I'm issuing a warning against a grand coalition.

Reinhard Buetikofer

Greenspan is giving individuals ample warning that they need to take that into account. He's throwing out a yellow flag of caution.

Allen Sinai

[Until the Salvation Army came, Alvarez and Perez had used water from a lake behind their mobile home community to shower and fend off the heat, even after receiving a warning from the state's Department of Health that the lake is contaminated.] We're desperate, ... No one has come out to help us. We're poor, but we're still human beings.

Carlos Alvarez

The first two warnings (a warning and a point penalty) were okay, but the third one, I can't believe it.

Nicolas Massu

Sometimes, after a storm, people say there was no warning. There was a warning, but nobody was listening.

Jeff Last

[However, naysayers are warning that the major shift envisaged by the Joint Declaration,] If implemented, would result in new rules of global nuclear commerce that the Bush administration has previously opposed, ... Is the US-India Nuclear Cooperation Good or Bad for Proliferation?

Michael Krepon

[The researcher was warning that] you can't just give this to anybody, ... You have to identify people who are going to have adverse incidents.

Benedict Lucchesi

We believe that this signifies this is a warning message, and they feel they're obligated (to give) in the run-up to an attack.

Ben Venzke

We must sternly warn that those with ill-gotten wealth and those who use illegitimate means to reap staggering profits, destroy the order of the socialist market economy and disrupt market order, will meet legal punishment.

Xinhua News Agency

It's too early yet to be alarmist but if these kinds of numbers were confirmed in December and January, it would mean that the bright interval we've had this summer was a flash in the pan, ... This is certainly a warning.

Valerie Plagnol

Families need as much warning as possible to evacuate safely. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms are the most effective way to protect you and your family from the risk of fire.

John Drengenberg

Mrs. Whiteley never smoked a pack of cigarettes that didn't have a health warning on it that was written by the surgeon general.

William Ohlemeyer

This is a theme that I think investors are missing, because as tech and retail companies continue to warn about profit shortfalls, there are no revisions in the drug area.

David Saks

[Sue Ellen Cooper of Fullerton launched the society in April 1998. Her inspiration came from the verse] Warning (When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple), ... When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me.

Jenny Joseph

The current neglect of the problem can only irritate this deplorable state of affairs. The Black Muslims should constitute a warning to our society, a warning that must be heeded if we are to preserve the society.

Andrew Goodman

We've been able to improve our warning system. Our records on tornado warnings, hurricane warnings, on flood warnings have been improving.

Conrad Lautenbacher

We warn hunters about that during the orientation. It was the last day of the hunt and he apparently shot one, but didn't think he hit it so he shot another one. As soon as he realized what had happened he turned himself in. He called the RAP line and told them he made a mistake.

Brian Mastenbrook

It was shot down without provocation and without any warning. Sixteen persons on board who were absolutely innocent were killed.

Mushahid Hussain

We have been warning about these things for a long time and haven't gotten far. We were predicting overtopping of the levees on Saturday. If you look at some of those animations on our Web site, it's pretty chilling.

Paul Kemp

We found quite a bit of non-compliance in the first road check, but because it was our first, we gave verbal warnings and warning tickets. We're probably going to have three or four more of these this year and as we carry on throughout the year, the penalties will be harsher. The warning tickets will be put away and the violation tickets will be taken out.

Maurice Potesta

We believe that parents are very sensitive to safety issues for ADHD drugs and that a new warning could further add to pressure on the product.

David Moskowitz

Several hotel guests have complained to me that they have seen no map, no signs, not even a brochure on what to do if a tsunami occurs. People who sleep in the rooms will not hear the warning from sirens if the hotel has not installed a warning system in their rooms.

Smith Thammasaroj

I don't think it's a fait accompli that it's going to make the middle class poor in the United States. But I do think it's a useful warning that this is going to be tough for a large swath of workers in the United States, if managed poorly.

Josh Bivens

We want to make sure parents are informed of the warning signs that their kids could be participating in the choking game or help them look for ways to prevent them from even thinking about trying it.

Frank Berdar

We want to make sure that no other family has to go through what we went through. Losing a child under any circumstances is a tragedy, but this happened so quickly and without warning -- and now we know the manufacturer could have easily prevented it.

Penny Sweet

This is simply a warning shot, if you like, across the bows of the Iraqi leadership.

