But I had a hard time finding anyone to integrate with culturally or even to speak to at first, and our real contacts came from outside the Montreal Jewish community.

Damian Nisenson

This is a community that is obviously geared to having outside visitors. These areas are going to provide a benefit in economic terms.

Jim Kraus

They both know if they are open they can shoot. They are good outside shooters. When they are both hitting it's impossible to guard them.

Charles Freet

Outside we have to pick up a few extra cigarette butts than before.

Sara Winthrop

God is moving outside the church walls.

Cameron Strang

They did a good job getting outside and getting to the edge; that's what they wanted to do.

Jonathan Vilma

We started her in the middle, but she's a good outside hitter. She takes a very strong approach, is very aggressive and a force on the outside.

John Rodriguez

I know he's my son, my child, but he grew up to be an awesome, awesome man. At the last home game and the parent appreciation dinner, boosters and fans were coming up and saying, 'Outside of basketball, Johnny is a great person.' That's bigger than anything.

Judy Gray

Children are in line to go to the bathroom outside the butler (portable) buildings.

Karlin Artigue

We didn't have good patience on offense. We didn't execute well or take advantage of getting it inside. We had good looks from the outside; we just didn't knock the shots down.

Wayne Cafferty

Why are they living outside their own country? Jobs. This country has a huge want ads sign facing south.

Armando Villareal

If it is outside of the airport footprint, we don't have a problem with it. In fact, we think it is a good idea.

Rick Bryant

It brings outside monies to your properties. Whether it's a direct influence to your house, or that your neighbor ten blocks down got that price.

Hickory Delegal

With their size we didn't have much of an inside game so our outside guys came through for us.

Tim Reuter

I made a mistake and he's recognized that. He's told me you can't make any more mistakes as far as outside of football goes because he said he will have to enforce some kind of punishment.

Steve Wichman

It probably hasn't attracted as many people from the outside as it has encouraged people to stay there, which was half the battle. Once you get used to the money, it's hard to give up.

Yvonne Lyons

We are all amateur players in Cuba. We don't have anybody playing outside of the country. Therefore, playing against the Major League Baseball players is the greatest victory for us.

Yoandry Garlobo

I'm looking outside at the aspens from the office right now and I'd say by the weekend, we'll be looking pretty good.

Keith Roberts

She was one of those people you would want as a neighbor. She was always happy and upbeat. We always saw her outside joking around with people. We all got along.

Jim Nelson

If given the chance, we'd probably be swimming outside, but I think people here would think we were crazy.

Liz Brown

He has the middle class characteristics that might have appeal outside of Denver. He's not a member of a minority group. He has a background in business, and he's a fresh face.

Bob Loevy

Anything I need to do. If I need to lose weight, I'll do that. I would love to play outside linebacker.

Demario Williams

The opposition is not outside the process. They can't influence the process. The government, however, now has no one to blame for its policies.

Vitali Meschoulam

It's a great event to get outside and enjoy nature. I find it very exciting no matter how many times I see bald eagles.

Karen Armstrong

I was once part of the inner circle. Now I'm standing on the outside looking in.

Roy Simmons

You could see there was some sort of outside influence, either from nationals or from the university itself.

Justin Horowitz

This is my last fight of meaningful significance, ... This is my last fight, outside and in the ring, for what I've always stood up for.

Bernard Hopkins

The upheavals in Afghanistan are not an Afghan thing. It [upheavals] had its roots outside the country, which eventually led the country to be a hub of terrorism, ... who had a different agenda.


She shoots the ball well from outside and practices it a lot. She hits those consistently in practice.

Michelle Birdsong

He's fast. He can run between the tackles. He can break it outside. He can catch a screen and go for 70 yards. Everybody's got to play well across the board.

Jarvis Green

She is an excellent passer and defender, but the jumping at outside hitter is hard on her knees. You can tell she loves back row by how hard she plays.

Jeff Nesbitt

People from outside the neighborhood really have no place coming in and telling us what's good for our neighborhood.

Lukas Herbert

The rain may be falling hard outside, But your smile makes it all alright. I'm so gland that you're my friend. I know our friendship will never end.

