We would be relatives, and I would like to meet them.

Shigeru Yokota

It looks like we have some good candidates, and all of them meet the qualifications we've set and also have good experience.

David King

From the first meeting of that initial cadre of women, we felt it was doable. We just had to find the means and get the plane.

Anne Milling

Above all, this is a trends meeting. SEM is a major annual forum for studying the trends in the world of search.

Harry Collier

We're going to have a lot of meetings. Every day, before every game. We had that meeting and everybody rebounded great.

Rahshon Clark

This will be good for them to get some big meet experience. This meet didn't tell me much. I know they have some talent.

Dan Winzenried

I believe there was a fear that damage would be done to the fire district if that were to happen, ... When you have a disruption in the continuity of the district like that, it's not good for the district and I think that's what they were thinking when they held the meeting to approve the contracts.

Jerry Bell

Previously we only had four [district champions in one meet]. It's the most in one year.

John Belyea

All in all, I'm very pleased with the efforts of our kids. We're definitely a work in progress. After this meet, it's important for us to get more out of the kids who haven't been performing so far.

Jim Moyer

In 2004 we attempted to meet with the sheriff quarterly and that didn't happen. In 2005, cooperation did improve. ... He met with us monthly and I think that helped.

Allen Stockberger

It may be appropriate to be coming home to Anaheim for the meeting.

Janna Sampson

We will invite about 100 kids to Omaha for a state science meet.

Ann Kraft

Being at the state meet last year was all about gaining experience. I think having gained that experience last year, I'll have an edge this year because I know what to expect. Hopefully I can have another great showing and I'll be able to place.

Todd Mckay

You need those types of things if you're going to win the meet.

Alan Connie

An order designed to meet a portion of the prosecution case may be appropriate.

Peter Chapman

If they make the state meet, it could be fun.

Gary Fischer

It's the best access to people that are knowledgeable of any forum. You get information on how to do it right, how to do it better and you meet people to network with in the industry.

Brian Levy

It's a great feeling. This was a great experience and a huge meet for all of us, so I'm really proud.

Corey Hartung

We didn't really get much of a discussion on it at all. We were more focused in the meeting with him on (other) justice issues.

Don Schiemann

We're trying to push our education mission to meet the avocations of people, or their external interests.

Gary Turner

The general secretary is usually elected by the NEC at the first meeting after annual conference.

Julian Robinson

I think that meeting really helped put a face on who we are. We made our points about what we contribute to the city in tax dollars and that this is our livelihood, we've been doing it for decades and we hope to be doing it for a lot longer. And I really got the sense that they got it.

Nick Miller

It was a good, productive meeting. He is entertaining and well-informed. I was quite happy to see he was genuinely interested in our industry and in a give-and-take of ideas on cinema.

Karan Johar

When it comes to coal, progress is being made on reducing the CCS cost and as soon as it gets down from $100 now to around $40, the coal business will be able to say they we can deliver cheaper electricity and meet the CO2 requirements.

Gerald Doucet

It was a very good meeting. It was very positive and we talked about a number of issues.

Kevin Myles

It's a lot different here. There's a lot more distractions. There's a lot more people to socialize with. In Parrish you see the same faces over and over again. Here you meet somebody new every day.

Tony Dixon

The Beslan Mothers are becoming more and more empowered with time passing, ... The meeting is a very good move.

Lisa Aronson

Poetry and progress are like two ambitious men who hate one another with an instinctive hatred, and when they meet upon the same road, one of them has to give place.

Charles Baudelaire

Softball is something I strive to do. Where else could you go out and meet this group of guys without playing ball?

Ron Robson

The town hall meeting is a concept we created to help us make sure that every member of the community can come in and give their opinion.

Alan Edelman

I'm going to meet with (Thunder Bay owner John Wendel) soon and discuss some things.

Chad Miller

It is for the government to decide how to try to meet the 20 percent reduction.

Chris Leigh

I did meet with him. I said he had made a mistake and that people were talking about recalling him.

Bob Day

In today's meeting we were not able to reach an agreement.

Yasuhiro Yoshikawa

The meeting took place on Monday, but I'm not at liberty to disclose the contents of the talks.

Abdel Haq Alani

Erin started off the year with a great first meet. We're looking forward to see how she progresses during the season.

Richard Fox

We believe that the US Fed will make its final rate hike in the current cycle at the Jan 31 FOMC meeting.

Daisuke Uno

The government won't be able to meet its 5.3 percent growth target. We would be happy if we could duplicate what we have achieved in the first half.

Jose Vistan

We are looking forward to meeting with them again on Monday to discuss a full range of migration-related events.

