I think (Tim) knows he's talented, but he's a very humble kid. He's quiet, to himself. I've really gotten on him to be more assertive.

Murry Bartow

This is a beautiful quiet neighborhood. Victoria Park is hot.

Kathleen Prior

How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.

Francois Ftnelon

We don't have a lot of information today. I think today is probably a quiet day depending on what the stock market does.

Bruce Alston

It was so quiet. I looked around and said, 'They gave up.' That to me was one of the most awesome moments, when we took those fans out of the game.

Troy Bodine

Lauren thrives on pressure. Everybody had finished bowling and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Joe Ritter

Delmar is one of the best shooters I have seen in my 13 years of coaching. He is a quiet competitor who does not show a lot of emotion, but plays with a lot of passion and heart.

Juno Pintar

I'm not saying I never will. Right now I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet. You never know what the future will hold.

Senga Allan

I am shocked. It is quiet here, especially this part of the estate. I wouldn't expect this. It is just shocking.

Sue Allen

Erin is our only senior and has been the best captain I've ever had as a coach as she is always in the young girls' ears when they make mistakes and she is a calming influence for them when I'm not being as quiet.

Vin Laczkoski

Things started to quiet down yesterday ahead of the Easter break with volumes on the low side and concerns about oil prices keeping the brakes on the markets.

David Skilton

It's been very quiet this morning. We have a lot of economic numbers out this week that people will be focusing on, and there is the Fed tomorrow.

Steve Previs

Lots of us bought houses here because we thought all of this would be housing. It's a good neighborhood, it's quiet and now you want to add 90 to 100 apartments to it. If there's anything we can do to buy time, please let us do so.

Gary Fox

It's been a very quiet negotiation.

Drew Rosenhaus

I think we're in a quiet time right now. Luxury can be in the fit.

Christopher Bailey

It's very lethargic. It's individual stocks that are moving it. It's very, very quiet, I'm not seeing a lot of activity.

Irwin Michael

The market is volatile, people are edgy; it's also very, quiet in spite of the volumes. I guess everyone's waiting for a catalyst, something to drive the market at this point.

Irwin Michael

They've been very happy to have a quiet summer.

Joseph Bernier

This town was just so important to him. Newman was the quiet person in the background, always doing what he believed was right.

Doug Spalding

The inline design makes the DATUM-C practical and efficient as a pipeline booster, and because of the compact size and quiet operation it would not even require the construction of a traditional pipeline station.

Harry Miller

Quiet, quiet people become intriguing when they're dramatized.

Jane Horrocks

I think September will be quiet. When we get the six, seven, eight or nine patches, it gets to be a bit more difficult.

Steve Manzuik

You wouldn't believe how quiet it is at night.

Lynn Williams

Not a good idea. I told him to keep it quiet.

Damian Miller

The quiet guys are always the ones that have the surprises up their sleeve. I was surprised he wanted to coach, but I know that Maurice will keep the guys focused on how to win.

Moses Malone

I'm a quiet person. I don't really believe in demonstrations, but I wanted to come here to support my son.

Robert Young

Every man needs two women, a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph.

Iris Murdoch

There's no leadership whatsoever to this market, ... Unless something spectacular comes out of the quarterly earnings, it could be a very quiet summer.

John Kinsey

I see this guy going in and out, very quiet, nice person, and it very, very (much) surprised me.

Ruben Gonzalez

I have done my best to keep my young men quiet, but some will not listen and since the fighting began, I have not been able to keep them at home.

Black Kettle

In calligraphy you have to go really deep down to come up with those brushes. You have to be very, very quiet (so you) can see that intensity that she puts from the soul into her painting.

Joyce Maynard

If they remain quiet, people might think, there is something to hide.

Lim Guan Eng

If there is no quiet in Israel, we will respond seven times.

Gen. Yoav Galant

It was a lovely day, so quiet. My husband, Tim, and I were skiing with our two boys and a friend in Yellowstone National Park on Dec. 30, when all of a sudden, we heard the noise of a snowmobile.

Sara Johnson

The fans got silent when she made that shot, it got quiet, it took the air out of their lungs. Everyone jumped off the bench and on to the court to celebrate because we thought the game was over and that we had won.