Robert Alan

Our board has been very consistent and aggressive in its opposition to the expansion of gambling outside the existing confines of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.

Ross Summers

That's why it's been really important that we defend well. We weren't hitting from the outside. But because we were playing well on the other end, we stayed in the game.

Anthony Register

The biggest problem ... continues to be the cold temperatures. It's just hard to work when it's this cold outside.

Robert Lesley

This is not just great for people who live here. This broadens our opportunity to bring more tourists in from the outside.

Bruce Pepich

He?s solid outside, he takes the ball hard inside. He gets you from a lot of different angles.

Dave Bosso

Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.

Arabian Proverb

We wanted a lot of activity and a lot of life on the outside of the building. We thought that this is a project that will expand the downtown down Market Street. This was the next big jump.

John Lister

We looked more to the basket tonight. Marissa and Heather shot it well from the outside. They (Coffeyville) were packing it in on Emily Larson so we got good looks from outside and the girls hit them.

Becky Carlson

Underlying gains in employment and income were well maintained outside the Gulf region.

Mark Olson

In my view (a key reason members join is ) because they can network with other business leaders outside of their professions.

Pat Jenkins

After being in there 15 years and being out 12, he showed he could be on the outside.

Gene Pytko

Their pitchers did a lot more location pitching inside, outside, high, low and that threw us off. They got the strikeouts when they needed them.

Stephanie Reichert

The weather is always fun. It's always nice to get outside to play. It's different than the gym.

Tiffani Airmet

We knew that we had to be balanced, and we hit some outside shots that allowed us to get the ball inside.

Gene Constantino

What we've done is we've closed the units to outside visitors in an effort to contain the spread of the virus.

Joe Gillis

I'd never liked to be outside the national team. I've always wanted to be called up.

Roberto Carlos

These people are coming in from the outside. They are experts in their fields with no loyalties and no preconceived ideas. They are going to look at the existing situation and gather comments from the people.

Jeff Hatling

We were determined to demonstrate our competence as Asia's world city by tackling whatever challenges the conference threw up, both inside and outside the venue.

John Tsang

Well, it's usually outside and at night. They usually have a lot of fans and it's a big stadium. But we've played them before, and we're ready. We're excited.

Jen Kasel

We want to protect the integrity of these bids. We don't want there to be any possibility of anyone saying that there was any outside interference or that any bias came into the evaluation.

Alice Garland

That was a (missed assignment). The guy was holding him, man, but you can't wait on a ref to make the play. The cat safety didn't get outside. He failed, we all failed.

Gaines Adams

A couple of hours into it, he was actually able to remove the body from the apartment. He took it out of the apartment, and left the body outside.

Gabe Trevino

They have the food concession for campus. I think they will be much easier to work with than an outside vendor.

Stephen Shorb

I did. I did see Bigfoot when I was a kid and I still believe it to this day. I saw a big furry man outside my window. It's not funny! It was real.

Barry Watson

Being able to 'think outside the box' presupposes you were able to think in it.

Bob Lutz

Dan's a sharpshooter from the outside, he's been playing well and he's going to be in the rotation.

Gary Gait

It was disturbing because it was my professor and I know he has a life outside of USI, but it was weird to realize it.

Clarissa Rietveld

To be pretty honest, we're pretty surprised. But we're not as surprised about it as much as people outside of Haines City are.

Bill Buldini

It requires you to step outside of your own box. Everyday is different.

Nicole Murphy

Up and down my road there's hardly a house that does not have at least one recycling bag outside every week.

John Mckenna

Expectations outside of the classroom are much greater. A lot more pressure is put on the students to do research and then bring the research back to the classroom.

Charlie Leizear

We hired them to look at everything the School Board had, buildings, schools, everything. We wanted somebody from outside of Louisiana who could be totally objective.

Kris Mckoin

Ninety-five percent of the money is spent outside the city. If we didn't, there wouldn't be anything done outside the city.

Pat Logan

Katy was hitting all her spots. She was able to pitch it inside and outside.

Ron Whitehurst

Might yet have its hand forced by outside intervention.

Michael Stone

By stepping outside the majority view, he undermines his own credibility. He just becomes another member on the committee.

