We are exploring ways to prevent that information - specifically Social Security numbers - from being available to mass audiences through the Internet.

Carlo Loparo

Do I think it will have a huge impact in preventing people from coming here? No. But it will create some confusion. It's a slight irritation.

Jim Fleshman

Workers and their families should not have been kept waiting. Payment now should be speedy to prevent further hardship.

Adrian Ross

The crude inventory figure is pushing up oil prices and that is hurting the markets. That is preventing investors from being too euphoric.

Cummins Catherwood

The doctors and everyone said it wasn't our fault, it's just something that happens, but you always blame yourself. You always want better for your child. We always kind of blamed ourselves. What could we have done better to prevent it, but there's really nothing you can do.

Lawrence Samuels

Easily concealed, easily smuggled, very inexpensive. And we've got to get ahead of this. We've got to do what we can to prevent their acquisition and usage.

Peter Defazio

There are theories that some in the Liberal Party have accepted that we will lose and they are busily positioning themselves for after the loss. They should be trying to prevent the loss or even diminish the loss.

Mark Brindal

In the developing world, where the penetration of antiretroviral therapy in adults is limited, the priorities were made to determine if one could prevent the next generation from getting infected.

Donna Mildvan

It also would prevent people being excluded from coverage because of a pre-existing condition, because all of the insurance companies would be required to accept all patients during the open enrollment period.

Robert Smoldt

If a worker has a particular set of skills that can only be employed in a certain field, the non-competition agreement can't prevent him from getting a new job using those skills.

Tim Hoffman

Government calls on all South Africans, especially in the Western Cape, to co-operate with the energy authorities in implementing immediate measures aimed at preventing load shedding.

Joel Netshitenzhe

I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French.

Charles de Gaulle

We have taken measures and beefed up our defense capabilities around the border since December to prevent any miscalculation by the other side.

Meles Zenawi

We think that looking at all those allegations is in the interest of kids and in the interest of the community at large. The more information we have, the better we understand what has happened in the past, the greater likelihood we can prevent things from happening in the future.

Bryan Samuels

The way I visualize the ideal future is that we'll be able to give Drug X that builds up bone to where it's stronger and the risk of fracture is no longer present, then Drug Y maintains it by preventing breakdown.

Paula Stern

The barriers are designed to not just stop the car from crossing the median, but also to capture the car to prevent it from bouncing back onto the interstate as well.

Will Wingfield

The biggest reason that there haven't been more protests is that the government has taken effective measures to prevent them. More cautious reporting by the media has been a big factor.

Jin Linbo

There are two types of encryption: one that will prevent your sister from reading your diary and one that will prevent your government.

Bruce Schneier

Remember among the people trying hardest to prevent the election of first and deputy first ministers were people who couldn't contain themselves when they were taking ministerial office just a few days ago.

Mark Durkan

Simply washing your hands during cold and flu season is a much more effective way of preventing colds.

David Kroll

How could this happen in America? ... I hope my story ? will prevent what happened to me from ever happening again.

James Yee

Some day, it might be possible to prevent (ADHD), but that requires genetic research, which now is in its infancy. Now, we can prevent the worsening of conditions with effective intervention, but we cannot prevent the condition.

Donna Palumbo

Because this hour-long period is so risky for teen drivers, extending the driving limit to 11 p.m. will save lives and prevent dangerous crashes.

Steven Bloch

You can put some procedures in place to try to prevent it - but if you're one of those schools that has that tradition, it's going to happen.

Nina Simmons

Just definitions either prevent or put an end to a dispute.

Nathaniel Emmons

By the time he's buried to his chest, the corn shifts every time he exhales, preventing him from inhaling, and he will suffocate slowly.

Tim Zehnder

We don't want to shut something down that could prevent us from completing that mission.

Robert Lightfoot

If you have an opportunity to take steps now to prevent a problem in the future, it's prudent to do so.

Julie Weis

I am asking all our countrymen living near rivers to prepare so that we can prevent any tragedy.

Joseph Estrada

This shouldn't be happening. Every car-rental company has safeguards to prevent customers from being billed twice for the same damage.

Kevin Miles

This program has been successful in detecting and preventing attacks inside the United States.

Genmichael Hayden

The investigation into such matters proves to be very difficult due to the fact that many of the sites are abroad and outside the jurisdiction of UK law enforcement agencies. The creation of new offences to deal with these matters would assist greatly in preventing the spread of such material.

