It is really important for a school to do this, because it makes you look at yourself and the services you offer.

Gwen Cote

It's nothing new. But we're doing it with partners now to add value for the chamber. It helps the chamber by creating value for the membership fee, and we offer discounts on training services.

Joe Mullins

It in no way signals a change in our very specific direction that we announced in rejecting the Hilton offer.

Jim Gallagher

Notebook computers now offer much of the functionality of desktops, and consumers and businesses alike are spending the extra for the added benefit of mobility. In that sense, mobile growth is coming at the expense of desk-based PCs to some extent.

Charles Smulders

This grant is essential for keeping the doors open and providing the many services we offer to consumers. We are very grateful to the Bremer Foundation.

Bob Harms

The company clearly benefited from the sale of the handset and infrastructure businesses in 1999. The remaining segments offer much better profitability.

Marc Cabi

Now, when people are dying, you don't really look at who's offering the help. You take it. The first issue should be to help the people.

Benazir Bhutto

Firms need to change what they're offering. Schwab is doing an excellent job of this, with the little classes they're running for folks -- this is what a P/E ratio is, this is what a limit order is.

Ken Clemmer

This is a far richer offering than what was offered previously, and that was a driver for the deal.

Richard Carriere

Microsoft has been offering a keyboard and mouse for a long time with the company logo, but people may not be familiar with it. More people may be aware of these technologies through licensing than they otherwise would have.

Sarang Ghatpande

We offer everything from play clothes to Holy Communion clothes. Our collections come from places such as New York, L.A. and Europe. Most of the clothes that we have you will not find at the mall.

Jolinda Fox

Our job shouldn't stop with a bill. It should stop with a solution. Congress should be offering solutions, ideas, talking with the administration.

Kyle Eastwood

In October 2004 there was a discussion about a potential offer, but it was only broad brush because the finance wasn't available.

Richard Hough

We don't intend to make any sort of counter-offer.

Stephen Bollenbach

SBA can help these small businesses overcome their economic injuries by offering these working capital loans, but the help cannot start until they apply.

Frank Skaggs

In this election, many Canadians are asking, 'What are you going to do about my high taxes, how are your proposals going to improve my job prospects, what fresh ideas do you offer to keep my country together?'

Preston Manning

I have 38 years of public service, ... And I believe that's what I have to offer.

Richard Rhodes

That is way out of line for a city this size. We need to offer competitive salaries, but be efficient. We may be more efficient without a director, and letting the manager of each utility do his job.

Mike Todd

We were stuck in the 1970s in terms of our offering to our customers.

Nigel Turner

Some of them are coming from clubs in Dubai and as we know, those countries do not think twice about splashing big bucks when they make an offer.

Sturu Pasiya

We hear suggestions from our customers all the time about different flavors we should be offering, now everyone has an opportunity to make some history at Ben & Jerry?s.

Bill Leonard

Union leaders aren't talking about wages and benefits because they know our offer is generous and fair.

Patty Hefner

Someone had to be the first to offer dollar-cost averaging for free. Since no one else wanted to be first, it was us. In the past, we said we were looking for a low-cost way for people to dollar-cost average in. But this is not low cost, it's no cost.

John Jacobs

N.C. State came back with an offer right away. He was really impressed with the facilities and atmosphere there.

Ajay Ulmer

These unregulated parts of the industry offer fertile ground for fraud, manipulation and other shenanigans.

Randall Dodd

Liberty is the most precious gift we offer our citizens.

Tom Ridge

I said, 'Please, you don't have to offer me a million bucks. I want to do this cause it's right for the Olympics,'.

Richard Pound

This is the first program offering assistance to Hurricane Rita evacuees. This is a big thing. We will start accepting applications Feb. 1.

Donna Pitre

A lot of momentum we are seeing is simply because we are offering choice.

Henri Richard

Most people don't know what this city has to offer.

Aaron Hill

My goal is to see if I can make them better. Knowledge is power. What we have to offer is an opportunity to learn more about the game. An opportunity where you can grow as player.

Cal Cochran

Everybody's offering animals. We don't have any place to put them.

Bob Pendergrass

We are especially pleased that we were able to offer a $5,000 college scholarship during the party.

Chris Wolf

We're hearing that a lot of people have been affected by the hurricanes, and have had to go into their entertainment budgets to offer support for the people down there.

Joyce Rogers

The burger market is oversaturated. These Mexican chains offer mass-market products and you don't have to be a member of an ethnic group to like it. It is a way to grow these chains as more and more Americans eat away from home.

Ryan Mathews

Of course with the recent price increases we can expect a further impact on customer churn, but we've learned a lot ... and we have a number of innovative and competitive offers which we can offer to our customers.

Roy Gardner

There is not big money to be made through offering amnesty. What we are trying to do is create a sustainable culture of paying tax and flow of money.

Pravin Gordhan

No current intention to make an offer for Manchester United.

Malcolm Glazer

There is nothing that requires the board to give reasons on the record for individual members' votes. Occasionally members will feel a need to offer an explanation, but that did not happen in this case.

