121 quotes about warmer follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer.

Alfred North Whitehead

On average the global precipitation increases in a warmer climate.

Gerald Meehl

This winter will be warmer and drier than usual in the southern half of the U.S., wetter and stormier in the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes down into the Ohio River Valley.

Jack Kelley

Denver people have been ingrained to think mountains, mountains, mountains. We're an alternative. Especially for people in my age demographic, we tend to want warmer. I'm not really skiing anymore. I'd rather be out on the boat every night.

Barry Freedman

She came onto him like a slow movin' cold front -- His beer was warmer than the look in her eyes.

John Hiatt

It's big. [It should be ready] in time for when it's warmer.

Cyndi Holm

Overall, we're entering a dry period, a little warmer period.

Brad Rehak

Other than South Florida, it's been warmer than normal across most of the country. It's quite impressive.

Mike Halpert

The long-range forecast is for more warm weather. There's no doubt about it. When it's cold in New York, the prices go higher, and when it's warmer, prices go lower.

Michael Rose

We still have quite a bit of cloud cover which is stopping the overnight temperatures dropping too severely. It is going to be cold but there is a suggestion that it could be a bit warmer on Saturday.

Andrew Cooper

Now that the weather forecast has changed to predict warmer weather, the prices have come down quite significantly.

Dariusz Kowalczyk

I enjoy some physical stuff. But if I had a choice between playing a scene where it's raining, it's terribly cold, I'm wet and I'm being drowned and playing a scene with dinosaur eggs in a laboratory, I'd probably take the latter. It's warmer and generally more comfortable!

Sam Neill

This really is the hub of Fairfield County. More pools are built in warmer climates, but this still is near the financial epicenter of the world (the greater New York metropolitan area).

John Romano

The water from the ground is warmer than the outside conditions, so it helps.

Brendan Morrison

The collective impact of power plants is their contribution to greenhouse gases which would cause warmer and wetter or warmer and dryer conditions. It is likely that the warmer weather would increase the loss of moisture to the atmosphere more than the slightly increased precipitation will add to the overall water balance creating a net moisture deficit.

Gregory Knight

The link is very important and it is also important to link it back to the Black Death in the 1300s because there were the kind of weather conditions then -- warmer and wetter -- that we predict for the future.

Nils Stenseth

As the weather gets warmer, the blend changes to a more refined one. More refinement translates into more money at the pumps.

Sarah Davis

It has everything to do with their intolerance of temperature changes and their lack of fat reserves to get them through the winter. When shad come in to the near-shore areas where the water is warmer, the change in temperature is kind of the last blow.

Dave Kelch

It's warmer than normal because of an off-shore flow. The high pressure is keeping storms out of the area.

Steve Mendenhall

We're starting to get our kids together now. During spring break we had kids all over the world. If we can get some good days of training, maybe a little warmer than today ... I think that things will start to happen.

Lon Carter

You had warmer weather, a later Easter and a pretty robust economy still. But energy and things like that will be governing or limiting factors.

Daniel Popowics

I wanted to find out whether tadpoles in warmer water grow faster than those in cold water. I have always been interested in amphibians and reptiles. The hardest part was measuring the tadpoles as they grew.

Nathan Clements

Weather forecasts going warmer, colder, warmer will gyrate oil prices around.

Peter Luxton

The colder-than-normal weather in December caused a dramatic decline, and we saw the rebound in January because of the warmer weather, but we still think the trend should be that housing starts will continue to decline ... about 5% this year.

Orawin Velz

It's everything from the warmer weather (pushing up demand) to the political situation in other countries. The spring break factor just adds to it. The stronger the demand, usually the higher the prices go up.

Clay Ingram

It's a feedback loop. The warmer it gets, the faster it is happening.

Guy Kirk

The rest of winter in Indiana will continue to have swings from warmer-than-normal to colder-than-normal temperatures.

Dev Niyogi

While energy costs still remain high, the warmer than usual weather, which has brought natural gas prices down, allows us to take this step now. This is reflected in our reduction in gas costs as well. We want to make these cost savings available to our customers when they need them most this winter.

Hank Linginfelter

As motorists gear up for warmer weather and the driving season ahead, increased consumption triggers higher prices at the pump.

Pam Maiolo

There is no question, ... everywhere is getting warmer.

Peter Johnston

This is as astonishing as if we'd flown past Earth and found that Antarctica was warmer than the Sahara.

John Spencer

At least in the near term we are seeing a sharp decrease in natural gas prices because the weather has been warmer nationwide and storage levels are running 30 percent above the five-year average. So it's good news from the standpoint that we had a mild winter and that prices are starting to approximate last year instead of being 30 percent or 40 percent higher.