Dave Johnston

Hopefully I will be able to maintain or at least level their taxes and look at a way that we can reduce taxes, My goal is to prevent future tax increases we need to hold the line on taxes.

Barbara Perez

The government should have quarantined the affected farms to prevent further spread. But as I speak this has not been done. There is still movement of humans and birds in an out of these farms.

Awalu Haruna

There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword.

Ulysses S. Grant

A nurse practitioner is the master level of nursing. Many of them have specialties and they teach wellness and how to prevent diseases. Nurse practitioners look at the mind, body and spirit of a patient. They look at individualized care.

Denise Jordan

But other prudential safeguards may also be necessary to prevent significant reductions in capital.

John Dugan

It's important that we use this as a preventative, education tool. That's our main goal, to prevent and educate.

Ami Fair

We can make better use of very limited resources to prevent outbreaks of these epidemics.

Tim Palmer

There may be some political pressure that the U.S. no longer wants a strong dollar, but that's not going to prevent Japanese capital from fleeing Japan, because in Japan, money doesn't earn anything.

Jesper Koll

We are neighboring an affected country and Iran is on the route of migrating birds twice a year. Iran needs to use international help if it is to prevent bird flu.

Kamyar Dahim

They don't know what it was like for us when we were kids. We try to instill in the kids to keep it clean to prevent accidents. All it takes is a little gummy bear and you're really hurting.

Brian Bullis

The benefits of preventing or mitigating an outbreak are likely to be very high.

Milan Brahmbhatt

This will not impact the plant. It is a pretty simple procedure, they are just tying the battery cable away from the vehicle to prevent it from chafing.

Kristen Kinley

The bank aims to prevent exchange-rate volatility in the run-up to the April presidential elections.

Guillermo Diaz

The only effective way to reduce and prevent juvenile crime is to balance tough enforcement measures with targeted, effective and intervention initiatives.

Janet Reno

I can't comment on this either way. Privacy laws prevent us from talking about personal information.

Nathalie Deschenes

The elections in Iraq are a victory for freedom and the Iraqi people, and a blow to the transnational network of terrorists who have tried to prevent this day from happening.

James Talent

I'm sorry to say this, because I also have a dog at home, but the only way to prevent this kind of events is to take a radical measure of exterminating stray dogs.

Razvan Murgeanu

It is important to prevent criminals capable of such inhuman behavior from taking advantage of this misery to justify their terrible acts.

Omar Bongo

Is not this the true romantic feeling - not to desire to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping you?

Tom Wolfe

The post office is able to measure at least $200 million in mail fraud per year. Anything they can do to prevent that only helps them.

John Payne

I think there's a lot of politics involved here and I think BP Amoco has a actually very solid case to bring before a judge to try to prevent the preliminary injunction from going through.

Jordan Horoschak

All the precautions are in place to prevent any possibility of Canadian Border Services apprehending this family.

Randy Hillier

These measures are not an issue of human health but are designed to prevent the spread of the virus in livestock.

Nick Brown

The police will take firm action as necessary. Blocking the highway or preventing companies going about their business is unlawful.

Chris Fox

We're pleased we were able to prevent a full-blown, costly, distracting initiative campaign this fall.

Charles Hasse

It was very emotional. My part was trying to keep them under control and preventing them from lashing out at him. You could see the expression in their faces, the tone in their language.

Miguel Fuentes

It's hard to measure what doesn't happen. Nurses prevent very bad things from happening.

Barbara Blakeney

They believed that such force was necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to themselves and others.

David Zellis

We prevent behaviors that result in abuse, that's the simple way of saying it.

Marilyn Dobson

Education is a key to preventing crime.

James Orr

From the point of view of security, I can encrypt an RFID tag. I can ensure that the tag has not been tampered with. But the tag itself is not going to do a lot to prevent a guy from penetrating the container.

John Hill

`Boys will be boys -' `And even that wouldn't matter if we could only prevent girls from being girls.'

Anthony Hope

He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow.

Tryon Edwards

Well I think its more important for them to make more Catholics than to prevent AIDS right now. I hope that at some point that position shifts.

Mechai Viravaidya

This is too much for any one group to handle. We need a cooperative strategy that will prevent duplication of services and keep people from falling through the cracks.

