103 quotes about suspected follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.

Benjamin Franklin

New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common.

John Locke

It is a suspected case, the diagnosis of bird flu is not confirmed for the moment.

Inge Yooris

He'd have the catchers jumping. I saw Bob Feller throw in his prime and Steve threw harder. I suspected Bob got up around 100 miles per hour. I heard Steve threw 108.

Lee Bussey

The key thing is that everyone who is suspected of having the virus is in the hospital now, and the hospital's infection control is improving. There is no spread in the hospital as far as we know.

Klaus Stoehr

They reported much better earnings than we suspected. It was all based on Fingerhut being better than plan. Department stores were actually below plan, so the quality of that (earnings) improvement reflects better delinquency rates than anticipated.

Steve Kernkraut

He was around here for a couple of weeks. Everything seemed normal. He just tended to himself. ... We would never have suspected anything.

Bob Peters

Japanese treatment of Chinese and Allied citizens whom they captured, particularly if they suspected them of espionage, was horrific. I describe some of the barbaric treatment of British and American political prisoners in the book.

Bernard Wasserstein

I suspected something like this might happen, yes. It?s not malicious. I think the Eagles just made a good business decision and Corey made a good business decision, too.

Darwin Walker

The progress of this famous plant has been something like the progress of truth; suspected at first, though very palatable to those who had courage to taste it; resisted as it encroached; abused as its popularity seemed to spread; and establishing its.

Isaac Disraeli

To just keep any kind of terrorist or suspected terrorist off the plane initially, that obviously is our No. 1 goal. Getting that information ahead of time can effectively do that.

Jarrod Agen

A lot of the undetermined deaths are suspected cold stress. There's been a lot of weather fluctuation this year, so that could be the cause.

Jess Brown

MDEA will continue to work closely with all interested agencies to coordinate an effective, cooperative pursuit of those individuals who choose to sell drugs in Down East Maine. The actions of these suspected criminals only serve to perpetuate a problem that already impacts far too many families.

Darrell Crandall

Obviously it was sore. But I didn't know it was broken. Then I suspected it was something serious.

Mark Schwarzer

There are a few suspected cases … We're trying to locate them but our sources can't provide us with addresses for now.

Abdulsalam Nasidi

It's a bit of a compromise, ... There is a cultural resistance to the polygraph that is different at the FBI than at the CIA. A polygraph is something that is given to new employees and suspected criminals, not to employees in good standing.

Steven Aftergood

Foul play is not suspected.

Tim O'connor

Troopers immediately suspected alcohol as the cause of crash.

Stephen Mccausland

That is what is suspected, but we don't have enough evidence to say for certain. The damage is so bad up there.

Joel Gray

We never suspected any problems at all. The sonograms were all fine and there was no indication there was any problems.

Karissa Burdick

The absence of leadership has sent a message to the field that it is OK to harass suspected gay service members.

Michelle Benecke

Deep down, my mom had long suspected I was gay... Much of her anger and hurt came from her sense of betrayal that she was the last to be told.

Chastity Bono

We have notified doctors of this outbreak and urged them to be on the lookout for additional cases. It's important that they voluntarily report any suspected illnesses to their local health department.

Dr. Mel Kohn

There is no foul play suspected.

Chris Armstrong

This confirms what we have long suspected that the government is involved in putting together a deal to sell out British sovereignty and try and bounce the people of Gibraltar into accepting such a deal.

Michael Ancram

Securities companies and insurers are suspected of fixing commission fees or insurance premiums, but we have not secured hard-and-fast evidence and thus have no plan of launching an investigation.

Hur Seon

We've long suspected that genomic changes underlie cancer risk, but that knowledge hasn't translated yet into a broadly applicable way to identify individuals most at risk. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes implicated in breast and ovarian cancers are great examples, but they are applicable only to a small percentage - less than one percent - of women.

Andrew Feinberg

A person's mere propinquity to others independently suspected of criminal activity does not give rise to probable cause to search that person.

Potter Stewart

This is a reiteration of how much of a public health threat bird flu really is. Sometimes it takes a human case or a suspected human case to raise the alarm, to remind us that no country, whether China or anywhere else, can afford to be complacent.

Roy Wadia

If it was reported, it would be at a congressional hearing and they suspected the hearing would be private.

Tom Curtis

I suspected all along that Calzaghe didn't want any of this. I kinda prepared myself for it but it is still disappointing.

Jeff Lacy

It was technically more difficult than I initially suspected. He had more crossing vessels than what we saw on the CT scans. But we were able to remove the defect and reconstruct the kidney.

Dr. Michael Palese

We've always suspected that deer were able to pick up the (infection) through the environment somehow.

Paul Johansen

He was around here for a couple of weeks. Everything seemed normal. He just tended to himself. What can you do? It's the nature of the business. People want a room, and you don't know much about them. He was just a normal guy around the motel. We would never have suspected anything.