Geoff Hoon

What we were warning before was that stocks were getting low. Today we are saying stocks are gone, and the end-point has been reached.

David Shearer

Students have been brainwashed with a culture of political correctness and tolerance. We warn them, and they call it hate speech. If you don't agree with everything that they believe, they call you intolerant.

Tom Griner

They threatened to arrest me and have me evicted. It was a big warning.

Li Jian

There's definitely some good reasons to have a no burn warning right now, because it was fast.

Tony Rogers

Citation officers are going to be checking areas where children walk to school. We are telling residents that if kids are walking in the street and risking injury because they haven't shoveled sidewalks, they are going to be issued an immediate fine, no warning.

Frank Fedeli

TPWD generally allows a one-year grace period and issues verbal warnings to help educate people about new laws. A warning citation will be issued to Mr. Cheney, as is routine in such cases. ... There is no fine or other penalty associated with warning citations.

Lydia Saldana

My story is a warning to all people here in the country that the current approach to waging war on terrorism from within our own borders is truly a threat to civil liberties.

James Yee

Our feeling is that I want to warn people before I do it [raise water rates]. It's just good customer service.

Steve Massey

It's like the warning label on the cigarette packs.

Marco Pastors

If we could just get the stores to post the FDA advice, warning people to avoid swordfish, shark, tilefish and king mackerel, and to limit albacore tuna and tuna steaks to six ounces per week, that would go a long way to help people get the benefits without the risks.

Jackie Savitz

Still, police issued a warning this morning.

Tarik Minor

Mindful of President Yudhoyono`s warning about the possibility of more terrorist acts, we have taken a preventive measure by issuing a travel advice to Australians who intend to visit Indonesia.

David Ritchie

[The book also includes a segment on] How to be the first death of the millennium. ... quite a legal warning.

Josh Freed

One timely cry of warning can save nine of surprise.

Joshua Thompson

Enough is enough. They're in there talking about taking time to wait and see what's going on ... You have someone being shot three times like a bear. You don't shoot someone three times to warn him.

Rodney Van Dunk

We applied for bail at 23:00 and he was released on a warning.

Riaan Louw

You can imagine the kind of problems you can solve with this, like a tsunami warning device that would scrutinize huge amounts of information from the ocean and then analyze that quite quickly, or for homeland security applications, where you need to scan images of people and match those images against large databases.

Chris Maher

We could hear beeping and warning signals going off.

Ronda Giles

He's right. If the wedding has become more important than your relationship, that's a warning sign. Yes, you want a lovely wedding, but not at the expense of your relationship. After all, what's the point? Keep your future in mind.

Tina B. Tessina

Taxi drivers won't give us a ride, because we don't have money. We warn this is only a first step.

Abu Muhammad

That's a little unnerving to me, more so than the charge or earnings warning. He was one of the members of Campbell that was highly regarded.

Patrick Schumann

We are doing all we can to ensure the public is aware of the test ahead of time so we do not create confusion. The only way to truly test our warning system is to use the live codes, so it is very important that we involve the public in the test as much as possible.

David Liebersbach

The results clearly demonstrate the need for signs in our supermarkets to communicate the FDA advice because people are unknowingly purchasing these high-mercury fish, and women of childbearing age and children may be eating them in spite of the FDA's warning.

Jackie Savitz

I can't understand why something like this would just happen out of the blue. I would think that the car would give some sort of warning or something. How could this happen to someone like mom who always treated everyone so nicely. I would like to know what happened.

Debbie Wagner

They wanted it more, I guess. Maybe it's a good thing that happened to us. Maybe it will wake us up and give us a warning.

Martin Rucinsky

There was very little time to react, even if people had had a warning.

Brett Sanders

We have had men, women and children slaughtered here this afternoon, slaughtered by murderers who wanted to murder ... who gave us a totally inaccurate warning.

Ronnie Flanagan

Our intention is for people to treat it as it is a warning and to take action.

Rick Shanklin

Last year, we were on early warning (the next lower category), and now we're on review, and the reason is the district is taking measures to cut back. Our cuts, in effect, allowed us to move up a notch. The state has done nothing to help better the situation in Clinton.

Superintendent Jeffrey Holmes

This amounts to a profit warning ... and it's hard to avoid connecting (Alan Giles' departure) with the profit warning. My reaction would be to cut 20 million pounds off my (pre-tax) profit forecast to 90 million pounds.

