I phoned my grandparents and my grandfather said 'we saw your movie'. 'Which one?' I said. He shouted 'Betty, what was the name of that movie I didn't like?

Brad Pitt

Never judge a book by its movie.

J. W. Eagan

Absolutely, Dave's presence opened up many doors. But the movie had to keep the door open. If the movie was bad, it wouldn't have helped.

Gary Wood

I actually kept saying we should buy more (before production) because the movie could drive the price up. But we didn't want to get too cocky.

Bill Gerber

The Weather Channel was in Covington, and they showed the old movie theater, and half of it was gone.

Scott Ward

As soon as the movie was over, we just left the theatre, didn't say a word and got back in line for two and a half hours to see it again.

Aaron Howard

It's probably, to date, the best effort to accurately use nature sounds in a movie.

Greg Budney

I don't want to do an action movie, because I've acted in them, and they're so boring to do, because they're so technical. The headache of that is daunting. But, if it were an action movie with really interesting characters, how great would that be?

Tony Goldwyn

It looks like Groundhog Day again, the movie.

Robert Strauss

I was really happy with it. It's an ideal setting and it's cheaper for a family than a movie. They'll probably see me and my family here for a few games.

Danny Walker

Don't worry. I saw 'Lord of the Rings'; I'm not gonna have the movie end 20 times.

Shane Black

We think it's great to be the star of the movie.

Lydia Ruth

What draws me to the theatre, and what appealed to me about Too Much Light, is that you have no idea what's going to happen. That's the most exciting part of theatre, it's never the same. If it were, it would be like watching a movie.

Lusia Strus

We believe the movie is really commercial and the kids will really like it, because they will be able to relate to it. The movie is wildly funny.

Joel Silverman

We could sell to video right out of the box with a movie like this, but we'd love for it to go into theaters.

Chad Eikhoff

A boxing match is like a cowboy movie. There's got to be good guys and there's got to be bad guys. And that's what people pay for -- to see the bad guys get beat.

Sonny Liston

Cameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits.

Alon Pinkas

Mira did this movie because she cares about this cause, ... I would love to have more actresses and actors bring their projects to Lifetime if it's something that's important to themselves personally, and important to women as an audience.

Betty Cohen

To me, going to a race, it's an event. It's almost like going to a movie. Just because you went to a movie last week doesn't mean you don't want to go again this week, if it's a good movie, if it's something you want to see.

Bryan Herta

When I saw the finished product -- I watched it with my manager -- I said I think I should sign it, because it's a funny movie.

Bob Saget

[On this day, he took meetings with lawyers.] I met with Michael Bay today to try to get him back, to get a movie going with him. ... The Island.

Michael Bay

[Murray] got out of it, and so will we. We just cannot give up. It's not like they are going to make a movie about us or anything.

Luke Zeller

I've always wanted to do a boxing movie.

Walter Hill

What is important to me about this movie is that the stories and messages are for anyone. Anyone who needs to learn about forgiveness will enjoy it no matter who they are.

Tyler Perry

Home Alone was a movie, not an alibi.

Jerry Orbach

The movie starts on a broader level, with black humor. But when you realize the joke is on us, it's not so funny.

John Sayles

This is a movie about life and art, and art and life combining is magic for me.

Harvey Weinstein

I told Fox Searchlight that we own the movie and expect to release it.

Ruth Vitale

A lot of the ballplayers loved that movie. When we got there, the Angels wanted him to come to their locker room, too.

Jeff Ross

What I like most about rap and hip-hop is its authenticity, and what this movie lacked was authenticity. ... I wasn't believing him as him. It's not a disaster, but it's certainly a missed opportunity.

Peter Travers

We're [also] working on a movie called 'The Storm Returns' for DreamWorks.

David Levien

You want to look like a movie star for prom.

Noelle Reed

It was like a family reunion, watching the movie, ... It's always a good feeling when I can get a screening for my family.

Chris Tucker

All of the stuff in the movie is a comedic exaggeration of what happens. Sad to say for the people who eat out a lot, but it's not a fabrication.

