Single family starts will likely remain elevated until we see a significant increase in long term interest rates.

Gina Martin

This is a fairly significant step ahead for Yahoo.

Charles Golvin

We don't think too highly of it, but we do hope that they will take the opportunity of a little bit more time to make the DEIS better. We had significant concerns about some of the information that they were incorporating in it because some of the information they were using was very preliminary and draft.

Justin Hayes

We continue to oppose the use of military force and think that there's a very significant risk of grave unrest in the Arab world.

James Zogby

The community contributes a significant amount of money to the carnival each year. A lot of people and businesses donate equipment, time, machinery and supplies.

Jay Hall

There are lots of things on the table, but there's nothing that will have a significant impact on the rate of increase of health care costs.

Andrew Altman

Standardization of handset software platforms across mobile phone manufacturers offers significant opportunities for Vodafone.

Dirk Wierzbitzki

The rule needs significant work.

Katherine Andrus

The bargaining committee is pleased that we were able to bring back a settlement to the membership that provides wage increases in each year as well as significant improvements in our pension and benefit package. This is a reasonable and responsible package that will enhance the future prospects for continuing production at the St. Thomas facility.

Richard Laverty

I've always wanted to volunteer to do something significant. Today's a very good time for me to do it.

Frances Jones

There is no significant teeth in this bill.

Rep. David Schultheis

Chances are, we're going to break a levee before we reach those flows. We haven't seen levels like this since 1997, and these are significant levels on the lower San Joaquin River.

Cindy Matthews

To us it's critically important that we send a message that the disclosure law cannot be evaded. Twenty five thousand dollars is still a significant fine for the state board of elections.

Cindi Canary

That shows a significant drop in speculative interest.

Phil Roth

In December we saw strength in a broad number of categories, but we saw significant strength in flat panel televisions, MP3 players and accessories, notebook computers, video game hardware, navigation products and imaging products.

W. Alan Mccollough

That is the one significant overriding factor that will dominate the market's attention next week. There appears to be an almost even 50-50 chance they'll move.

Dick Berner

Adequate regulation of power plant emissions is already in place at the federal level, which will result in significant mercury reductions in Pennsylvania.

Gene Barr

This is a significant trophy trout fishery, there's a number of trout, 10 pound plus, which is considered trophy size in New Zealand so it's quite significant.

Steve Terry

We have significant gains in new businesses.

Hank Fishkind

We've made a significant investment in Jonas and we expect that to continue.

Matthew Szulik

A significant chunk of this operation will target the big cities - especially Delhi and Mumbai - as we would like to tap these markets first.

Arvind Mediratta

Any kind of significant downturn in the economy is going to put the budget back in the red.

John Spratt

Statistically, most people choose friends [with personalities] like them and their significant others opposite them.

Nan Andrews Amish

I would put my money on Renault. I think they have the carry-over from last year which will give them a significant advantage again.

Johnny Herbert

Our business review was thorough, candid and self-critical, ... In order to return our focus to our core business customers, foster a winning culture among our employees and restore credibility with the capital markets, we have had to make significant and sometimes difficult decision -- difficult primarily because they involve people.

Bruce Nelson

Consumers are so focused on that price at the gasoline pump that a significant rise will dampen expectations. That is certainly supportive of the bond market.

Don Kowalchik

Ingram Micro has the reputation, relationships and reach to help Video Without Boundaries gain significant exposure in the retail home electronics field.

David Novak

It can mean thousands of dollars in additional costs to American families. And those with higher debts are definitely looking at significant increases. So those families who most need to borrow are the ones that will be most affected.

Mark Brenner

Each measure can have a significant effect, but it can't contain spread on its own.

Neil Ferguson

As the baby boom ages, you'll have significant numbers of retirees in your area, more so than other areas. We're especially finding that growth in dental offices. Although dentist numbers aren't growing, their support staffs are growing substantially.

Rebecca Rust

This is the second significant error by the government affecting the constitutional rights of the defendant and the criminal justice system in this country in the context of a death case.

Leonie Brinkema

In addition to providing liquidity to our original shareholders, TA's resources and networks will accelerate our growth plans to take advantage of the significant opportunities in the credit derivatives market.

