With cultivation, the New York oyster industry thought it had beaten nature. But the city still didn't take care of its water. London, where oysters once came from the Thames, has a similar story.

Mark Kurlansky

This is not going to have a huge impact on us. We currently ship through third-party shippers to New York and Michigan, so the biggest impact is symbolic in that it will hopefully allow us to ship to more states.

Phil Bilodeau

He truly was the difference in 25 games that year with moves a lot of people thought were stupid. I'll never forget in New York when he put a hit and run with the bases loaded and a 3-1 count. I never saw that before.

Rick Sutcliffe

We recognized from the beginning that stay requests are seldom granted. We pursued it given the concerns for consumers and competition in New York.

Gary Morgenstern

New York state is large, diverse and complex. You need people with detailed understanding and insights of what's happening in their areas.

David Sandman

My mom started taking me into New York every weekend for classes, to find an agent, and to enter me in auditions for commercials.

Marisa Petroro

It was very tough, but I was tired because I had problems with the flight and it took me 40 hours to get here from New York.

Francesca Schiavone

We believe that one of the reasons that CC earnings are imploding is because Best Buy is opening up powerful stores in large metropolitan markets, particularly in New York. We believe capacity will get worse. Best Buy has a large amount of cash and they are ramping up their expansion to try to pre-empt CC's turnaround.

Peter Caruso

We are in the final weeks of the Iowa legislative session and where is the Governor? He's been in Florida, Washington D.C. and New York, just in the past four days. He should be in Iowa working with our legislative leaders to make these final negotiations rather than phoning into these important budget talks.

Cullen Sheehan

We got off to a rough start in New York where I wasn't playing too much. Going to Washington I was having fun playing hockey again but got hurt. I got traded to L.A. and everything was a downward spiral.

Anson Carter

Basically it was a boring day all around, no matter where you look. It was boring here and it was boring in New York.

Fred Ketchen

[NEW YORK (CNN) --] If you're going to live with it, you have to love it, ... Everything that comes into my apartment, I have to use.

Anna Sui

My personal vision is to take the best part of the Orioles' Memorial Stadium and Camden Yards, ... One thing I've learned is York has a real tie to Baltimore and the Orioles.

Peter Kirk

What you don't want to do is put too much pressure on them, too much added expectations. They had enough expectations in New York. I don't know if you can ever ease a player into the New York scene. It's something that a guy like Carlos Beltran, Mike Piazza, Cliff Floyd, they can take the pressure off the two young guys so they can go about their business and develop at their own pace.

Jim Duquette

I think it is really unfortunate that the New York University administration has decided to take a page out of the Yale administration's anti-union book, ... It's shocking that in 2000 the NYU administration decided to recognize the democratic decision of their students, and then at the whim of the president of the university, they can take away their contract, take away their grievance procedure.

Mary Reynolds

No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris ... [because] no known motor can run at the requisite speed for four days without stopping.

Orville Wright

It was no secret when I had several chances to leave as a free agent, I never chose to go anywhere, ... I never envisioned there was any place better to play than in New York. I can't go back and play, but to go back in a capacity as a pitching coach and become part of the organization again, it's a great honor and a great challenge. I think it's going to be fun.

Ron Guidry

We tracked one parolee to New York, but when we got him on the phone he threatened to kill the person who found him.

Henry Yennie

My steamer trunk was packed to go, ... when my sister told me about a friend of hers in New York, a former center at Michigan who was coaching the centers at Yale. His name was Jerry Ford, the future president of the United States.

James Whitmore

What I like to do on New Year's day is go to four or five or six places where people who are working for New York City are working, just to thank them.

Rudy Giuliani

Twenty-five years ago I was traveling from Chicago to New York on a United Airlines flight. Went to the bathroom, washed my hands, soapy water, the ring slipped off, put it on the sink .

Jerry Kramer

This is the hotbed of (high school) cross country running in the United States. Western New York has great distance running tradition, but we're gonna recruit the best kids in the state of New York and the best in the nation. We're not going to just be a regional program.

Chris Fox

This is a dream come true. Sometimes I have a hard time believing all this is happening. It's going to be quite an adjustment going from the South to New York, but I'm so excited about the opportunity. I'm just looking forward to trying to contribute in any way I can.

