I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Gilda Radner

Simply put, would you rather die of a heart attack or a shark attack? So what scares us, kind of enthuses or excites the media that it might be an exciting story that resonates with people. And, yes, they do play those stories up because of that factor.

David Ropeik

The reason they were 16 stories up is because that height is supposed to be a deterrent. If you get out that window, you face a 187-foot drop.

Warden Ramon Rustin

The song's bangin' and it's one of my favorite songs I've ever sung. Really, it's just cool that, after so many years and all the heartache, the horror stories, the headaches and the bullsh--, I'm at such peace in my life right now, and it's pretty cool I'm on a Roadrunner record again.

Joey Jordison

His love for and dedication to the city and its people shine forth from 80-plus issues of his magazine. One hundred years hence, anyone asking what Brooksville was like two hundred years ago will turn to his stories with a sense of gratitude.

David Whitehead

We were honored to speak and to share our stories. The need to build economic, cultural and solidarity ties between indigenous people of [the] north and south continents continued to be repeated by the speakers.

Robert Free Galvan

Several of them told stories about how Jesus had made them better by not letting them quit or by making them do better. It was a good session for the kids and us, and we all got to know what he meant to the program.

David Ream

She was tough with a cigarette in her hand, ready to do anything a guy could do. There's stories of her getting into fights with guys and coming out on top, ... She brought a feminine touch of professionalism and understanding in the homicide division. The mark she left was in a far more sensitive procedure, helping victims of homicide-oriented crimes, especially rape.

Tom Kennedy

It was awesome, the best trip I've been on. I came back telling stories to all my friends.

David Maldonado

It's really a two-fold approach. First, the program emphasizes story sharing with the children. Then the adult session teaches you to recognize themes, morals of the stories and apply them to our lives as you're talking about the book with your children.

Jaye Robinson

Most stories are related to respect. So they know that we need to respect everything.

Tibby Johnston

Before Truman, journalism and non-fiction weren't taken very seriously. Journalism was seen as a hack profession that had very little style, very little grace. After In Cold Blood , people saw real-life stories in a different way.

Gerald Clarke

I'm just one of those hopelessly romantic people so I don't think I'll ever run out of stories. I'm always looking for love. But I'm afraid now - by doing what I do - I've missed my chance to ever find it. That I'm destined to get burned again and again.

Chris Carrabba

If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the physician verbalize understanding of what's been shared, it leaves them feeling like they were heard.

James Lileks

We're hearing from people who were involved and now feel very badly and want to make it right, ... What we have now is stories of malfeasance and some field evidence that would correlate with these stories.

Raymond Seed

Penn Singers is well established, so we're lucky. We have a regular rehearsal space. But I hear stories from other groups. There's a lot of competition.

George Cooper

Shelly knew I was well-versed in pulp magazines, with their strong plots, and that's the type of stories All-American was doing.

Julius Schwartz

Although history textbooks contain facts and information and historical fiction provides entertainment, well-told biographies bridge the gap for children by combining historical accuracy along with engaging stories. It is time to bridge that gap for the middle grade student.

Terri Johnson

It seemed to me that so much of America's myth, stories, visions and iconographic images are in many ways parallel to the Ring.

Francesca Zambello

If they come into the library, they're reading. It doesn't matter if they're reading comics or easy horror stories.

Maile Davis

We're bringing the real world insofar as we can through stories into your living room, and we're trying to use the power of stories to illuminate morally complicated and morally ambiguous situations in the grand tradition.

Chris Gerolmo

Fewer family dinners means nobody is trading stories anymore.

Jon Bartos

The tents were filled with uniformed war mannequins. The children and the soldiers took helicopter rides over Columbus. Various war organizations gathered an shared their stories about the war.

John Givhan

Viewers will see a profound change in the look of the show. But in terms of the types of stories we do, that won't change. We'll still have a commitment to international news.

James Goldston

I brought in the stories many times. I don't just do animation.

Ray Harryhausen

Unfortunately, because of the way the stories have played over the last few days, I have decided that I am becoming a distraction, and therefore I have asked President Bush to withdraw my name for secretary of labor.

Linda Chavez

I wish my son could have known her instead of telling him stories about her.

