Then we'll have to go back to square one.

This one on you.

We have imposed the strictest voting system tests in the country. We think this should be part of it too.

It's all about giving the voters trust in the system.

Jan. 1 might be a difficult date to hit, ... But the Department of Justice and others have said you're moving in the right direction ... . We think we are going to be right on target. We hope to be there certainly by June.

I think we need to take some fundamental steps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the voting process.

We can do it, and I think we should do it.

I want to have the information available so we can review the inner workings of the machines in case we have to, ... It's a safety precaution for the voters.

I'm secretary of state of California, and I want to see as many people turn out as possible.