128 quotes about prudent follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers would one day suffer reverse.


The senses deceive from time to time, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those who have deceived us even once.

Rene Descartes

It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.

Rene Descartes

All government - indeed, every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and every prudent act - is founded on compromise and barter.

Edmund Burke

Few things are brought to a successful issue by impetuous desire, but most by calm and prudent forethought.


A prudent question is one half of wisdom.

Sir Francis Bacon

It does look like consumers are becoming a little more prudent and finding alternative ways to pay, such as debit cards.

Allen Grommet

That's probably the prudent thing to do, to analyze and see the results of the impact of Hobbs on the existing racetracks in the state. We need to look at the purses and the amount of horses available.

Julian Luna

To date, Kenya lacks an effective livestock marketing policy and it is prudent for the Government to move fast and implement a Livestock Marketing Authority, which was passed in Parliament.

Adan Dualle

I never knew an early-rising, hard-working, prudent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest who complained of bad luck.

Henry Ward Beecher

The market is factoring in a higher probability of a pause now but it's absolutely too soon to tell, ... By September 20, it may appear to be prudent to pause but the Fed will make the decision then depending on the severity of the economic damage.

Tom Higgins

In a complicated Washington environment, it seemed prudent to hire an expert.

Jon Brandt

I truly felt we could safely fly this mission with three people on board. That is not prudent today. So, as the founder of the expedition, it is my responsibility to act accordingly.

Bob Martin

It is money we weren't entitled to or are not entitled to. It is a lack of knowing where you are at and being able to make prudent financial decisions that is costly. You end up running a 55-cent referendum, when what you needed was maybe a 15-cent referendum because your information is flawed.

Tony Quagliano

Looking at the numbers above... the NEC sees it prudent to begin preparations for a presidential election run-off.

Frances Johnson

Activity will be volatile month to month. Our approach to growth is to be very conservative and prudent and opportunistic.

Michael Cosgrove

Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.


It certainly would be prudent for prosecutors and state legislators to look at their laws to see if this sort of analysis applies.

Paul Bradshaw

We have become a lower risk and more stable investment for our shareowners. We will make prudent investments in our infrastructure and do have opportunities for future growth with our plans to add generating facilities to meet increasing customer demand.

Bill Harvey

This is a very prudent, pragmatic and cost effective request according to the long-term view.

Raymond Brown

If you were to say the Prudent Speculator has beat all mutual funds in the past 25 years, it sounds better than saying he beat other newsletters, though it's roughly the same thing.

Mark Hulbert

Because obviously of all this volatility, it certainly behooves one to be prudent. This is certainly not a time to be fully invested. You want to have some reserves in case it goes the other way.

Arthur Gray

It has not been proven that monk parakeets cause a significant health or safety hazard, and there are feasible and prudent alternatives to the capture and destruction of them.

Priscilla Feral

It's prudent to take every precaution you can.

John Asher

Regardless of how things are going, it's prudent for us to see what the market will bear. We've had a couple of calls to say other parties are interested in our rights.

Tim Schuldt

Last month we came precipitously close to filing for bankruptcy. We were fully prepared to file bankruptcy. We're a very prudent company.

Bruce Hicks

For your steady nerves, prudent judgment and great wisdom.

Warren Christopher

But over time, it has proven to be a prudent investment for just about everyone. If you view it as a long-term home for your business and you plan to be there a long time, a periodic drop in value won't affect you.

Barbara Morrison

Based on his age, it is prudent for his initial course of treatment - IV antibiotics - to be done at the hospital.

Penny Circle

But a prudent chancellor would keep some money in the bank so that he could do something about it.

Peter Spencer

How many would do the 'right thing' and attend school? Why, in fact, do we require school attendance? Don't we trust children, and their parents, to make the prudent choice?

David L. Katz

I think to be prudent, less than $1 billion is more appropriate.

Cliff Stearns

We recognize the fundamental importance of good corporate governance and determined it would be prudent as a public company to separate the roles of board chairman and CEO.