Stuart Thomson

Strategically this deal makes sense. Hilton not only integrates the international component of the Hilton brand, but allows for development of non-Hilton brands outside of the United States.

Smedes Rose

We ask the mothers and fathers to keep an eye on those kids when they leave the store. Keep an eye on them, not to let them leave running outside. I hope this will never happen again.

Ted Elian

When they got into the hallway, they saw blood on the floor, so they knew the information they had was good, ... Abraham Gomez was in the basement apartment. They brought him outside.

Christopher Reed

We just made some bad decisions leading to turnovers. We didn't close down on their outside shooters in some key spots and they knocked the shots down.

Brian Stevens

He was so pale. We were leaving the orphanage and we carried him outside. The sunlight actually frightened him, and he tried to block it with his hands.

Karmelle Chaise

They behaved like any other kids when they were outside playing.

Jim Power

The company ultimately needs to shrink. The question is, can they do that in or outside of court.

John Novak

It's 65 degrees and it's beautiful outside today. It's just like spring.

Sue Greene

The benefit for the partners is that they get to go with other students. A lot of them had never been to a basketball game before. If they had, it was with their family, not their friends. It's a nice opportunity for the students to participate in activities outside of school with someone other than their family.

Meredith Barrett

Right now we have a beach that's a very good attraction for our community and people from outside our community. We're building an events center. And right between those is one of the most contaminated bodies of water in the state.

Tom Shepard

Boy, the core of our offense uses speed to get outside, and when we can make that work, it makes our life easier. So, we were very happy. Good start, good execution.

Aaron Finch

There is something about music that keeps its distance even at the moment that it engulfs us. It is at the same time outside and away from us and inside and part of us. In one sense it dwarfs us, and in another we master it. We are led on and on, and yet in some strange way we never lose control.

Aaron Copland

The dorm provides students with an opportunity to use language in an informal setting outside the classroom — it's like an ongoing German class.

Charles A. James

We really encourage people to put smoke alarms in bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. This man was very lucky because he didn't have a smoke alarm.

Dana Perry

You may look and act a certain way on the outside but what really counts is how you feel on the inside.

Alicia Figgs

He was spotting the outside fastball and they were going after it.

Matt Holm

You do have to be fairly selfish when you have a gift. You cannot afford to let too many outside things get in the way.

Sarah Brightman

We didn't see any benefit to following the script verbatim. We just felt we had more freedom in what we could bring the gaming world if we went outside the set script.

David Bishop

I went outside and took a look and I could see it on top of the mountain.

Terry Wallace

People outside of Virginia are not as emphatically enthusiastic about the anniversary as those inside Virginia are. It doesn't have the same degree of meaning for them as it would for Virginians.

Judy Randall

We made all the iron that the cushion sits on, and the outside of the aisle. The inside of the aisle comes from China. That's a pretty labor-intensive casting.

Jim Gartland

By this time another group of kids had come down from Nashville. So 22 of us spent the night in the Birmingham bus station with the Klan marching around outside.

Jim Zwerg

There once was a time that the assumption was that the origin of life, everything from building simple compounds up to complex life, had to happen here on Earth. We've discovered that some very biologically interesting molecules can be formed outside our earthly environment and delivered here.

Doug Hudgins

My perfect option would be Mike Tindall at his best and Ollie Smith outside him.

Jeremy Guscott

His withdrawal from the race was totally typical of the campaign. He was outside the box. Nobody expected this.

Douglas Muzzio

We lost both outside hitters and one middle hitter. Fortunately, our setter, Ricky Murray, is back.

Jack Zebo

You've got to take advantage of those guys outside. It's frustrating.

Lee Evans

This is another example of someone working outside the traditional box to help re-create a new downtown neighborhood.

Michael Schmand

I love it inside. On the outside you're not limited but you're only seeing half the field. On the inside you see everything and you're involved in everything.

Coleman Hutzler

They hit some early jumpers. We were expecting with their tall guys, for them to try to pound it. But they went outside and caught us inside.

Wilbert Hamilton

She plays big for us. She can play inside - she's as strong as an ox - and she can shoot outside.

