agreed to yet. We're still working on that. But the maintenance fees that we're going to receive are going to help us improve the stadium downstream. Plus the fact that we would not be out of pocket for any of the day-to-day cost associated with putting on the game.

Dan Radakovich

We've received numerous complaints from inmate family members who have alleged they paid for services they did not receive. We have an active criminal investigation open in this matter.

John Moriarty

My advice is do not panic, because this is the first opportunity that we're having to receive this data. We're now having to digest it to see what it means and there are going to be a lot of questions.

Wanda Halbert

We want to ensure that all who are eligible know about the program and receive nutrition assistance with dignity and respect.

Terri Teuber

It's such an attractive facility and so useful. We're fortunate to receive such a gift.

Bo Batts

We expect during the coming biennium we may be able to receive between $1.2- to $1.8 million in federal funds.

Attorney General Pat Crank

We have 30 other sponsors, mostly auto-related businesses in Benton and West City, but we also receive support from banks and insurance companies.

Steve Woodfin

To receive the Great 100 Award is a real honor. We are extremely proud of our nurses and the excellence they represent.

Linda Wallace

We're very disappointed that they're not coming. We know that they have a lot of fans, but we're hopeful that as soon as we receive confirmation on our new act that people will be happy, will be understanding and will want to come.

Doris Wallace

We want to ensure that our members always receive the safest and highest quality care possible. An achievement like this is part of our dedication to our mission of making a healthy difference in people's lives.

Marc Manley

Now the numbers are bound only to go up. We must receive donations as early as possible in 2006, or it will be too late for many people.

Tesema Negash

There is always a need for more money so we can help people. The money raised goes into a general fund. We also receive money from the VFW, the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, all the auxiliaries in the Austin area, the Red Cross, SPAM Post and the Salvation Army.

Arnie Earl

Students that receive encouragement (from their parents) to participate in a program that they're interested in are more likely to succeed.

John Wise

It?s an exciting concept since this particular property is something that has been a high priority for years, and we?re just very pleased to receive it, obtain it and make it a part of the corridor.

Stan Seitzinger

Our hypothesis is that smokers who receive counseling will be more likely to quit smoking. We are hoping for a 25 percent to 30 percent success rate, which appears to be low but would be a significant improvement over the current rate.

Dr. Lori Bastian

[Folks will receive two free wings per each donated can of food, up to 12 wings. The limit on wings is simply because] we didn't want to run out, ... We've got lots of chicken wings out there. You never know. Just a few people could come, or all of Bentonville could show.

Paul Nelson

We share this goal of making sure that individuals receive value for their premiums, on the other hand, we're looking to see the impact of potentially unintended consequences of affordability and access.

Karen Ignagni

The city wants the community to know that the medical services they receive will not change or diminish, it will just happen in a different fashion.

Philip Cook

We will not flip the switch until we receive some information that gives us comfort we will not be putting Vermonters in jeopardy.

Joshua Slen

They are deserving of any type of honor they receive. I think it's fantastic. Their teams are family. That's the atmosphere they create with the children.

Al Austin

Companies of all sizes as well as consumers in Boston now can conduct business faster than ever before with the same UPS convenience and reliability they have come to expect. And the enhancements work in both directions because our customers will benefit from this network upgrade when they receive packages coming into Boston as well.

Kurt Kuehn

These players kind of got lost. These players deserved recognition but didn't receive it for whatever reason.

Jack Huckel

Texas has a lot of good newspapers and it's always gratifying to receive recognition from this group. I'm very proud of our winners, as well as all the other newsroom folks who work hard every day to put out our newspaper.

George Cox

An honor like this is overwhelming as a teacher, ... The profession is about giving to others and improving their level of play. I believe in the saying that it is more important to give than to receive.

Peter Krause

We felt we were very close to an agreement. We were surprised to receive the termination letter.

Glenn Christenson

With the support I receive from them, I never have any excuses as to why I don't get something done.

Nathan Ramsey

If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.

Dorothee Solle

The process is very much a part of the seventh-grade curriculum this year. The students were given credit and did receive grades on these projects.

Michael Bettez

Why wouldn't you receive a call from your coaches saying, 'Be ready? That stuff really bothers me.

Casey Printers

Sometimes you don't receive because you don't ask. Schools are competitive. They want numbers. They want the school full.