Sherill Baker

People in France are very intrusive when they recognize you. In New York, they are very polite, with quick words, so it's great.

Audrey Tautou

This is a classic example of a censorship crusade by local government bureaucrats who are relying on their own subjective definition of obscenity to arrest someone even before any court has found that this Web site is illegal. What right do Polk County officials have to decide what people who live in Berlin and London and Hong Kong and New York access in the privacy of their own homes?

Howard Simon

She should tell New Yorkers the truth about her plans, is she committed to New York or is she running for president?

Jeanine Pirro

We already had an advantage over New York and Louisiana. We have the ability to call in resources and get them in quickly.

Bonnie Reed

The states unevenly regulate it, so it's a better buy in New York by far than it is in Louisiana, where it's a terrible buy. But if you're 60 and in poor health, it's a good buy anywhere. If you're under 40, it's a bad buy.

Jim Hunt

It was an honor to be in this race with him. I also had to privilege to ride everyday in New York with him early in my career. There will never be another jockey with the passion and the love for the game like Angel has.

Richard Migliore

It felt great to just slaughter somebody after losing against York. We just went out there and took all our aggression out that we should have had Thursday.

Nic Beaver

Tech Industry job losses in New York slowed dramatically in 2004. We are seeing positive indicators for the future. With tech exports up and venture capital soaring by 47 percent in the Empire State, we believe we will see growth in the high paying jobs that will drive the state's economy in the future.

Justin Wright

We are committed to New York but it's too early to tell where we will be.

Judy Tenzer

My law firm had to personally go on a plane and take millions of dollars in jewelry back from Beverly Hills to New York. We were so nervous.

Len Leeds

But perhaps it was in the South Carolina Statehouse and captured by Sherman's men in 1865. What we do know is that a veteran of a New York regiment from the Civil War presented it to the state of New York in 1889 during a ceremony on the state house grounds in Albany.

Fritz Hamer

[WHY:] Elliot Spitzer is one of the greatest Attorney General's in the history of this nation, ... He has shown leadership and a courage of his convictions that is all too rare in politics. He stands up for what he believes in, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to stand up with him and support his effort to do even more for the State of New York as our Governor.

Bruce Raynor

The Rutgers Jazz Ensemble is a very fine group so it was a natural to have the students involved in this. We wanted to have a real mix of musical styles, from vocals to the Hammond B3. And also, for this series, I felt it should be mostly artists from around the area who you might not hear in New York.

Holly Hofmann

It was like our guys weren't ready to play when the game started, and our lack of execution kept us from playing our game in the early stages. But give York credit. They play well and are doing what their coaches ask of them.

Bobby Stevens

They developed programs for kindergarten through fifth grade that complement the New York State standards.

Lynn Kinsella

This is one more surprise for people in this area; we not only had a Nobel Prize winner, but a Pulitzer Prize winner, and he even wrote a poem that mentioned New York Avenue, in Union City. I hope that as a result of these articles, the city residents will become interested in learning about all the people and things and places that we can call 'our own' and should respect and honor.

Kathie Pontus

He loved the ballet more than he loved sports. He would always make a point to see it when we were in New York or Chicago and certainly at home in San Francisco.

Scotty Stirling

Intellectual property is a very important part of the economic development equation. We've created dozens of programs to ensure the product born from the mind of a New York scientist or researcher stays right here in New York state.

James Denn

Ben had spoken to state police previously about Nathaniel's situation and the troopers provided an escort for the family right to the New York state line. From there, a New York trooper took over and led them right to the hospital.

Carol Cooper Ryley

Live From New York.

Tom Shales

Front desk clerks at Hilton are generally empowered to listen to any reasonable request. We probably wouldn't treat you to a $500 dinner for two, but if you're walked from the New York Hilton and Towers, we might take you over in our limo to a suite at the Waldorf-Astoria.

John Luke

If a voice like this cannot be heard on a New York stage, what hope is there for anyone else?