John Hawkins

It is prudent to take some additional measures in light of the rhetoric, the threats and the intransigence of the Iraqi regime.

Hugh Shelton

After carefully evaluating Lockheed's proposals, we decided that the prudent course of action at this time was to terminate the contract.

Claude Bolton

We need to be prudent about where our money goes. Our cash reserve balance is the lowest it's ever been and we're expecting to miss our projected cash flow this year.

Ramona Cruz

We have recognized it is prudent to increase our uranium exploration efforts outside of Saskatchewan.

Peter Farmer

I don't just want to say, 'No,' but we have to be prudent.

Tim Graham

I am confident that China will continue its prudent and cautious exchange-rate-policy.

Helmut Schmidt

At this stage, and clearly with the AGL merger looming, it's prudent for us just to maintain that guidance.

Bob Browning

There is no identifiable exogenous shock looming, but investing is about probabilities and I believe it is prudent to raise more cash, ... At some point I expect a correction of 10-20 percent.

Byron Wien

He trained today but we kept him out of contact because that was the prudent thing to do.

Declan Kidney

I think it is very prudent to make sure your baggage is locked.

Geoff Dixon

But prudence can also be understood as the difference between good and bad. I know the road we've taken is the good and prudent one.

Alejandro Toledo

The anger of the prudent never shows.

Burmese Proverb

Given how close to the margin we've been operating, I think it would be prudent to avoid the expense and conduct the search ourselves.

Dave Martin

We have to be careful and people must be prudent to use only official outlets.

Bernard Lapasset

The Gore approach to budget surpluses is much more prudent; the Bush approach to structural reforms of the entitlement programs is more promising. They have set up a good dichotomy that people can look at.

Robert Bixby

For economic policymakers, the landscape has materially changed. It no longer would be prudent to regard a Sept. 20 [rate increase] as a foregone conclusion.

Ray Stone

Every week we are meeting with U.S. investors precisely because we do not want to generate nervousness, and so far the Mexican stock market has not changed greatly. We are going to be very prudent to transmit a message of calm.

Camacho Solis

If you have an opportunity to take steps now to prevent a problem in the future, it's prudent to do so.

Julie Weis

I think we'll have to be prudent about not asking for too much but enough for the district to continue improving.

David Paul

Prudent people are very happy; 'tis an exceeding fine thing, that's certain, but I was born without it, and shall retain to my day of Death the Humour of saying what I think.

Mary Worley Montagu

We don't believe that we violated the law. However, it was, we feel, a prudent decision to resolve the matter and move on.

John Graves

Decisive, yet disciplined, cost reduction action that balances the need to be fiscally prudent with the need to continually seek growth opportunities and generate long-term profitability in a highly competitive marketplace.

Jack Messman

This is part of prudent efforts to protect our interests in the Gulf.

Sam Nunn

They decided it wasn't prudent for them to go forward with it this year.

Jerry Munro

It's just being more prudent with the resources we have.

Don Madden

With most economic data pointing to continued strength, it's likely and would be prudent, for the ECB to raise rates in March.

John Maskell

Given our upcoming hearing on this matter, it wouldn't be prudent to comment on the matter at this point.

Claudia Piccinin

A multitude of words is no proof of a prudent mind.


We are studying the weather hard every day. If this weather model continues, it may become prudent for us to reconsider whether to have a burning ban.

Jamie Kritzer

It's to be prudent, that is the only explanation. When this mission was launched, it had a price tag in the millions of dollars. Now that Stardust is safely back, the cargo in many scientific corners is described as priceless in terms of the data it can provide.

James Hartsfield

Doing everything that's prudent, everything that we reasonably can do to protect the city.

Ray Kelly

It wouldn't be prudent for us to comment on this matter before the court has heard both sides.

Claudia Piccinin

It will be prudent to move slowly.

Bill Bonner

The governor has asked us to conserve, and we want to be wise and prudent.