Tom Welch

We never receive any formal funding for infrastructure. That's why the lack of tuition revenue bonds has been so painful. In the end we were just begging for money to repair the infrastructure.

Provost Hobson Wildenthal

Now is not the time to open the border to receive Canadian beef down to the United States.

Max Baucus

Hotel guests have come to deserve a certain caliber of service and accommodations from Hyatt and we strive to continually raise the bar. With these new guarantees, we are reassuring our clientele that they will receive exactly what they requested when making the reservation, and if by chance they don't, we will make it up to them generously.

Matt Adams

As calves get heavier, there will likely be a price slide. That last 50 pounds you put on the calf, normally, is not as valuable as the first 500 pounds. If you add 40 to 50 pounds with creep feeding, what you pay for feed and what you'll receive for the heavier calf may not always favor creep feeding.

Daryl Strohbehn

I personally did not sign one contract, did not receive one cent from the Iraqi side and was not involved in commerce.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

We're always pleased when our customers are satisfied with the service they receive in our stores. To be ranked the best for this many years in a row is exceptional.

Maria Brous

It was human error. Someone didn't realize they shouldn't process that grant, and unfortunately they did. Now, since they weren't entitled to receive that money, they have to return that money to us. We certainly don't want any harm to come to the operation of the city's schools in any way, and we want to help them mitigate any harm done to the district.

Mark Stapleton

Many shelters conduct behavior-based evaluations on animals they take in, but there are few better descriptions of a dog's temperament than an honest assessment from its owner through a questionnaire. Shelters are not in the business of giving up on the animals they receive, and they need the best information the owner can provide to keep both the animals and potential adopters safe.

James Serpell

The time volunteers contribute to the program is minimal when compared to the satisfaction they receive. Teaching others to read is a gift that not only increases learning, but also enriches lives.

Jackie Willis

The practical result of the court's decision is that the president and all other government officials will be less likely to receive full and frank advice about their official obligations and duties from government attorneys.

Charles Ruff

The winner of the Prince and Princess of the Patch will each receive a $50 savings bond, courtesy of Bancroft State Bank.

Nikki Hunt

Of all the light they receive from the sun, they only reflect a tiny portion of it which is one thing we think might be characteristic of liquid hydrocarbons like ethane.

Seran Gibbard

We continue to receive tremendous interest from retailers and restaurants to locate at Gulf Coast Town Center.

Deborah Gibb

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life.


In addition, on the issue of grade compression, employees who meet or exceed their performance targets will receive an additional fixed amount to their basic salaries if their annual salaries fall below a specified threshold.

Charlotte Mokoena

We won't really know how much it will cost until we receive all the bids.

Charlie Duggan

We feel we're going to receive a pretty good spike this year and we're encouraging fans to get on board and support the Herd.

Matt Munroe

The government has come to the conclusion that that is the appropriate amount that he should receive.

John Mccallum

To receive everything, one must open one's hands and give.

Taisen Deshimaru

We cannot support the killing of the unborn and then receive into our bodies the One who condemned the killing of the innocent.

Carl Olson

The Central Valley, particularly the San Joaquin Valley, receive high numbers of first-generation Mexican immigrants with low levels of education. And those (Latino) children who do well educationally are more likely than other kids to leave the Central Valley and go to coastal areas where there are more opportunities for education and work.

Hans Johnson

Sounds like a good argument. But the problem is that it is a free over-the-air signal if you want to receive it free over the air. But if you prefer to receive it in a more convenient fashion (via cable), you pay for it. Right now, we don't get any of that money.

Barry Faber

Medicaid is not a generous program in terms of who can receive services. We aren't a state that has a lot of fluff in the program in terms of who we cover.

Bob Day

I think it will receive an even more overwhelming reception in the Senate.

Sen. Richard Nass

The impressions temporary professionals receive can closely mirror those of new full-time hires, making them effective 'barometers' of employee morale.

Diane Domeyer

In the end, any vehicle that the governor uses will have to receive the approval of the state police.

Jeff Neal

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition, when men do seek care, embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

Michael Crapo

Any person, institution or organization that conveys bodies or parts of bodies into or out of the state for medical education or research purposes shall notify the Anatomical Board of such intent and receive approval from the board.

Charlie Crist

Congress has decided to cut funding for Head Start programs. Just last month we received a one percent cut and they're anticipating we're going to receive another one percent cut.

Barbara Hodges

I was very honored to receive the award. I would never have expected it.

Angela Hernandez