Joe Wright

These findings suggest that developing ways to avoid holiday weight gain may be extremely important for preventing obesity and the diseases associated with it.

Duane Alexander

We can slow this, we can stop it, we can prevent this atrocity from happening in the country.

Mark Cunningham

The success of immunization in Indonesia is crucial to prevent the outbreak's spread to other countries in Southeast Asia.

Thomas Moran

These provisions of the USA Patriot Act are essential to our efforts in the war on terrorism, and their loss will damage our ability to prevent terrorist attacks. Our nation cannot afford to let these important counter-terrorism tools lapse.

Alberto R. Gonzales

I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States.

Barbara Lee

Our customers can be confident that this action will prevent a speed control deactivation switch fire.

Ray Nevi

Obviously, it's disturbing that any individual like that could be working with the youth of any community. We tried to do everything we could to prevent that.

Gary Frost

The ferret has been listed under the Endangered Species Act for a long time, and this is a great example of that legislation preventing the extinction of another animal.

Jacob Smith

There is much on the horizon to support household incomes, which may well prevent the slowdown the Reserve Bank expects.

Craig Ebert

Despite the gulf between the parties (Israelis and Palestinians), they and the international community share a common interest and duty to prevent a security or humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Tuliameni Kalomoh

Why wait for a security breach to occur when you have the opportunity, not to mention a legal obligation, to prevent it in the first place.

Timothy Muris

This is the largest public health crisis to face this country in nearly a hundred years. If [HHS] does its job well, what you actually do is you prevent hundreds of thousands of people from getting sick.

Shelley Hearne

Serbia is incapable of preventing the international community from imposing sanctions, but it is capable of surviving the embargo.

Vojislav Seselj

The plan doesn't prevent or deter negotiations between potential suitors and the board, rather it encourages those that are willing to negotiate with the board in good faith.

Stephanie Von Allmen

What we call 'evil' doesn't necessarily deserve any kind of respect or understanding, by any means; it just deserves an acknowledgement of its complexity so we can better understand it - so we can help prevent it.

Bryan Singer

Cultural differences between physicians and patients, such as language and diet, can often lead to improper treatment or reduced care. This creates barriers that prevent members of minority communities from receiving the best treatment possible.

Jean Moore

Quarantine is not to prevent the spread of termites but to minimize it. We have limited resources.

Beverly Boyd

We did everything possible to prevent this happening but we have failed miserably.

Koichiro Matsuura

This will prevent harmful bacteria that may be present in uncooked poultry from growing.

Michael Doyle

Things could have been done to prevent what happened. If we change the environment, it will probably change some of the problems.

Vicky Gunderson

We cannot prevent a flu pandemic, but we can reduce its impact.

Sir Liam Donaldson

Aspirin reduces clotting of the blood, so it can help prevent a heart attack or stroke by making it less likely a clot will form and block an already narrowed artery.

Scott Wright

The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.

John Stuart Mill

Everybody wants to find answers when something like this happens. Obviously, something went wrong. Now, the objective is to determine what we might be able to do differently in the future that would prevent it from happening again.

Jim Sughrue

We are behind in our courtroom security, ... We haven't had anything serious happen, but we want to try to prevent this.

Alfred E. Newman

The main goal of our lawsuits is to prevent him, or any of his representatives, from benefiting off the deaths of these individuals.

James Thompson

The design principal is to prevent accidents that occurred because of the engineman failing to heed a signal.

Robert Gallamore

Some of them are doing a better job than others at preventing infections. They all need to improve. Any hospital doing average or the same as everyone else, that's not good enough.

Lisa Mcgiffert

There's nothing else you can take that has this ability to prevent cancer.

Cedric F. Garland

It's a tragedy that one person stuck in the past can prevent our community from moving forward.

Keith Boykin

This is good news, because many of the past studies of the effect of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular events looked only at men, so physicians were reluctant to prescribe aspirin for women because there was little data.

Dr. Jeffrey Berger

Our goal is to train people to prepare for and prevent emergencies.

Jason Ferrell

It's going to be interesting to see what demand is. If it continues to fall that's going to prevent prices going higher.

Sam Tilley

[But all the elaborate measures could not prevent the explosion.] It's horrible -- the worst fears ... something we can't control, ... I'm stunned.

Bob Brennan

The purpose of such an act is to prevent the massive movement of people and the possible spread of the disease.