Jayeneca Bailey

We are keeping him quiet. He is going to be fed as much food as he wants. He is going to rest and eat.

Bobby Horvath

He was very quiet. The other thing was that he had a shell about him, and you couldn't get to know him. He seemed likeable enough, but you couldn't get inside the shell.

Bob Ward

The peace and quiet here has been nice. The carpet is nicer here, and the air conditioner works a lot better, and I think the layout is more functional.

Arthur Brown

It started as a quiet and calm demonstration as we had promised for the sake of avoiding any hassles for the innocent bystanders but the police turned it into violence.

Ram Kumar

Jay's a pretty quiet guy, but each year he's become more vocal and he is without a doubt a leader of our offense.

Gino Dimare

This is the part of the building where people don't have to be quiet.

Scott Ellis

We are the quiet force built up by five centuries of exploitation, tired of living under the dictatorship of the rich and ready to build a new motherland.

Ollanta Humala

It makes sense there would be a letdown after impeachment. People are tired of scandals and want peace and quiet.

Gary Jacobson

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.

Mark Twain

There is also a thread in the play about what it meant to be a son of a man from that generation. The quiet dad who never said much.

Spike Manton

We've had a very quiet period for inflation for a long time and as foreign economies improve, there's likely to be a little upside pressure on pricing.

Richard Dahlberg

Prowling his own quiet backyard or asleep by the fire, he is still only a whisker away from the wilds.

Jean Burden

He's the offensive leader of this team. He knocks on the door of getting a triple-double every night. ... He does it in a relatively quiet way.

Bill Holden

I'm surprised. I know them to be very quiet, and everything is usually pretty peaceful.

Dr. Michael Crawford

Europe and the U.S. are still pretty quiet.

Nick Fothergill

I was here last year, and I saw it then. It's a lot of young prospects, and we're so accessible. If you collect autographs, it's the best scenario because there are no crowds and it's quiet.

Ryan Garko

We were hoping to keep it quiet. You know my dad. He didn't want this to take any attention away from the Final Four.

Nan Muehlhausen

We were looking for a quiet place and this is it. What's better than coming to Belmont Park and stabling in the Phipps' barn?

John Shirreffs

A lot of the companies like to advertise moves like this because it's good for stock prices, ... but a lot of other companies like to keep it quiet. We can find it in an annual report -- but they don't have to put it there.

Stephanie Luce

He's been kind of quiet. That's interesting.

Gary Ruskin

He's real quiet. You approach him and he talks to you. You see the kind of guy he is.

Jimmy Harrison

He has enormous potential and an aggressive instinct disguised by his quiet demeanor. He really came on late in the fall.

Dom Starsia

Things seem to want to quiet down at this point. We have had a heck of a run the past two weeks with very strong gains. It is only to be expected to ease off a little.

Michael Lyons

He said that he felt he made a mistake, that it wasn't feeling good. I think when he finally analyzed it and had quiet time away from here, and he started to process things, he could see he was connecting less to emotion and he could see there were a lot of things he was leaving behind here that he didn't want to give up.

Don Cook

I vacationed up in the area as a child and we both figured it had the peace and quiet we were looking for, ... This is the most fabulous place in the world and George and I loved living here. That's why I'm staying put.

George Archer

They want to intimidate us, they want us to keep quiet.

Paula Mccartney

It's one of the best things having the other teams' fans quiet, and it's something we feed off of. We've been on the road for a while so we've been feeding off of their fans, so I'm excited to see what we can do with our home fans behind us.

Maurice Lane

My life has been nothing special. I am a quiet person who came from a very ordinary, middle-class Negro family.

Ruth Ellis

If you're an acquiescent, quiet management type who is not making any kind of assertive position on the company, then you're going to be a liability, ... The buzz is what can save you.

Mark Porter

They didn't have a whole lot of great scoring chances. It's kind of an easy game. There were a couple of good saves in the third period, but other than that, it was pretty quiet.

Antero Niittymaki

Overall, our hurricane season has been very quiet this year. We've had one weak tropical disturbance so far, at the beginning of August, that lasted a day or two.