William Brownfield

It is a formality that the new application will be rejected as Jason doesn't meet the criteria, so it will go straight to a review panel.

Mike Berry

They'll probably seek to meet the patients or their families.

Roy Wadia

I have consulted with (attorney) David Cornwell in the event there is any issue concerning Randy Moss and the NFL substance abuse policy. But as of this date, we have had no meeting with the medical director.

Dante Ditrapano

They are meeting daily to ensure they have the necessary resources and personnel to manage the crowd and have met with organizers of the march.

Pati Urias

What seemed to be doable in July all of a sudden seems to drag and drag, and at the last minute, there's this crunch to meet shareholder expectations or the accounting end of things.

Marjorie Brody

Every film is in a way a meeting with reality.

Vincent Ward

He ran a little faster than we planned. The goal next meet is to really come back and go after it. When he gets back (to full strength) he'll improve our team. No doubt about it.

Merlin Lahm

We are thrilled with the quality, dedication and experience of the 58 employees to whom we have extended offers and look forward to meeting our aggressive hiring goal of adding another 150 employees to the center, which we hope to expand to 172 seats.

Andrew Jacobs

The girls are ready to go. There are a some new girls and a lot of it will be getting over the nerves. They are going to have to learn what will happen at a meet. They are all anxious to do well.

Katie Loman

Any recommendations regarding climate policy must meet the demands of economic growth and development, especially in the developing world.

Chuck Hagel

They're making an effort by having it at different times. I could go to the 2:30 meeting when I pick up my son.

Beth Levybensetton

I think it was consistent with the spirit of the meeting that we are seeking common ground and recognizing those areas that we continue to disagree.

Alan Bersin

Rather than meeting the chef, we heard more from the CFO and even had a review of the financials.

Lauren Fine

Yes, some athletes from the cross-country and biathlon teams did meet him. We are trying to find out exactly which ones and why.

Raimund Fabi

I see a facilities update later in the meeting. Maybe we can talk about that then. I don't see tickets anywhere on the agenda.

Michael Watkins

I left that meeting with the perception that I had been asked for the first time to fire an intelligence analyst for what he had said and done.

Carl W. Ford Jr

Be ready when opportunity comes...Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

It is an initial meeting. It is a beginning, and nothing else.

Nabil Sha'ath

If this goes through, we will meet with the aldermen biweekly and have dinner one night a week.

Stephen Horn

It was a very positive meeting and I think we have seen a positive outcome.

Christian Horner

It's going to be like that regardless. We mark our calendars; they mark their calendars, and then we count off the days until we meet.

Scott Wofford

Ministers from both the Congress and the JD-S attended this meeting.

Ambika Soni

It was an internal meeting about internal things that stay in the Marlins internally.

Todd Jones

The real reason in doing this is to get the will of Town Meeting and to get it into the public eye.

John Serino

We know Luke from the first play as a guy who is in a sense not really committed to anything. When we meet him in this play, one of the things that happens to him is he falls in love, in effect for the first time, and he experiences the mania that can sometimes come with love.

David Berthold

Jan. 11, 2006 is the most important meeting to date and it will be the most important meeting in determining the district's future for years to come.

Bruce Shull

We're ensuring we meet the guidelines already in the law to maintain public confidence in our efforts to build schools.

Susan Harrison

It was like a perfect meet. They stuck all of their routines and I was really happy.

Carrie Rotondaro

I walked into my support group meeting a few weeks ago, and I had bicycle gear on. They were just beaming at me. It was just cool.

Fran Wallis

I didn't think I was meeting the expectations of what my university should be. I thought it was time.

David Mcwilliams

We were expecting the worst and I think it's meeting those expectations for us at this point.

Dan Packer

They were really excited and, during that meet, you could see their confident growing. And they took that confidence and experience in here with them today.

Keith Cook

Since the IMF meeting there has been no contact to my knowledge.

Joel Netshitenzhe

Pastrana needs to leave the meeting with something in his hands.

Fernando Giraldo

While we see progress, it's not sufficient to meet California's economic needs.

Deborah Reed

The meeting and convention business is big. We welcome (them).

Karon Reese

This kid deserves anything good that happens to him. He's such a good guy. He's just the nicest human being you want to meet.

Angelo Dundee

We view the meeting with the FDA as very productive.

Sam Waksal

We've gotten 10 times better (since the last meeting), especially defensively.

Jennifer Henson

Dog parks are a great way to give dogs a little exercise and meet other people. But it's important to have someone watching the dogs so if there's an aggressive dog they can kick them out.

Jack Russell

To meet this deadline, my marching orders are to seek to conclude this comprehensive agreement by the end of the year.