Bob Peters

Cisco Systems has marketed equipment specifically designed to make it easier for the Chinese police to carry out surveillance of electronic communications. Cisco is also suspected of giving Chinese engineers training in how to use its products to censor the Internet.

Lucie Morillon

Today, we have three suspected cases of bird flu in the island of Reunion.

Xavier Bertrand

Seeing Neil Entwistle standing accused of this awful crime gives us little comfort and only adds to our pain and suffering. We never suspected that Neil was anything other than a loving father, a trusted son-in-law and a husband. Neil betrayed our trust in so many different ways that it is almost impossible to describe it.

Joe Flaherty

When a person is found less guilty than he is suspected, he is concluded more innocent than he really is.

Charlotte Lennox

We suspected something was not quite right.

Brad Christie

She suspected him of infidelity, with and without reason, morning, noon and night.

Ada Leverson

I only heard of a (few) people that asked about the free gas, and most of them suspected it was simply too good to be true.

Jennifer Harris

Right now, American law bars the admission of aliens suspected of terrorist activity - but not of terrorist sympathies.

Richard Perle

To see new gullies and other changes in Mars surface features on a time span of a few years presents us with a more active, dynamic planet than many suspected.

Michael Meyer

Measuring prognostic markers in breast cancer cells opens up possibilities for broad applications of this technology to tissue samples obtained from needle or surgical biopsies of patients with suspected breast cancers. Furthermore, it's possible this approach may also be applied to a broad range of other solid tumors, including colon, ovarian, prostate and gastric cancer, to name a few.

Dr. Rafael Nunez

We strongly suspect the Tigers because he had threats from the LTTE. Two weeks ago, too, we arrested two suspected LTTE men who had been spying on the minister.

Daya Ratnayake

This justifies our investment in the field, ... We've long suspected that if anyone beat us to this milestone, it would be Dr. Hwang's team -- due partly to their scientific prowess, and partly to the greater availability of canine surrogates and ova in South Korea.

Ben Carlson

Four police officers suspected of taking part in the incidents were interrogated, but all cases were closed due to lack of evidence.

Gideon Ezra

The suspected person is now in a healthy condition.

Siti Fadilah Supari

We have suspended five employees including three branch managers and issued show cause notice to 15 others for their involvement in suspected transactions.

Abdur Raquib

ARISTOCRACY, n. Government by the best men. (In this sense the word is obsolete; so is that kind of government.) Fellows that wear downy hats and clean shirts - guilty of education and suspected of bank accounts.

Ambrose Bierce

Obviously we're going to investigate these as suspected arsons.

Ragan Ingram

[The alternative philosophy is best put by the president of the Law Council of Australia, John North.] The major concern is that when a government gives power to police to stop, arrest, question and detain for long periods people not reasonably suspected of a crime we have crossed into uncharted territory, ... Nothing can justify giving up such fundamental rights.

John North

This was exactly what I suspected. Yes, I was worried because this was a district game, but also because we needed that momentum going into Henderson next Tuesday and Webster County right after that.

Jose Perez

The IRS has worked closely with my office to devise procedures that strike the proper balance between combating suspected tax fraud and protecting taxpayer rights, particularly the rights of honest taxpayers whose refunds are frozen in error.

Nina Olson

This guy has nothing to lose. He knows he has nothing to lose. If he's suspected in three murders, and in fact has done them, he's not going to be worried about taking out a police officer, so we have to be as safe as we possibly can.

Kurt Byrd

I've always suspected he had good staying potential.

Lee Freedman

There were many ways of not burdening one's conscience, of shunning responsibility, looking away, keeping mum. When the unspeakable truth of the Holocaust then became known at the end of the war, all too many of us claimed that they had not known anything about it or even suspected anything.

Richard Von Weizsaecker

I suspected from the beginning that it was from Mars. The color was different and, above all, it wasn't magnetic.

Marc Hauser

At least since Darwin, scientists have suspected that dance so often plays a role in courtship because dance quality tracks with mate quality. By using motion-capture technology ... we can confidently peg dancing ability to desirability.

Lee Cronk

We are very pleased with the exercise, because we suspected there was something very wrong with our system.

Sizwe Kupelo

Our markers suspected irregularities on the answer sheets and we are investigating those suspicions.

Ndo Mangala

I am not opposed to the limited use of polygraphs in a case where a person is suspected of wrongdoing. But widespread use of the polygraph as a screening tool goes far beyond what is acceptable.

Jeff Bingaman

(T)he possibility of lawsuits has apparently caused a number of schools to institute harsh policies that essentially expel students who are suspected of being suicidal.

Karen Bower

We never suspected that Neil was anything other than a loving father, a trusted son-in-law and a husband. Neil betrayed our trust in so many different ways that it is almost impossible to describe.

Joseph Flaherty

There had been an ongoing argument for about two weeks that started at some nightclub. Some money was supposed to have exchanged hands between the victim and the (suspected) shooter.