Jim Weyman

He was very quiet and humble. A wonderful, wonderful heart. Anyone who was fortunate enough to know him, loved him.

Bonnie Fick

We're basically pretty quiet, so I think there might be some anticipation that some others will follow Microsoft's lead from last week.

Todd Clark

A well-kept secret is that we do have a lot of these wonderful (quiet getaways) like the Round Hills and the Golden Eyes that for some reason they had not discovered. And Jamaica is now being featured in more films. The celebrities see that, and are now coming down to try it.

Paul Pennicook

The government is making the case that they're trying to protect the detainees by keeping their names quiet, when it's clear to us that ... the more that is known about them, the better they can be protected.

James Ross

The first two innings were very quiet, but when the top of the order came back around the girls just came alive and started and started crushing the ball. They got into a rhythm.

Nick Parry

This is a quiet, gentle man who did something extraordinary.

Barbara Holland

I had no idea it was quiet when it snows.

Chuck Buck

He was a simple guy, a quiet person, always good-natured. On every birthday he would bring me something, like a bouquet of flowers. He sent me something on every holiday. He never forgot me.

Maria Gomez

When she got quiet, I kept asking her questions.

Cheryl Brown

The market was very quiet because most investors didn't want to take any significant positions ahead of the Christmas holidays.

Howard Gorges

Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.

William Powell

There is a desire for change. But it's a typically Canadian change ? moderate and quiet.

Warren Kinsella

It's relatively quiet today. Fridays are invariably busy as many players generally get nervous ahead of the weekend.

Ross Norman

A quiet mind cureth all.

Robert Burton

I hated finals week. Finals week was 24-7 quiet hours, which meant no serious guitar playing for a week.

Fred Russell

One of the better guys I've ever played with... quiet, laid-back, but very communicative. Jack had his own style. There's a lot of improvement that needs to be done. I just think there is some direction needed there.

Andre Dawson

We've even had some quiet visits from Toronto officials.

Barry Friesen

That's really the only problem we've seen over there. Overall, it's been fairly quiet. It's just a little hole-in-the-wall place - a drive through mostly.

John Schaefer

It's funny because 30 points is huge but Jack spread it out through the whole game. It was almost a quiet 30. He was relentless.

Pat Fitterer

Even if it eases traffic (congestion on U.S. 41) only a little, if you lived here you'd be happy with just a little bit more quiet as well.

Robert Merrill

We like him. He's quiet, comes to work, does his thing and is a good ballplayer.

Kevin Bouis

[Davis] was good on the court; she was herself, ... But off the court, she was quiet. We chatted about it, and I had no idea she had so much family in New Orleans. It's been tough.

Prescott White

With no students, the town is pretty quiet.

Amanda Walker

They have a very quiet arrogance about them, like they expected to come in and do this.

Ike Hilliard

Compared to other aviation services that may be landing on the snow we shut (the) airplane engine down so you get this natural quiet which is fundamental to the product.

Alex Miller

I work part-time after classes, so I don't get home until late. I really have no time to use the library during the week, when I need it the most. This makes it really hard to get my work done because I need a quiet place to work and my dorm is so noisy.

Peter Anderson

If you think Melbourne is quiet, you should go to Titusville.

Toni Jennings

At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below.

Theodosia Garrison

He starts out very quiet. He squints, and you think he can't see, but he's observing.

Sally Brown

She is a very quiet angel. She has no ego at all.

Janene Gentile

We're sort of quiet out here, doing our thing. But we are ... going to be in a position to claim the title of third commercial airport for Chicago.

Paul Karas

Every time I have some moment on a seashore, or in the mountains, or sometimes in a quiet forest, I think this is why the environment has to be preserved.

Bill Bradley

This is the quiet time. Now is the time to act to push back the tide of HIV in Asia.

David Bloom

He was quiet, very serious. But when he was with family, he was happy. He liked to dance.

Jaime Mendoza

I just try to stay out of everyone's way and keep quiet. We're both quiet, I guess. But Joe can surprise you.

Justin Morneau

It's fun, it's exciting, especially in somebody else's building. When everybody is yelling and screaming, thinking that they have got the win, then it's quiet. I get a bigger thrill out of that than anything.