Wendy Cutler

I think it was a very worthwhile meeting. I feel we learned a lot and I feel we had the opportunity to express our opinions.

John Bradshaw

Kristen's an incredible person and competitor. She takes the nerves that you have coming into a meet like this and uses them to her advantage. ... She's one of a kind. She's great to coach.

Shelly Main

[And that's what she did. En route home, Hughes singled out to reporters] a really interesting meeting ... a common man in Turkey.

Abdullah Gul

I didn't expect that I would meet this many people. Not only have I met people from my floor, but people all around the building. You know faces so much more.

Hanna Salonen

I said, 'I'm supposed to meet you to talk about recruiting in Chicago,'.

Kathy Miles

At that meeting they asked if they could do another (safety check) at Coolidge.

Jimmy Walker

It's fun, it's a good time. You get to meet a lot of people.

Bob Blankenship

It's the event that's the most precarious and you really have to have the mental focus and it's confidence and it's experience. That's what the season is for and I see it improving every meet and that makes a coach feel good.

Frank Kudlac

We are just really concerned about the impact [the insurers' moratorium] is going to have on hospitals' abilities to meet the needs of their communities across the state.

Brian Griffin

This could be an indication residents are satisfied with how the city operates, but it's still hard to say why they didn't come to the meeting.

Jim Phipps

We are in bad shape here, we really are. Meet these people's demands. We are not military: we came here to work.

Patrick Landry

The three executive board members who attended their last meeting have all done an excellent job this year.

Jon Dooley

Cabbage palms don't blow over if it's not a major hurricane. We have to be able to meet somewhere in the middle.

Nathan Stout

Meet the needs and requirements of students of African descent.

William Crowley

We met with VCC and Carter, relayed the information and within a couple of days they were expanding this wall out to meet the requirements.

Patrick Ford

Despite everything, she did seem to have her head on straight, but now it's all screwed up. You meet someone on the Internet. She's 19 and now her life is gone, but that doesn't compare to what she did to those individuals.

Audrey Bachynski

Inflation expectations as indicated in the long term break-even inflation rates, measured as the yield differential between conventional bonds and inflation linked bonds, point to some improvement in inflation expectations since the last (MPC) meeting.

Tito Mboweni

A we sister ting an' we a strengthen har. A far she come from. A you an' har me meet.

Bounty Killer

We don't want a meeting for the sake of the meeting. We need a meeting with substance.

Saeb Erakat

There's nothing there. Nothing. We had to all meet up at an airport, and then we came here to play. We really want to come to things like this because we want a chance to earn scholarships and have fun.

Brandon Moore

Jack and I are very easy with each other, ... He'll run the operation. He and I will meet daily. I'll offer my advice.

Roger Ailes

It's a nice place to come for a first meet. It was a good meet.

Charles Schafer

By virtue of the fact that we're continuing to meet with them and talk with them is one indicator ... that there are some things that are looking attractive to us as opportunities.

Linda Ulrey

When you meet a man, you judge him by his clothes; when you leave, you judge him by his heart.

Russian proverb

I don't think any of us knew what was happening. But we had a meeting and decided we can still achieve our goal of winning the Sun Belt. And that's all that matters.

Crystal Kelly

When the board went into a closed meeting to discuss personnel, I had a good feeling it was coming. It's just one of those things.

Jim Snyder

The meeting was extremely positive, was issue-oriented, there were no polemics.

Albert Rohan

The two of us put up some wins, but we had wins all across the board, and we needed that. We always need extra guys, and I knew it was going to be a really close meet. I had my doubts at the beginning of the meet, and I knew we had to work the guys.

Ross Buckwalter

I'm trying to get all of the actors together and have a big meeting so we can pass out posters and try and find her.

Manon Carrie

It's very important because the market is fragmented around that particular combination of features. Micron designs its memory so we can easily configure at the backend to meet those requirements.

Gavin Hagen

We used to turn up on the day of the match, meet for half an hour and then go and play.

Bruce Morrow

We felt we should have done a lot better in last year's county meet. We felt like we were probably the favorites and were just overconfident. We felt like we let one slip away last year.

Chris Hardin

The designer pieces allow office spaces to be elegantly created anywhere in the home - meeting both the needs and desires of consumers.

Christopher Lowell

My hope is that people will want to talk to the community in a meeting and then address issues afterward.

Sara Ross

I don't have any comment on that, ... I can comment on my council meeting, but on that, I can't.

Tammy Clark

Ben wrestled extremely well. We're happy to get him through to the state meet.

Andy Fecht

When we meet our Maker, ... we will proudly stand and talk about what we -- together -- did.