Sunil Hirani

Even though it will be moving fairly quickly, it still could be a significant rainmaker, in part because it is such a large system.

Richard Knabb

Food establishments are often believed by the public to be the source of most fat and grease discharges, but homes are also a significant source. Homeowners are encouraged to dispose of excess household grease, including meat fats, lard and cooking oils, in the garbage can rather than pouring them down the drain.

Dana Coleman

There's going to be a significant fee.

Roger Levine

The models under which most AA franchises operate across the country include a significant investment of public dollars in the construction of the needed facilities. Exactly how the financing of a facility here in Springdale could be accomplished is under study.

Mayor Jerre Van Hoose

It's akin to burning down a black church. I think it was a cowardly act of barbarism. The person who did this clearly knew that it was a significant site.

Ikaika Hussey

It's always easy to convert industrial to housing because the rewards to a developer for housing are significant enough to pay for the change of use. But when you insert artists . . . typically they are not able to support the kind of prices the housing developers can. That will make implementation there a bit more challenging.

John Weis

Very concerned by OPM's announcement tonight of a significant increase in health insurance premium costs.

Steny Hoyer

Certainly it would have significant influence on whether the committee would add a second year.

Josephine Potuto

It's going to be a significant, really, a shocking increase in prices this winter that we're anticipating.

Kateri Callahan

(The state) has a significant interest in not meddling in matters in which another state, the one where a couple actually resides, has a paramount interest.

Justice Francis Spina

Patients who have this procedure understand that their shoulder may not do what it did when they were in their twenties, but now they have greater movement and freedom from pain, ... That equates to making a significant difference in our patients' lives.

Michael Levine

There has been significant interest.

Michael Seymour

We at TERI are very pleased to join forces with BP and are confident that integrating the strengths of the two organizations will provide a significant breakthrough for the country in this field, which is full of promise.

Rk Pachauri

They're all strong storms bringing significant rains and snow at the higher elevations, maybe a couple of feet.

Harry Stockman

I don't want it to be an excuse, but if you look across the board in any educational arena, it will take at least three years before there are significant changes.

Kathy Kawaguchi

The intimacy and spiritual relationships or connections that one can have with their significant other are very important to your health -- cardiovascular and otherwise.

Dr. Melvyn Rubenfire

We are taking significant steps to reduce our cost structure and sharpen our focus on the products and services that hold the best potential for growth and return on investment.

William Esrey

At times, they would go on scoring runs, which we haven't really had. We hadn't given up a significant scoring run, I think, all season.

Chris Mooney

So far to date, the drug has not shown any significant toxicity in animal species in which we've administered the drug.

Amy Patick

It would have to be a significant shift from where they've dug in so far. If they're not interested in talking, our guys may leave.

Steve Macfarlane

In 1999, we estimated the elk population to be at 963 elk in the unit. After this year's count, we estimate the population to be 1,537 elk. That is a significant increase, and puts elk numbers in Unit 48 well above our objective.

Regan Berkley

In what was clearly one of the most difficult operating environments in several years, Lehman Brothers posted significant year-over-year increases in the fourth quarter.

Richard Fuld

The earliest we're going to see significant impact from the storm appears to be Friday afternoon, but people should not wait, ... It's time to act.

Craig Fugate

We don't feel we are putting that roadway in any significant danger at all and don't feel that this has any significant impact on the city of Eastport in any way other than the visual impact of seeing the ships go by.

Brian Smith

I like the makeup of this team. We could be a little more versatile than we have in the past. We look for significant points to be scored in more areas this year.

Carl Risch

They come home and we say, 'get over it, you're fine.' I think the way we train these guys is significant. Now we really have to take care of them...

Patricia Foulkrod

Injuries are a major public health problem in Nebraska resulting in significant numbers of deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits. From 1999 to 2003, injuries overall, including unintentional and intentional injuries, were the fourth leading cause of death in Nebraska. For Nebraskans age 1 to 34 years, unintentional injuries were the leading cause of death.

Dr. Joann Schaefer

While the fundamentals of this quarter were disappointing, we took important steps to position our company for a strong future in both print and online publishing, and our accomplishments were significant.

Tony Ridder

This contract is a significant win for us. To be awarded for the good work we have done for them in the past and being awarded for the next five years is particularly significant for the federal services division of Black & Veatch.