Rob Mckittrick

There are so many elements in the movie industry that I am just beginning to learn about. As an actor you are well-protected.

Michelle Yeoh

The movie did a great job depicting the crazy run I had in my life.

Brandon Lane

He made a very good impression. He's already got a campaign plan, national connections and movie-star good looks. He's an imposing figure ... [who] could make a very viable candidate in the First District.

Harry Withers

While you're watching a movie here, another one may be editing in another room.

Michael Seiwerath

The fact is that you're never gonna believe any of the reviews, because the movie is to you what it is to you. No one's ever gonna sway you from what you feel about it.

Campbell Scott

After all, cinema has been around for more than a century. There are many great masters. I feel like doing a very classical movie now, to challenge the giants.

Takeshi Kitano

It was nothing like I thought it would be, I actually laughed and felt everything that went on in the movie, I know I said I wouldn't go see it in the theaters but I know now that [it] would have been a mistake.

Brandon Miles

Acting is a life experience. I'm always learning things when I'm making a movie. So the fame part of it is fine when you consider what you get out of this job.

Kate Bosworth

I like finishing a movie and having this living, breathing thing.

Dean Cain

[There will be] no placating. It would be ludicrous to take on this subject and then try to take the edges off. We're doing this movie because we like the book.

Terrence Howard

After this go-around, particularly with the movie, then you can pretty much put it on the shelf.

Larry Conley

We're riding that music for the entire episode. It really is like doing a combination of a movie score and a Broadway show.

Jeffrey Lesser

Every time I do a movie, I think it's going to be a huge hit.

Billy Crudup

In the end I think the movie lets you make up your mind on whether or not you agree with homosexuality.

Nathan Willis

It's a pretty ambitious movie for what it is … Hemingway is a great writer and a great character. If anybody can play Hemingway, Tony Hopkins can.

Roger Donaldson

This movie is about forgiveness.

Andrew Adamson

CMT and MTV are getting in the movie business. They shot one with Toby Keith. They want to do another one this year with me.

Jamie Denton

We are blending movie and bonus material such that you won't see a difference anymore.

Rudy Provoost

What it is about, at its core, is a young woman making very moral choices. And my suspicion is young women will love this movie as much as they loved 'Flashdance,'.

Joe Eszterhas

What we've done (in Detroit) is created a movie set so it gives movie-goers a chance to enter a space that feels like a sound stage and in fact, is very sound-stage-like in how it's set up, ... But the set that you're entering into is a collage of both existing and historical Detroit buildings.

David Rockwell

It was not like I was taking myself seriously and being like, OK, now I'm going to be an actress and I'm going to do a Shakespeare movie.

Gisele Bundchen

Tom has always enjoyed finding new ways to connect with the fans and we're both excited to be sharing the movie with them on this incredible stage.

Paula Wagner

My deal has been done—and I'm not exaggerating—for a year and a half. There are other deals, and you can guess who the people are [who are] involved, and I don't know why they're taking so long. It's very frustrating to me. I hoped the movie would be done now.

Frank Spotnitz

Everyone told me to pass on Speed because it was a 'bus movie.'

Sandra Bullock

I'm totally shocked. I never win anything. And I didn't even want to do this movie!

Richard Gere

Imagine a silent movie studio.

John Doyle

The simplistic concept (of lasers) probably derived from that old James Bond movie of a laser driving down at Sean Connery. It was a big-old device with a circular beam coming down. Conceptually, that's kind of correct, but all lasers today with those big beams come from gas or material lasers.

Malcolm Thompson

They are hairy and like the ones in the movie arachnophobia.

Sonya Bissmire

Just to be true to myself, which is why I did this movie. I figured everyone was going to freak out and say, 'Why would you do that after Dorothy Dandridge?' My answer is 'Because I can.' And that feels really good to be comfortable saying that.

Halle Berry

I was allowed to film in the biggest mosque in India and when I told the imam the plot of the movie he started to laugh.

Albert Brooks

I'm also a fan of the books, long before I got into the movie.

Chris Rankin

Kevin was very nice at the Q&A after the movie. He told the audience to go and get the book.