Mark Stutz

When I was there it was actually warmer than it was here. At that time there was a cold spell here and the temperature was in the teens. In Antarctica it was between 20 and 40 degrees.

Scott Nutter

Everybody's really excited about it. The community's really supporting us. We've had success like this in soccer, but not basketball. It makes the long winter seem a little warmer.

Paul Lancaster

The weather is getting warmer, our players are playing better. This is a fun time in the season as we are approaching the conference tournament. We are looking forward to the remaining of the matches.

Cid Carvalho

This early, our pitching and our defense are our strong points. Hitting, we haven't hit the ball real well yet. I think that'll come as the weather gets warmer.

Chris Mcintyre

Being completely honest with you, just because the bird numbers are so good, it really doesn't make any difference whether it's today or November. It's just like fishing or whatever, nobody can predict. It's just what works out. Some people like to hunt with a little snow on the ground; some people like it a little warmer.

Frank Brown

We've had a really quick start to the snow season, although it has slowed recently with the warmer temperatures moving in. Until then, we were well above average in snowfall.

Mike Cellitti

This summer has truly been warmer than normal.

David Phillips

How you look saying something matters. Kerry has to look warmer, fuzzier, more comfortable and more likable.

Bruce Dumont

A lot of the residents thought because they were going south, the climate was going to be a lot warmer.

John Ashcroft

You have a transition to a warming trend. Because it's switched to warmer weather, we've seen the weather markets sell off and of course, the natural-gas markets sell off as well.

Agbeli Ameko

The designs are a lot softer and warmer than they used to be.

Susan Humphress

A piña colada would have been really nice, ... It was warmer, but we all got along just fine.

Laurel Clark

It's often very windy [at the Stone Creek Country Club]. It will be a treat to be playing in warmer conditions.

Katherine Mowat

The warmer weather in October and November depressed prices for the front part of the season, but it's still going to be expensive as we continue through the winter.

Tancred Lidderdale

I value kindness to human beings first of all, and kindness to animals. I don't respect the law; I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and old men and women warmer in the winter, and happier in the summer.

Brendan Behan

This has actually been warmer than we would like it to be.

Bob Blakely

Snowfall will matter less and less. We know that warmer climates eventually lead to less ice.

Robert Bindschadler

Snow-making technology and the best December in memory has really made it fine for us. The snow is so dense that it insulates itself. [The warmer weather] is not having much of an effect except everyone doesn't have to wear big, bulky winter clothes.

Shannon Mcsweeney

It does feel like spring. It's much warmer than what we had last week.

Matt Sayers

With abundant rain and warmer temperatures, mosquito populations could be large.

Aaron Devencenzi

?with the warmer temperature, fuels tend to dry out quicker and fires are easier to start.

Dalton Cox

For what is hairy is by nature drier and warmer than what is bare; therefore, the male is hairier and more warm blooded than the female; the uncastrated, than the castrated; the mature than the immature.

Clement Of Alexandria

It was warmer diving into the pool in Abu Dhabi.

Martin Allen

We've had a mild winter and the water's warmer, and we'll be short-staffed until our staff gets out of school. They've been doing a fantastic job so far.

Bob West

Our team had several good performances and would have done very well had the meet been scored. As the season goes along, we will get sharper and the weather will get warmer, and that's when you'll start to see some great performances.

Matt Tierney

House prices tend to move seasonally, driven up by higher demand and activity in the warmer months and falling off towards Christmas. Just as the trading period over Christmas is crucial for the retail sector, the spring and summer are crucial for the housing market.

Greg Fuzesi

Both of these effects are due to warming. Because the atmosphere is warmer, it holds more moisture, so you get more snow. But because it's warmer, the edges of the ice are breaking up.

John Wahr

If that holds true, that means that temperatures should average out slightly warmer than normal. Of course, the down side of that is that if that holds true, there will be more of a chance of mixed precipitation such as sleet and freeze rain during January and early February.

Patrick Mccoy

The weather has been pretty amazing. It's much warmer than normal.

Geoff Coulson

The new dam will also include a modified bottom draw. During the warmer months, cold water will be released through pipes at the bottom of the breast. This will mix with the warmer water and be healthier for trout.

Chip Harrison

The situation is likely to get worse as we move into warmer weather and people drive more. There doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon that would suggest prices will come down.

Rolayne Fairclough

Right whales don't typically go into real warm water. Being in the Gulf of Mexico in March and April, we knew they had to go south [to warmer water] before they could go north. But lo and behold, those animals made it out of there and later were seen where they were supposed to be.