Clyde Hutchison

Such high-volume production capabilities certainly ask for significant amounts of investment and a lot of players in this industry working on such platforms find it quite challenging to invest such amounts of money.

Sachin Thukral

Among Latinos in the United States, there's a majority that views immigrants favorably, but there is a significant minority concerned about unauthorized immigration into the country and its impact.

Roberto Suro

We had flown Shark 21 mostly up to that point so both the aircraft would be available for the Prime Minister's flight [on February 2], ... It was fairly significant with the Prime Minister coming to visit.

George Mcguire

Pose a significant and ongoing threat to millions of Americans, especially young women, men who have sex with men and people of color.

Ronald Valdiserri

What we are seeing is that, in the specialized nature of information economy, a college degree is increasingly important for employers. What's interesting is that even liberal arts majors are finding significant opportunities, since those are the folks who are best at critical thinking skills. They can adapt to any number of professions.

Tim Mcdonough

We have further enhanced the core by releasing significant product upgrades this quarter that prepare us well for 2006.

Tom Glocer

But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

Sex And The City

Due to improvements in our overall technology platform, including specific enhancement such as the manufacturer's sticker imaging, the impact of international bidders on our business has been significant and will likely continue to grow.

Tom O'brien

There are those who would argue that conversion is not proliferation-significant because it does not produce weapons-grade material, but from our perspective, conversion is another step forward to acquire enrichment capability.

Gregory Schulte

WHO sees the current situation in China as one requiring heightened vigilance, but still not one of a significant threat to public health.

Julie Hall

The dispute is about the extent that [Sony BMG and Warner] have not licensed their music for [Apple's] Japanese services, which is significant, considering Japan is the second biggest market after the U.S.. It's a question of existing contracts versus future contracts.

Mike Goodman

Our goal is to provide a strong, competitive fund family. We've realigned our funds, made significant changes in our investment management and added strong new fund managers to our roster.

David Marks

We're going to experience a significant amount of flooding. We could for a short time be completely under, and then come out of it after a couple of hours. But we're more than likely to be completely flooded.

Steve Leblanc

These findings are significant because they absolutely confirm the roles of these two genes and, consequently, the central role of a specific immune response pathway, in the development of AMD.

Rando Allikmets

We've been very dependent upon Michigan residents to drive our tourism economy here, and now that the economy is in trouble here in the state and discretionary income is not available as it has been in the past, we are seeing a significant impact in the tourism.

Brad Van Dommelen

Going from voices of a mommy, daddy and baby penguin to a storyteller is a significant shift.

Adam Leipzig

It's a monumental trading error, but fortunately this is a large bank with deep reserves. They have significant unrealized gains on equity holdings that they can tap into to offset losses and meet their financial forecast.

Jason Rogers

I spoke to the deputy commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation, Greg Nadeau. I feel this is significant enough to be put on emergency status.

Andrew Gilmore

The disruption in general seems to have reminded the refineries of their vulnerability and the power of Mother Nature. Gasoline production is destined to be affected, and at the end of the day, the production impact for natural gas and oil will be significant.

Kevin Kerr

The development has been under work for quite a while. We will be annexing to the city and the project will be part of a significant revenue vehicle for future infrastructure.

Rob Meyer

(Penn State is) in the same situation we are; it's been a long season and this is a non-conference game. However, potentially for them and for us, it could be (about) seeding for the NCAA Tournament if we both get to go, and that's pretty significant.

Arnie Ball

People got all upset because they don't like to see people they know getting pushed out, and they don't know the new people coming in, ... But this company has been underperforming for some time. Significant change is needed.

Richard Bove

It's the way we traditionally do (payroll). That way we aren't caught short. By our calculations, we're showing fairly significant bump in payroll over '05.

Bill Dewitt Jr

They've agreed to not do that again. That is significant.

Steve Parton

It's caused a consumer confidence issue, it's caused an issue that the card companies have, the way the merchants handle things. It can have a significant impact on the company.

Kerry Bailey

We have resolved all differences. We found a way to go forward. This is a significant agreement.

Myles Brand

Certainly, the public will play a significant part in that, and I'm sure if we play to our abilities and everyone is firing on all cylinders, which we need on the day to overcome Mexico, and I'm sure that that will happen.