Nick Bubb

There are a million anecdotes that show that the College hasn't given students fair warning about work that is being done to their rooms. Students have said that several times there have been two knocks on their door and it opens without warning. Others have experienced workers peering into their windows.

Matt Loesch

It's way too early to talk about the company contracting or losing personnel. It's more a warning that industry predictions have been too bullish.

Simon Fluendy

It's hard to see any silver lining in this type of tragedy. But I think the fact that our warning system went into effect a full 10 hours before this tornado set down -- and that so many thousands of citizens heeded those warnings -- is good. Thank God that took place or our death toll could have been quadrupled.

Fob James

I want to just warn everyone. Be careful, especially when they say no papers. You can't be sure.

Ann Marie Ferrarese

Anytime an ad or a lender says, 'We're going to solve your problems' without saying, 'What are you going to do to solve your problems?' that's a warning sign. Look out for words like 'easy,' 'painless' and 'can't be turned down.' Those are danger signs.

Virginia Morris

As attorney general I feel it is my duty to education our public officials about ethics and anti-corruption laws. I'm sending out an early warning that come Jan. 1, I will rabidly enforce our ethics and anti-corruption laws.

Geno Zamora

Trust me when I say this: Steve doesn't want anybody's sympathy. In fact, he wants people to make fun of him because the more they make fun, the tougher he will get. And here's a warning to anybody who might make fun if he struggles early: You better look out when he finally gets his players in there. He's on a mission. He will get the job done.

Jackie Sherrill

This is clearly a profit warning. The world isn't getting any better and yields are only going one way -- down.

Chris Tarry

When they exceed the number of faculty, that sort of sends up a warning flag of what's happening here. These are not the people who are making minimum salaries. I'm not happy about it.

Bob Brady

I am looking for a 25-basis-point increase in the federal funds rate. The primary reason is because the unemployment rate has moved to a low level, and that low unemployment rate is starting to push the growth of wages higher. That is an early warning sign.

Michael Moran

With the appointment of Inspector General Hoffman, anyone who tries to scam the government -- either on the job or through a contract -- will do so with fair warning: They will be caught and they will be punished.

Richard M. Daley

[Clearly, the players who choose to use steroids do so because they believe the drugs work.] It's still a hand-eye coordination game, but the difference [with steroids] is the ball is going to go a little farther, ... Some of the balls that would go to the warning track will go out. That's the difference.

Ken Caminiti

Hawaii is a model -- the (Pacific) Tsunami Warning Center, excellent warning systems for hurricanes, good first-responder services. This whole level of providing assurance is important.

Walter Jamieson

As somebody said, 'You must have been living in a cave.' Well, I guess she was in a cave, but even if she had been out in the broad daylight, there were no sign up, no warning in the papers to stay out of where she went.

Rick Fried

It's a savage profit warning for the UK with the number for 2007 likely to shift materially below current expectations. You are probably looking at cuts of between 30 and 50 percent to UK profitability for 2007.

Christian Maher

This is a weak report overall, ... It's too soon to say for sure we're seeing weakness in consumption, but certainly these are some early warning signs.

Greg Jones

The driver passed other motorists who were trying to warn him, blowing their horns, flashing their lights, pulling over to the side of the road, ... But he continued, exit after exit.

Fred Klein

It's a savage profit warning for the UK, with numbers for 2006/07 likely to shift materially below current expectations. You are probably looking at cuts of between 30 and 50 percent.

Christian Maher

There have been no fundamental underpinnings for the recovery rally so far this year. Tech's been one of the strongest performing sectors in the market, yet one technology company after another keeps coming out warning that their numbers aren't going to be as good as expected, that demand is still soft.

Robert Walberg

ADMONITION, n. Gentle reproof, as with a meat-axe. Friendly warning. Consigned by way of admonition, His soul forever to perdition. Judibras.

Ambrose Bierce

We had reports of several trees down in Mars and one-inch hail in Slippery Rock. We didn't hear much about Beaver County, but the storm looked good enough to issue the warning.

Ray Visneski

The House isn't hearing the governor's warning of the pending budget crisis in the next few years. By allowing table games at the four tracks, we believe that would more than make up for any budget deficits.