Jay Nixon

The most important aspect of tomorrow's meeting is to get everybody on board and to understand the overall strategy of what they are doing.

Katherine Styponias

I don't care so much about the President. I just want to meet Socks (the Clinton's cat).

Beth Daniel

Cal/OSHA does not have enough field inspectors to meet its day-to-day responsibilities, let alone effectively investigate complaints at a huge project like the Bay Bridge retrofit.

Matt Austin

You don't have time to meet. We practice every minute we can and then we send them back up the hill.

Bert Williams

Later on, after I'd met this gentleman with the interesting site, ... he found a Googlewhack of his own. I ended up going to meet that person, and that person found a Googlewhack, so I went and met that person and that person found a Googlewhack, so I kept going and going.

Dave Gorman

He was a big supporter of America, as well as President Bush's policies. The whole meeting was very enlightening to me.

Ted Seymour

He cares tremendously about students, especially undergraduates. He's always available to meet with them. He's very funny, but he's serious when it comes to education and his students.

Stephanie Smith

A guy I was working for invited me to a meeting. I liked it, and I stayed.

Mark Herchek

He (Boggs) called me and said we were gravely in error. He agreed to meet with us later in January, but he didn't show, and we've not had any communication with him since.

Larry Butler

The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.

Andy Warhol

We had a very good meeting with Bob. Obviously, there's a lot of familiarity there and it was good to meet in that setting.

David Forst

This meeting will measure how far we have come and to share practices about what works.

Mark Thomas

We just had our league meeting and it's amazing all the talent that is in this league, it's kind of crazy. There are a lot of great players. We lost a couple early and hopefully we learned from it.

Stacy Bilodeau

It's good to meet up with past players and discuss the future of the program.

Liam Kent

We're excited about the All-Area Meet. It's always fun for our guys to run against their friends from the other schools around.

Mike Blum

Her goal is to get into the state track meet and into the finals. The potential is there.

Tom Mcbride

I don't know who that team was coming out of the gates at home. After the game we had a team meeting, and that's when we decided we wanted to turn it around.

Marcellus Sommerville

As long as my experience, reputation, skill and loyalty satisfy the game's criteria, I will win and meet Chairman Mao.

Jiao Jian

We were going to meet him in Florida, have a barbecue on the beach and stuff.

Paul Michaels

Three or four teams have backed out already, so it's going to be a small meet.

Bobby Anderson

It's our first meeting since the worlds, so it will be interesting to see what they look like, and how we look as well.

Hayley Wickenheiser

Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life's greatest tests alone.

Agnes Macphail

We will be hosting our first alumni track meet for the boys and girls track teams. We would like to see as many former athletes come back as possible, just for the fun of seeing everyone again.

Kristian Kuegler

We have to get better and learn from this. We don't ever want to lose a dual meet, but we want to be playing our best at the end of the season.

Cary Justmann

I think we'll be able to at least meet the expectations for synergies. I just feel we were very conservative in most of our estimates.

Randall Stephenson

This is a special day. But it also sets the bar high for us, because there are a lot of expectations. We're going to do the best to meet those.

Mark Cunningham

(Participants) like to know their $35 is going toward meeting new people.

Lisa Powers

One of the things I heard in today's meeting, no one had any knowledge that there was going to be a shooting on that specific day.

Chris Dunshee

This election did not meet a considerable number of international standards for democratic elections.

Bruce George

It's a great day for the university. There are many schools that have yet to meet this challenge.

William Fannin

We would anticipate that any recommendation below $30 will meet vociferous legal action by Telstra.

Tim Smeallie

I have a good time coming out here meeting people.

Mickey Carroll

We won't figure out our lineup until we get to Washington and go through warm-ups before the meet.

John Spini

We expect to make changes after the meeting in May.

Karl Meulema

They have the overwhelming advantage of an incredibly great brand for search, but they're coming from behind when it comes to meeting the specific needs of enterprises.

David Schatsky

If you wanted to have a meeting or a golf outing, which would you choose?

Jerry Jaeger

Could we see when and where we are to meet again, we would be more tender when we bid our friends goodbye.

Marie Louise De La Ramee

African American Studies majors and minors have diverse interests. It's great as a teacher to invent classes that meet those needs.

Tracey Salisbury

It was all very positive, a very good meeting. He outlined eventually what the process would be as far as reconsideration.

Don Porter

We are clearly meeting our target.

Randy Clark

We are hoping it will be an outlet for our work and have artists meet other artists.

Joyce Albrecht

Ask them what three things would make them come to an association meeting. And then think creatively about expanding or developing the things at the top of the list, and about integrating them with core offerings at the meeting.