Dwight Yorke

The family needs to know whether they want to be on a ventilator or not. Discuss those issues with your friends, your family, with anyone who is likely to have significant input when the time comes. Don't leave it to the courts to designate your proxy.

Barry Tepperman

It felt very good to work for an organization that sends a message that I believe in. And most importantly for me, this was a chance to design and build something that my mom can see and know that I created. I'm not sure if there would be another time that would ever be as significant to me as this is, for that reason. It was a great opportunity for me and a project that I've very proud of.

Betty Gardner

The stock deserves to go up a bit on this news but in the absence of any economic terms, it's a big guess about how significant this is. I'm not sure if this deal is enough to justify the new stock price.

Rob Sanderson

While the USGS presence and efforts in Alaska are significant, they are clearly not adequate to meet the growing needs of an area that will see major growth in tourism and resource development.

Charles Groat

The slower movement means heavy rains will fall over the same area for some period of time. Areas that are prone to flooding could see a significant amount of water.

Robert Molleda

Increased competition from Asian manufacturers has driven down prices for band instruments, putting significant pressure on U.S. manufacturers. Costs at the Bach plant continue to increase, and many of our student-level instruments have been sold at a loss for years.

John Stoner

Sea level rise is a significant and growing threat to New Jersey, ... Future Sea Level Rise and the New Jersey Coast.

Matthew Cooper

What is significant is that the use of these substances has declined substantially since the recent peak levels reached in the mid-1990s.

Lloyd Johnston

A 55-kilo seizure is huge. Any time you can get that amount of cocaine off the street it is significant. It's probably a pretty significant organization.

Anthony Pettigrew

Another very significant program that was enabled by the school building changes was the fifth grade band program. All students at Norrie and at All Saints Academy take band, they have to try an instrument.

James Rayner

We are experiencing growing pains in ramping innovation through the manufacturing side of our business, which resulted in delays in the introduction of new products that were expected to have significant sales and earnings in the fourth quarter.

Gregg Hammann

The most significant and poignant part of the event is it's our chance every year for the entire synagogue community, federation community and general community to come together for one magnificent day at one magnificent event.

Alan Katz

His hand injury was significant because it was shot point blank. They were concerned about him losing some of his fingers.

Yvonne Martinez

The main concern on electronics was disk drives... This was very significant.

Ho Woei Chen

This building has played a significant role in the industrial development of the region. We see this as an awareness tool to let people know that there is historic value here.

Greg Sekula

Any country that can produce that many scientists and engineers has a natural potential of being a significant software producer.

Leo Apotheker

For us what is significant is the way in which the prisoners are treated.

Nada Doumani

Anders never fails to deliver on content, and I am pleased to see that LINQ provides significant system infrastructure for languages to leverage in implementing their own support for LINQ-style operations.

Danny Thorpe

They were claiming they had a significant insurance settlement coming, I think the number 2.5 million dollars was batted around.

Scott Cameron

We have a proposal that we feel is very healthy, and even without it we've made significant progress on the initiative.

Robert Ketchum

The benefits of our renovation program are accelerating. By the end of 2005, nearly every property in our portfolio had significant renovation work completed within the past two years. We believe that our portfolio of hotels now is well positioned for continued future growth.

Paul W. Whetsell

The investigation is very active and we're making very significant progress. I'm very confident we'll get to the bottom of this and bring the people responsible to justice.

Bill Blair

Even if growth slows, we're not going to have significant additions to capacity in the next 12 months.

John Segner

Fiscal year 2005 has been a great year for our company, and across Europe, Middle East and Africa we are smiling. We have made significant investments in Dynamic Data Centre and Mobility over the past year which has been reflected in our impressive growth.

Bernd Bischoff

We have a bill which to my way of thinking has stripped out very significant reforms.

Howard Berman

All children are affected adversely by bullying but gifted children differ from other children in significant ways.

Jean Peterson

The risks are still significant across the company?s key growth drivers, and it is just very difficult for us to get very aggressive with the stock either way at current levels.

Marc Goodman

We can't be that specific about the economic impact, it's still being reviewed by the auditor. But we still expect (the effect) to be significant, based on their last application.