Rupert Holmes

Whatever kind of movie it is, you're going to be more into it when you care more about the drama, or you'll have a better laugh if you feel like you know the people better.

Luke Wilson

Without a good (script) you can't make a good movie.

Becca Gardner

Movie studios executives told me we'd have more work than we can handle if we opened in Canada.

Peter Oberdorfer

It is just coincidence. We made the movie a while ago [2004]. The fact that it's coming out now was really just fortuitous.

Randall Miller

Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.

Jim Henson

We showed the (Crusade for Christ) picture, 'The Jesus Film,' and hundreds of people came from miles around, most on foot, to see the movie.

Bob Lay

You can be sure that a good percentage of people who saw the movie came across this game online.

Joseph Jaffe

Doing research for the movie together.

Jared Leto

But Harold didn't like people who put on airs, especially movie people. So, when they were filming, he'd close the place up and go fishing.

Mike Seitts

It's very eclectic, the way one chooses subjects in the movie business, especially in the commercial movie business. You need to develop material yourself or material is presented to you as an assignment to direct.

John Frankenheimer

Absolutely. You're not laughing at them. You're really laughing with them. There are a lot of jokes in this movie, and they're in on them all.

Peter Farrelly

This means a lot to us but it's not going to change the kind of movie I'm going to do. ... Tomorrow, it seems to me that I will be sure what I want to do. Today, I cannot think.

Pedro Almodovar

When I was making 'Cop Land' in 1996, people were asking what my next movie was, ... Without thinking, I said, 'I want to make a movie about Johnny Cash.'Ç.

James Mangold

It's not everyday you get to do a pirate movie, you might as well go for it.

Keira Knightley

It's trying to change 70 years of perception that an animated movie isn't a fairy tale and doesn't have dancing tea cups and...funny camels.

Jeffrey Katzenberg

Look, I'm not odd. I'm just trying to be an actor; not a movie star, an actor.

Montgomery Clift

It's an incredibly appealing movie with a big heart and big comic set pieces. It's both that funny and delivers real emotional moments.

Peter Rice

It will say that here is two guys who did terrorism ... and the movie won an Academy Award.

Nonie Darwish

The Internet is a great medium for niche content that doesn't have a mass audience or other characteristics that make it fit nicely in the (movie industry's) current business model.

Laura Behrens

It's a bit shocking no movie has done it by now.

Chris Aronson

He finds me and wants to have a baby with me, and there are problems, ... It wouldn't be a movie if there weren't dramatic problems, as my daughter tells me, my 8-year-old.

Annette Bening

I tell children they'll have a movie in their head.

Bev Twillmann

Either it was going to find its way to the public or it was going to be the ultimate home movie.

Barry Rebo

I think I mentioned to Bob [Geldof] I could make love for eight hours. What I didn't say was that this included four hours of begging and then dinner and a movie.

Adam Hastings

I like it live. I think the numbers are live in the movie. If they replaced any, it would have been due to extreme set noise.

Donald O'connor

That broadcast is the most astounding thing you'll ever hear. I decided to make the movie literally the second that hour was over.

Jeff Feuerzeig

The big myth is that we want to make the best computer-animated movie in the world. And it's like, no. We want to make the best movie we can make.

Andrew Stanton

I never apologized for anything in my life. The only thing I'm sorry about is putting a curse on Roger Ebert's colon. If a fat pig like Roger Ebert doesn't like my movie, then I'm sorry for him.

Vincent Gallo

Our filmmakers are very, very happy because the movie scored a 90 in the top two boxes (excellent and very good). We have wonderful word of mouth working for us again.

Chuck Viane

We have a new camera. It's going to look like a real action movie.

Rocco Botte

Is there anybody here who can negotiate a movie deal? ... This kid walked up to me and said, 'I can do it for you. I'm Skip Brittenham.'

Larry Cohen

They know what the company does. They know what a good idea for a movie or a show is. And they understand the kinds of things that we do.

Jerry Bruckheimer

We wanted to premiere the movie here because it is a love story, and it also a love story about Japan.