John Cavacini

The results of these tests would allow practitioners to counsel patients on stroke risk and to warn patients that specific environmental factors, such as oral contraceptive use, diet or smoking, may be particularly harmful.

John Cole

I guess we were all a little surprised by the troopers. There was no warning.

Lewis Johnson

The basic criteria is to get a warning out ... within 10 and 20 minutes.

Harold Mofjeld

It's, of course, not a good time to sell, but I also warn (investors) that it is now selling at a big premium to its net asset value, ... So, it's six of one and half a dozen of another -- very difficult to say.

Mark Mobius

When you look at the fiscal third-quarter revenue warning, that's mostly about slow Xbox sales, rather than enterprise-related.

Brad Reback

Our goal was, and remains, to stop these boats without having to resort to warning shots or disabling fire.

James Loy

There's isolated incidents of companies (warning) because of patent expiration or pipeline problems or both, but they are very isolated.

Len Yaffe

We have a vigorous suicide prevention program. Everyone at least once is trained to recognize the warning signs and council people who are troubled. We work and have for many years on that.

Martha Rudd

The Nasdaq did open 3 percent lower, but the Motorola warning turned out not to be as much of a negative as one would have thought.

Richard Kersley

Somebody broke in my house to warn me. That's why I'm alive now. I don't know where he is to thank him.

Cindy Williams

If you saw a neighbor's house on fire, you'd run over, wouldn't you, to warn her. That's how we feel about our message.

Lisa Riley

Cracks would have been a (warning) flag for us.

Charlotte Observer

He's been keeping our lawyers busy this year. We got about 10 of these cases knocked down to a warning or reprimand before [Jan. 1]. And many of the affected [people] have not been in trouble before.

Jade Moore

It's about twice where we would issue a warning.

Albert Gray

I share this story to give other parents a warning about what can happen with the cost of health care in Oregon that is out of control. I believe that exposing a wide range of prices will help consumers stand up and demand more accountability for the money we are paying for hospital care.

Heather Brown

Our concern is that that black-box warning might discourage parents from getting treatment for their children. We don't believe that antidepressants cause suicides; all the evidence points to the fact that antidepressants do just the opposite.

David Almeida

We've known about this for a while. There will definitely be a warning, although everyone down there's already aware of it.

Valerie Scott

This plan will make sure that treatment facilities warn the public when they dump sewage into local waterways.

Nancy Stoner

Participants will identify challenges and generate ideas for improving communication. The scenario will showcase a number of 'best practices' related to warning decision making and response.

Joseph Schaefer

Our study documents a knowledge gap between racial/ethnic minorities and whites regarding stroke warning signs. It is paradoxical that racial and ethnic minorities at highest risk were least aware. As with heart attack, it is critical that women at risk for stroke know the warning signs because delayed treatment can lead to greater disability or death.

Anjanette Ferris

People should take the warning very seriously and can assume that somewhere in the Swedish mountains a skier is going to set off an avalanche.

Stefan MÃ¥rtensson

We didn't believe it met warning criteria.

Rudy Cruz

I want to warn anybody who in any way - either verbal, written, direct or indirect, by electronic messages or through carrier pigeons - communicates with fugitives from The Hague.

Vladimir Vukcevic

We need to make sure parents and coaches are aware of the dangers an on the look-out for the warning signs. Performance enhancing drugs are too damaging to young people for parents and coaches to not be involved.

Chuck Grassley

It's always nice when you see increased seismic activity and you issue a warning that says you expect an eruption in the next hours to few days that what you predict is actually what happens. It gives us credibility and it sure makes us feel good when we called it right.

Game Mcgimsey

It can be regarded as a kind of symphony, or in another way as a kind of opera - or even a horse opera. It is hot music, a poem, a song, a comedy, a farce, and so forth. It is superficial, profound, entertaining, and boring, according to taste. It is a prophecy, a political warning, a cryptogram, a preposterous movie.

Malcolm Lowry

I think it's great, because my son likes to surf there. You don't have to go all the way down there, and your kids are wanting to go in the water and you get to the beach and there is a warning sign.

Cheryl Griffith

It doesn't stop there. Dry weather can put the brakes on another key component. Batteries take a beating when it goes from hot to cold, and a lot of times, a battery will just stop, it will just not function properly, and it will give you no warning, so it's best to get your battery checked.