John Bennett

Good evening. I'm Bob Schieffer. Big trouble for Tom DeLay. The House Republican Leader is indicted on conspiracy charges in a campaign finance scheme. He says he's the innocent victim of a rogue district attorney. We start there tonight, then we'll have these stories.

Bob Schieffer

But at the same time, I have trouble keeping things out of books, which is why I don't write short stories because they turn into novels.

Jonathan Coe

The certificate idea came about from when I used to sit around with the farmers as I was tearing down their barns. They'd sit there and tell me all these stories about their barns.

Rich Holstein

For most people when you say - public radio - they automatically think it's like medicine. We only do stories that amuse and interest us. For people who haven't heard the show, we describe it like a movie where there are characters and you're interested in what's going to happen to them.

Ira Glass

I asked him if he was going to do the bidding of the mayor and I was pretty satisfied with his answer, which was, 'No, I'm my own man,' ... One thing that's impressed me is he's done a lot of doorbelling and had conversations with people and he said he was very moved by some of their stories. That means something to me.

David Bloom

Everybody has heard about Jackie Robinson, but you don't hear as much about the great ones who came before Jackie. I've had the good fortune to sit and talk with people who know a lot about the Negro Leagues and there are some great stories. It makes you want to go do more research about those individuals who made it all happen. It's a thrill that they are being recognized.

Billy Hatcher

Having had many years of support from BBC Midlands Today, I'm looking forward to presenting and reporting the stories that matter from my home patch.

Denise Lewis

I think we can look forward to a world where we are actually going to have one of the cutting-edge models for new forestry, a model that can be looked at elsewhere in the world. I think we will have one of the most amazing success stories.

Lisa Matthaus

The stories behind the music make it come alive for kids.

Leonard Slatkin

It was surprising to see how many ghost stories downtown Nashville had. Kim tried to pick places that were fun to go to. You don't want to go to the haunted McDonald's.

Frankie Harris

We really have no idea what to expect in terms of numbers. I've heard stories of people catching and seeing salmon in the river while fishing for other species. It'll be a small number to start, though.

Bob Richter

The overall story is one of continued strength of the consumer but there are a couple of underlying stories here too.

Michael Niemira

I think most writers, if they will admit it, have stories in their head all the time ... . The problem with writers is we have too many stories.

Barbara Hodges

It'll be the perfect ending to a perfect weekend, ... I'll get to spend the weekend with my family, share a bunch of stories, get emotional during the ceremony and top it off with some soccer.

Marcelo Balboa

When I was very young, I was already a fabulador. I loved to give my own version of stories that everybody already knew. When I got out of a movie with my sisters, I retold them the whole story. In general they liked my version better than the one they had seen.

Pedro Almodovar

His approach to filmmakers and serving his stories.

Willem Dafoe

I've heard so many horror stories from other women that I knew I was not alone.

Susan Walsh

The reason they were 16 stories up is because that height is suppose to be a deterrent. If you get out that window, you face a 187-foot drop.

Warden Ramon Rustin

Because there are such vivid stories and characters in Bruce Springsteen's music, we decided to let the lyrics do a lot of the storytelling for us, instead of depending on dialogue. In this case, I chose the songs first and then designed the story around them.

Meredith Stiehm

[Koechley isn't in Boston so much to report with daily dispatches than to gather material for future Onion stories.] There's no direct reporting happening, ... Our concept of what's topical is a little more glacial.

Peter Koechley

These days, with the second war in Iraq and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, people need to let go -- and ghost and alien stories seem to do the trick.

Peter Johnson

I don't believe that anymore but you certainly know that world. But I wasn't Catholic. It was slightly different. The metaphorical strength of that stuff, of those stories, whether it's stories from the Bible or stories from contemporary mythology like The Exorcist have enormous metaphorical weight.

Paul Schrader

The candidates' whole message got lost. Negative campaigns work better at the state and national level. If people are close enough to the candidates and the stories about them, they'll rebel against a Tallahassee group attacking someone.

Bill Long

At the very least, people are re-discovering some great stories, listening with modern minds, and discerning what for them is true. I think its great that the show doesnt force feed you an opinion - we leave you able to make up your own mind. If you disagree with what I say, or with what an expert on the show says, thats fine. Independent thinking is encouraged.

