130 quotes about identifying follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

In homosexual sex you know exactly what the other person is feeling, so you are identifying with the other person completely. In heterosexual sex you have no idea what the other person is feeling.

William S. Burroughs

Having it all in one building would be more practical because we don't want to fragment the departments and programming. We should identify one building that could appropriately house all uses.

Robert Cincotta

Even a teenager here can identify pure gold. So we cannot afford any cheating.

Abdul Karim

We have to limit those bad innings from six runs down to, say, two. It?s not every day that we?re going to put 13 runs on the board, and those bad innings will come back and hurt us if we don?t identify those mistakes better.

Charlie Hickey

The message we want to send to anyone who might cheat the city is, 'We're gonna get ya. We're gonna identify who you are.'

Ron Huberman

First we need to identify the needs and wants of the community.

Mayor Dorothy Larson

The device can identify diseases by sensing chemical patterns carried in the breath.

Frank Bright

If management cannot identify what their employees do and do not know, how can they support them to do their job effectively?

Scott Sharp

A lot of human diseases are caused by multiple gene mutations that are difficult to identify.

Jef Boeke

It's obvious that the Canadian industry is finding it difficult to identify those animals in commercially significant volumes.

Ted Haney

We've got a lot of depth there which is good. We're still trying to identify our best guys.

James Bell

People from small towns often identify with each other. There's a connection with people who grew up in small towns that I don't have with people who grew up in cities.

Sandra Malone

Go home and identify all the chemicals in your house. It's a very long list.

Ivor Van Heerden

Identifying the roles of different contributors is important. What does it mean that someone is listed as an author?

David Magnus

If we do, we can identify those individuals before they go into bars and kill people.

Sam Sutter

We were able to develop tools to identify to see if those programs are residing on your system.

Ron Dick

I was the one to identify the ring that was taken off the body, ... Those who didn't believe it are holding their head in shame now.

Simeon Wright

Failed to identify any constitutionally adequate reason for denying civil marriage to same-sex couples.

Daryn Kagan

It's important for them to discover and identify who they are.

Whitney Ransome

The cards don't give them access to any services. It doesn't make them any more legal. In the event that something tragic happens, the cards help to identify the person. It's a way to connect families who are countries apart.

Rosa Caskey

You need to identify and recognize and admit that there is a gang problem in New Jersey.

James Collins

I can identify with the character really well. The girl loses her father, and I didn't literally lose my father, but figuratively I did.

Jennifer Barretta

I don't know what it is that makes him so hard to identify with.

Dan Didio

The argument came down to the fact that we wanted people to truly be able to identify sex offenders without confusion.

Greg White

This (contract) helped us identify the low-hanging fruit . . . but we feel we can move forward on our own from here and have all the faith that our employees can do that.

Sean Dilweg

I think it would be not very efficient and heartbreaking, maybe, to identify a child [with the gene gap] and then not have a policy set in place to do the early intervention.

Jeffrey Gruen

There is nothing I can identify that says [employers] can't do it. There is not a privacy law that covers every situation.

Tena Friery

Our focus was getting the ball inside. We had a sizeable advantage in the paint and exploited it. I thought the guards did a great job of identifying that and getting the ball inside.

Chris Guess

We are going about this in hopes in will identify system problems.

Paul Nelson

This will be a much more powerful set of eyes for controllers to see things that now can't be seen and to identify specifically what they are.

Donn Walker

I have never been able to come up with any clear indicators. There is no mechanical means to identify them.

Paul Cherney

If you're not prepared, that could happen. If you are prepared and you have means in place to identify, detect and mitigate that, it's not as much of a concern.

Brian Scott

This is the first report in the country that will actually identify real payments.

Marc P. Volavka

I am confident in Dr. Pane's leadership and ability to address these issues and identify a strong administrator.

David A. Catania

Businesses have not been able to identify employees who know what they are doing and have confidence to apply what they understand.

Scott Sharp

People can identify with the personality of their favorite bookstore.

Harry Brown

It was just getting out of hand because we couldn't identify who folks were.

Bob Pratt

We are focused on delivering the service and experience our customers expect, and we will continue to identify opportunities to enhance every aspect of our customers' premium travel experience.

Dennis Cary

There is poverty in Connecticut. Maybe people don't see a lot of it. Sometimes it's isolated or hard to identify.

Tracy Helin

There are challenges here. The good news is that we now have a system to identify them.

Gov. Donald Carcieri

Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution.

Ivan Chermayeff

The guy is a lawyer by trade who operates outside the law. It's an easy thing to identify with for me.