Johnny Fortenberry

The story I delivered to the public in China and outside of China is a story of 'never again.'

Liu Mingkang

We wanted to get the ball inside and were successful at doing that. And then later on in the second half our shots were falling even more so we were kicking it out and guys were making them from the outside.

Audly Wehner

I cooked out on the grill last night. We'll be watching the ballgames tonight outside in the garage with the doors open.

Nancy Hamilton

The Fed Challenge is a great way for students to learn about monetary economics outside of a classroom.

Jeffrey Rubin

They didn't have a strong inside game, but their outside game was good. They knew how to get open shots.

Lisa Abron

We are recruiting in Detroit and getting resumes from Detroit, as we are in St. Louis and Atlanta. But everyone we're looking for will not have automotive experience. Some people will come from outside the industry. We'll also hire some recent college graduates.

Mark Stout

That has to be left to outside witnesses.

Richard Ness

That's why they're outside and we're inside. We think more of ourselves than a lot of other people do, but that doesn't matter. We know what we're capable of.

Marcus Ginyard

That means the signal never leaves the fiber. This is exciting because we can perhaps think about putting some of the functions now done outside the fiber into [it].

John Badding

I had a talk with them at the beginning of the season. They understand what I need them to do. One plays outside, and the other plays inside. That is what makes us effective because we always go inside first and then look outside.

Tim Broderick

We will continue to negotiate throughout next week. We've always been hopeful on reaching a consensual agreement outside of the court process.

Sharon Wenzl

I'll wait for you outside, mate.

Luiz Felipe Scolari

Williams is just as much of an unknown outside his district as Darden is.

Kevin King

We decided not to press. We haven't been getting back on defense, so we went to our zone and made them try to beat us from outside.

Joe Debruyne

Life is not tried, it is merely survived if your standing outside the fire.

Garth Brooks

I'm not going to be a total post player. I'm not big enough. I have to work on my outside game.

James Augustine

The average length of repair time is four hours from start to finish. Obviously, you have to include outside conditions. Nothing goes good at nighttime at 10 below zero.

Dave Zagorac

We'll have to hire outside contractors to do the bulk of the cleanup, ... We have quotes from four companies - one local and three from out of state.

Bill Clark

We have never operated outside permit levels at the plant.

Tom Robinson

Damn if these characters aren't gay to me. What Jake might have meant is that these guys live outside of a social construction of a gay identity.

James Schamus

He's only been a starter at this level for (six games) and he's going to go through some learning experiences in the coming weeks. Outside of the two interceptions, I thought he had an outstanding game.

Tom Craft

Get outside your box a little bit. That's how you get invited back.

Sue Fox

I doubt it's good for you. And why should I spend money on tanning when I could just walk outside?

Dustin Teeman

Playing outside is a lot different then indoors because of the sun and the wind. It was hard to adjust at first.

Lauren Strasburger

Certainly the message was directed at African-Americans both inside and outside New Orleans. It's a political message that he intends to be the mayor of a majority black city. But the statement that God intended New Orleans to be majority black certainly could be interpreted as inflammatory by non-black voters.

Susan Howell

It was on the outside corner.

Jeff Allison

With the mild weather [last weekend] the guys were asking me if we could practice outside.

Rusty Matteson

That's just the way I've always played. I don't really like to shoot from outside; I like to take it to the hole.

Crosby Styles

Their mom is a on-call surgical technician, and she can't travel more than so many miles outside of the city. So they haven't had the chance to come and visit me.

Norman Fehr

You've got to look at the big picture. It's not all the offensive line. That's from somebody with the outside perspective, that's how they're going to look at it. But that's not always the case. You look at the film and you see sometimes we get a look and they just have more people there. It's an accumulation of things. It's not just us.

Leonard Davis

Buyers wishing to acquire property in the most popular boroughs face increasing competition. First time buyers may have to look outside London to be able to afford their first home.

Miles Shipside

I hit some shots and then the outside game began clicking. They really had to respect our outside shooters, and it really opened it up inside for me.

Jessica Davenport

I wasn't really helping my team out in the beginning so I thought if I could be a little more aggressive inside, I could open up more on the outside. I know they'll make the shots.

