130 quotes about punishing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!

Friedrich Nietzsche

They punish you for all your virtues. They forgive you entirely--your mistakes.

Friedrich Nietzsche

When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Oscar Wilde

I must dislike those who, whatever I do to please them, persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly.

Charlotte Bronte

A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more. Nobody is going to win a 5,000 meter race after running an easy 2 miles. Not with me. If I lose forcing the pace all the way, well, at least I can live with myself.

Steve Prefontaine

It is folly to punish your neighbor by fire when you live next door.

Publilius Syrus

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.

Albert Einstein

Punish France, ignore Germany, and forgive Russia.

Condoleezza Rice

We're not looking at any big cool down, but maybe a little less punishing temperatures than we've had.

Steve Bays

In its foreign policies, the United States does not punish atrocities, only disobedience.

Avram Noam Chomsky

They recognize that the worst way to punish them is to kick them out of school.

Allen Hopper

AMNESTY, n. The state's magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish.

Ambrose Bierce

We are waiting to see if the DNA matches. While we would like nothing more than to have her killer arrested, we must make sure we punish the right guy.

Chad Fox

Plan B offers women a last chance to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Instead of making this last chance more widely available, this administration wants to punish women by making them pay for having sex.

James Trussell

Our main concern is not to punish anybody, but to make sure people are safe.

John Luther

The basic problem is that GWU is punishing students like Jordan who did exactly the right thing. Most students would not seek medical care if they were fully informed that GWU would react, as they did in Jordan Nott's case, by imposing immediate disciplinary action.

Karen Bower

That can't be the goal of any of the major parties. The people would likely punish them at the ballots for not being able to overcome their inner-party conflicts and finally form a government. They're sick of it.

Gero Neugebauer

If they catch (Bonds) now, then punish him. If they find out about it after the fact, then it's their own stupidity.

Brian Chapman

What I've come here today to tell you is, if you make a claim on the bid, you will in essence be trying to punish me for my mistake to the tune of about $75,000. I'm here to tell you that I bid this job for you in good faith, just like we bid many many many other jobs, and when we're not low, no one compensates us for all the expenses we go through in bidding.

Allen Smith

Guilt: punishing yourself before God doesn't.

Alan Cohen

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

Ann Coulter

This was the city's way of punishing employees for wanting a union.

Steve Sarnoff

This city has a history of agreements that do not serve the taxpayers well, so punishing those that inform the public is bad policy. I urge the council to stop having so many private negotiations.

John Boland

So the question is, First, Whether the civil magistrate hath power to force men in things religious to do contrary to their conscience, and if they will not to punish them in their goods, liberties, or lives? this we hold in the negative.

Robert Barclay

They're not about helping people, they're about punishing people. You can't control this, especially since it's easier today to place a bet today on any college campus than to buy a beer.

Arnie Wexler

When you do that, good teams will punish you.

Richard Whitelaw

We have some say. Florida State, that's not a normal situation. That was added late in the process. Clemson fell as it fell with the 12th member of the league coming in. We and other teams were caught in a hard spot. It's not anything the league did to punish us.

Larry Coker

He got out and first fired in the air, before then firing into the crowd. It is an isolated incident, but we have arrested him and we are going to punish him.

Kale Kayihura

In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating.

Michel Foucault

He's developing a finesse game. He's not just a big guy. Yet, if you forget that he can play down low, he'll punish you. He is so hard to stop because he is so versatile.

Jose Gil

Punish all the guilty parties, whoever they are, and do everything possible to prevent anything of the sort happening again.

Michael Ledeen

The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

We wanted to avoid Stilwell if we could. She's a good hitter. They came up with the clutch hits every time they had someone on base. We made mistakes we can't afford to make. We can't continue to give them five outs or they will come back and punish us and they did.

Shane Been

Karl has truthfully told everyone who's asked him that he did not circulate Valerie Plame's name to punish her husband, Joe Wilson, Everyone is everyone.

Robert Luskin

There honestly is no real justice other than God's that could be adequate to punish you for your crimes against humanity and the moral society we live in.