Rip Hamilton

Asian buyers had been quiet after the bubble economy, but we are definitely starting to see steady growth.

Sachi Braden

Try to keep our bats quiet, ... and sooner or later, we're going to get you.

Brandon Claussen

It's quiet. You can be sitting in the carpool lane at my daughter's school and the engine will be off. Nothing is coming out of the tailpipe.

Geoff Forman

Paul told me to keep quiet.

Robert Cheruiyot

It was quiet; people were crying everywhere. A lot of people just stayed to themselves.

Amanda Waldenmaier

I want to enjoy my peace and quiet.

Wanda Evans

Businesses are really now doing much better. There's been a lot of quiet activity. It certainly bodes well for a very good year.

Ben Stone

It is all quiet there. There's nothing new, right now.

Allard Baird

Despite solid growth, inflation is quiet which is reflected in low bond yields.

Paul Ferley

I love that quiet time when nobody's up and the animals are all happy to see me.

Olivia Newton john

In the near term the economic outlook is still quiet bleak.

Tomoko Fujii

Has been pretty quiet.

David Mitchell

I think in the past they wouldn't take our money and they would insult us to our face. I think going forward they're going to take our money and their going keep insults quiet, but their policies have to change.

Matt Foreman

Nobody cares about it. The IPO market is pretty quiet.

Kyle Huske

Video gaming requires a high-power processor with cooling fans that can be noisy. We wanted something that could go in the kitchen that is quiet.

Mark Biegel

A quiet benefactor. Her heart is in the right place.

Jane Bonner

There are no uncomfortable moments for us. We can be quiet and enjoy it.

Ron Reitzel

He's a real quiet, unassuming kid. He's very humble. I've had a lot of athletes and some of them, when they are in Dar'veon's position, they get a little full of themselves. He's certainly not one of them. He's a confident athlete.

Jim Bauer

Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty... Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words.

Rainer Maria Rilke

We specialize in great steaks, seafood and big drinks. It's also a great and quiet atmosphere.

Chuck Kolner

They take these cute pictures of their kids and then give up on them because simple things, like putting them in an album or e-mailing them to a friend, are just too hard. Your camera phone becomes a quiet little graveyard for all the pictures you take. They're just locked up in there to die. We're trying to solve that problem.

Dan Shapiro

The sentiment was (barricades) have done more harm than good. Things were kind of quiet until the barricades went up. Now instead of 10 protesters, we have 200.

Bill Foster

He was a quiet ground-breaker, ... Many of his accomplishments go unrecognized because he did things in a quiet way.

Harry Pachon

I'm more outgoing and like to have fun, ... He's quiet.

Bruce Johnson

We understand that the publication of the anti-Muslim cartoons presents vexing issues for a democracy, but we also believe that that is the price of an open society. Democracy means a great many things to a great many people. But it must never be a quiet business.

Anthony D. Romero

We haven't had any indication from UEFA of any complaint, ... A far away, quiet place.

Simon Greenberg

In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.

Geoffrey Fisher

Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind, / That from the nunnery / Of thy chaste breast, and quiet mind, / To war and arms I fly.

Richard Lovelace

We're in one of those lull periods where the market is just about to go into a period where it gets a bit quiet.

Stuart Fowler

In my circle of friends, I've always been loud and funny and talkative. But as soon as I step out of that circle, I get very quiet and introspective. I don't want the spotlight on me.

Rosie Perez

They'd been having a little bit of trouble, but other details ... he's just a quiet person and she was too.

Charles Jackson

We didn't talk about it. It was real quiet in the dugout.

Tommy Bond

Kent was the only one to notice the mistake. He could have just kept quiet since he had already signed the card, but decided to admit the mistake.

Linda Failes

I now need to reflect on my experience -- was I foolhardy or rational? -- and also to enjoy freedom in peace and quiet.

Norman Kember

A paisley's character can change with color. It can be loud or quiet, serene or adventurous, ornate but not fussy.

Chris Madden

He had a presence about him. Very quiet, but he had a powerful voice when he wanted to use it.

Duane Thomas

He was pretty quiet as a player. I know he played a real good game his last game. It was down at Lock Haven. I remember that one but it's been so long. He worked hard, practiced hard and played hard.