Josh Bernstein

One of the struggles and one of the exciting things for South African filmmakers is: What stories are we allowed to tell? I hope for the industry that more and more, it will tell whatever stories it likes.

Gavin Hood

I certainly love writing books. I've always written short stories and novels, because in prose, you get all the control. You don't have to take it to a theater and see it changed to get it produced.

Maria Headley

American Experience is committed to telling challenging stories about the diverse communities that make up this nation. We are honored to present this groundbreaking work.

Mark Samels

I'll be in Los Angeles for two weeks and I'll have a laugh, get battered and have a buzz, but at the end of the day, I'll go home. It's just me earning a few more stories to tell everyone at home and all.

Colin Farrell

I became a cook so I could cook and tell stories in wacky ways.

Alton Brown

I love to go out there and look at those bricks and imagine the stories behind them. There are bricks out there that clearly have secret messages and hidden messages to those who they are for, and there are some there for their family.

Camille Ramsey

This is good stuff. It's one of those stories that's easy to make assumptions about. There could be a lot of reasons why the place burned down.

Chris Jepsen

Memory is the way we keep telling ourselves our stories - and telling other people a somewhat different version of our stories.

Alice Munro

I'm sick of doing stories that make me want to drink myself into a stupor, ... We want stories to reflect the daily life for people in Baghdad – unfortunately, it's a terrible existence.

David Enders

I was always criticized for style and content, but I enjoy trying to tell stories a different way, particularly with this movie, Man On Fire.

Tony Scott

I think they (the media) try to find stories. That story (between Porter and Stevens) was just hype by the NFL because nobody was talking.

Patrick Morgan

We all had lots of stories of our sad experiences - they mourned the death of my wife with me - but we were hopeful that the children would return.

Otto Frank

I hear stories like these all the time.

Nick Morgan

Within this are one hundred people's stories. It's humbling to be part of this.

Aaron Kramer

I'm very proud of him, ... For me, personally, he's certainly one of our very best stories and one of the best baseball stories we've had. I'm always impressed by guys who beat long odds. When you hear these stories of guys who were undrafted as juniors and have beaten the odds by long shots, I think they're great stories.

Mike Gillespie

Other times you can use a calendar to predict the kinds of stories the media is looking for.

Joey Skaggs

It's incredible the number of personal stories that you hear that identify with the issue. You start talking about it and it's amazing how many people have stories to tell.

Michael Sirotkin

Be warm and personal by backing it up with examples, stories and anecdotes that the person on the other end of the phone can relate to and understand.

Karen Friedman

We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and of rebirth and rebuilding. That's equally important as the tragedy.

Steve Perry

A few of the stories are very sad war stories, but most of them are about their experiences.

David Harrell

Most films these days are men's stories. Women are for add-on romance. That's very hard.

Uma Thurman

I reached out to these guys and showed them my appreciation (for serving). They got to hear my experiences and I got to hear their stories.

Cameron Clapp

Judge Todd Walton was instrumental in getting this program started. All home environments are not like yours and mine. Some children grow up in homes that are worse than horror stories.

Judy Cooper

Try to determine who the technology reporters are at your local business publications and let them know you are available to help them with stories. Making this contact will help you not only get your press releases used more often, but you may wind up being quoted in stories dealing with technology. Both are good for your business.

Hilary Kaye

My father lived through it and passed away at the age of 90. He used to tell the stories and break down and cry.

George Leylegian

I'm particular about what I read, and I like to read stories that teach us a lesson. The story of the little girl from Sundog Gulch certainly does that. It rekindles a spirit of what Christmas should be about.

Robert Morrow

They're always interested in stories, ... and we have basket-making days and cultural days where we make some of the different arts and crafts. We make baskets and we try to give those wherever we go.

Kay Henderson

There are lots of nasty stories but despite that we've had a stealth bull market.

Michael Holland

I read some of my stories recently and thought, 'How in the hell did I get away with that?' I had some really raw cynicism in some of them.

Carl Barks

We try to get these stories before they're on the front page.

Robin Brown

Another fascinating aspect, ... is that it can be a completely different ballet depending on who's dancing it. It's so simple but it's so revealing, and it can tell such completely different stories.

Julie Kent

His obituaries and feature stories about the slain soldiers of the Iraq War are valuable as history, sociology, literature, and journalism.