Glenn Heyes

Because you can detain a person without trial, without time limit, to answer question to which they could not possibly know the answer, and punish them for not knowing.

David Knoll

I'm not going to punish him for being hurt.

Oneri Fleita

People are thinking about punishing us, even about banning us.

Heinz Jungwirth

I will punish them if (an investigation) proves they are responsible for any violations.

Bayan Jabr

To punish villages by cutting budgets if they are led by Islamic leaders, especially if those villages are led by Islamic Movement activists, is fascist.

Ahmed Tibi

We went out there and needed to prove that we were Florida State and we were the ones that everybody was going to be afraid of and one of us was going to go out there and hit you in the mouth. We gave it all we had. We said we were going to punish the ball carrier any time we could get a chance.

Pat Watkins

What really makes me angry is he told the truth. How can you punish somebody for that?

Mindy Haney

(We shouldn't) punish the kids, but they're the ones getting the most. They're wonderful kids... They were not doing anything bad, but are being punished anyway.

Amy Towe

This is our system. It's the only way we can punish them.

Susan Gallagher

It's easy for your inner critic to rear its ugly head. We want to punish ourselves.

Lisa Mininni

We have to be aware that we don't over punish our athletes just because they are athletes.

Jerry Baker

There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not.

Rush Limbaugh

The real test now is for them to keep it going against Inverness, because we've definitely got the front players to punish anyone.

Gordon Chisholm

We're in the same boat. Punishing businesses won't gain anything.

Larry Rubin

It doesn't matter if they get three million to march against the Sensenbrenner bill. It's about punishing the people who break the laws of America.

Rosanna Pulido

They're physical. They've got some big horses up front and they play a lot of vertical football. They punish people.

Martin Tobias

They're punishing us tenants and nobody seems to care. I'm hoping that it can get overturned and that the Grandview can open back up. I'm praying to God it can. Something has got to give.

Andrea Fuller

This must stop. We will punish sellers of fake braces.

Rasamee Vistaveth

We're not out to punish the alcohol industry. We're looking at finding a source of predictable funds from a source that makes sense.

Lee Erickson

The list of successful writers, poets, artists, and composers is long ... As a country it is our duty to protect and nourish our artistic talent, not punish it for achieving success.

John O'donoghue

If it's the expectation, why punish them?

Jonathan Wilcox

Once there is no state law, the city ordinance is what the cities and towns would go by and other places ... would have every right to keep punishing adult marijuana users if they chose to.

Mason Tvert

The Indians began to be troublesome all around me, killing and wounding cattle, stealing horses, and threatening to attack us. I was obliged to make campaigns against them and punish them.

John Sutter

They're a football team that's kind of run oriented. If they can punish you with the run, then that's what they're going to continue to do all day. I don't know if they'll throw it if they don't have to.

Richard Seymour

I think God was punishing us. That's how I feel. It's a wake-up call in our city. Our city was getting too corrupt.

Hurline Magee

CBC management is punishing these shows for a decline in ratings - a decline clearly brought on by its own brutal decision to lock out 5,000 professional workers last fall.

Stephen Waddell

I have to emphasize - and this is important - that they have not been in default of any obligation that they have to the authority from either a financial or construction perspective. Until that changes, nothing further is required by the authority. You can't punish someone in anticipation of them doing something inappropriate.

Carl Goldberg

He always truthfully denied that he was never part of any campaign to punish Joe Wilson by disclosing the identity of his wife.

Robert Luskin

Juries all around the country are sending a message that this conduct was not only totally inexcusable but that it was so outrageous, there is no amount of money that would be enough to punish the people who perpetrated it.

Richard Daynard

Collectively the guards felt a little disrespected after last year. Teams were basically thinking that we were suspect, so now when they play off, we punish them for it.

Terry Thomas

We want to be different. We want to be strange and we don't want jocks or other people putting (us) down. ... We're going to punish you.