Capt. Martin Mccoy

I suspected I would go in the top five from what I had been told, but didn't think I would go No. 1 overall. It was definitely a surprise, a good surprise.

Adam Braidwood

This report confirms what we have suspected. Physicians are beginning to understand that abdominal obesity is an important part of risk for heart disease, but many in the lay public are not aware of that.

Stephen Daniels

A few months ago we had a room that we were having some very bad odor problems with from what we suspected was probably mold.

Bob Harrington

My kids stayed down there, camped down there with him and cooked down there with him. Nobody ever suspected anything.

Donna Mcgee

This person is strongly suspected of having links with the Bali blasts.

Soenarko Artanto

It is our policy that all detainees are treated humanely and to report any suspected detainee mistreatment and investigate that thoroughly.

Cynthia Smith

While some scientists have suspected that large introns might not be removed in one piece through direct splicing, no one had identified how this could happen. Now we have identified a way.

Javier Lopez

The president knows where to draw the line. He has said we need to tighten the laws and measures on suspected terrorists while protecting our citizens. But he recognizes that we do not want to go down the route of the past.

Dino Djalal

The Ethiopian government is violently suppressing any form of protest and punishing suspected opposition supporters.

Peter Takirambudde

The study seems to verify what was suspected, ... The idea of testing longevity is something that needs to be looked at.

Joseph Estey

One of them, a 14-year-old boy, is in the most serious situation, others are in stable condition. I hope they are not diagnosed with bird flu. But they are suspected cases of bird flu since they ate a sick chicken and they were in close contact with fowl.

Dr. Huseyin Avni Sahin

TYPE, n. Pestilent bits of metal suspected of destroying civilization and enlightenment, despite their obvious agency in this incomparable dictionary.

Ambrose Bierce

People who think money can do anything may very well be suspected of doing anything for money.

Mary Pettibone Poole

No one, not even his friends, suspected anything.

Chief Yvan Delorme

I have always suspected that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is a boon to people who don't have deep feelings; their pleasure comes from what they know. . . . But this only emphasizes the difference between the artist and the scholar.

Margaret Anderson

We don't know exactly who these people are, what they are suspected of and whether they're going to be charged.

Andrew Finkel

The clerk took a close look at the bill and suspected it was fake. She stalled him while she called us.

Yvonne Martinez

We suspected that smoking was a cause of digital anomalies, but we didn't expect the results to be so dramatic.

Benjamin Chang

It is an old and cherished tradition of our country that everyone should be free to go about their business in the streets of the land, confident that they will not be stopped and searched by the police unless reasonably suspected of having committed a criminal offense.

Lord Bingham

Magnificent promises are always to be suspected.

Theodore Parker

A lot of us suspected that was going on, have heard anecdotal stories about it, had the impression that it was harder and harder for poor kids to get Medicaid enrollment, but this is the most dramatic documentation we've had so far.

Bruce Vladeck

Until now, we reported 63 suspected (cases) of bird flu.

Nyoman Kandun

A small clear zip-loc style bag containing suspected marijuana was found in the room as well.

Officer Jose Sousa

The patient is a suspected bird flu case. He had a history of contact with live and dead chickens.

Ilham Patu

The Federal Reserve purposely seeks not to surprise the market. And it delivered no surprise today, keeping rates steady. The statement following the meeting confirmed what the market has suspected, namely that demand is moderating bringing it closer to the economy's growth potential.

Marc Chandler

We're handling it as a suspected alien smuggling case.

Roy Cervantes

All the seven suspected patients are negative ... all of them are better.

Ly Sovann

We need to realize that there is very little incentive for farmers to report suspected outbreaks.

Dr Shigeru Omi

This new discovery gives an indication as to what we have always suspected; that cord blood stem cells can differentiate to become all types of cells in the body.

Dwight Brunoehler

As we suspected, that now appears to have been only a momentary shock, and the Bay Area business community expects the region's economy to steadily improve.

Jim Wunderman

It is a suspected case. It is not a confirmed case. We have contacted anyone who has been in close contact with the person who perhaps has mumps, but there's not really a lot you can do to prevent it.

Robin Kaler

We're searching the route of flight and some other areas that are along the sides of it and any other suspected areas.

Gene Hill

In three cleanup operations yesterday and today, nine suspected terrorists were arrested, and two Pakistan is were among them.

Assadullah Khalid

This first confirmed case means we're more aggressively following up on the contacts we've had with suspected cases. We're not surprised to find a confirmed case, given our highly mobile population.

Judy Friederichs

We now have a total of six patients being treated for suspected bird flu infections.

Ilham Patu

There is no foul play suspected in his death. There's nothing to suggest that it was a suicide at this time. It appears that the cause of death is natural at this point.

Eric Messick

There was just very little fraud going on. I just don't think it was nearly as much of a problem as they suspected.

Eric Carlson

This study is the first of its kind nationally to reveal the long-suspected national increase in prevalence of children with or at risk for diabetes.

Emily Cox