Marilyn Johnson

The biggest thing I hear about is speeding around with your friends. I tell them war stories about people who are in wheelchairs, who will never walk again. But you get kids in a car and they?re trying to impress a friend, and the next thing you know ...

Corey Macdonald

This year's nominees represent the breadth and depth of experiences consulting careers offer today. One of the great untold stories of the last century was the role consultants played in America's economic expansion. Our Top 25 consultant ranking is now helping expose how consultants are today energizing the world's economies.

Jack Sweeney

If we get you in the early years of your life and we fill your head with all of the Catholic stories, then it's very hard for you to stop being Catholic. Catholics are Catholics because they like being Catholic.

Andrew Greeley

Only her accusers' stories have been told, and those stories have been accepted as the whole truth. They are not.

Roscoe Howard

I loved the script, ... I love love stories. And it didn't appear to me to be a gay script. It was just a love story and I thought it was beautiful.

Tori Spelling

The affair between Margot Asquith and Margot Asquith will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature.

Dorothy Parker

She was very important in helping me form a certain sensibility about writing fiction. I read her 13 short stories over and over and over again. I studied them and I loved them.

Sue Monk Kidd

In 35 years, I can't recall anything quite like this. I know journalists over the years might get a bottle of scotch from someone, but I've never known it the other way around, where someone says, 'I can control accurate and inaccurate stories in return for a huge amount of money.' It's the most extraordinary thing.

Martin Dunn

These stories celebrate what's at the heart of so many Latino success stories -- a desire to achieve and make a difference, ... Visitors to this Smithsonian exhibit will have the opportunity to learn about Latinos who have made varying but very important contributions to the American fabric.

Sandra Cisneros

There are two stories at work. The first is that we see surprising strength in exports. But imports are definitely weaker than I expected.

Ben Simpfendorfer

The success stories portrayed in 'Making Schools Work' can provide both inspiration and a road map for policy makers, educators, administrators, and parents to 'revolutionize' their own school systems to raise student achievement.

Tom Carroll

It's always worrisome when you cut back at your core newsgathering operation. There's going to be nothing to serve up to the radio station or the TV or the Web site if we don't have time and people to actually dig out the news and get it right and write our stories.

Rick Weiss

We focus so much on special effects and sound effects that we are shortchanging the audience on stories. ... We want to return to making movies that stir the heart, challenge the mind and feed the soul. When is the last time you saw a movie that moved your heart in such a way that your thought 'I'm changed because of what I saw'?

Brian Sky

The older generation actually wanted to sit down and tell their stories, not just answer questions.

Lorraine Johnson

The American formula things are out there but they don't have any stories to tell - we have all the stories to tell - but they're all formula.

Yahoo Serious

Today's articles are premature and a bit risky. The stories have a destabilizing effect on the community we work in.

Robert Dudley

We run our company very much like a Shakespearean troupe. Everyone contributes. Shakespeare told stories on different levels and appealed to a wide variety of people.

Denis Dyack

People remember stories, not facts.

Bev Twillmann

You will probably have to be up a couple of stories to enjoy the bay view.

Norm Luppino

I have seen pictures and heard the stories of the elders. They say it was real bad and this one is looking the same.

Tyrell Stevens

I'm not thinking about the possibility that I might have to stop the car and then sleep through the night in the middle of the desert. If I have to do that, then okay. I'll get on with it. Of course I know the stories about the men with guns but it's best not to think about them -- and then hope we don't see any of them.

Carlos Sainz

I think that is one possible conclusion but global data shows that in stories reported by women, there is a greater chance that there will be more women news subjects in those stories.

Anna Turley

People tell stories that they meet and end up getting married.

Tim Morgan

There are a lot of stories that have been told, but the truth of the matter is that Touchstone (the show's producer) decided to go in a new direction, and they bought out my contract.

Page Kennedy

The number of people seeking us out is way up, and yes, we've had more [ghost ] stories submitted.

Jack Moyer

We were just so stunned at how this affected our relationship, and so much at a loss for finding resources to help us. We had made this promise to each other that if we got through this we were going to tell our story because we were so hungry to hear other people's survivor stories.

Virginia Laken

To be honest, David, I'm struggling, ... I have not been to bed yet. Behind these glasses tells a thousand stories.