Patty Peterson

We've seen a significant change in Scotland in that there are lots of people wanting to buy into the top end of the market, but there's not a lot of supply.

John Coleman

Our analysis suggests that there are significant safety issues with a substantial segment of Ford Explorers.

John Lampe

If it has failed, it will be a significant hit. It is the contact arm of the mission.

John Callas

But I think it's somewhat significant that in this studio, right here where we're sitting, I can record something that will be heard in China and Russia and the Pacific Rim.

Jerry Dahmen

They'll never get a fresh start, ... And over the long haul, this can have a significant impact on the economy, if a large number of people can't get back to being ordinary consumers.

Travis Plunkett

It's so important in doing development that we excavate historically significant areas to tell us the stories of what was there.

Roz Foster

We believe there is a significant growth opportunity for this unique business.

Brad Martin

But certainly if prices come back they're still very well supported and that's a significant change to what we saw 12 months ago.

Charlie Sartain

We have enough physicians to take care of the community, but if you go to an emergency room or try to get an appointment, you will recognize that shortage very quickly. It's concerning if there is an outbreak of pandemic flu or (a) significant medical problem. The resources are already stretched to their limits.

Dale Bishop

Fairly significant indication of overflow. We are estimating upwards of 10,000 and probably into the 50,000 gallon range.

Steve Payne

Ed Lazear will bring significant depth of knowledge and insight to the White House Council of Economic Advisors. The scope of his work in economics is extremely broad, including productivity, incentives, employment, education, immigration and other economic reforms.

Robert L. Joss

Aggressive driving, speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, lowers your gas mileage and it can be fairly significant. That type of erratic driving can decrease fuel economy by as much as a third.

Art Kinsman

I don't think the expectation was that this was going to have a significant impact on the company, certainly for the first half of this year or potentially toward the latter half.

Cameron Doerksen

I have some significant experience in general plan revisions. I served six years on the Stanislaus County Planning Commission. First, we need to seek out a person we have been advertising for to oversee the Planning and Building departments.

Russ Thomas

To be recognized as a leader in the service parts planning arena by one top analyst firm is significant. To receive such high recognition from four well-respected industry experts is exceptional, and absolutely confirms our market leadership.

Bob Salvucci

More key resources to continue our growth and provide our employees with significant improvements in benefits and employment opportunities.

Randy Miller

It's significant, in fact too significant not to go forth.

Richard Neufeld

It was a unique experience. Obviously, the notoriety of the Unabomber case is something that will be attached to me because I was there. There have been other cases, in my view, that have been just as significant.

Bernie Hubley

We think there is still significant potential, and that will make it very exciting for us going forward.

Vince Borg

American universities and industry have a long history of collaborative efforts that have spawned significant innovations and fueled our entrepreneurial economy. It is imperative to take the lessons from these collaborative relationships so that we may improve the process by which discoveries and innovations move into the marketplace.

Lesa Mitchell

The opportunity to continue to play such a significant role on behalf of Petrobras in the Campos Basin and Espirito Santos regions is extremely gratifying. It is heartening to see that the quality of our service and engineering expertise has contributed to the positive working relationship we share with Petrobras.

Gary Young

People pay as low as $20 per hatchling not realizing how big they grow. In just two to three years, these snakes can grow to be at least 9 feet, so it's a significant commitment.

Skip Snow

Ford is one of our largest customers, so it is certainly significant that we secured two, not just one, agreement with them.

Mary Ryan

[Calling the verdict] a significant breakthrough, ... It demonstrates that criminal justice systems can deal with these matters. It's an exoneration of the system.

Paul Wilkinson

Cross-border shopping accounts for a lot of jobs along the border, and it's significant even in places like San Antonio and Houston.

Keith Phillips

The accounting problems in the U.S. seem to have crossed a significant hurdle on Wednesday, and the external pressures on the Japanese market in general have probably peaked.

Norihiro Fujito

It just does not fit into what else he has done. He has presented himself as a good-government person - and he does have a record of reform - which is why people are at a loss as to why he would spend significant sums of public money on promoting himself.

Dick Dadey

If you're in that position that you know you're going to spend the money anyway, you're far better off to pay it now and relieve yourself of the risk of dying in that interim period and paying a significant tax rate on that.