Ted Kemmerer

The room went very quiet after the penalty shootout.

Peter Wards

It's just a quiet statement and I think it should be left that way.

Beverly Martin

To have a quiet mind is to possess one's mind wholly; to have a calm spirit is to possess one's self.

Hamilton Wright Mabie

We just ask that everyone is quiet during that time.

Lou Smith

Millie's ex-husband is in the publishing industry. They always told people he published text and reference books, but it was really comic books, ... Someone found out and began blackmailing Millie to keep that information quiet, but she was not the murderer.

Bill Stokes

It's a nice, quiet ride; it's not the stop-and-go. The people are nice, real friendly. No one comes on the bus with an attitude.

Henry Jackson

He had been quiet a good part of the game but he came up big for us and that really turned it a around. We did all the little things you have to do to win these kind of games.

Vince Zabinski

Yeah, you're right. Illinois was pretty loud. I kind of like it more quiet.

David Sender

Everyone gets real quiet 'cause they're a little uncomfortable.

Andy Offutt Irwin

It's great so far. He's a quiet guy, but he's pretty intense. I love it.

Hal Gill

Just this morning, it was so quiet.

Rob Stillwell

It's a quiet start to the day. The U.S. jobless claims aren't going to do it, neither is the housing price.

Ted Gould

There is a double standard out there. Comedy is a male business; it's not ladylike what we're doing. But at the end of the day, if it's funny, it's funny, and funny tends to quiet the criticisms.

Wanda Sykes

The reason we are on the forefront is because we do get quiet and think beyond ourselves.

Suzanne Lamborn

She seems like she's a quiet little passenger. That might not sound like a compliment, but it is to me. She's doing good.

Kathy Moore

Cycling has brought me a lot of pleasure and, being a Scot, I know how lucky we are to have beautiful scenery and quiet roads to enjoy by bike.

Chris Hoy

Don't misunderstand, I'm not a Dean 'freak' ... Blue collar, that's me. It's just that I've grown to love the setting here, so quiet, with a view across the fields.

Tom Williams

We're regulating ourselves out of the quiet enjoyment of our community. If we can't find a way to do it we don't have enough brain power in town anymore.

Sheldon Thayer

I guess my idea of a good audience is one that's quiet and listens, but also that's alive: they respond, they're getting the jokes, they're with me. And that' s been happening.

Dan Hicks

It was strange, ... It was kind of quiet in a stadium we knew is supposed to be one of the loudest in the league. Then we came out and were applauded. It was not the normal feeling you get playing on the road.

Shaun Williams

A lot of 5-year-old boys are not ready to sit still and be quiet. After a year of this, they have decided they don't like school, and once they decide they don't like school, it is very hard to change their minds.

Leonard Sax

His career delivers this message: It can be wiser to follow than to lead. Let the innovators hit the beaches and take the losses; if you hold back and follow, you can clean up in peace and quiet.

David Gelernter

I could sense he was a little bit nervous. He had been the starter here for a couple of years. He came in kind of quiet, and we knew that had to change.

Dan Mullen

It's like a big outdoor church, ... It would be great to be able to do this all the time. We're more accepted when we're quiet about our faith. But this is an open pep rally kind of thing, and it's wonderful.

Chris Miller

There was no bitterness; he understood what had happened, ... quiet faith that things would turn out all right.

Christopher Wright

There are a number of riders in the jocks' room here who have what it takes to be leaders, except that they're maybe a little too quiet.

Chris Mccarron

A lot of people told me it got real quiet there. But it was chaos on the sidelines.

Johnny White

It is difficult to keep quiet if you have nothing to do.

Arthur Schopenhauer

It is a quiet and peaceful place - and a fitting place for the remains of this greatest of sea tragedies to rest.

Robert D. Ballard

We'd had a quiet week that week.

Don Howe

As long as it's vacant, at least it's quiet. You don't have to worry about it.

Theodora Brock

He's always there. You never have to ask him twice to do something. He's just a great kid. He's aggressive and focused. He's a quiet competitor who is going to dominate the region. No one can beat him in this county. He's just that good.