John Stone

Our biggest thing is, as a team, we have to regroup in regards to our attitude and how we're going to play. I thought defensively we did not punish people in our own end. You can't play hockey in your own end without punishing people.

Don Mckee

I figured out how we're going to punish them - make them swap rooms.

Kenny Milligan

Toward no crime have men shown themselves so cold-bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of belief.

James Russell Lowell

It is significant and punishing to suffer a felony conviction. A lot of doors get closed. However, becoming a millionaire can buy you a lot of new doors to open.

Craig Silverman

Vengeance is not the point; change is. But the trouble is that in most people's minds the thought of victory and the thought of punishing the enemy coincide.

Barbara Deming

We have a saying about 'whipping the dead,' which means that punishing a dead person is about the worst thing you can do.

Seizo Fukuyama

We are not keen to punish people, we are keen to solve the situation and we need to get the elections in place so that people can decide on who runs the country, ... If we find that we have sanctions in place, then we would see this as a failure.

Mosiuoa Lekota

You don't have to kill James Sullivan to punish him. He can live out the rest of his sorry days in a state prison and never be a danger to anyone.

Josh Moore

The first condition is that the referee didn't see or punish what we will eventually talk about.

Adriano Galliani

There is no reason to punish the future children of Brevard Public Schools for the past actions of a few adults who are no longer in the system.

Harold Bistline

Our job is not to punish people, but yet when you have people who will not do what they're required to do, there's no alternative.

Robert M. Hamilton

I'd guess that more people go to a ballpark than to a Chevy dealership, but it's pretzel logic to punish us for doing the promotion.

Tim Brosnan

Last year, I lost here in our playoff match. So this year, I was going to punish whoever got in my way.

Chris Nicolosi

How many people must be killed. How many countries must be destabilized to punish that one person?

Sergey Lavrov

The speech just showed that Lula is weak and he doesn't know how to punish his friends.

Joao Medeiros

We need to figure out a way to get motivated to play. We didn't come out ready to play. Good teams are going to punish you.

Matt Pfau

I will punish those who sit contented in their sins, indifferent to God, thinking he will let them alone.


If this is part of an analysis to review whether or not different training should be deployed, nobody is going to have a problem with that. But if on the other hand the motivation is to punish an officer for actions that were previously approved, I think that process then becomes patently unfair.

P. Brocklin Parks

The central issue is that they will not change fast enough to meet customer needs, ... Customers will either reward or punish you for how you create values such as cyber service.

James Canton

The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

This is a political game to punish these people for not taking their seats. This is a very bad moment for our history.

Beyene Petros

The term they're using is, it's OK to push but not punish.

Kevin Mcdonald

This proposal would punish people who are innocent of any wrongdoing.

Bill Hamilton

Getting hit motivates me. It makes me punish the guy more. A fighter takes a punch, hits back with three punches.

Roberto Duran

We destroyed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and Allah ordered us to... punish everyone who stands alongside (US President George W.) Bush.

Al qaeda

The Ethiopian government is violently suppressing any form of protest and punishing suspected opposition supporters.

Peter Takirambudde

There's a reason the Spurs are the defending champions. They really execute down the stretch. They just don't make many errors, and if you do, they really punish you.

Scott Brooks

To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty.

Maximilien Robespierre

I really wanted to find something more inclusive. I didn't want to go to a church telling me I'm a sinner. If we make a mistake, God is not going to punish us.

Bill Caldwell

Our immediate concern is to protect the victim and punish the aggressors in this case, but we realize that bullying and intimidation is a much larger problem and we need to look and act beyond school walls.

Jon Weidlich

I think we actually punish children out of their relationship with their bodies... we categorically separate mind and body and emotion and intellect.

Susan Griffin

This is just an excuse. They had long prepared to punish Freezing Point, and this article just gave them a chance to attack.

Li Datong

It is outrageous and shocking, but not surprising, that Pat Robertson once again has suggested that God will punish Israel's leaders for any decision to give up land to the Palestinians.

Abraham H. Foxman

If the government is going to mandate levels and punish schools for failing, they should send that money to the school system.