Bill Abrams

Allowing individuals anonymous access to UK banking facilities, without adequately verifying their identity or source of funds, demonstrates significant failings.

Philip Robinson

On hybrids, it's a question of whether there's significant demand for a product that's significantly more expensive.

David Cole

Yet many significant challenges remain to be solved in the push toward digital inclusion on a global scale. We hope these programs will encourage more researchers to pursue approaches in computing technology that advance these goals--getting us one step closer to digital inclusion.

Rick Rashid

Messy, given the significant charges IBM is expected to take.

Sanford Bernstein

It will be the opportunity to examine the under-capacity consideration, ... The most significant principle is protecting the classroom. We can make moves and juggle and at the same time still protect the integrity of the education process.

George Thompson

Insurance companies don't use race as part of their rating criteria. The Consumers Union study is a distraction from the fundamental point that insurance companies should be using data that predicts the likelihood of losses. Territory is a significant predictor.

Sam Sorich

Clearly, we expect significant price expenditures (for heating fuels) this winter compared to last winter.

Guy Caruso

There's an issue lurking that is new to us, and that is the rapid escalation of home prices. Last year, we moved above the national average (in home prices). It won't stop people moving here, but they're going to live further and further out, so far out that their commute represents a significant part of the day and freeway congestion. We'll suffer growing pains as a result of housing prices.

Lee Mcpheters

It was a meaningful 'up' round. A significant chunk of that was from the four [prior investors] stepping up.

Rob Keil

This initiative will require a significant effort not only from DTCC, but also from the market participants themselves. We are fortunate to have the focus of very senior management of leading participants in the OTC derivatives market. This is really how success will be achieved.

Peter Axilrod

It's been agreed that they will do two things. Tender their $11 million collectively and two, prove that there are no (other) significant assets in the companies.

Robert Luke

In the end, the Fed's on hold until there's inflation and significant job creation.

Peter Mcteague

If the integrity of the PBS is significantly weakened, and this is a chance for that to happen, then we would have significant worry that prices would go up.

Mukesh Haikerwal

Driving impaired or riding with someone who is impaired is simply not worth the risk. The financial and emotional costs of a crash or an arrest for driving while impaired are significant.

Pete Bodyk

Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species -- man -- acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.

Rachel Carson

Nothing significant has really changed. We have lots of concepts in development, some will get green-lit and some won't.

Joanna Stevens

Obviously it's practical to think about it happening sooner rather than later because we need to know if we would have significant salary cap to deal with if he wasn't going to play in 2007.

Peter Doust

If we were to treat everybody for the whole length of their sentence we would be facing a significant resource issue.

Georgia Cumming

We believe that the significant publicity surrounding our initial public offering in April carried over into the succeeding months and contributed to this higher than expected growth.

Scott Livengood

This is the most significant drop we've seen since we began keeping quarterly reports two years ago. I hope it's an indication that drug use in Hawaii is on a decline.

Carl Linden

This is another significant step in consolidating and strengthening the independent bottling system in the U.S. It will further enhance the strategic alignment between Dr Pepper/Seven Up and its key bottlers.

John Sunderland

Even though we feel the company is executing on its business plan, we believe that given the more mature stage of ISS (Internet Security), significant acceleration of growth is a big challenge.

Desean Jackson

'The Road Less Traveled' really marked the beginning of contemporary self-help. It was a significant work because he was able to blend the psychology and the spiritual so magnificently.

Jan Miller

The most aggressive has been Time Warner in the Carolinas. Comcast is beginning to roll out in Atlanta and Jacksonville. So far, we've seen no significant pickup in line loss because of it. We are priced very competitively in these markets.

Pat Shannon

There are significant environmental impacts in Central Oahu, from traffic to ground water to those farmlands that are very valuable to the state.

Jeff Mikulina

We've had this significant run which has been pretty much one-way traffic for the last two weeks, so it doesn't really come as a surprise that there's a correction of some sort.

Ryan Wibberley

It's definitely more significant because it's our last chance to be a state champion. We've all qualified before and we could always say we've got next year. We can't say that this year.

Chad Biddle

The amount of gas that they're using to go by our house, there's hardly not even a gallon a week. I'd love to save gas. I'd love to save money. But I don't think we'd see any significant savings.