David Gower

People all over, even when it's not their history, they just enjoy the stories. It gives people the beginning of the curiosity to find out more about where they are.

Laurence Knight

I can see this being interesting for professionals who might be tracking stories about a company, for example.

Barry Parr

It's always an honor to be considered in such stories, to be mentioned.

Tony Snow

This has evolved from an older man's sport to a family sport. Our dads, more or less, were big cowboy fans. And their sons, the 'baby boomers,' watched cowboy stories on Saturday mornings.

Alan Deal

People were very leery of the quality. There have been stories about the cartridges leaking or the nozzles getting plugged up.

Charlie Brewer

There's so much mythology within my own world. A lot of stories that I have are real-life people, but they became larger than life.

Will Power

We've heard these stories anecdotally for a while. We're working on it now.

Mike Chambers

I like Pierce Brosnan a lot. But he's playing James Bond - he isn't him. All the poses and stuff, it looks a bit bland. And the gadgets and set-pieces... it looks like the stories are now built around the gadgets, and not vice-versa.

Guy Hamilton

We have an updating feed at the top that scrolls the top five animal stories. There's also information about hot topics like avian influenza.

Sandy Amass

They all have wonderful stories to tell.

Cynthia Prost

Instead of just anecdotes and stories that raise people's anxieties, I think it's best to have real numbers. And now we have those.

William Mosher

Love stories are probably all I've ever been able to write or want to write.

Wally Lamb

Each of those stories will be original, ... It's a good outlet for ideas I don't use in the books.

Kathy Reichs

The stories are very scary and very unsettling.

Dr. Ken Gershman

These are motivated women who are willing to challenge themselves. The forum is an opportunity for them to network and share success stories.

Dana Hurst

We all have our own personal stories. But we can't just hope and pray for things to change. We need to take action.

Josh Franco

Was this their own money or was it somebody else giving this money as part of an organized effort? I find some of the stories which we've heard not to be believable.

Larry Leake

First it was the fascinating comic book art that caught my attention, ... Later, I began to read the stories, then the art and the stories came together, and it was magic.

Bill Phillips

He invented amazing stories to get me through the pain barrier, involving me cycling up hills, running marathons and picturing our son making his way down the birth canal.

Kenny Logan

The stories are not autobiographical, but they're personal in that way. I seem to know only the things that I've learned. Probably some things through observation, but what I feel I know surely is personal.

Alice Munro

Sometimes stories get embellished. But it's a special event with the city.

Scott Matthews

With so much media consolidation, less than a dozen companies now own most of the newspapers, magazines, books and TV stations. Local public access centers have become the only place where average people can go to get their message and stories across and petition their government for change.

Louise Thompson

Our lives preserved. How it was; and how it be. Passing it along in the relay. That is what I work to do: to produce stories that save our lives.

Toni Cade Bambara

Many of the success stories people have shared with me over the years focus on how homeownership has been the key to their financial security. I'm confident these essays will inspire millions of renters to work toward their first home and millions of current homeowners to consider second homes or investment properties as a road to building financial freedom.

David Bach

Most reporters who come to me get their stories directly from press releases. Very few do what one would consider to be their professional duty.

Joey Skaggs

Great Cats: Stories and Art from a World Traveler.

Simon Combes

The 2006 development slate is our largest yet and represents our determination to broaden our programming scope both in genre and talent, while continuing to appeal to our core viewers, those elusive young men. The emphasis during this development season was a real focus on creating great characters and distinct stories that will hook viewers and bring them back to the network day after day.

Lauren Corrao

We were sharing stories about basketball boyfriends.

Carmen Electra

I must have been 3 years old or less, and I remember paging through these comics, trying to figure out the stories. I couldn't read the words, so I made up my own stories.

Daniel Clowes

It was the miracle day and the disaster day also because there were a lot of miracle stories to be told.

Gene Poston

It always comes down to characters, and individual stories about courage.

Steven Bochco

God made man because He loves stories.

Elie Wiesel

Our volunteers really work hard while they are here. But, some of the most important work will be done when they go home and tell their stories, share their pictures of what they have seen and done here, and relay just how devastated our community is and how much more work is needed.