Steve Mondini

Fires may behave differently because homes today typically contain larger quantities and different types of materials than before. This means you need as much early warning as possible to evacuate safely. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms remain the most effective way to protect you and your family from the risk of fire.

John Drengenberg

I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.

Queen Victoria

The reduced support for the government is surely a warning that the government must heed. And the warning is that you cannot break your promises.

Preston Manning

Most Californians are aware that we live in earthquake country, but landslides can be every bit as dangerous as temblors. Fortunately, unlike earthquakes, landslides sometimes give warning signs that residents can identify in order to protect the safety of their homes and families.

John Parrish

The advisory was issued to warn people about a tricky evening rush hour. The warning was generally for Lorain County, with small parts of Cuyahoga and Medina counties affected, as well.

Martin Thompson

That the Nigerian military has been preparing for weeks only for their incompetence to be revealed in mere minutes is enough warning to oil companies and their workers that they stand no chance against any of our units in the event of an attack.

Jomo Gbomo

The nightmare that we all have is that, God forbid, there's a terrorist attack of some kind on a major American city that requires evacuation without warning.

Joe Lieberman

The current situation on the ground does not justify a tsunami warning.

Kapil Sibal

It is one thing to receive a warning to get out - it's something else to have the ability to get out.

James Clyburn

[The ESA called the sentencing] a clarion warning for others contemplating computer and video game piracy, ... sentences of this magnitude send a clear message to game retailers that selling pirate products has serious consequences, including prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

Douglas Lowenstein

It is important that people who live in this region be aware that a major earthquake can occur at any moment -- day or night -- and be prepared for it when it does. Unlike hurricanes and tornadoes, earthquakes occur without warning -- and once they do, it's too late to prepare for them. The time to get ready is now.

Karen Armes

We've been down all day largely on the Nokia earnings warning. There was some bottom fishing after two down days and maybe some short covering.

Stephen Carl

Taipei is not following Washington's warning because Taipei has an internal agenda.

Philip Yang

They were surrounding (the original fire), attacking it, in every possible way, trying to get in there every possible way, ... Put the fire out as fast as they could so to avoid something like this. But, it must have been burning longer than they were aware of. There was probably more serious fire in the basement. It was visible as they began to get inside, and it just blew up without any warning.

Thomas Von Essen

It's a strong warning especially for actors who are prone to being image-conscious. When their image is gone their world and life collapse.

Monica Bellucci

We are just tenants on this world. We have just been given a new lease, and a warning from the landlord.

Arthur C. Clarke

That's something that should get your attention immediately. A CEO resigning is a big warning sign.

Tina Vital

Liquidity is still excessive and remains a warning sign for the ECB, but the slowing of the growth rate gives the bank more time. A rate increase is more likely in March than February.

Michael Schubert

It's a 10-year low (for crimes), but because drug arrests are on the rise over that period, that could be a warning sign for the future.

Mark Rubin

We're not seeing the widespread damage you would expect with a warning like that. Addison got whacked pretty good. I'm not sure whether the storm just collapsed over them. We've got a lot of trees and wires down.

Tim Marshall

Sometimes a storm on Doppler radar will be so obvious that it's severe that you pull the trigger on it and issue a severe weather or tornado warning. But there will be some days where you look at a storm and it's kind of ambiguous. It may be severe, or it may not.

Joseph Tomaselli

There was no warning, ... She had her cruise control set at 75, then all of the sudden traffic stopped.

Charles Crawford

In the old days, I'm ashamed to say I recommended not wearing hearing protection while hunting, ... We felt it was more dangerous not to be able to hear a rattlesnake, a warning or another hunter. And we wanted to be able to hear the steps of a deer or the gobble of a distant wild turkey.

Bob Walker

That is why we will end the hunger strike, but it should not be forgotten that it was a warning to those who do not abide by law and justice.

Adnan Agca

The warning persists. If we do not receive any funds, then we have to ultimately ground the helicopters.

Amjad Jamal

It was a sense of urgency from the agency to get a warning and information to people who already had purchased it. We could have waited. We could have had every aspect of this investigation done. And during that period of time something else could have happened to another child.

Julie Vallese

I hope we wrestle them again. It's good, but it's also bad. These kids worked so hard to get the No. 1 ranking, and they kind of just gave it away. We tried to warn them that High Point was a great team and ready to take it to us.