Barb Zoodsma

It was warmer than it is today, a big delta with a fan of rivers. It had a dry, mild Mediterranean climate, exotic beasts and lots of resources.

Christopher Stringer

Water heats up much more slowly than land surfaces, so in the summer the water is acting to cool the surrounding land surface. In the winter, the opposite happens. In winter the water remains warmer than the surrounding land.

Jim Angel

This program will allow all our customers, including our low-income customers, to enjoy the benefits of a well-insulated home: cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Bob Brennan

It's a little bit of a surprise, winter storms have been warmer than normal, and the snow line has been at higher elevations than average.

Maury Roos

On warmer days (during this season) you don't need heat or air conditioning, but you need air circulation.

Mark Cutlip

Women are saying they don't have water to grow their vegetables. And as it gets warmer, people will need more water.

Rosie Jackson

The temperature of the tropic oceans is warmer than it's been in 150 years.

Kerry Emanuel

The results suggest the threshold is close to the end of this century, and it could come sooner. The Arctic is already warming much faster than we thought it would. To think we're not going to get 4 to 5 degrees warmer in another 50 years is wishful thinking.

Jonathan Overpeck

When the game was going, I was warmer and warmer. He kept looking at me, like, 'Is the knee all right?' The knee felt good, and it was a great feeling to be out there.

Josef Vasicek

We were hoping to play at home so friends and family members could see us. If they want to support us, they're going to have to go to a little warmer weather.

Jose Rebimbas

During the warmer seasons we have weekly Surf Clinics that members can either surf or choose to just hang out on the beach. On those days we also have surfboards for members who don't have boards to try out with instruction from our more experienced members.

Claire Magee

At the start of the winter, they talked about a colder than expected winter. Now they're talking about a warmer than expected one. We're not out of the woods with the weather yet.

Sam Tilley

White is going to be huge for spring. The further we get into warmer weather, we will see it more and more.

Marla Shavin

It's like flying past Antarctica and finding that it's warmer than the earth's equatorial regions. It's that strange.

John Spencer

It's clear that the weather in the US north-east will remain much warmer than normal and reduce heating demand sharply.

Naohiro Niimura

You will see your store being transformed as you shop. It's like 'Extreme Makeover' for grocery stores. It'll have a warmer look, more inviting and will make shopping easier.

Jeff Lowrance

The eastern seaboard has been quite a bit warmer than usual and that's bearish for the whole energy sector.

Mike Sander

This heat is added to the atmosphere, so the atmosphere in the north becomes warmer and is mixed with the global atmosphere.

Terry Chapin

It's starting to warm up a little outside and I think our bats are about to come around a little bit. Our bats have struggled at the plate and that's no secret. So it's always good when it's warmer out because the swings look a little freer.

Greg Mcvey

The smell is terrible already but it will only get worse and I can't bear thinking about what will happen if children start swimming in it when the weather gets warmer.

Colin Williams

It's still warmer here than it is in Fargo.

Laura Hovi

It's an important well for us. Right now, we've been able to manage the system without it, because water demands are not high. But as we move toward warmer weather, we will certainly need it.

Richard Henning

Honeywell states that homeowners can save as much as 11 percent by making use of a programmable thermostat. One of the new things now is to establish zones in your home. You can program different zones to be warmer than others. For example, you can keep the bedrooms colder during the day and warmer at night.

Mark Dalmrymple

And all those temperatures are taken from about five feet above the ground. Five feet below the ground is what you?re interested in for turf, and it can be 5, 10, up to 15 degrees warmer down there.

Doug Mohler

Sturgeon don't mind it if the water is high and dirty, and it is probably the only thing to do fishing wise. I'd try in the smelt zone from Longview down, and in the Willamette plume because the water is warmer there than up towards Bonneville Dam.

Joe Hymer

You can be outside, then come in and get warmed up. People can just dress warmer and come down.

Sue Shockley

They are sprinkling back in. It started early in January, and it's a tad late because of the warmer weather up north. But we do have people coming back.

Sandy Johnston

The water is up and visibility is good down to about two feet. That, plus the warmer water, has a lot to do with the fish getting more active.

Dick Parker

The warm weather has been a big break for consumers. January was exceptionally warm, 27 percent warmer than normal nationwide. This has lowered both expenditures and consumption.

Neil Gamson

Winter is not over and we still have a national energy problem to solve, but the wholesale cost of natural gas is trending down slightly and we are passing those savings along to customers. These lower prices, although still high by historical standards, should be welcome news to customers who have been challenged to pay this winter despite warmer weather.