John Heaton

We are eager to begin offering the benefits of this new combination as soon as possible.

John Thorne

We feel like we can offer considerable value.

Katie Jacobs Stanton

It is a fair offer. What is difficult is the job loss. The employees would rather have their jobs back.

Mark Glyptis

We're trying to find that right balance so that kids don't play too much baseball but don't play too little. We hope that we ' re offering them good value.

Kurt Rouhselang

When is it too late to say it's still early for the Cubs? Try now. Their magic number is 1998, at least until it becomes 1999, but in lieu of a present, they offer you a future.

Bob Verdi

When you start fooling around with drugs, you're hurting your creativity, you're hurting your health. Drugs are death, in one form or another. If they don't kill you, they kill your soul. And if your soul's dead, you've got nothing to offer, anyway.

Paul Stanley

Democrats will use any excuse to avoid offering the American people an actual agenda. They will go to great lengths to avoid talking about the substantive issues.

Tracey Schmitt

I would think it was unlikely they would counter offer.

Nick Hatch

We want to get a feel for our membership. Actually, the committee is very upset with the company's latest and final offer. Our intent is to go out there and educate them on what's happening.

Mel Kahele

We decided to offer prize money in the half marathon only and spend more money on the people.

Lynn Flanagan

We're offering a reminder service. If you sign up for our e-mail subscription list, the notes are going to automatically be in your e-mail box.

Aj Punjabi

We hope to offer speakers and resources.

Tom Barratt

There will always be people who line up in the middle of the night for those specials, but it's much better to offer people a coupon that allows them, say, 50 percent off on any one item. That way they're much more likely to come in.

Georgeanne Bender

The new structure makes it possible to offer more customer service, and means less administration and bureaucracy.

Walter Raizner

She asks me if I think he's going to come back and get her. I say, 'No he's never going to be able to get you.' The only thing I can do is offer her that comfort.

Gloria Cochrane

With the growing popularity of Web-enabled mobile devices, we wanted to offer our customers the convenience of checking in for their flight wherever they may be.

Kevin Krone

The people where we were are suffering. They can use any prayers and support people can offer.

Rick Cottrell

This is a major improvement in the treatment of ovarian cancer. There's no way doctors can look at the data and not offer this treatment to patients.

Dr. Maurie Markman

It's our feeling that we already offer a broad range of good opportunities for savings for our employees.

Dave Elshoff

Best and final offer.

Bob Huggins

I spoke to Tony yesterday and he would like to come, but he was looking for an 18-month contract and with us being in administration I can't offer anything into next season.

Denis Smith

I still enjoy doing the job. And I have some projects that I would like to see get done. I still have a lot to offer this city and I still believe I can do a good job at it.

Mayor Gene Carey

If it's a guy, we want them to be attractive and more of a professional person, not somebody who's just hanging out... they have to have something to offer.

Tedd Schermerhorn

He would offer to get me drunk.

Alaina Nicol

I recognize that here are very efficiently run cooperatives. There are many opportunities for the Socorro Electric Cooperative to cut costs and offer more services.

Charles Wagner

Even from a very early age, I knew I didn't want to miss out on anything life had to offer just because it might be considered dangerous.

Nicole Kidman

Indian fashion has to buck up. We cannot compete with a Chanel or an Armani. The only way we can survive is by offering something from our rich crafts and doing global designs with an Indian twist.

Anamika Khanna

If I'm offering something to students legally, then it's successful to me.

Tim O'rourke

We anticipate that the demand for this type of product offering will grow significantly in future years in many jurisdictions, especially in Europe and Asia.

Paul Oneile

All of the shows we are offering this semester appeal to many different kinds of audiences. These are all acts the students have been asking for and we have created a good balance with some larger events and some smaller ones.

Heather Hillman

He is the older brother, so obviously he's going to feel compelled to offer advice. I'm the younger brother, so I'm going to be more of a rebel about that sort of thing.

Bill Keffer

Don't count BSX out yet. We expect BSX to continue to pursue GDT by potentially modifying or increasing its $72/share offer.

Larry Biegelsen

There are going to be some hurdles along the way. But in the end we will have better schools and therefore a better educational experience to offer our children.

Pat Doyle

We haven't come in here expecting to take business from everybody. We're coming in and offering the Virgin brand...and we're offering a different experience onboard.

Andrew Fyfe

All of the assets in our portfolio are performing well and offer promise for the future and I continue to be excited about the potential for the group.

Robert Adair

I figured I'd have to go to winter ball to prove that I was healthy. When Baltimore called, when the offer came from the Orioles, I was excited about it. It is comfortable here.

Howie Clark

I would never offer advice without the person asking for it. I, in general, don't believe in giving advice, actually, as a human being I don't.

Joan Chen

I'm just a woman who won't take no for an answer. I know if I get this out there, those soldiers won't go lacking. If we can't bring them home, it's the best we have to offer.

Tammara Rosenleaf

We're trying to offer the hottest trends, and we've always done well with our computer classes. We would like people from the neighborhood to take advantage of what we have to offer, but we'll take anybody.

