Being completely honest with you, just because the bird numbers are so good, it really doesn't make any difference whether it's today or November. It's just like fishing or whatever, nobody can predict. It's just what works out. Some people like to hunt with a little snow on the ground; some people like it a little warmer.

We can't comment on that. If there is something to be announced, it will be announced.

The opening weekend, I felt a lot of pressure with all that snow. You can imagine these people coming in with all that snow. I knew it was going to be tough.

Because it was so controversial, we said, 'Let's show people we mean what we said,' .

This house demanded skills that are hard to find these days. The good news is that all these people are here, in Pittsburgh.

You have to have a sense of humor to do this.

Here in Omaha, if there are business people that have homes that are vacant and could work with us, that would be a big boost. And I think if we do this across the country, if there are 50 to 100,000 people that are homeless, we can shelter them across the United States.

All I can do is get you the shots. After that, I can't do much.

It was a little delusional.