Kevin Mccann

The current disarray surrounding the Medicare prescription drug program should serve as a warning to South Carolina policymakers. Like South Carolina's proposal, the Medicare prescription drug program is extremely complex and relies heavily on the private sector. Problems with implementation of the new Medicare drug program have left many low-income seniors without needed prescriptions.

Judith Solomon

All a poet can do today is warn. That is why the truest poets must be truthful.

Wilfred Owen

Earnings have been mixed, and most companies have been warning that the first quarter is going to be far from stellar. That, combined with a Fed that may still keep hiking rates, is raising the red flag for many investors.

Paul Mendelsohn

Kids are sending warning signs, telling people that they are going to do something.

Jim Copple

It's very reasonable to say the aircraft will be tracked by Yugoslav early warning systems.

Michael Short

When someone is sending a warning sign, students, parents and teachers need to key in on those types of clues.

Jim Copple

We're the folks out trying to warn people about the serial killer. This flier is for you -- to tell the ladies to watch themselves.

Denise Horsman

It's not to encourage them but simply to warn them of the dangers. This map is going to save many lives. In no way are we trying to promote immigration.

Mauricio Farah

I knew he was trying to hit me, ... I asked the umpire to do something about it, but he did nothing. Our coach came out and asked him to issue a warning, but he didn't. The umpire did absolutely nothing about it.

Andy Van Slyke

I think it's terrible. It's a bad call. It's a shame. They should have given him a warning.

Claudio Reyna

I think it's a good early warning.

Mike Fennell

If the ECB wanted to give a warning signal to trade unions on upcoming wage negotiations by increasing its interest rate, this was totally unnecessary. Trade unions in Europe already understand the need to have wage increases compatible with the objective of price stability.

John Monks

The planning goes on all year and you learn something from every storm. It gets frustrating evacuating every time there is a hurricane warning, but, you never know, the next one may have your number on it.

Steve Huffman

It's not easy to manage hygiene when you don't get warning or they publish schedules and don't follow them.

Roy Gordon

A travel warning is issued when the State Department recognizes a particular threat involved with travel in that country. One possible impetus is, if we have restriction on travel of diplomats to that state, then we will issue a warning.

Laura Tischler

We stress that folks should have alternate methods by which they can receive warning information. The whole process starts with an awareness -- even being aware that there is a potential for severe weather that day.

Dave Tucek

He's delivering a warning shot. The message is that they don't appear to see any problem with having monetary policy in a restrictive stance for some time.

Cameron Bagrie

When we issue a warning, watch or advisory it will light up flash and give an audible tone. If it's overnight it will wake you up.

Rick Shanklin

People have been saying that there have been some Muslim youth that have an extremist understanding of Islam, so we are very concerned about that at Brixton Mosque because we have been quite pivotal in warning against extremist understandings of Islam.

Abdul Haq

We will be visiting them soon to express our displeasure and to warn them to stop interfering with our internal matters. Our next target will be to deal with them once and for all.

Chenjerai Hunzvi

The rate increase were seeing for Unitil customers is the largest increase weve seen in electric rates in the last 15 to 20 years, ... Its a warning signal, and its certainly a sign to be careful about energy use going into the winter season.

Anne Ross

If you find someone who makes it their end all and be all of the next two weeks, if they can't focus on anything else then it could continue to (trouble) gambling. There are warning signs and that's something to look at with March Madness.

Emily Watson

Obviously it was a total fiasco of lack of response. He was given warning. He knew the levees were going to break.

Ellen Taylor

The pilot got the warning in the cockpit. He was climbing and then descended a few hundred feet. He then reported that the Air Force plane passed 500 feet above him.

Eliot Brenner

I assure you that I will not sign off on any label that had a cardiac warning.

Edward Scolnick

You don't need to spend $79 or more to monitor your credit. It's a gimmick designed to inflate the revenue at the bureaus. It's not going to prevent ID theft. It may give you a little bit of early warning. But it doesn't matter enough for you to pay that amount of money.

Ed Mierzwinski

Many people argue that oil interests are the driving force behind the Iraq war. For China, it has been a reminder and a warning about how geopolitical changes can affect its own energy interests. So China has decided to focus much more intently to address its security.

Zhu Feng

The list will be announced regularly to warn cities of deteriorating air quality.

Zhang Lijun