Vectren Chairman

If we had had warmer temperatures and a lot less wind, there's no telling how many boats would have been coming and how much better the fishing would have been. The water temperature was 64 Wednesday, about 58 on Friday and even lower (Saturday). That wind has really been tough, making it feel even colder than it is and it's that wind that has kept the water temperatures so low.

John Skains

When they first told us about it, it was kind of weird to comprehend. But now that we're in the swing of things we really don't care. My mom probably likes it. She likes the warmer weather.

Mike Cross

You do make us feel very welcome, I would say you are warmer down here.

Vicki Smith

Sometimes in winter the surface waters, which are less salty, were so cold that the sharks spent more time in warmer, saltier waters below, ... When I glimpsed the sharks' radio positions from these frigid seas, I often wondered what it would be like to overwinter in the wilds of an Alaska fjord chasing herring in constant darkness.

Barbara Block

It seems like everyone is showing a pretty spring coat. Ideally, they're in a beautiful print. I think women will love that and some of the coats are so light they still can be worn when it's warmer.

Constance White

They need to get them checked out, clean the burners, make sure that they're burning efficiently, replace filters, make sure that their humidifier is working in proper order, because if you can add humidity, it makes it feel much warmer in the house.

Larry Hill

You feel warmer in your home if the humidity is at the right level. Add a humidifier to your home and you'll feel warmer even with your thermostat set a few degrees lower.

Mark Dalmrymple

In older buildings the seal between the sill and the foundation is never as good as it should be. I think banking the foundation helps keep the floor warmer, it helps keep you comfortable in the winter, especially in old buildings.

Dick Hill

It is a lot lower but it looks great. As hoping to see more midges come off this morning but I think they will come as the day gets a little warmer.

Brian Capsay

It will cool down a bit Wednesday but still remain warmer than normal. By the weekend temperatures will fall to normal or maybe a few degrees below.

Joel Burgio

It was a goal to win and I would have never guessed that we would win by 10. Nothing against our girls, but I would have never thought it. But I think maybe we have surprised a few teams this year and as the weather gets warmer, I think we will hit even better.

Jeremy Trill

You need to dress for running or cycling like it's 10 to 15 degrees warmer than it is. Because once you get out exercising ... heart rate up, your blood pumping, you're going to feel warmer than you felt when walking out the door.

Mark Bedenbaugh

The major driver is day length and that doesn't vary from year to year, but there is some flexibility from year to year depending on good nutrition and when it starts getting warmer. When conditions are good they are going to start a little earlier.

T. Wayne Schwertner

Warmer winters and nights are altering the distribution of mosquito-borne diseases, while extreme weather events such as floods and droughts are spawning large.

Paul Epstein

We have a warmer climate down here, and when the valleys start turning green, people's minds go to things they haven't done for four or five months, like gardening and golfing and biking.

Rick Saul

For the next two weeks, the weekly retail sales will be important in light of the warmer weather, which should induce solid sales. Anything less than solid sales would be a red flag, but we do not expect that to happen.

Randy Diamond

Naturally, I don?t like (the vandalism). Police sent one boy over and when it gets warmer he is going to clean and paint it. He can?t be too happy about that.

Bill Wood

All months are warmer by between 3 and 6 degrees (Celsius). This is beyond the usual variations. We're in a total transition ... it's a one-way street right now.

Wayne Davidson

If we can understand why the world sees about 85 named storms a year and not, for example, 200 or 25, then we might be able to say that what we're seeing is consistent with what we'd expect in a global warming scenario. Without this understanding, a forecast of the number and intensity of tropical storms in a future warmer world would be merely statistical extrapolation.

Peter Webster

Prices have gone up this summer, instead of declining as they typically have done during the warmer months; they are at levels twice as high as a year ago.

David Goss

There are no warmer temperatures in sight.

Dmitry Kiktyov

We're heading up to 76 degrees today, which is 6 degrees warmer than yesterday.

Jennifer Schack

We love March. We know that the sun will be shining and we'll be getting warmer. We've been through seven months of winter. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Dick Brickley

The jet stream stayed mostly to our north and allowed warm air to come up. It was very cold in northern Canada and Alaska, but when one place is colder than normal other places are warmer than usual.

Tom Hawley

These findings call into question predictions of the future of Greenland in a warmer climate from computer models that do not include variations in glacier flow as a component of change. Actual changes will likely be much larger than predicted by these models.

Eric Rignot

The weather then will determine the success of the season. Most years there's a warm spell at some point. This year has been warmer than usual.

Eric Ellis

I thought it was time to jump into that Hollywood mainstream and see what the temperature was. And it was warmer than I expected.

Emily Watson