Kelly O'connell

We felt we had enough opportunities, but we didn't execute offensively. We're proud of our kids. They played with great heart. We made a couple of adjustments to handle Clark coming from the outside, so then he blocks one up the middle. The Kaminski interception set us up in the red zone, but we didn't convert.

Kevin Clancy

Last year we couldn't go outside and hunt Easter eggs. She couldn't even touch the grass. Our two little dogs had to go, because they might bring in bacteria or mold.

Jacqueline Roberts

It looks quite likely that Sergio will not be participating. Outside of that, I've heard of no one else who would not be coming.

Michael Garten

At least two or three of them had been camping outside of her house for five days.

Marcel Pariseau

If it's confirmed, these would be the first human cases outside China and Southeast Asia.

Christine Mcnab

Most of them have no place to go. The people most affected are from outside, but they're going to be coming here and they need our help. We're going to have an influx of people looking for jobs, looking for housing.

Brenda Lee

Everything has two sides - the outside that is ridiculous, and the inside that is solemn.

Olive Schreiner

Standing outside, one could smell death.

Dr. O'dell Owens

They were worried that I was going to try to go to Zhao's house to pay my respects and they increased security outside my house from 20 to 40 agents.

Gao Zhisheng

From back here, ... you could look up [through an open section in the wall], even if you're outside the stadium, and see the scoreboard.

Joseph Spear

Who wants to hear a gunshot during the day when children are outside playing? it's unfortunate.

Nicole Wells

The zone forced them to use a lot of clock in getting shots. We did a good job on (junior guard Chelsea) Atkinson (eight points). They never really got their outside game going. But they were beating us in the full court.

Luke Vail

We're not going to be ready for it (the season) to end, which would be preposterous to people from outside.

Jake Voskuhl

But one thing is certain is that regardless of the explanations of the incident, it will have sequels and consequences that should be taken seriously inside and outside Yemen.

Mounir Mawri

She told him to wait on the curb outside.

Julissa Martinez

We were pulled apart by so many outside forces that took us away from what we set out to do. By the end, I was spent dealing with all the egos, I needed some time off.

Keith Nelson

If somebody has been clinically depressed for a couple of weeks, he or she won't have the ability to go outside and exercise. And if they think they should be able to and they can't, they'll only feel worse.

Mark Levy

Outside of the office, Tim and I got along really well.

David Jaffe

It's like every night, we have to leave one car outside of the valley in case we have another wash-off.

Leinaala Lopes

We are not agents of law enforcement, we are family consultants. Our goal is to face problems within the family structure to preclude outside intervention.

Jim Mulvaney

I want this lit for the rehearsal tomorrow. Either outside, inside, or whatever.

Ken Ehrlich

He was all over the place. He was hot tonight -- from the outside, from the inside, he moved very well offensively and was able to get himself open and hit a lot of his shots.

Mike Osborne

That really helped us out. She's been the most consistent outside shooter.

Kevin Froud

It's very unfortunate that apparently outside groups are putting large amounts of money into this election. It costs a lot of money to do polling.

Carol Bruce

I'm not your biggest crash-up merchant at outside centre, so Lloyd balances out the backline.

Julian Huxley

I don't see too many big surprises in there so far. It is interesting that they are continuing to expand outside the UK, that seems to be their main area of focus.

Richard Staite

He needs to provide consistent outside shooting but he is a hard worker and has great focus on the court.

Morris Hodges

Being outside and feeling that sort of oppressive heat - it's flammable! And your emotions tend to run hotter and higher.

Dean Cain

Everybody in your family, from the littlest kid to the oldest adult, needs to understand the quickness of fire and that you've got to get outside as quickly as possible.

Ron Lipps

We need to be more careful, but more compassionate. We must strike, not deal with terrorists, but to broaden our understanding of the world outside our borders.

Ricardo Lagos

We know this is not an ordinary rape trial. It has very much a political element -- not in the court but to the outside world.

Kemp J. Kemp

Their defense was the same defense we had seen - they jammed the lane and forced us into outside shooting, we just couldn't hit. (FRA) did a good job. We made (only) one 3-pointer for the game.