Katharine Viner

Curtis Martin is a special person and a player destined for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He has confirmed through his actions that he is always seeking ways to help the New York Jets win football games and to lead the team both verbally and through his extremely high level of play.

Mike Tannenbaum

My plan was to move to New York and work in commercial real estate. My car was packed and ready to go.

James Hutson

This event is very appreciated. The boutiques really saw a need for it. The ladies love it. I don't have to tell you that our population is exploding here. We get the residents and the tourists. We've added more days this year and some of the venues have already sold out. The designers know this and some are sending their collection straight off the runway of New York.

Olympia Devine

They do it on a national basis, and this is the first time that it is being done in West New York.

John Fraraccio

But, ... once the game gets started, I think the New York crowd will go back to being a New York crowd.

Shaun Williams

It's not a secret things weren't working out in New York. I wasn't comfortable there. I wasn't happy with the role I was given from the start. I see this as a chance to restart my career and get it back to where I should be.

Janne Niinimaa

They will make it down to Mexico. This year, we got a cold front down from Canada toward New York, so they just fly with the wind.

Russ Miller

Since this has come to town, I don't miss New York so much.

Cheri Alexander

Baseball fans west of New York City might hate the Yankees, but Yankee-hating is a good thing for the sport. Stadiums sell out, ratings go up and a team's own shortcomings can be blamed on someone else.

Pat Sajak

The United Nations is an uplifting experiment, dedicated to raising the standards of living in Africa, the consciences of democracies, and the price of prostitutes in New York.

Frank Dane

Killing the West Side stadium gave Shelly Silver a new image as a populist defender of his constituency. Bruno is a winner because he is as strong - if not stronger - than Gov. Pataki with Republicans, because he is going to be around in New York while Pataki is a lame duck.

George Arzt

The Giants will always represent New York in the sort of in-your-face move that being in the Super Bowl presents to the way the rest of the country mostly thinks of us: huge, cold, rich, conceited, unnatural, deserving therefore of all our misfortunes.

Richard Gilman

He's Sherman from New York.

Cartoon Network

I would love to study musical theater in a big city. New York University and the Boston Conservatory have always been at the back of my mind.

Devon Williams

On my first day in New York a guy asked me if I knew where Central Park was. When I told him I didn't he said, 'Do you mind if I mug you here?'.

Paul Merton

The other police departments look at our badges and say, 'Harrison?' ... Then they do a double take and say 'Harrison, New York.'

Robert Collins

[Shooting dance sequences on the streets of New York City gave the film a gritty realism.] Actual gang members were used for security, ... Some of them wanted to know how they could join the Sharks or the Jets.

George Chakiris

In a year when there has been a lot of bad news that the whole world watches, people want to turn to those few places where there is good news to watch. This night is the best advertisement in the world for Times Square and for New York City.

Tim Tompkins

Hating the (New York) Yankees is as American as pizza pie, unwed mothers, and cheating on your income tax.

Mike Royko

There hasn't been an awful lot of reaction to Iraq. Most of it, I think, occurred late in New York yesterday. So I guess there was a little pullback today, maybe some profit-taking in Europe.

James Blumenthal

This is probably one of the most important positions for an archbishop in this country, ... He is in effect the shepherd of New York City, and because of that, the shepherd of this country.

David O'connell

Service between New York and Washington, D.C. is something we're looking at very closely, but right now we're deploying our aircraft to cities we feel are under-served and over-priced -- and there are quite a few cities in that category, including Washington, D.C.

Jenny Dervin

I think it's a big deal symbolically because it's New York kind of going as far as we can in relationship law, ... It's also a big deal because it's New York City trying to make relations as equal as we possibly can.

Christine Quinn

Branding New York City is too broad an image these days. It's no longer as powerful on the macro level. The trick is to find the brands that are unique, but not so niche and so in-the-know that only 12 people who live in the neighborhood will get it.

Allen Adamson

These kids have nothing to be ashamed of; they played a great season. I don?t think a lot of teams anticipated we would be here. We?re desperate to get some respect down in the York area. Most of the Portland-area schools don?t even know we exist. We want to let them know that we?re around and that we can give anybody a game.