Vicki Browning

We played a quiet role, I think, ... as long as we've got the right leadership there.

Nelson Wolff

Screaming is fine... It's the words. If you can avoid saying certain phrases and words... Just try to keep it as quiet as possible. Of course you're going to groan and yell. It hurts. Just keep it to a minimum.

Kelly Preston

From the middle linebacker position, you have to be really verbal and I have no problem with that. There is no room for a quiet player on the football field.

Mark Zalewski

The economy remains extremely sensitive to external demand. Even if we have a pickup in external demand, it's going to be quiet for some time until those backups are cleared.

James Malcolm

The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. People can hardly believe how quiet these buses are, but when they further learn that these vehicles emit zero pollution, they're extremely impressed.

Rick Fernandez

I had no weapon, nor did I hardly wish to fight, neither did I contemplate recovering the bodies of my loved ones, for that was forbidden. I did not pray, nor did I resolve to do anything in particular, for I had no purpose left... I was never again contented in our quiet home.


It is from the quiet and secluded scene of beauty found in the Arabian court-garden that Arabic poetry traces its beginnings.

Kamel Louafi

I saw blood drops on Ronald's coat ... there were red dots everywhere. Loudly I asked, 'What happened?' He signaled me to be quiet, then pointed downstairs to his neighbors.

Antonio Martinez

He's getting better every week. He's kind of quiet, but that can be good sometimes. He just goes out there and does his job.

David Armstrong

Midweek is always quiet, and in the pouring rain there wasn't too many people out. On any rainy day there's going to be fewer people doing any outdoor activity.

Shannon Mcsweeney

I always thought of the waterfront as a quiet area, but the folk festival really changes that. They renovate the waterfront every year. It just keeps getting nicer.

Susan Roberts

I'm good at being sarcastic with guys. They don't want the quiet, prissy little things.

Jessica Alba

It's incredibly quiet at the moment, ... Foreigners are starting to go into Christmas mode and Europeans especially are winding down trading ahead of the introduction of the euro.

Jason James

We might be able to find ways that we can mitigate this. And we should be doing this in quiet time before a pandemic rather than under pressure should one erupt.

John Read

If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively.

Mel Brooks

He's like a quiet strength. He's a strong man, when you get him, you get his best.

Dennis Washington

In past elections, the parties all adopted strong positions on the issue of peace. But this time, the voters aren't looking for peace - they're looking for quiet.

Akiva Eldar

Overall trade was quiet as most players stayed on the sidelines to wait for direction from investment funds.

Shen Haihua

I was just a quiet kid, really. I wasn't the class clown at all.

Greg Kinnear

Patch Tuesday. Because it is quiet, it does give people an opportunity to catch up and make sure they are protected.

Neel Mehta

Different towns have different crowds. It's pretty quiet in San Fernando. The population is generally poor. People want their kids to see the animals. In more affluent areas, we tend to see more protesters.

Chip Arthurs

The precision of the quiet eye location often mirrors the precision required to perform well in a sport. In golf, precision of movement and precision of focus are paramount.

Joan Vickers

I'm very rarely beyond words and I am right now, ... It's one of those quiet moments. It's as public as it is but it's as private as can be.

Tom Bergeron

William H. Rehnquist is by nature quiet and humble. His legacy is that he has shown us how to disagree with civility.

Douglas W. Kmiec

He's a very quiet kid. He's a confident kid, and he's not cocky at all. He's respectful. He's very intense when he plays ... he just loves to play the game.

Andy Evans

Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man.

Iain Duncan Smith

He's a competitor and has great belief in himself. You can tell that on the mound. He's got that look in his eye that he's going to get the hitter out. He has something that you're born with, something you can't teach. He has the heart to be a top-notch Major League pitcher. He expects to win and has a quiet confidence. He doesn't get rattled and has a chance to be a top-of-the-rotation guy.

Bill Bryk

He's the best freshman basketball player in the state. He's our quiet storm. He just goes out there every game and gets the job done with a lot of fanfare.

Lamont Bryant

One of life's quiet excitements is to stand somewhat apart from yourself and watch yourself softly becoming the author of something beautiful, even if it is only falling ash.

Norman Maclean