Jerry Lott

We can no longer wait to address this issue. Our business outside of the U.S. is going very well, and non-GM business is growing. This high U.S. legacy cost structure is overtaking the good side of our company.

John Sheehan

She said they were looking for outside the box methods for education, and that's what my program is.

Carlos Malcolm

The real sell and sizzle of minor league baseball is what happens outside the lines.

Pat O'conner

We wanted to establish Anthony [Robertson] inside early. Even though we didn't score a lot in the first quarter, we were able to establish Anthony inside and that opened things up for us outside.

Jeff Overmyer

This month's meeting is our first major outreach to people outside the group.

Jan Karon

Outside of honoring those specific instructions that you implement on the front end, they have full discretion to buy and sell whatever they see fit.

Douglas Gill

This is the first time in three years we won?t have a major snowstorm before the first day. We?re hoping to get outside.

Jeff Cloos

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.

Anna Freud

I have nothing planned. This comes from the heart. I remember when we left the hospital after he was born. His legs were kicking. He became a runner on his first outside experience.

Jim Parsons

As a result, that makes a place where financial institutions are willing to take risks that they would not take outside of bankruptcy.

James Sprayregen

I was trying to split them more instead of hurrying to the outside.

Darren Sproles

We have to think outside the box with this problem.

Robert Higgins

It's always nice when you have a 6-3 kid in the post to open up things for your guard play. If you're going to have two kids who can score and play the way those two can, it's nice to have one inside and one outside because they can feed off one another.

Chad Whitworth

It's amazing. You can't drink outside and you can't smoke inside. It really makes it hard to keep your business open. There's always someone else with their hand in your pocket.

Fred Barnes

There were around 64 chairs set up, and they had part of those indoors, but most of them were outside on the patio and under tents.

Barbara Rollins

Our dream was if the kids had computers at home, they could continue learning outside their classroom time.

George Cisneros

That was on me. When I told them I was coming back, the coaches said I'd be able to go back outside. That was one of the factors in me returning.

Baraka Atkins

The only chance we had to see them was (Wednesday). They didn't shoot that well then. We really didn't expect them to shoot that well from the outside. But they did.

Derrick Gibson

Northwest must significantly lower its costs to compete with other carriers. We had developed a plan ... outside of Chapter 11 and have been implementing that plan.

Doug Steenland

We played well tonight. You have to give up something. We gave up the outside shots and they hit them.

Joe Killilea

On nice days, gym will be outside.

David Robbins

The field here is big and you can only pack it in to a certain extent when we're attacking with the kind of numbers that we're going to do this weekend. We have to get Christian Gomez in the game a little more. Just try to find him a little more and create stuff from the outside.

Santino Quaranta

We're trying to leverage all the outside grant funding we can get.

G. Jean Verbos

Events like this really push you. You always try to create and meet the deadlines you make for yourself, but it definitely helps to have an outside force.

Sean Mullin

I've been to about 50 robotic dinosaur exhibits around the country, but most of the time the dinosaurs are in a museum or mall. It's a completely different experience when they are outside.

Chris Delorey

Seek not outside you, heaven is within.

Mary Lou Cook

Sometimes people wait outside in the freezing cold for hours, but once they get inside they're so excited to see the trophy.

Katie Meier's

She was an outside hitter for me because we lacked height. She is a phenomenal libero. Defense is an attitude and she definitely has that attitude.

Kelly Rikli

It was kind of like camping near a landfill. Everywhere outside of our base of operations was destroyed and everyone was fending for themselves.

David Richards

I think she's the best outside hitter in the city.

John Rodriguez

This is extremely important. Quite frankly, we cannot get this done in time without outside help.

Bob Simpson

No one outside of Vegas has ever won. In other words, we blew away the Vegas casinos.

Penny Reynolds

I credit chess with helping to pull me out of depression and affording me a true circle of friends whom refuse to judge me for what they see on the outside.

Bill Chandler

Because of the small size of the labor movement and because of the extreme struggle to organize in the state of Arizona, we're much more close-knit in and outside of the AFL-CIO.

Michael Mcgrath

The group established online Internet links with gay groups outside the country too.

Ashutosh Pandey