Rick Brault

I think we are definitely going to see $3 a gallon during the peak driving season. Crude is almost at $70 a barrel in the New York Commodity Exchange. That's where the problem lies.

Roy Turner

It's tough for spouses because we've had spouses that come here, many of them are teachers, and they can't teach in the state of New York with the teaching degree that they have.

Sharon Jones

New York City is big and it's complex and there's tons of stuff to see and do, so planning is really, really key.

Karen Cure

I was on a troop transport that carried Army troops from New York to Germany. I know how cold the Atlantic Ocean can get. While I was reading that, I could feel the cold winds blow.

Harry Lawwill

Having lived in New York for 10-plus years, it becomes a part of you, ... I love the city and I love the team and what we were able to do. Obviously, that's a good fit for me.

Mark Messier

Vernon Jordan is an individual who I understand helped Monica get an interview with a public relations firm in New York where she was eventually going to -- and may still -- park herself as an entry-level intern or apprentice, or whatever they call it in that trade.

William Ginsburg

Giuliani visited Indian Point and said, 'It's a reverse of Marion' high-security prison in upstate New York. It's as secure as Marion, but not in keeping people in but keeping people out.

Richard Sheirer

You'll be eating New York pizza tonight.

Frank Armstrong

We're rolling out tests this summer in a few markets. New York City is one of the markets, and they'll be kicking off in a couple weeks.

Karen Raskopf

New York is an extremely important market for us. It's the most attractive banking market in the US given its size and demographics. This gives us enormous strength in a very competitive marketplace.

Charlie Scharf

Our schools spend about half of what is spent per pupil in New York City public high schools, [and] with dramatically better results. The problem is not the amount of money being spent. Spending in New York City has increased several billion over the last five years alone; the problem is how the money is spent.

Chris O'malley

Violet: You always said I could grow up to be anything. Mr. Sanford: I never said "songwriter in New York.

Piper Perabo

MAMMON, n. The god of the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of New York. He swore that all other religions were gammon, And wore out his knees in the worship of Mammon. Jared Oopf.

Ambrose Bierce

I think we were a bit tired and spent after playing York. We spent a lot of energy, and it showed.

Jeremy Paul

I think of New York as a puree and the rest of the United States as vegetable soup.

Spalding Gray

New York law may still apply if you live in New York and did your work here.

Richard Kass

If he missed, we were going home, and the whole thing about New York probably would have changed. He had the guts to take it, and that wasn't the only big shot he took. When coach (Don) Chaney was here, we used to run isolation plays for him at the end of the game to catch the ball and go one-on-one. Do you know how tough that is? And he would make shots. He was tough.

Herb Williams

There are a few things worrying the market today, but the most relevant is New York.

Helio Ozaki

New York is an extremely important market to us. It is the most attractive banking market in the whole country. This is a unique opportunity that we are absolutely thrilled about.

Charlie Scharf

Like all New York hotel lady cashiers she had red hair and had been disappointed in her first husband.

Al Capp

We're not ever going to be on the same time zone as Chicago or Los Angeles or New York. But we want to know clearly what the time differences are.

Harvey Brooks

They've worked incredibly well for us, and we're the second densest city in the country behind New York.

Robert Reed

The transition was good compared to New York because the inner city schools were so jam-packed. I felt it was a good decision for me to come here.

Demetrius Porter

[NEW YORK In southern Mississippi this week, Church World Service (CWS) disaster responder Tim Johnson says the agency is helping community groups begin to organize long-term recovery resources for Hurricane Katrina and Rita's most vulnerable survivors,] but, ... long-term recovery looks a long way off for many along the Gulf Coast and even farther inland.

Tim Johnson

99 JAMZ and Papa Keith on the Beat are playing it [locally], it's slowly climbing on countdowns in Connecticut and Corpus Christi, Funk Master Flex played it on his radio show [in New York] -- people couldn't believe it. It's getting around.

Camille Smith

He's smart and he's a very good skater. The question is if he's mature enough to play with the big boys at a tough position. It's a tough position to break into the NHL at when you are 20 years old. I think he'll have a strong camp and will make a serious bid to play in New York this season.

