He was quiet, but when he got angry about something, he would get violent.

Derrick Allen

It is quiet on the campuses. These people aren't technically walking out of school. They are leaving before the classes start.

Steven Baratte

I'm basically a quiet person, ... I don't hesitate now to approach people.

John Clay

The gentleman lived right behind me and I heard nothing all night. It was another quiet evening. It's a surprise to all of us in Summerfield.

Douglas Akres

They get along, that's a good way to phrase it, they get along well enough. I just think for the most part we're a quiet, hard-working group.

Rich Trzcinski

Daily, he is there and he's an inspiration to others. He does it in his own, quiet style.

Jerry House

This is a foliated area now and by making ball fields, you clear that away and there will be significant erosion, ... It's on the (Red) river and when it floods, as it regularly does, the fields will be part of the river. This will negatively impact the beautiful wildlife and our quiet neighborhoods.

David Winters

We enjoy the dogs. It would be way too quiet around here without them.

Marcia Kidd

A consensus politician is someone who does something that he doesn't believe is right because it keeps people quiet when he does it.

John Major

We get to read more because it's really quiet out here. It feels really well here.

Daniel Payne

Certain players like to have people having a go at them - it does give you a buzz. As an away team, you know you have got them rattled if the fans go quiet.

Mark Kinsella

Sometimes we look for those thunderous things to happen in our life for our lives to change or go in the other direction. We seek the miracle. We seek the parting of the seas, the moving of the mountains. But no, it's a quiet thing. At least for me it was.

Ben Vereen

Mistake not. Those pleasures are not pleasures that trouble the quiet and tranquillity of thy life.

Jeremy Taylor

There is one thing alonethat stands the brunt of life throughout its course:a quiet conscience.


In Lucca, the media paid a lot of attention to the championship. But there was no audience, so the atmosphere was fairly quiet.

Jana Tylova

They hit him hard, but he doesn't let them get to his head. He takes it, and he's quiet about it. I admire him for that.

Joe Diaz

Keeping quiet and negativity are the enemies of development and a disregard for every individual's right to express their views.

Her Highness Shaikha Sabeeka

It was very, very quiet today. It was helped by overnight markets and neighboring markets.

Mark Julliem

Don't make that mistake. Theo's streetwise. But he's a quiet country boy in some respects. Nothing fazes him.

Warwick Horton

It's unfortunately deathly quiet in the hall.

Fritz Braun

(The Rathbone) is one of the quiet gems of the city. You may be walking through the neighborhood and suddenly you see this building, and you realize immediately that it's something unique.

Dennis Au

We love Danny here. Although he's being quiet at the moment, Danny has a wonderful personality and likes to joke. He interacts in a much more social way with his fellow employees than perhaps some of the other people we have working here.

James Rosner

This takes the process one step further, but we're still in the quiet period and no launch date has been determined.

Christine Hudacko

. . . women are more quiet. They don't feel called to mount a barrel and harangue by the hour every time they imagine they have produced an idea.

Anna Julia Cooper

The residents found a little quiet time with the pooch is a lot nicer than spending time with a dog and other people.

William Banks

It was pretty quiet in the locker room. We're gonna have the day off [Sunday] and get ready to play again Monday [for a bronze medal].

Krissy Wendell

There are other galaxies that are likely to be the same size as this one that have black holes of similar mass. However, their black holes are quiet -- they're not putting out the large amounts of energy we see in this one. We're left to wonder just why this one is so active.

Neal Miller

Lauren had her best race. She has improved every race this year. She is becoming so comfortable with the races. She is a very quiet girl, but very competitive. I have been so impressed with the impact she has had on the team.

Kathleen Mccarthy

He goes about the game in a real professional manner. He has great hands, great footwork, and he's real smooth out there. Just the way he carries himself, he's real quiet and confident. He just goes out and plays.

Matt Bush

I sat and listened to the katydids, ... That's how quiet it was.

Lee Dean

You don't know what you're going to get from Ricky. You don't know if it's going to be a quiet day or a loud day. A fun day? A comedian? You don't know which Ricky you're going to get in the course of the day.

Marvin Mccullough

I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild; when it is quiet and serene; when it is dark and moody. And in all its moods, I see myself.

Martin Buxbaum

If all the bars in the city were that quiet, we'd be great.

Capt. Richard Spirlet

I can't say its normal, but its quiet.

Johnson Honimae

I try to get at them. I don't let up on anybody. But I will probably continue being quiet when it's all over.

Ike Okoli

The coach talked a lot about the graduation rate, which is about 97 percent. And it's quiet down there, so I can concentrate.

Sequoia Mckinney

I was raised in a different era: Loose lips sink ships. I've learned to be quiet about (the draft process). I try not to talk about it.

Bill Polian

He's been a steady force for progressive politics in the state of Minnesota. He has this quiet effectiveness, where he gets things done without a lot of fanfare. He's worked incredibly effectively for the people he's served.

Amy Klobuchar

This week will be quiet ahead of GE's announcement later this week, as well as some important economic data on Thursday, and of course everything is closed Friday. I think investors will play it very cautious for this week.

John Kinsey

Brownie barked at everybody. She just always barked. She was a noisy dog. I don't ever remember her being quiet.

Scott Middleton

Men would live exceedingly quiet if these two words, mine and thine were taken away.


I placed my hand over her mouth and said: 'You have made your protest so please be quiet. She later claimed I swore at her. But I would hardly do that with the mikes on.

Nicholas Witchell

It's pretty quiet out there and the ranges are likely to hold.

Robert Rennie

It's been a nice, normal quiet week; it's been life at Newcastle United. But we've got to put it behind us. The important thing is to try and get a result.

