Consumers have a strong reason to procrastinate, ... There will be more and more deals and bargains, and everybody knows it.

Since Sirius has a slight disadvantage to XM in the OEM channel, retail channel must be the greater driver for share gains for Sirius.

It's recognition that the board feels comfortable that he's the right guy for the job, that the company has righted itself and is moving in the right direction.

Messy, given the significant charges IBM is expected to take.

This is a company that's entering the sweet spot of their restructuring savings, ... I don't think people are going to find too much to pick at about this result.

Everyone wants to go home but we can't because of the expiration, ... Everyone is reading the paper. The biggest complaint on the floor is about food because all the delis are closed.

Alcoa's earnings appears to resemble a biblical scripture because it can be interpreted in many ways.