Don Maloney

I like the kind of place where you know everybody's face, 'cause I'm a small town kind of guy. ... I've been to New York, London, Paris, but I'm not a bit embarrassed to admit I'm more at ease with fewer people and more trees.

Johnny Vaughan

There's no radio station in New York City where you can hear Sinatra sing 'New York, New York.' On XM you can.

Hugh Panero

My father's record collection was full of New Orleans music of all kinds. I used to listen to the radio in New York, and all there was on it at the time was Madonna and Michael Jackson, so it sort of passed me by.

Madeleine Peyroux

The Republican Party's ideas of cutting taxes and reducing the size of government ... are what are going to make New York state prosper.

Ryan Moses

New York state has a lot of charms, but it's naive to think other states don't have their own charms. New York has been making that naive mistake for too long and our population numbers prove it.

Matthew Maguire

He's a unique player. Not only is he someone who is incredibly talented on the field, but that talent actually translates to success in New York.

Brian Cashman

Every afternoon I listened to the Metropolitan Opera radio broadcasts and when I was four, I told my mother and father that it was my destiny to sing there, that I was going to sing at the Metropolitan Opera of New York City.

Dixie Carter

The question of a hurricane hitting New York is not a question of if, but when.

Brian Pozzi

Yeah, it's the Jamboree. But anytime we beat York, it's nice.

Jet Turner

It's snowing in New York. But it's not snowing in Tampa, Florida.

Michael Kay

It's a good audience to reach. They're not all local. It gives us the opportunity to educate the person from New York.

Monica Taylor

One of the best things that ever happened to me was Rocky Horror being a total flop in New York as a play. I mean, it was a disaster, and it was the night of the long knives as far as the critics were concerned.

Tim Curry

We really wanted to open the season with a bang and we felt that featuring well-known stars of Broadway would be a grand gesture, ... It will be a great pleasure to work with folks who have presented these pieces on the New York stage.

Charles O. Jones

Going to be able to lobby (President Clinton) in a way that no other person could possibly lobby the president of the United States and make sure that she delivers for the state of New York.

Geraldine A. Ferraro

As to our corporate bosses in New York, it's not my place to say their view is incorrect. But while we embrace new technologies, we do so with deliberation, caution and forethought.

Alan Horn

Most of my family is here - my mother and brother are the only ones still in Charlotte. When I was a little kid, I used to dream about playing in the Garden. Every kid in New York dreams about that. I saw a game there once when I was real young, but I don't remember it.

Isaiah Hunter

[The cemetery shows the fleetingness of fame and wealth. Anyone remember John Finley, a Princeton politics professor who was also editor in chief of The New York Times until he retired in 1938? Mr. Sutphen pointed out the modest tombstone of Howard T. Behrman, 1912-1985:] He gave $20 million to Princeton University and I bet no one even looks at this. ... Monuments getting bigger.

The Brothers Grimm

Then, when you're doing a show in New York and they're on holiday in New York, they come to see you because you've been to see them. And that's how it works.

Tommy Tune

Mr. Kumar has not been involved in the sports business operation process with the New York Islanders for several years.

Bernadette Mansur

It has truly brought New York to a new level of life. I don't want to say resurrected because resurrected means you were dead first and then you rose from the ashes. But work was diminishing, and the tax credit program has changed that around dramatically for the entire industry.

Alan Suna

We couldn't open with a harder game. I think you can count on one hand the number of games that St. John's will have lost in the Big East in Queens in New York in the last 10 years.

Bobby Clark

As a kid, I fell in love with the EC Comics from the '50s. It was illegal to produce horror and science fiction in the state of New York because of EC Comics. They just went over the line. Their covers were hangings and brutal stabbings.

Thomas Jane

Elected officials are good at talking a game, all of us are, but I can do it because I've done it. The most important thing we need to do to help stimulate the economy in New York state is to reduce local taxes, especially property taxes.

Tom Suozzi

The issue is whether the regulatory unit of the New York Stock Exchange will survive. It's not just fighting for recognition; it's fighting for survival.

Bill Singer

I was born on 22 March 1931 in New York, the elder child of Abraham and Fanny Richter.

Burton Richter

They will probably get rid of low-level jobs in high-cost cities, such as London, New York and Hong Kong.