James Daley

The risk to a given individual from having some saccharin-sweetened soda or coffee is really trivial. It's when you multiply that times 200 million people that the risk becomes much more significant.

Michael Jacobson

I am proud of our team members in the Southern markets for overcoming significant challenges both personally and professionally in order to get our properties open and operating.

Tim Hinkley

One out of every four people in the metropolitan area and one out of every six in the country suffer from hay fever. The negative impact on the economy is significant.

Shintaro Ishihara

Online search is an area where advertisers are moving. Big media companies need to be there. They must have a more significant presence or they risk out losing on a big growth opportunity.

Richard Greenfield

He's more of a believer in buying a company that has a significant indemnity business with the hope of making them managed care.

Gary Frazier

We felt that there could be a significant number of men and women in NSW who could see this representation and relate to it - men who have been in this position or women who have been in this position, or even worse, are currently in that position and may need some help.

Michael Nelson

We look forward to becoming operator of this important pipeline, which in the future is expected to play a significant role in moving northern frontier natural gas from the Alberta hub to U.S. markets.

Hal Kvisle

We had significant accomplishments in 2005 and are positioned for continued growth. Our service revenues were up 22.5% from the previous quarter and we continue to add billable employees. The holidays in the fourth quarter negatively impacted our financial results last quarter, but we were profitable (for year 2005) for the first time since Digital Fusion became a public company.

Gary Ryan

It's not very significant in our world. It's rare but every now and then we'll hear about it.

Ivan Johnson

If there is significant damage to coffee stocks, it could impact supply. If not, it will just delay shipments.

Joe Derupo

At 65 mph, that closing speed between vehicles is pretty significant.

Fred Droes

The move is significant in a sense that it shows NTT's commitment to playing an active role in the global market.

Makio Inui

Their profitability hasn't been shining. They need to work harder on higher technology nodes, and getting more significant customers.

Christine Wu

[Chelsea had borrowed heavily from financial institutions, principally to fund stadium development. Ruth Giste, the widow of the late club director Matthew Harding, had also demanded repayment of a significant sum loaned to the club.] Fans did not know that in January the club had mortgaged, if you will, the TV revenues, ... It borrowed against the TV revenues that were to be handed out in August.

Bruce Buck

In recent history … we have not had a seizure of this amount of processed, ready-for-sale marijuana. This is a significant seizure for a department of any size throughout this region. This is a large amount of processed bud.

Undersheriff Rick Scott

I'm an emerging, unknown artist at this point, but I believe this is a beginning. I believe my work is representative of an entirely new wave of contemporary artists where digital technology is beginning to merge with contemporary painting in a significant way.

Alois Fabry

This was a great team win. We made significant progress tonight.

Nan Airola

Anton staying with Otago clearly has had a significant influence on James as I'm sure it will on other players.

Russell Gray

I am proud to be the hero of an amazing person and writer, who indeed has made his own significant contribution to society.

Gordon Banks

Though this wasn't our initial transaction with GE, it was significant. It cemented the relationship and encouraged both sides to increase our portfolio.

Kent Merselis

[Allen said the streamlining measures at his company would lower costs as compared with the last two years and lead to] significant productivity improvement. ... possible strategic acquisitions in the current industry downturn.

Wayne Allen

I don't tend to think that they're that significant on the local level. I think people want to see more of the candidates in person.

Lorie Smith

The appearance of our streets and gutters is getting ridiculous, ... A significant percentage of people are allowing their gutters to be a collection point for leaves, twigs and limbs. I'd like the council to consider how we go in there and start cleaning gutters.

David Gudgel

What could drive upside is more significant price cuts, and it wouldn't surprise me if it happened after the spring of 2004.

Drake Johnstone

The reduced profitability reflects our continued significant investments in geographic expansion, new product launches, Torstar Digital and TTN, all of which we expect will increase profits in future years.

Robert Prichard

The Bulldogs have made significant inroads in this area with the help from the majority of fans.

David Gallop

There's a tremendous amount in the new Office 2007. We do believe this is the most significant advance in over a decade.

Parri Munsell

There's value in Palm's converged devices. The most significant benefits [to an acquirer] would be the immediate injection of wireless expertise.

David Linsalata