Arthur Brooks

I like the fundraising and the advocacy and meeting with people in the community or the county and City Council people — I think I'm a good connector of people.

Doreen Marchione

The meeting was more formal than what we'd hoped for. This is a busy time of year for everybody, and there needs to be some flexibility.

Lisa Hurd

It's awesome. I love it. The stands are so crowded. It's a lot louder than the normal meet so it's fun.

Nathan Adrian

They like to shine in this meet. We are just trying to keep healthy.

Darl Keller

She infects her students with her enthusiasm. I can't meet many people that get me excited about parasites.

Kent Holsinger

Our goal is to keep expanding the resources to help people meet animal and human emergencies.

Sandy Amass

The meeting will discuss the bilateral relationship between Iran and Indonesia.

Desra Percaya

In reviewing the case law as to a violation of the Sunshine Law by a secret meeting, this issue appears to be irrelevant and immaterial.

Charles Robinson

I was going to request city council agree to (installation and maintenance) last night, but the meeting was cancelled.

Mark Jackson

She belittled me in a meeting and told me not to have any further contact with the Department of Labor. I got pushed off the case and that, to me, was a definite no-no, as that was obstructing an investigation I was trying to do.

Kelly Taylor

It's an unfortunate situation and our district has already made two trips to Columbus to meet with legislators, but all that doesn't help us now.

Dan Bennett

We cannot meet 21st Century challenges with a 20th Century bureaucracy.

Barack Obama

When you meet kids that are passionate, you know you are getting through.

Chris Riddell

The really interesting people we meet in our lives are mixed with comedy and tragedy.

Callie Thorne

Even though people disagreed with him, they respected him, ... Meet the Press.

Raymond Flynn

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.

Bobby Unser

The meeting with Mr. Zhu was useful in terms of setting out the positions that we have at a higher level.

Anthony Gooch

The board's irresponsible behavior and failure to meet its basic duties shortchanged the taxpayers and the students of the district over and over again.

Alan G. Hevesi

We are largely out of the woods with the June meeting.

Bill Kirby

I'm really pleased. We had two alternates so we could have taken five. I've never been disappointed with individual effort. We've met some goals and hope to meet some more this weekend.

Neil Rinehart

I would say 99 percent of the community members do not know who's on the ward committee, do not know when they meet. How would you feel if you lived in this community and you didn't know what was going on?

Cordelia Thorpe

We will be discussing it at the Community Development meeting, and hope to find the best way to convince the Mason County Library to set something up in May's Lick.

Robyn Jones

I went over and gave him a hug. He remembered meeting the kids.

Dawn Rowe

We're as closely matched as ever. Kimball beat us in the dual meet (167-169), while we beat them in the two league meets.

Sam Lynch

In the first meeting, most likely (what) they will do is create a new atmosphere ... a climate for talks that did not exist until now.

Dalia Itzik

At the conference meet he had a great meet. For the field events, he?s the man. He could come out with 14 points!

Dick Booth

That is our focus, to try to get the meet going in that direction, bring back the high school luster and then go bigger.

Brian Weaver

We'll put them together and see what happens and try to find what works best for us that last meet.

Mike Shannon

We thought we were going out for a political planning meeting at his house.

Phil Hare

The college's first priority is not meeting the 50 percent law. It's meeting community needs.

Thomas Armstrong

When the meet was over and everyone had left, all I was left with was the pain. I went to see the doctor right after that and came out and lights were off in the arena and everyone was gone. It was dark, I was alone and I didn't feel good. I didn't feel like I'd just had an amazing meet.

Kelly Mcdonald

Is this a church meeting or is this a bar? Make some noise!

Tyra Banks

It was very exciting to see her do that in her final district meet.

Brian Holm

Tonight we had a team meeting and said, 'This is going to be a red-line meet,'.

Brendan Hansen

We probably won't put them together again until nationals. We don't put the best together unless the meet is really close and we think it could help us win.

Tim Hendricks

I take appointments from the governor seriously. I didn't want to miss the first meeting.

Kevin Burke

It just hit me like a ton of bricks because I had a big mountain fall in the '70s and they said I wouldn't live. It really, really affected me and I said, 'I've just got to go there and meet the family.

Hank Williams Jr.

There has been no neighborhood meeting, and I've never been contacted by any of these people. This has been mishandled from the first day on.

Rick Reynolds

Meeting Kobe Bryant is a great feeling. I've got family here, I've got all my friends. It's just a great honor that I'll never forget.

Lawrence Sivils

I'm in a meeting right now.

Nick Atwater

We do not need the 30-year bond to meet the government's current financing needs, nor those that we expect to face in coming years.

Peter Fisher