Judah Kraushaar

We want to ensure that we give voters of New York real numbers.

John Ravitz

We're working on a performance at Carnegie Hall in New York City, Orchestra Hall in Chicago and a tour of Italy.

Travis Almany

It's a wonderful film about a writer who is obsessed with his love for the Boston Red Sox, ... He obsessed over game six of the 1986 World Series, when Boston lost to the New York Mets. When we finished the movie, Boston had won the World Series... History caught up with it.

Tom Aldredge

And hard-nosed bankers from New York are going to take a pretty clear view on the risk profile and the economics of the plant in Bangladesh.

Alan Rosling

All along the West Coast was really good. Where it's most spotty are East Coast cities, particularly New York.

Amy Bohutinsky

Mr. Rich [who died Feb. 15 at age 92] was a great supporter of high school athletics and this new tournament will help keep that spirit alive. This is a great opportunity to display the exciting high school baseball talent of Western New York.

Mike Buczkowski

Goldman Sachs has called Lower Manhattan its home for 136 years and we are proud to reaffirm our commitment to this neighborhood and to the city of New York.

Group Inc

New York was the place where everyone got wiped out.

Rick Najera

There are too many opportunities in New York. We can't live too far away.

Bruce Zhang

The two-way traffic between New York and Hollywood has been a fact of life since Hollywood was invented. But the traffic has really intensified in the last five years.

Jed Bernstein

But Lunceford was playing great music, and he was just a wonderful human being. We didn't even curse in front of him. We would play seven different shows a day at the Paramount Theater in New York, and we had seven different uniforms. People were lined around the block from Broadway to Seventh Avenue.

Gerald Wilson

I've probably played there about six times, over the last two years. It's one of my favorites -- I think it's incredible, ... I think that good music does well in New York City, and that's what I'm excited about.

Pat Green

It's because of our tax structure, mostly. Motorists in New York State are paying some of the highest taxes in the country on fuels.

Wally Smith

He was there for them as he was for us right here in New York City, inspiring a nation as he stood on hallowed ground, supporting the first responders. This fight against terrorism takes decisiveness, not contradiction.

Bernard Kerik

We never got there. ... One of us was arrested in Shreveport ... and the car finally dropped dead in Houston, ... I was stuck in Houston for about a week. I finally called my parents and asked them for money to go back to New York.

Holly Woodlawn

He grew up in New York and Chicago and liked the idea of an authentic Irish pub in Fort Myers. He spent a lot of time in Ireland and the family has a home there.

Paul Mccabe

This is a tremendous economic value for New York City, but it's also an incredibly valuable symbolic message and media message that New York City is open for business.

Christyne Nicholas

We want that center, we yearn for it, we need it. It shouldn't look like New York or Paris, it should look like us.

Frank Gehry

But for us it was three years ago. We still miss it. We love New York so much.

Carter Bays

It may simply be that New York is a state where there's more agreement that we're responsible for one another to some degree, and that may not be so strongly felt in other parts of the country.

Joel Diemond

London is still seen as the crossroads of all markets. Europe is roughly on its doorstep, one hour distant, New York is five hours distant and there's the cross-over with the Asian markets.

Jerry Evans

I thought I had thought about it, but I didn't realize what it really meant until I saw a double page of my face in The New York Times.

Margherita Missoni

I love it _ it's what she should be doing. We lose sight of the fact that _ because she might be a presidential candidate, because she's a big star, because she was first lady _ she is a New York senator. She has a real job, with real responsibilities.

John Marino

I love Chicago. It's such a great town, and it's got great culture and great history, and it's not as extreme as LA or New York, and it's just- it's hard for me for work, because I don't live and work in the same place and that's tough. But I'm- I love it.

Joan Cusack

As the unsung heroes of New York City, security officers should be rewarded, not penalized for keeping our buildings secure, our neighborhoods protected and everyone safe. As one of the signature landmarks in New York City, the Empire State Building should be a leader in setting standards for the private security industry.

Christine Quinn

There is so much about hip-hop culture that is peculiar to New York, and I got to understand it from that point of view.

Jeff Chang

We don't know why they were fleeing New York.