Gao Qiang

Some of my fellow co-owners took action to prevent me from doing what I believe is in the best interests of the franchise, consistent with my role as NBA governor. There was no other option but to seek legal protection.

Steve Belkin

As the highest elected county official, I apologize on behalf of the county, ... We have rules in place to prevent this and a mistake was made.

Brian Hughes

We want to try and prevent this from happening again. We love our city and want it safe.

Adger Ross

If we can prevent one accident, save one life, this will pay for itself. It's a wonderful opportunity.

Stephen Gray

The lawsuit seeks an injunction against Yahoo to prevent the auction or sale of counterfeit games and illegal devices designed to circumvent copyright protection.

Jeff Brown

Since the earthquake struck in October, these helicopters have been crucial in transporting food and non-food items, like medicine and warm clothing and they have helped to prevent many deaths.

Amir Abdulla

It's great news. It's an excellent way to prevent a condition that's difficult to treat.

Dr. Robert Cykiert

We have nothing (in Randolph County) to prevent their construction. The area planning commission is the key. We've tried to get an ordinance passed. A third of the planning commission members are concerned, another third have financial interests (in the livestock industry), and the other third hide their head in the sand.

Robby Davis

Our approach has been to have a balanced energy policy, and today's decision indicates that balance. ... This does allow us to prevent the most immediate, most in-shore area of potential oil and gas development.

Gale Norton

Everybody has learned. Me and Ron, we've talked millions and millions of times about the situation and what we could have done to prevent the situation from happening. Knowing is always half the battle.

Jermaine O'neal

Bob is seeking to vindicate his rights. He is seeking to prevent other terminations like this from happening.

Jen Sinton

[Cellular companies acknowledge that such attacks are possible but say they have developed systems to prevent effective ones.] If you're not prepared, that could happen, ... If you are prepared and you have means in place to identify, detect and mitigate that, it's not as much of a concern.

Brian Scott

Our first priority is to prevent these breaches from occurring at all.

Christopher White

It's one thing to say you can't have executable code and another to actually prevent that from happening.

Andrew Jaquith

Fourteen thousand troops are in Orleans Parish. At present they are actively patrolling all areas of the city and running nightly reconnaissance to prevent further looting.

Sherry Landry

We may see more than the two cases of West Nile virus we had last year, ... It is important that people know there are simple things they can do to prevent getting the disease.

Nancy Bowen

That's a good idea if they're really looking into putting in those pumps and preventing really getting flooded.

Jose Gutierrez

They didn't give up. The best analogy I can think of is a prevent defense you're back there, you're trying not to foul, then all of a sudden they're getting better looks than they got when you were playing regular defense.

Sandy Simpson

I have no intention of paying taxes because my partner are considered second-class citizens due to laws that prevent us from being married because we are two men. Hello, we don't have the same tax law rights as heterosexual married couples filing income tax. Very unfair.

Charles Merrill

Education is the fundamental way to prevent incarceration.

Bonita Parker

The more you know, the more you can prevent something like that happening.

Jeff Tilton

The more effort we put at the beginning of the chain, the less likely it is that we're going to have use the tools that we are working on to prevent a pandemic and to treat one if it happens.

Alejandro Thiermann

The bottom line is that nobody has enough money to hire 40 extra police officers. And that's what it would take if you were going to try to prevent it from happening. You would just have to line the row with police officers.

Nina Simmons

Continue to investigate with the Attorney General's office allegations of illegal behavior that prevent consumers from getting the best insurance products at the best price.

Howard Mills

Fire someone who is viewed as a security risk to prevent that person from stealing data on the way out the door.

David Friedlander

The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it.

John Randolph

We've had a lot of adversity, a lot of stuff said about our team. We've got to ignore that stuff. Coach is a great coach and we hate to see him go down that path. We're trying to play as hard as we can to prevent that from happening.

Josh Smith

For ultimately, the only way to win wars, is to prevent them occurring in the first place.

Owen Arthur

We've identified these students as a target group. This is to help prevent future infections.

Dr. Tina Stefanski

It was pretty close. We'll be looking to find out what all happened, and how we can prevent it in the future.

Les Dorr

I believe in preventing cruelty to all living beings in any form.

Morarji Desai

We now have definitive evidence for doing something proactively that will prevent women with Lynch syndrome from ever getting either endometrial, or ovarian cancers, or even both.