Lisa Long

You need to ask yourself whether it is prudent to be traveling in the next couple of weeks and, if you do go, have a contingency plan for being stuck.

Kevin Mitchell

We are clearly in a state of economic uncertainty and the prudent thing to do in such times is to do nothing at all.

David Rosenberg

We're being prudent and taking all measures to make sure it's ready. We won't launch until it is.

Andy Dantzler

You have to give people credit for doing their own research and using their own discretion and being prudent enough to make right decisions.

Joe Hunter

But we also have to be prudent going forward in terms of what long-term spending commitments we can make.

Carole Taylor

Ecuador's fundamental economic policy has not changed with the (economic) minister. There will be differences in some areas, but the government ratified its commitment to maintain a very prudent fiscal policy.

Trevor Alleyne

Based on the information we had last night, we thought it was prudent to go ahead and implement our pre-hurricane plan.

John Mcdonough

I don't think it prudent to completely stop working with this kind of nest egg and feel comfortable that, no matter what happens to the market, my health or the economy, I've got enough to live on for the next 20 years.

Phil Cook

They're a bit more prudent than some of the other miners.

Nick Hatch

We'll continue to evaluate his status to determine when his removal to Haiti would be prudent.

Steve Pike

It was a prudent act to go ahead and do a detailed search just to be on the safe side.

Scott Watson

While entering retirement debt-free continues to be the most prudent approach, these findings suggest that some Canadians, especially baby boomers, generally have different lifestyle expectations for retirement and are making different choices than previous generations.

Dave Richardson

Probably the hardest thing for them to understand, especially the kids we have who play football, is that lacrosse offense isn't based on set plays. It's more prudent to just have an offensive scheme. Being creative with the ball is the best way to score.

Bob Hess

We're at one of those inflection points where we have to be disciplined about where we continue to invest. We try to plan for the worst and hope for the best. We absolutely expect to grow and build our business, but at the same time, it's only prudent to wait for some indication that the market dynamic will start to change.

Jay Fulcher

If you post speed limit signs lower than people perceive as reasonable and prudent, they ignore them and then you have more accidents.

Todd Spencer

This was all done for everyone's protection. If you're going to be sheltering people, it would be prudent for people taking them in to know what criminal pasts they might have.

Robert Stewart

Without being prudes, we can be prudent.

Nick Licata

With most economic data pointing to continued strength it's likely, and would be prudent, for the ECB to raise rates in March. There's not a huge amount of support for the market.

John Maskell

Saving and investing and being prudent about your portfolio is going to get you to the point where your money works for you.

Pat Jennerjohn

The U of I is well placed to make such calls, and there are a great number of resources we have access to that help us assure that we make prudent decisions. We can still say no.

Jeremy Geller

The economy is healthy and the situation in general is good. The coalition will keep being prudent in macro- economic management.

Francisco Lepeley

I expect more of the network airlines to do the same. Now that fuel is an issue, and other economics of the airline industry are pretty difficult, a lot of marginal flights are hard to justify. It's a prudent trimming of marginal routes.

Alan Sbarra

It seems to me if she exceeds the $50,000 that the prudent thing to do would be for her to come before the board and ask for more.

David Diaz

It would not be prudent or proper for me to make any more comment about the situation.

Bruce Turner

We believe that it is prudent to take a cautious view of the fourth quarter.

Mark Ernst

We'll be making appropriate adjustments in our business model to make sure we meet that guidance and we're going to be more prudent with our spending.

Tom Manley

Any prudent business looks at the reality and how to maximize our investment.

John Elkington

The prudent investor may want to take some of their money off the table and maybe they should be looking overseas.

Joe Portera

It is only prudent for the NTSB to consult with these experts and officials to fully evaluate this information prior to any final decision on whether the responsibility for this investigation should transfer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Jim Hall

The question is, can this be reversed, ... Does it suggest that prudent use and control of products in the U.S. is an opportunity to do this?