Rob Marshall

The movie just had a really tough time, .

Rachael Leigh Cook

I said, 'Josh, the good news is we're going to do your movie. The bad news is you're going first, sucker,' ... Because I didn't know what it would be like to shoot in (Bulgaria), and he blazed the trail. He cursed me every day.

Bruce Campbell

(Chad and I) grew up making movies with my home camera. I got ambitious in high school and made this two-hour movie just on video. He came and helped me out with that.

Gregg Bishop

In England, I'm a horror movie director. In Germany, I'm a filmmaker. In the US, I'm a bum.

John Carpenter

When 'Sixteen Candles' first came out I was totally offended by the girl in the brace, but I saw the movie recently and I laughed so hard I cried.

Karen Johnson

It's a sprawling, epic movie.

Robert Luketic

(These experiences) led me to think I could make a movie.

Tom Rickman

Unlike a movie, you kind of learn things about yourself every week, ... When you get a new script, you find out, oh, I was with the FBI, or oh, my father was this, or oh, this is where I grew up. They can make it up as they go along.

Annabella Sciorra

Tell you what. Next time I do a movie, you can drive me to the set.

Quentin Tarantino

You do feel the injustice and inequities of the world that do fall on the shoulders of these kids. It is impossible to prepare yourself, especially when you're filming a movie about kids.

Heidi Ewing

I thought, if I do a movie, I may be rubbish at it. I know I'm good at music, though. And that's what pays my bills.

Sharleen Spiteri

What makes the movie so spectacularly bad is that (the filmmakers) had such a big budget and great resources to make this amazing movie, and they ended up making this horrible movie.

John Flynn

We had to find a way to make this movie without giving away all creative rights to them. I became obsessed with getting it made because I saw that it was, on a lot of levels, groundbreaking.

Peter Farrelly

Our funding to Crest will be for the first movie.

Mathew John

It was just a boy's name. Even in the movie, (the name Madison is) a joke. She named herself after Madison Avenue. But that's where it comes from.

Cleveland Kent Evans

We were going to leave anyway because I've learned from just watching the movie called 'Twister' you don't play with these hurricanes, you pack up and head out.

Barbara King

I tried to make it as brutal as I could, ... I've been dying to make this movie my whole life, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Peter Jackson

I make a movie because it's something that inspires me.

Tony Scott

We don't want to have anything to do with her in relation to that movie.

Jim Hopson

The movie opened a level of discussion. Who's going to ever be close to an execution? It's like a secret ritual.

Sister Helen Prejean

I don't think you should feel about a film. You should feel about a woman, not a movie. You can't kiss a movie.

Jean luc Godard

The neat thing about the movie coming out when it did is that it gives us an opportunity to lift this team up and hold them in very high esteem, which is what they deserve.

Scott Stricklin

If you talk about Witness to anyone, whether you're in France or you're in Germany ... they recognize the movie ... and that's their concept of what they know about Lancaster County and the Amish community.

Wendy Nagle

Fights in movies are either real or they're cool. This is a comic-book movie, and so the movements and fights have to be exaggerated but also poetic and different.

Mike Smith

My assistant (Doug Barba) and I were giggling over the summer. This is like the beginning of a good movie, and you can't wait to see how it ends.

Felicia Brown

They're happy to see the characters that they know from television and 'The Big Wish' movie.

Charlotte Evans

Ron is the godfather of this movie. He really looked after us while we were in Columbia.

Danielle Renfrew

I'd been doing what everyone else was -- concrete multiplexes -- and shoot, it worked. But I'd managed the old Miller downtown in the days when the movie was a total kind of experience.

Bill Warren

Disney has had a record of very successful films. They attract all age groups...kids of driving ages. This is a movie about cars and one character who has a lot of life events along this journey.

Pam El

I was always curious about-not actors-but I was always enthralled by the communication industry. TV, movie, film-all that stuff.

Richard Hatch

We bought the movie; we own it. We look forward to working with Jason Reitman because he is extraordinarily talented.