Denise Monteiro

If you think about it, he's the perfect New York pitcher. Nothing bothers the guy.

Andy Phillips

Note to the New York State Republican Party: Don't despair - you may not have to settle for John Spencer just yet. There are still about a dozen registered Republicans left in New York who you haven't asked yet.

Blake Zeff

NYSUT is pleased to partner with a respected organization like the College Board on such an important endeavor. We are making sure every student in New York receives a world-class education, and that historically under-represented groups get every chance to succeed. The vertical teaming program is a step in the right direction.

Maria Neira

It was great for country to come to New York City to widen the scope of what we are trying to do with the genre and dispel some misconceptions about country music in general.

Jay Demarcus

You really have to want it. I like the fires and the excitement. I want to be in Aurora, Chicago or New York. I just want to be in a really busy fire department.

Jake Sporna

I assumed that the collaboration between the writer and artist would be fairly intimate, a lot of back and forth. But it's not like the old days when they were all together in New York, working out of the famed Marvel bullpen.

Charlie Huston

Back then, my air fare on Eastern Airlines to fly from Florida to where Marge was stationed in New York was $16. It was the most important flight I ever made.

Bud Thurman

For national Republicans, this 2006 race is really about the presidency, but I don't think that's the case for the people of New York. Clinton is so popular that Pirro can't say, 'She hasn't done a great job for New York.' The only thing you can say is, 'She can't continue doing a great job forever.' Talking about 2008 will help with fund-raising, but it's a pretty weak political argument.

Celinda Lake

Hopefully, it will bring some people who have seen the exhibit in New York to Las Vegas, and people from Las Vegas to New York.

Thomas Krens

We have lower incomes in the state, which is one reason. And it's a lot harder to pretend to be someone from Belt than it is to be someone from a bigger urban area like New York City.

Cort Jensen

In New York, Chicago, ... if something goes, it's replaced. In Detroit, when things go, they're just gone.

Paul Clemens

I'd think they'd want to make a clean break with Howard. In New York, they threw out the whole K-Rock brand to distance themselves.

Adam Jacobson

The hardest part for everyone will be to stay patient and understand that we are committed to building a team from within that can have long-term success in New York.

Glen Sather

Storing your car in New York is safer than entering it in a demolition derby. But not much.

Daniel S. Greenberg

That's a good feeling because I was watching Channel 5 and not too many people were happy in New York with their snow removal.

Duke Hart

Usually this time of year we're working with the New York Times about Full Frame [Documentary Film Festival].

Reyn Bowman

Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.

David Letterman

The time has come to look at whether New York banking has become anti-competitive. A merger of this size is something that low-income neighborhoods cannot afford. We've had more than enough.

Matthew Lee

New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn't make a sudden move.

David Letterman

It has a chance of shifting slightly the agenda-setting decisions made by the media in New York, London and Atlanta.

Daoud Kuttab

I think the choice of actors that we have is a little more varied and rich here in New York than in L.A..

Jerry Orbach

In the midst of this national crisis, to have the city of New York, which has known such tragedy itself, to reach out to the citizens of New Orleans is a wonderful thing, and to do it in such a way that celebrates the rich traditions of New Orleans music shows an understanding and compassion that is truly heartwarming.

Quint Davis

Back in the early 30s, Woody and Lead Belly were musical cronies. At all the New York folk-song parties of that day - and the guitar picking population of New York at that time consisted of about ten people, if you can believe it - Lead Belly and Woody were the stars. And usually after all of us had decided to go to bed, Woody would go home with Lead Belly and they'd sit up and play until morning.

Alan Lomax

(Trump) is a formidable candidate for anything he decides to run for. We would love to see him run for president of the United States in 2008 as a third-party candidate. I'd do what I could to help give him a strong base here in New York and everywhere else in the country.

Frank Mackay

The issue is bringing cargo in and bringing cargo out - and Portland, New York, Boston, and Montreal, these are big competitors.

George Bald

You've got every pharmacy in New York state calling up the same number and unless they've got 5,000 people there to answer phones, it's going to take a while.