Jeffrey Davis

We're going to do some testing. It's the prudent thing for the company to do. We're looking at every possible innovation and concept. It's more in the speculative mode right now. It would be unfair to jump to conclusions.

Walt Riker

Having heard about this, my biggest concern is that we should go back and look at all of the projects he did ... to be sure there isn't anything we should have a concern about, ... Out of fairness to the citizens ... that's the only prudent thing to do.

Vicki Phillips

We believed that it was a prudent measure for us to follow, make sure we had the cash readily available to us to finance our operations should it be needed.

John Sheehan

A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.


A careful balance of 'bright-line' rules establishing clear limits, coupled with greater disclosure, seems both warranted and prudent.

Arthur Levitt

The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital . . . if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the Government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today.

William Henry Harrison

The opposition should be more careful and prudent about their accusations. Attorney Lozano is not with the administration.

Gabriel Claudio

We saw really good results in the first quarter but we just saw weakness at the end of the quarter, so we are giving conservative, and what we think is a prudent, approach in the next quarter.

Gary Bloom

Certainly any time you have board members receive state money and distribute it, it is prudent to have multiple board members as a check and balance and to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Kevin Harley

Last Thursday when we received notification, I sat down with my wife and discussed what it meant - whether it was feasible, then whether it was prudent, ... My family was completely supportive.

Bob Pratt

You have to be fiscally prudent and do all the things you need to do to run the company the right way. You can't write back home for a check.

Vikram Mehta

Consistent with our previously announced focus on reducing debt, it is prudent to change the dividend at this time.

Vance Coffman

It meant you were the sort of person who couldn't pay your bills -- that you were living above your means. Taking out an equity line has become common, prudent, easy.

Michael Simmons

Clearly our preference and our focus is making sure nothing changes from that. At the same time, I think it's very prudent to look at contingency plans.

Stefan Weinmann

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation.

Pearl S. Buck

Tis hard to fight with anger, but the prudent man keeps it under control.


Paying down debt or increasing savings is probably the more prudent action at this point. We're talking about saving for that potential rainy day.

Timothy Wyman

Within some defense agencies, they have thought the most prudent action was just to take their sites offline.

Craig Quigley

We want to be a fast follower but we want to be prudent, and given how quickly this market is shifting, we're just going to make sure we know where the fire is before we jump off the cliff.

Jack Cassidy

I think there seems to be precedence for putting in place an acting mayor, who is typically the president of the City Council, and it seems like a prudent move to make certain that the charter is followed.

Jass Stewart

We are on one of the sharpest decelerations that our industry has experienced, and it requires that we move fast to make hard, but prudent business decisions, ... The most difficult decisions are layoffs, because they affect our people.

Tom Engibous

(Specialty loans) are OK for people with money in the bank who want to use the (monthly savings) for other investments. But they're not prudent for people who don't have a nest egg and can't afford the risk.

Jay Luber

The strike could impact some individual [franchises] more significantly, without a doubt. That's why I hope if this is extended, the president does the prudent and wise thing and intervenes.

Jim Amos

It seems to me it's a prudent move by Yahoo. It's one thing to put your billboard up next to the other guys. But this, it seems to me, is different in nature and kind because you're employing search engine technology to guide customers from the Internet to you.

Lee Bromberg

This seems like the prudent thing to do. Some of this may have been a surprise to some of us, but it's a timing thing.

Dennis Rosa

It is probably prudent to wait and delay. At some point this year the market will turn around.

Jeffrey Kagan

The higher return might well be in reducing this debt as quickly as prudent.

Diane Rolfsmeyer

The market has been up so sharply, it would be a prudent time to put money in the bank and then reposition.

Nauman Barakat

In a nuclear environment, this is obviously not a prudent course.

Tariq Altaf

Because there have been no settlements reached for the securities action with any of the less-involved banks, it is difficult to know what reserves are prudent.

Ted Clark

I think she looked at both the substance of the policy, and at the politics, and determined that a veto was not the prudent thing to do.

Ed Rivet