Graeme Souness

It was such a quiet day and there was nothing going on to move this market.

Leonard Kaplan

Text messaging is popular for two reasons: It's mobile, and it's quiet.

Amanda Lenhart

I can't explain it. Normally I'm pretty quiet. This is the first yellow card I've ever had coaching. I think the (ref) was just trying to prove a point.

Bryan Davis

This is about a four-hour exposure to get all of this. That's part of the charm of this. They're very magical in their own quiet way.

Wally Mason

[Playing alongside Morrison for Ireland could prove easier than keeping Morrison quiet this season.] I thing that's a bit hard, ... Nobody can keep Clinton quiet. But he's a great addition to the squad, he's bubbly and lively around the place and that's what we need as well.

Jon Macken

From quiet homes and first beginning, Out to the undiscovered ends, There's nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends.

Hilaire Belloc

He heard the loud boat, heard a loud noise and then the boat was quiet.

Barry Cassidy

We wanted to keep it quiet, keep it a surprise for her. I hated to fib and lie to a good friend, but just to see her expression was worth every penny, every minute.

John Kern

It was kind of quiet, and that's not like us. Whatever it is that they use to get fired up every week, that's what I wanted. We needed to be ready to go out there and attack.

Donnie Henderson

It's gotten a whole lot rougher out here. It used to be quiet out here. It's not like that anymore. It's like the projects really.

Claudia Jones

It was pretty quiet at times. The potential to fill the place was always there, but it just took the right kind of owner and a good team to change the experience for everyone.

Brian Finneran

It's very quiet. In general institutional investors are not willing to move before the Fed makes its call.

Koji Muneoka

I think it will be very quiet today with some selling because of the Easter and Anzac Day break.

John Cooney

It's quiet, it's offset. If you didn't know it was here, you wouldn't have a reason to come here.

Marcella Anderson

This is their building, they like to get it rocking early. That's a big momentum shift when you can quiet them down in the first period like that. That was big for us, definitely.

John Laliberte

It was a total and complete shock. You don't expect that. Not here its really quiet out here.

Faith Thornton

People around the table would look to Len, ... When you are dealing with Len in the boardroom setting, he has a quiet confidence that comes across. He understands and he listens.

Peter Hansen

DirecTV is doing more marketing and it's been quiet for a while. Consumers will buy as high in the line as they can afford. DirecTV will stop marketing the TiVo box and drive new subscribers to its model. And it's the fourth quarter, when people buy electronics for the holidays.

Laura Behrens

It's nice and quiet. That's the way I like it. I don't like a lot of noise.

Rafael Betancourt

So what, so I've got a smile onBut it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head.

John Mayer

It was very quiet. There was a lot of confusion over exactly what the government is talking about in terms of whether they are going to start cutting taxes.

Robert Sasaki

GEMs provide clean, quiet, efficient and affordable transportation. As a zero-emission alternative to petrol and diesel-powered vehicles, they can have a significant impact on air quality. And best of all, GEMs are fun to drive.

Rick Kasper

There are times when you can get away with a chirp at the batsman and there are times when you should just be quiet. This was one of those times.

Allan Donald

Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures.

Thomas De Quincey

He said, Master! Master! Speed up. These dogs might bite us' ... 'Be quiet, when the dogs bark it is because we are working.

Don Quixote

It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defects of others.

Francois de Fenelon

Nothing is secret once you tell anyone. If you want to keep it quiet - don't tell a soul.

Richard Chamberlain

In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn't. Be wise and don't let good things crowd out those that are essential.

Elder Richard G. Scott

Certainty is the mother of quiet and repose, and uncertainty the cause of variance and contentions.

Edward Coke

We have been through this is biennial convulsion four or five different times over the past 10 or 12 years, and now it appears that we are going through this quiet agony all over again.

Senator Everett Dirksen

Given that the first half of December is a relatively quiet time for travel, Delta has been able to re-accommodate most of the passengers on other Delta flights.

Michael Linenberg

Our main focus today was to come out and quiet the crowd.

Jessica Simmonds

I don't think we can just be quiet about it. I think there has to be a broad consensus that this stuff is not to be tolerated.

Michael Sussman

After talking to people all day long in the restaurant, which I love to do, I look forward to being quiet at home.

Emeril Lagasse

I can't ever hear him coming down the stairs, or the phone ringing off the hook from girls and friends calling him. I can't ever again come home to hear the radio blasting upstairs. It's just so quiet in this house without him.

Ellonia Bickers

She was a quiet artist.

Ellen Harvey

Rosemary, his sister, was very similar to Sam. Introverted and quiet.

Elaine Tarr

We left Gaza and they continue to shoot at us from there, so if we leave another area will we have quiet? Israel will have to go back in, like a zipper -- go in, go out -- in the absence of a Palestinian leader ready to put an end to the militias.

Efraim Inbar

Jess is so smooth and quiet, I hardly know she's scoring that many points. We know she's going to go out and get hers, regardless. She deserves that because she works for it.

Ezria Parsons

It's quiet. We open the hangar door and have coffee and watch the osprey fly up and down the Russian River.

Eric Peterson

It's quiet, ... We open the hangar door and have coffee and watch the osprey fly up and down the Russian River.

Eric Peterson

It was nice to get a couple of runs early and quiet their crowd, but when Manny hits his home run, it was 'here they come again,' .

Eric Hinske

While creating as quiet an environment as possible, I would like to watch over the recovery of the Crown Princess.

Empress Michiko

It makes a big difference to our team. It affects our energy as a team. We had a game where everyone was kind of quiet, and we just stayed even-keel the whole time. Even-keel isn't good enough, and we can always count on Koo to get us going.

Emily Cederholm