Ruth Vitale

As good business people, we'd be silly not to tap into every fan of the book and hope they will become a fan of the movie. We don't believe we're making a Christian movie. We believe we're following the story of the book faithfully and allowing everyone to interpret it how they want depending on how they've connected to the book.

Dennis Rice

The husky breeders will be coming out of the woodwork with this movie.

Marcia Horne

The problem with The Exorcist was that I wasn't holding any cards. They paid me for the movie, so they own the movie. It's like if you made this chair and I buy it from you. You want me to sit on the chair, and I want to put it in my fireplace. What are you gonna do? Time to go off and make another chair.

Paul Schrader

A terrible movie.

Ira Gershwin

You don't have to be hip to get this movie. Any person with the slightest bit of irony gets it.

Jeffrey Wells

Is a comedy, not a Lifetime movie.

Scott Seomin

It's something you never get over, but I think it's so neat they're doing a movie about it.

Scott Archer

Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars.

Fred Allen

Nobody leaves this movie unscathed.

Paul Haggis

Talk about shooting the messenger. And missing the point. This isn't a movie star.

Linda Williamson

I can't remember ever staying for the end of a movie in which the actors wore togas.

Jimmy Cannon

You can get patents on games, and what's the end result of a game? ... Laughter, tears, emotions--the same thing as a movie.

James Hall

Sometimes I only hope to make a good popcorn movie.

Lou Diamond Phillips

I suppose I grew up wishing I was an American Jew for the comedy and the one-liners. ... actress who does a Holocaust movie because, as she explains, it's a surefire way to finally win an Oscar.

Ricky Gervais

What use is there for a biography of myself? I'm just a movie actor.

Conrad Veidt

I just want to make one really good movie a year. And when I die, to know I was honest as an artist.

Milla Jovovich

The dead duck scene is our apple pie [for this movie].

Chris Weitz

I think my movie is a hopeful one.

Paul Thomas Anderson

Doing a movie like 'Memoirs' was good in the sense that it tickled me into thinking, 'Well, maybe I have to be a little more feminine.' But after two hours of that, I said, 'Fine, OK, I did that,'.

Michelle Yeoh

It's up to [director] Chris Nolan and his schedule. He wants to make another movie first.

Charles Roven

It was a very good experience. It wasn't just to make a movie, it was my life. I was employed at The Lord of the Rings for a year and a half.

Liv Tyler

Hotel visitors will be able to just walk a block or so to visit the book store or see a movie.

Brian Stebbins

I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared.

Kelly Rowland

If they ever made another movie like 'Top Gun,' Mitch Carver would be the star.

Steve Woodburn

This is phenomenally good for the company, and it's the best movie financing deal Hollywood has ever seen.

Robert Routh

It's something out of a movie, ... It's so pleasant.

Christian Furchtegott Gellert

The movie is about a guy on the corner of the street who no one wants to pay attention to. I hope you will indulge me in paying attention to him for a little while.

Ramin Bahrani

Already, we've had many people coming back to see it for a second time. It's a beautiful movie. Everyone should see it.

Bill Emerson

You can never expect a movie to have a life that lasts this long, really.

Harry Shearer

With the kid just walking, you don't know where he's going. It was a beautiful way to introduce the story, because the whole movie is about breathing and space.

Peter Levin

They know there's a gap, and if they're interested in finding out more about why they aren't more connected with their parents, they should see the movie.

Peter Falk

The movie is about friendship and humor.

Laura Gremelsbacker

We think it will be highly controversial. Yet, it stands on its own merits as a well-made movie.

Tom Ortenberg

There were times on the movie where I did something one way and said, `No, Jason, I think it's better this way,' and he would say, `Aaron, I know comedy. Do it this way.'

Aaron Eckhart

While you might not expect it, predicting whether a movie is good or bad is a lot like determining whether an email message is spam or not.

Matthew Prince

That was too goddamn long. They just gabbed and gabbed. There are so many bad movies out there. They're trash. They're garbage. When you see a good B movie, you appreciate it!

Conrad Brooks

The movie is fiction, ... We'd like to keep it that way.

Roland Emmerich

There're previews for it in the movie theater.