Anglican Bishop Robert Duncan

The news was negative for the banking sector, fuelling doubts about the feasibility of other planned mega-mergers. But I don't think other groups will backpedal on their merger plans. The market would punish such a move.

Nozomu Kunishige

Preposterous to say that to punish a certain act was not an abridgement of the liberty of doing that act.

Albert Gallatin

I said to the boys that we just had to stay composed and we know if we turn the ball over we will punish some teams.

Rodney So'oialo

Its not enough just to punish and to hold people accountable for what's done. It's to set down procedures so it can't happen again.

Susan Rosenberg

If someone has the guts to stick it out (in a loser fund), you shouldn't punish them. You should take care of your shareholders. That way you're practicing what you're preaching.

Russ Kinnel

We had chances, but when you are playing against Premiership lads you know you must take those opportunities because they will certainly punish you if you don't.

Brian Flynn

He had to do what he had to do. If I did something wrong at home, my mother had to punish me and I'm not going to argue with her. It's one of those disciplinary things.

Tony Skinn

God does not always punish a nation by sending it adversity. More often He gives the oppressors their hearts' desire, and sends leanness withal into their soul.

Dean Inge

We didn't do nothing. How can you punish somebody for doing nothing?

Tommy Allain

It's a bad and cowardly decision which doesn't bring the required solution to the problem, which (should be) to punish those responsible for the events in January.

Sidiki Konate

We obviously don't want to play a film that has already been seen at 100 other festivals. But we also don't punish a good film for not being a premiere.

Shannon Lacek

Prisons don't rehabilitate, they don't punish, they don't protect, so what the hell do they do?

Jerry Brown

Twenty-two hours a day in that cell -- a life sentence -- is probably going to punish him more.

Brack Jones

All we have to do to solve the whole controversy is have the medical profession come forward (and) lay the guidelines down, ... The guidelines say only certain doctors can do it, and if you don't, we're going to punish you.

Jack Kevorkian

When is it just to punish, or not? There are some cases where a person was so mentally disturbed at the time of the offense that it would be inhumane and morally objectionable to convict and punish them.

Richard Bonnie

This was uncovered by our employees. To withhold donations would be to punish the families.

Jonathan Barnett

People are thinking about punishing us, even about banning us. We want to avoid that. The damage of a ban would be impossible to make good again.

Heinz Jungwirth

For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves and then punish them.

Sir Thomas More

God is gonna punish me. I'm going to live with my guilt. It will eat me alive.

Jackie Spaulding

We believe the motive [of the shooting ] was to punish Kinsey for abusing his ex-wife and see that she didn't have to go through that again.

Sgt. Jarrard Copeland

It's a far cry to say that because it's bad for you, [a union] should participate in a structure which allows your employer to punish you for doing something that you shouldn't be doing, ... That's not my understanding of what unions do for their employees.

Gene Orza

The lesson of Tiananmen is you can to do things to keep order in your own country and the Americans will punish you for it.

David Zweig

We determined he made a mistake, after a review. I felt like it was a mistake we needed to punish him over.

Greg Howard

After a loss like this, everybody's dejected. We made a couple mistakes, and a team like this won't let those go by. They're going to punish you.

Dale Hall

The relevant departments of the People's Republic of China have repeatedly indicated clearly that such incidents would never happen in China. Should it occur, the Chinese law will punish the culprits.

Zhu Bangzao

It's really unconscionable that we reward people for being here illegally, and punish those, in effect, for waiting in line applying through the legal process, ... We have our priorities backwards on this.

Elton Gallegly

We're looking at a group that is making a valuable contribution to society. It would be ludicrous to punish this population.

Elaine Lacy

The family was lovely. But the machine around it was punishing.

Elizabeth Holder

It was frustrating because I didn't do anything, ... I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and he decided to punish me. I couldn't do anything about it.

Eddie Griffin

I've punished myself more than anyone could possibly punish me. It's more important the judgement I got from God than anyone else. If I've hurt anyone or offended anyone, I'm truly sorry.

Ernest Mcqueen