Karen Lu

This is a major step toward preventing genocide in the future.

Jan Eliasson

There is no gate system that can prevent that. But it is definitely an improvement over not having anything at all.

Kevin Clarke

There's nothing preventing us from making stronger rules.

Councilman Van Pearlberg

My goal was to get out with the knowledge I have ... and get the word out on what was really going on, and try to prevent things like this in the future.

Norman Mcswain

The American public is entitled to the whole truth and we will do all we can to prevent FDA from keeping this scientific information from the American people.

Steve Wallach

The U.S. government is hiding Ramzi Binalshibh to torture him and to prevent him to speak the truth.

Ramzi Binalshibh

The commitment will never prevent us from retaliation.

Abu Zuhri

We went to the triangle-and-two to keep Patterson further away from the basket and to prevent their other high scorer from going off. Patterson killed us in the first half, but he seemed content to be away from the ball against the triangle-and-two.

Joe Gaetano

This is what has conservation biologists worried. It's the combined effects of climate change pushing things to want to shift around the globe, and human habitat destruction ... preventing that movement.

Camille Parmesan

We must do something to prevent any more miners dying and having to endure this awful pain. Please do not leave any stone unturned. Twelve men, good family men, lost their lives, and we deserve answers to our questions.

Peggy Cohen

When numbers go up, there's always a possibility that rates are going to go up. We don't want to leave any stone unturned to prevent infant deaths.

Cheryl Fogarty

We believe that this research will lead us to develop a new ways of preventing and treating asthma and anaphylaxis, which can then be extended to treat inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.

Padraic Fallon

As on every New Year's Eve we have extra police force deployed in and around the city to prevent any untoward incident.

B.s. Sial

The roadways have been graded and the retention pond for the lake has been dug, although there are embankments to prevent it from filling with runoff water.

Don Hoth

This GAO report . . . confirms my long-held suspicions: More can be done and more should be done to protect American investors. We need to ensure that the SEC's oversight of the mutual fund industry is adequate to protect consumers' investments and prevent abusive practices from developing again in the future.

Paul Kanjorski

We don't believe there are external factors that can prevent you from moving toward your dream, ... but you've got to have the dream. And that dream has got to be in line with what's in line with society.

George Franklin

The objective of the Drug Court is really to reduce the number of kids placed out of home -- to cure them of drug addiction in an effort to reduce their delinquency ... and prevent them from being locked up or sent to a placement facility.

Brad Johnson

Just the whole idea of what drives people to violence and if we know about it maybe we can prevent it. It's interesting. And these people live among us.

Calista Flockhart

... What we're trying to do is prevent people from getting to that stage and identifying these health issues early on so we can get them connected with an appropriate health care provider.

Francine Francis

To be effective, ... you really must use a combination of strategies. No single one would successfully prevent an epidemic.

Neil Ferguson

By taking the minimal half-step to prevent being sent to the docket in New York.

Mark Fitzpatrick

The portability of USB devices makes it easy to accidentally infect an enterprise network with contagions carried in from a home computer. The most effective method of preventing other computers on the network from being infected is by detecting and blocking at the packet level with an inline network intrusion prevention system (IPS) like Reflex Security's.

Jim Watson

There are no laws or regulations that would prevent that.

Wesley Knapp

The idea that you can prevent violent action by banning such images is nonsense.

Chris Evans

They will encourage members to fill out forms, will address the concerns and allay fears that prevent some from responding.

David Saperstein

Look left. Look right. And look left again. Careful drivers prevent accidents.

Paul Deacon

The use of tamoxifen can prevent breast cancer in patients who have no evidence of breast cancer but are at high risk of getting it.

Bernard Fisher

The Great American Health Check is a key part of a nationwide Society campaign to change Americans' behavior to prevent or detect cancer early in an effort to improve survival.

Carolyn Runowicz

One of the ways to prevent a war is to be prepared for it. But Iran will do everything possible to avoid any war in the region.

Gholamreza Ansari

It will help prevent the pumping of the asphalt and causing more cracks and damage.

John Manconi

There's nothing that would prevent them from applying. They would, however, be required to go through the same licensing procedures as any other client.

Nick Hays

We would like them to be more constrained, more enlightened. There's nothing to prevent them from doing the right thing.