Sam Elliott

Having a history of enslavement isn't the most positive thing to identify with.

Gina Paige

Our voters chose films that are not only of high aesthetic quality, but also have redeeming qualities that most Americans identify with.

Jim Hubbard

The GPS system helps golfers identify how far they are from certain areas. It helps speed up play.

Kent Curley

I have to identify the negatives and accentuate the positives.

Ron Kanaskie

What we're emphasizing is player development and expanding opportunities, because we believe there are far more players in this country than we are able to identify.

Ivan Gazidis

They said we needed to identify him so we did. We said this is Christopher Robinson.

Leslie Robinson

Because of this physical manifestation of stress and nervousness, we did identify them.

George Naccara

When you're doing stand-up, you achieve an intimacy with the audience you can't get on TV. There's not a better feeling in the entire world then when you look out and see the audience is identifying with you.

Bill Engvall

The Patriot Act made it easier for you to identify the bank accounts.

Jerry Bernstein

Would you identify the man in this picture?

Alan Brown

They claim that they found some sheets that were sent to a lab. The test was never done. The lab doesn't exist anymore. If there's a DNA report, it doesn't identify whose DNA was on it. It could be a housekeeper. It could be a pet.

Jeffrey Fisher

The members of the committee will be knowledgeable and will know what is expected of the program and will help identify the new coach.

Chris Plonsky

They should have had acts that the young people can identify with. I'm not even feeling it. Maybe my mother is feeling it.

Carol Lewis

We're hopeful we'll be able to identify many more.

Wayne Kramer

It's hard for me to identify what kind of player he's going to be right now.

Tom Spencer

Her priority is to identify the causal factors, in terms of from whence the children came and why they are there.

Dr Omar Davies

I think we enjoy going up onstage in front of people who can identify with us and we can identify with them. It's a good feeling.

Helen Keaney

We seem to be finding it more and more difficult to identify our common ground, as if we have lost sight of what connects us at the deepest level.

Jan Peter Balkenende

To identify the enemy is to free the mind.

Mari Evans

We've hit upon a raw patriotic nerve in Americans searching for a way to identify with those who are supporting and defending our freedoms.

Kurt Mayer

What was so wonderful was I felt you with it. I felt you identifying with it.

Dyan Cannon

Maybe these are phases. What we do know is we have to identify what areas of health care we will excel at.

Rich Myers

We hope we that we can obtain some DNA from the mask that would identify the person a little bit better for us.

Marcus Dudley

We think we will again need a $50 billion bridge (for '07), so we are identifying that. It is a bridge. It is not meant to be an estimate of what the '07 fiscal year costs will be. ... That will be determined by events on the ground.

Joel Kaplan

Identify the action you will take to achieve your goal, not the action you're 'supposed' to take. Take it one step at a time.

Katrina Bee

Each group has something to offer. They all identify with the theme of 'One Love.' They all come with a love of their culture and who they are.

Jessica Marshall

Just identifying our top companywide customers was hard to do.

Terry Marshall

You need to identify a solution or solutions.

Lisa Mininni

If someone can identify a site where they can host a couple of families and the infrastructure is available or would be quickly available, yes, we will consider that.

James Mcintyre

No charts, no data sets, and no analysis identifying Mohamed Atta or any of the other hijackers pre-9/11.

Slade Gorton

We identify with her pain and grieving.

David Rockwell

The challenge is to identify who the other leagues are so we can form our own association.

Peter Cardo

Historically, most people identify with guards.

Sal Larocca

I've been on enough token interviews to know the difference, and I didn't identify that as one.

Toby Neinas

To love someone is to identify with them.


Either people have been really fast getting their children's names in and we've done a better job of identifying those children, or we're going to have more kindergarteners than we typically have.

Kathy Goecke

The only way it can identify where you are is if it dials a 911 center with the location-based identifier.

Bob Kelley

Eating, sleeping, raising children and making money: It's the human experience. Everybody can identify with it.

Dean Young

One of Chiron's issues [is] it really never had a strong identify with the biotech investing community.

Jennifer Chao

I can identify with what they (other unions) are going through.

Wayne Webster

I wore the tie to identify with the pain of the uprooted.

Uri Dan

The basic policy is to identify high-profile candidates.

Chris Bright

It makes you look closely at what you're doing, identifying your strengths and weaknesses and what to do about them.

Dave Hands

There's a certain standard that we have to pursue every day. Hopefully we are setting a standard for everyone here to really pursue and identify with.