Denise Chetta

The first 20 stories written about a public figure set the tone for the next 2,000 and it is almost impossible to reverse it.

Charles W. Colson

That's what moves it, people hear our stories. The creativity and generosity of people are the only limits on it. One of our obligations as Christians is to reach outside of our community.

Dave Lardinois

You hear interesting stories. We talked to a guy who was in Vietnam. You learn stuff historically.

Craig Reavis

You may have to listen to a lot of stories before you get the data you need ... but it's up to the interviewer to stay on track.

Bonnie Brothers

It's easy to become repetitive on stories like this, and some elements ? how the books were handled and how the accounts were structured, derivative instruments and things like that ? don't engage people.

Neil Cavuto

Our research shows that you see the hemorrhages in a lot of different situations. Retinal hemorrhages occur in child abuse, but they don't always mean a child was abused. Unfortunately, many pathologists, pediatricians and ophthalmologists have been taught that retinal hemorrhages are diagnostic of child abuse unless the child was involved in a high-speed car crash or fell more than two stories.

Patrick Lantz

This pattern (of gender imbalance) may be teaching girls and boys that the lives of males and their stories are more important and valuable than those of females.

Stacy Smith

If you're not a savvy traveler, I don't recommend it. We hear of stories where things go wrong or people are totally taken advantage of.

Melisse Gelula

It's not unlike how we develop any of our stories on our athletes. It's a pretty collaborative effort between ourselves, the agency and the athlete. We talk to the athlete and try to gain an authentic insight that maybe goes a little deeper than the world at large is seeing.

Adam Roth

All of those stories about my interview-fear date from the beginning of the band. At the time of our first interviews everything was new and unclear, so I usually was staring at a reporter with this big question mark above my head. I just didn't know it then. It was too new, and I was nervous and paranoid.

Beth Gibbons

I don't think it's a bit much at all. I think there's an insatiable amount of thirst for newS, information, stories about the Super Bowl.

Norby Williamson

It's been a steady, slow grind down, the same thing we've been seeing for weeks, ... You have the financials getting hit hard on the Enron stories and concerns about debt. Citigroup is heavily weighted and it's having an impact on the rest of the sector.

Tim Heekin

They called the Hogs. They shared stories about their time there.

Alice Stewart

The bottom line is that voters need to decide what significance they attach to these stories, ... No, what we're talking about here is qualification and who is qualified to lead the state of California.

Peter Ragone

United Press International is a great news agency. It has made a remarkable mark in the annals of American journalism and has left a superb legacy for future journalists. I wish the new owners all the best, great stories and happy landings.

Helen Thomas

It's like a great big snowball behind you trying to get the stories and the scripts and the actors and everything else and you're so engrossed and so immersed in a project like that and when you get out and you start looking around everything kind of went... whoa, what happened? Where did that go?

Robert Wagner

It's not big and glamorous and there's not a fortune to be made in it, but if you run your business right you can make money and you can tell stories.

David Keane

He tells us great stories every time.

Tony Forney

What idea can be formed from the description of these people or what credit can be given to their stories. I leave you to judge.

Nathaniel Smith

There are only so many stories, and half of that has to do with the execution of it and half of it has to with the timing.

Dana Delany

What he did was wonderful. He has a great deal of integrity. You don't always hear good stories.

Tom Wickham

[The instructors say it was clear that the students learned a great deal from the 10-week program.] You sort of see this light go off, ... Their editing takes a huge leap. They start creating stories and rhythm and making emotional high points in the film.

Jennifer Black

I asked my mum, who's a very clever psychotherapist, and she says that kids love stories about death; they need it, they need to have stories that deal with death and explain it, as a place to put their fears - and actually, Corpse Bride is a beautiful and very comforting, joyous portrayal of what might be beyond life.

Roald Dahl

He's the classic case of just dogged determination and perseverance. He's stuck to it and has been able to accomplish that. That's his dream. That's his passion. That's what he lives for and he's been able to do it. Not many people get to that spot and kids need to hear stories like his.

Brian Walker

I read all these stories that I don't know anything about politics. But I must know something. I've had some good victories in Congress, and I've survived this town for four years.

Donald T. Regan

You know, everybody has all kinds of stories.

Robert Davies

Traditional media doesn't have the time and resources to cover all the stories. It really does add substantially to what you are looking at when you are looking for news.