Don Hodges

We will never prevent environmental degradation until we stabilize our population. We simply must face up to this issue eventually, and it can't be too soon.

Diana Hull

It may be impossible to grant Wal-Mart an industrial loan charter, and then later to prevent them from taking deposits and making loans.

Mark Flannery

This one is a little more insidious. It affects our health. We're not even sure where it came from or how to prevent it, so it's troubling.

Paul Doughty

It shows that we care about preventing a disease that is preventable.

Himani Pandya

It isn't an absolute, but you certainly can say that the chances of containing spread among bird flocks in developed nations that have good agricultural capabilities and controls, to identify rapidly and cull and eliminate the sick chickens to prevent spread . . . is much better than in some other developing nations.

Anthony S. Fauci

Is neither a cure for AIDS nor a way of preventing infection with HIV.

John Mills

We have a duty to prevent the consequences of assault.

Jillian Garza

In case this turns out to be the H5N1 strain, the affected area would be cordoned off for up to 10 km and all the birds in and around the area would be vaccinated to prevent its spread.

Shyam Kumar

If and when discrimination or harassment occurs, employers must act swiftly to prevent and correct the unlawful conduct -- which TWA failed to do in this case.

Katherine Bissell

We're not trying to prevent mobile homes, I've said that over and over, we're just trying to regulate them in the county. I want us to grow. I just don't want us to grow so rapidly that we lose where we came from.

James Khoury

One of the central allegations in the government's case is that Microsoft was trying to prevent Netscape from developing a browser for Windows and the facts simply don't support that.

Mark Murray

Everybody who goes into a hospital is at risk because the hospitals don't have the process and systems in place to prevent infections.

Marc P. Volavka

My hand will not tremble when they bring out machetes and try to prevent public works.

Roberto Madrazo

This organization is created to prevent you from going to hell. It isn't created to take you to heaven.

Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

How do you prevent people from doing things on their computers? It's a difficult thing to stop.

Maura Browning

We are on red alert. All state commissioners of police are under instructions to monitor developments and prevent any violence.

Haz Iwendi

We didn't have any hint of any criminality. This is accidental, and we're going to look into ways to prevent accidents and make all scouting events as safe as possible.

Gregg Shields

We acknowledge this mistake, we apologize for this mistake and we will take steps to prevent such an occurrence in the future.

Bob Sandridge

The challenge for Bush (and his Indian hosts) will be to prevent possible disappointments over nuclear matters from overshadowing the positives during the visit.

Dennis Kux

Diet and exercise are key factors in preventing chronic diseases and delaying aging.

Dr. Luigi Fontana

It sends the right message, ... It's about promoting justice, expanding human rights and preventing conflict.

Betty Mccollum

Our primary task is to raise levees to prevent property damage, and to help local officials.

Robert King

We have since put in financial controls and oversight to try and prevent something like this from happening again.

Joseph Zwilling

You do what you can to prevent cancer, and when you get it, you do what you can to fight it. That's what we're trying to let people know; that there is a support team out there to try to help them do that.

Paul Molitor

It is very difficult to prevent violence at a protest where a huge number of people are gathered, especially when they move from one place to another.

Ajirawid Subarnbhesaj

We reject this criminal action. We are in charge of security measures but sometimes things get out of hand, and this plane has been hijacked by surprise. Terrorist actions are easy to carry out but difficult to prevent.

Rafael Hernandez

That will prevent circuits from overloading when power is restored.

Brian Swanson

Our goal is to find out what happened, how it happened and [determine] how we can prevent this from happening again.

John Cottreau

The proper maintenance can improve the way your appliances run and even prevent potential disasters.

Doug Rogers

There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who are going to have heart attacks, strokes, amputations and dialysis because we are not paying good enough attention to their diabetes. This has got tremendous potential to prevent an enormous amount of misery, pain and premature death.

Benjamin Littenberg

Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.

Brian Carter

Since we cannot get Mrs. Arroyo to account in an impeachment proceedings, demonstrations will have to be resorted into and that is why they cannot prevent demonstrations all the more because that's a legitimate avenue for airing grievances for the people.

Aquilino Pimentel

We need to look much more seriously at those solutions. We need to do that if we are to prevent moving spring forward.

Adam Markham

Credit monitoring can't prevent ID theft. The thing that is worth paying for is the security freeze.

Chris Hoofnagle