Tony Quaid

We've been talking about this for a while and the time was right. Lisa will have a greater hand in developing the museum, and I will have less of the day-to-day managerial responsibilities in New York.

Thomas Krens

This is going to be a real experiment. It's going to be a glamorous, high-end benefit fund-raising event in the best and highest tradition of New York fund-raising events. At the same time, it's going to be accessible to a broad range of people.

Oskar Eustis

There are amateur musicians who want to play with other amateur musicians, and there were students looking for teachers who didn't know how to find teachers. Because here in the shadow of the cultural capital of the world - New York City - there is a certain isolation.

Beth Cohen

The purchase of these two parcels represents a further step toward the fulfillment of the York Land Trust?s own expanding dream, to work with willing landowners to protect, as broadly as possible, the upper reaches of the York River. It has been a pleasure to work with Ms. Clough toward a common goal. It?s very exciting.

Doreen Macgillis

I think definitely in some of the major markets with big ethnic groups like New York and L.A., you're definitely going to get (a cable) operator that takes it. And (satellite TV operators) have been really great in building programming for ethnic audiences, so my guess is they may put it in first.

Deana Myers

[At the center of the investigation is a patient who developed pneumonia April 22 and was treated in the wards at North York Hospital.] This person was transferred to St. John's on April 28, ... This person did not develop symptoms until early May, and likely was the index case for the cluster seen at St. John's.

Donald Low

I don't know why they tied our gasoline to the prices in Los Angeles, Gulf Coast and New York, ... We have nothing to do with those markets.

Mark Moses

We've got three starters, five entrees including the half-pound New York steak, four side dishes and a dessert.

Tom Moxcey

If you write plays there are only two places in the world where you would want them to be staged. One is New York, the other is the West End of the greatest city in the world - London.

Ray Galton

I think of the sights and sounds and mad rushes of feeling and sensations that come over you all at once when you're in New York.

John Pickett

Detroit was just like a New York or San Francisco as far as having artists and the music culture, except it was more of a reflection of the Midwest and the car culture: a little hard-edged.

Pat O'connor

What I'm looking for tonight is the results here in Georgia. Can Edwards have a comeback here? Can he win the Minnesota caucuses? Can he keep it close in New York and Ohio? And barring a miracle, I mean a real miracle, John Kerry will be within a stone's throw of winning the nomination.

Donna Brazile

It's really the same confusion that you had on 9/11 - worse, really, because at least in New York City you had Rudy Giuliani.

Thomas H. Kean

I feel I am lucky to have a place to dance. Now you don't just have to go to New York City anymore.

Cynthia Gregory

This additional bandwidth will give us an enhanced ability to serve our growing number of enterprise level customers all over the globe. Whether in New York City, Los Angeles or London, our customers will have the bandwidth they need to be leaders in their field.

Christopher Faulkner

I love the city. I have wanted to move to New York since I was in middle school. One of my best friends lives there, and I have a great opportunity to go live with her and get started on my life out there.

Courtney Lavere

New York has always been a weird hometown for us. It was kind of the first place in the United States outside of Austin [Texas] where we really were embraced.

Julie Doyle

[Arthur Daley, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist of the New York Times, expressed an opinion that was typical.] This fight should not be patronized either in person or on theatre TV, ... Not a nickel should be contributed to the coffers of Clay, the black Muslims, or the promoter who jammed this down so many unwilling throats.

Arthur Daley

One reason New York leads the nation is due to the tremendously strong programs in place on Long Island - it's really impressive.

Trevor Packer

My father had the knowledge and such a good work ethic that at times he was sent to Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C., O'Hare in Chicago and LaGuardia in New York City.

Joseph Weiss

It actually meets a standard agreed to by New York, Connecticut and the EPA that doesn't need to be in place until 2014.

Gina Mccarthy

He brings New York City playground smarts and toughness.

Jim Graffam

Like grave robbers, who have no respect for the dead, this drug organization used revered tombstones to smuggle millions of dollars worth of cocaine into New York City.

John Gilbride

I suspect that she wasn't as keen to marry the Duke of York as he was to marry her.

Hugo Vickers

This is more of an economic brownout for New York than an economic blackout.

Carl Riccadonna