Tom Renney

[Some chefs] who come from the restaurant kitchen have a hard time identifying with the needs of the home cook.

Dave Lieberman

This backlog affects not just the ability to identify and convict the guilty, but it also affects our ability to identify the innocent.

Chris Asplen

If it's a single family with one original founder, then most of them will have the same Y chromosome fingerprint. If there's more than one, we'll identify that.

Bryan Sykes

The most advanced organisms at the time were bacteria, so there isn't a big extinction event you can identify as cut-and-dry as the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Donald Lowe

Generally, the kids have been really good about helping us to identify problems.

Peter Daniels

We love identifying little companies. We're looking for those small acorns that are going to grow into big companies in the future.

Michael Nock Draws

In most cases the community is best placed to identify families they see as the most vulnerable. We will work with the communities and use our house-to-house assessment to identify those families.

Rosie Jackson

We are investigating the case and are questioning some people but we have not been able to identify the accused.

Anil Shukla

We identify the private market value of the business.

Chris O'donnell

Let's identify where the most pressing need is now.

Frank Brunner

It's a lingering disease, and we continue to identify cases.

Mindy Waldron

It's an extremely frustrating process appealing property taxes, ... I can identify with audit's findings.

Gordon Johnson

But that's still a big field. We have to identify exactly what we want and how we're going to get there.

Joe Snell

It was never the fame or fortune that drove me to act. It was something I love and enjoy doing it. A lot of people identify who they are by what they do and that's not me. It's what I do but not who I am. Who I am is a parent. I'm a family man.

Adam Baldwin

On a trauma case, you can easily go through 40 or 50 units before doctors can identify and stop the bleeding.

Heather Parsons

The officers did the best they could, but I had no way of identifying who the [individuals] were.

Robert Bailey

That's one thing the Web is great for: identifying passionate fans and [reaching out to them].

David Card

They have a way of identifying when users installed it, and also when they actually used it.

Paul Mutton

We're expanding. One of the most difficult aspects of the aerospace field is quality people. It is difficult to identify, hire and find good engineers. The aerospace workforce is becoming a concern.

Mike Gold

Its difficult to articulate dreams but the duo have done it so well through a story that people will be able to identify with.

Sriram Iyer

There were more than 100 plants. We had a wonderful time trying to identify all of them.

Marcia Townsend

Dr. Livingston's studies helped us identify the problems.

Dan Simmons

He recognized more quickly that he was wrong and he could change courses, ... You need to identify if you're on the wrong course and correct it - and not give up.

Sophia Collier

These eaters don't fall easily into a category, so we have a tough time identifying them.

Leslie Bonci

Driving is something that everybody does. They can identify with it because they are always out there fighting traffic.

Shawn Bradley

It's vital to getting out the vote because the kids identify with it so much.

Joe Piscopo

Because you're able to see a spectral fingerprint of a chemical, you could use this technology to uniquely identify chemicals that would be associated with chemical warfare agents.

Art Sedlacek

We've got some corruption. There is something inside the directory that is not correct. We just have to identify it and correct it.

Doyle Friskney

We're so early in the storm ... that the hometown companies only themselves are in the early stages of identifying where the damage is.

Jim Owen

One of the problems that we identified is for cell phones that they had no ability to identify them to a geographic region.

Noel Lee

They're identifying with success and hoping to inspire more.

Paul Gimigliano

Winning the flag -- that's the one most people identify with -- but I think the thing I feel most content with is that we have actually given AFL a chance in this market.

Richard Colless

The only trend you can really identify at the moment is that things seem to be M&A driven.

Lars Kreckel

She has a cool personality. She does not easily express her emotions. That may explain why people have difficulty identifying with her.

Gerd Langguth

I identify, date, classify and locate items.

William Cole

If we identify another nation as the source of the bombing, we should retaliate.

Warren Christopher

We'll certainly use their help to try to locate the next of kin and identifying this person as well.

Darrell Debusk

In order to do that we're going to have to start identifying them. We haven't begun the process.

Andrea Dean

We'll do whatever we can, as is humanly possible. If they can help identify what the needs are, we'll try and meet them.

Greg Stringham

We help the children to identify the behaviors leading to obesity and change them.

Dr. Goutham Rao

As soon as they can find and identify a suitable person.

Eric Coyne

The club is following a path with which I cannot identify.

Emmanuel Petit

We are relieved that there aren't two corpses, ... Our priority is now to identify the dead woman.

Edward Winter

We are under no illusions. It won't happen quickly. It's not about blame or guilt. It's about identifying who's doing things and who's not.

Eric Rofes