Leelee Sobieski

I had the advantage of making a movie about a man who was an artist himself, and an artist of the shadows, in the sense that he understood life's lonelinesses and life's mistakes, and that people make them. In that sense, he wasn't interested in hiding them.

James Mangold

These two companies, along with the dozens of imitators who have followed in their path, have made America a terrific place to be a movie buff.

Stella Pence

Although it seems to be a ghetto movie, it very quickly becomes a much more intimate story, the story of this young, teenage, lost, crazy, out-of-control kid and a baby that he hides from his friends.

Gavin Hood

She looked like a movie actress.

Charles Mellor

We made a deal yesterday and we are very happy that we own the movie, ... We're delighted that we own the movie and we are looking forward to working with Jason Reitman, he is a talented young filmmaker.

Ruth Vitale

When these people came to town, they brought a business to town. There are certain things we have to have in place when the movie people come here.

Larry Powell

That's just a gimmick. It started because I didn't like wearing movie makeup that melted in the sun, but I've always done it as a joke. I believe that you'll find out in the next few years that the sun is good for you. You should be out in it a couple of hours a day.

George Hamilton

[If people walk out feeling emotional about the movie,] that would be enough for me, ... But for people who have experienced (abuse), in an ideal world, it would give them courage to stand up.

Niki Caro

We could have whole conversations with nothing but movie lines. And she had the best jokes.

Theresa Dewild

From the movie, The Boy Who Could Fly Somewhere, deep inside, we can all fly.

Guy Finley

It just seemed like a small move to me that reaches much further as a movie. [Acting like a playboy] is an international disease.

Charles Shyer

You love him as the lead of our movie?

Ross Martin

It's not like every song is about the movie. The movie is based on relationships: with your family, the most high, your business relationships. The album is about everything, not just relationships.

Big Boi

The silence after the movie just says everything. I wasn't expecting [the ending] to be that powerful.

David Frank

Madison Avenue is responsible for that, ... In fact, 'Beach Girls' (her upcoming Lifetime movie) is made for, designed for, and targeted to the 18 to 34 age group.

Cloris Leachman

Trust me, if you're working on a $70 million movie and you're the last guy, you feel all that weight on your shoulders.

Hans Zimmer

You also can stream the movie around the home.

Jim Ramo

There's a scene at the end of the movie where I tell her, 'You know you've got to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.

Breckin Meyer

Developing that word-of-mouth and building the buzz or the groundswell about a movie is very important.

Randy Spendlove

I'd like to dedicate this statuette to all the children in the world who saw our movie.

Luc Jacquet

If you were my agent and I was making $10 million a movie and made four movies a year, that means you have a salary of $4 million.

Peter Stormare

He just understood the true destiny of the movie and what it would do for me. I mean, he's already gotten his Lifetime Achievement Award.

David Carradine

There were a couple of thousand people who saw the film at Sundance without the Katie Holmes sex scene. I implore all of them to now go back and see the movie with the Katie Holmes sex scene.

Jason Reitman

She is certainly the recognizable face of the movie. She is also an incredibly articulate person and can talk about the movie in a really good way.

Dawn Taubin

My idea is to film the new movie and to add the documentary to the DVD version for those who are interested in learning more about this disease, which we live with and which is spreading silently under our indifferent gaze.

Ricardo Preve

It's a lot cheaper to hang out at your own house and watch a movie. Depending on what else is going on, maybe you'll invite some other people over.

Doug Wise

I wanted this film to be a movie I'd go see on a weekend with my friends. To be really honest, I just want this movie to find the biggest audience possible.

Gregg Bishop

There's only one shot you have at a movie, and that's your best shot. If you can't give it that, don't go. They're paying you! You gotta do a job for them.

Tom Wilkinson

If Fantasia does the movie it's completely in the stratosphere. It's nuts.

Jamie Foxx

He's too nervous to kill himself. He wears his seat belt in a drive-in movie.

Neil Simon

It's like the end of a movie now. It's sad, but we're moving on to other things.

Tim Daly

It's like actually being in the movie.

Jon Menick