Joff Redfern

This was the first time anybody had gathered together a critical assessment of him. I gathered together his stories. A lot of people saw that, and I think it had a snowballing effect.

Weldon Kees

I think it was a way that someone who was living a double life would try to keep track of his stories, to not slip up and get caught.

Clay Ginglen

They're very appreciative of all that. They're holding onto those positive stories.

Brandon Schnittker

You need the proper sensitivity to the local market on content. That requires relevant stories and characters.

Jon Niermann

From the standpoint of the techniques (the filmmakers) used to present the stories, they are all polished works. They really know what they're doing.

Mark Poindexter

Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories.

Arthur C. Clarke

If you are really interested in the stories, ask for details. That makes it more interesting for the storyteller.

Jochen Tenter

The kidnappers who took Jill need to know that Jill is only an innocent journalist ... who only went to Iraq only to convey the truth, to tell the stories of the Iraqi people. She had nothing to do with the war that happened in Iraq.

Natasha Tynes

You need to tell the famous stories, old and new. There are lots and lots of famous stories. You need to not shy away from those.

Chris Becicka

We looked for things like inconsistencies in their stories about occupation, education, crimes and family background.

Adrian Raine

Help Americans appreciate the strength in the stories of everyday people they find all around them.

David Isay

We've all heard the stories about people cutting their pills in half, choosing between paying for drugs and paying for food, or forgoing the medications altogether. These folks shouldn't be faced with these choices at all. It's time that Congress help high-risk pools, consumers, employers and state legislatures control the rising cost of healthcare.

Mark Udall

High school kids always think they know what's going on, ... they needed numbers, not stories.

Karen Christensen

Instead we were filling the newspaper with bland, harmless stories, and if there was anything sensitive we would run agency copy and sort of try and downplay it.

Jasper Becker

They come because this is the story of multiple generations of their lives. They've heard these stories all their lives and they want to see what this looks like on stage.

James Garcia

Like many stories, 'Harry Potter' is making an appeal to kids' desire for independence and their anxiety about it. ... It may not be a conscious effort, but seasoned story tellers develop a certain instinct for what will fascinate.

Mark Crispin Miller

Media Watch has been told that both programs actually have a list of tried and true stories that are guaranteed to rate.

Liz Jackson

It's absolutely heart-wrenching to me to hear these stories and have people die of something so preventable. It's as if each person, each generation, each community has to learn the hard way.

Gregory Poland

But what I will challenge in any stories I see is any idea that we didn't want to help people. We certainly wanted to help everyone.

Karen Hughes

They love stories about themselves. Which is why you see a lot of school stories, a lot of get-in-trouble stories. And funny is a big part of it.

Tommy Lynch

Overall, companies have been reporting better results and at the company level there are many good earnings stories.

Taiji Yoshida

We have 1,000 stories like this. Our group is not saying that children don't have attention or behavior problems. Some kids do. But why should we force parents to drug their children so they can attend school?

Patricia Weathers

What I'm trying to do is light a spark under folks to take it into their own hands a bit and make those personal stories known. That relates very well at the congressional level.

Dan Hare

I felt a pop and being a player, you always hear the stories and the people that (suffer an ACL injury) … they say they feel a pop. I felt it and thought 'I could have done something bad here.' Hopefully it won't be that.

Kane Moix

[My stories were] an excuse for making pictures.

Kate Seredy

We've got so many stories to tell, you know, we could take on the world.

Yahoo Serious

Small and fat and constantly facetious, straw- coloured and destitute of marks, he would have been practically indistinguishable hadn't his constant preference for light-grey clothes, for white hats, for very big cigars and very little stories, done what it could for his identity.

Henry James

[The EU executive will] at technical...level find out what the truth is in these stories, ... In that sense, we will check the accuracy of those reports..then further define our stance.

Friso Roscam Abbing

[Wilson reserves particular respect for those musicians whose tenure is the longest, as they are the living repository of all the best stories about a life spent chasing the changes.] Just to be around those guys, ... is an inspiration. I firmly believe in [formal] education, but you got to go to the sources.

Matt Wilson

War is, after all, the universal perversion... war stories, the pornography of war. (The Custard Boys 1960).

John Rae