Glenn Hudgins

We may never get another offer like that.

Bill Tolford

To the extent that we came up short, we're going to offer a remedy.

Tim Brosnan

It's the granddaddy of health claims. To even get in the game with certain food categories — like dairy products — you have to have a low-fat offering.

Tom Vierhile

From a strategic perspective, it's one of the important disciplines that the firm wants to have in its fixed-income offering.

Joe Mcgrath

We appreciate the offer, but Los Angeles is not under consideration.

Brian Mccarthy

Last night, the company had indicated that there would be no further discussions on their offer.

Mark Ohlau

I'm very fond of him. He's always the first person to offer us help.

Jennifer Weiss

This transaction moves our auto finance business to a new level and gives us access to a new set of customers who can benefit from Wachovia's broad offering of financial services.

Ben Jenkins

Because of the sheer size of Libya, it is unrealistic to expect the National Oil Company to be able to develop all the many opportunities on offer.

Craig Mcmahon

It seems to be a sensible offer. It is low-balling what they could pay, but there is no other bidder in town, and it is not a stupid offer by any means.

Anthony De Larrinaga

The acquisition of this well invested company broadens our product range and provides us with new capabilities that will further improve our customer offering.

Lars Emilson

For history, we start with the American Indians and then who discovered America. It's really kind of fun when we get to the Mexican American war because they have a lot to offer from a different perspective.

Jane Hoffa

What rich countries are offering right now is not nearly good enough. They should concentrate on what Africa needs to work its way out of poverty.

Mouhamet Lamine

For those with smaller sums of money, [multi-managers] offer access to a diversified portfolio that would otherwise be hard to access.

Anna Bowes

We weren't concerned about what GM was doing. We were concerned with what the consumers were doing. This is one of those great rivalries — two sports cars coming out — and we thought the best way to get our message out was to offer a comparison.

Don Romano

Our amended offer addresses all of the outstanding issues raised by Guidant's board.

Pete Nicholas

Instead of innovation, he's offering the old ideological critique of Democrats.

Will Marshall

If I had a ghost living on my street. I would try try to stay alive, and offer him some meat!

Trey Anastasio

We have been consistent with the industry in offering parental controls. We endorse a consumer's right to block objectionable programming.

Steve Brookstein

Practices must already offer quick access to a GP, but we will move to guarantee patients more flexible access if they want to book ahead.

Lord Warner

These cards are really hard to mess up because we do laminate them. And we offer the discount for multiple cards that way both parents can carry a card and then give cards to other family members or friends such as grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Deana Stevens

I made him a bare-bones offer to ship through Portsmouth, and they said they get a better deal in Portland.

Geno Marconi

We feel like we're offering a service and the immediate gratification to order the book right there and then.

Adam Rothberg

It's not a luxury, it is an everyday lifestyle. And with multiple locations we can better serve our clients and give them easy access so they can truly make a lifestyle out of the services we offer.

Taha Champsi

Changing the entire identity of our town from a historic national treasure to a casino town won't come as cheap as the offer on the table before you tonight.

Susan Star Paddock

A few weeks ago, they had a big meeting. And 78 percent of the people voted not to accept that offer.

Bob Kraft

If the world did not purchase and consume meat, there would be none to slaughter and offer meat for sale.

The Tirukural

Run hotter and offer minimal performance gains. We believe customers will see through this.

Henri Richard

The sequencing of the pig genome is a scientific advance that will offer great benefits for consumers and human health.

Max Rothschild

We just want people to come out and enjoy what Douglas has to offer. Most everything is free of charge and this year is looking like one of our best yet.

Connie Cation

Howard Dean did in fact offer Wes Clark a place on the ticket in a one-on-one meeting that Trippi did not attend.

Matt Bennett

In this moment, we have presented an offer to player and, until now, we have not had a response.

Javier Subirats

Our models are a catalogue of our options, so pretty much everything that we offer or a lot of what we offer is in this model.

Julie Brown

Their shtick is offering 100 wines by the glass and appealing to women. But if a senior EVP of a Fortune 500 company is going out for an important business meeting with a client, he's going to Morton's.

Allen Bernstein

They are certainly welcome to come and learn as well, because that may give them more insight into what the victim is going through, help offer them support and educate themselves a little more.

Kathy Wilson

The board has no intention of carrying out a capital increase with the sole purpose of blocking any kind of offer or diluting its shareholders.

Joseph Kinsch

Last year they'd put us on their checklist of discounts to offer, and that was pretty much it. But now they're incorporating us into their overall health-care initiative. It's becoming louder and louder.

Barbara Fulmer

CTV News is primed to offer extensive coverage of this important event. We're pleased to have the opportunity to bring it to Canadians in High Definition.

Robert Hurst

We have put an offer on the table that we believe is comprehensive and fair.

David Frail

This is a generous enough offer to win the day, ... There will be more bid activity; voice-centric companies need to expand beyond that (into data-related services), and they're much easier to buy than to build.

Stephen Murphy

What it is doing is bringing this offering that is attractive down from the bailiwick of the extraordinarily rich to what is now a pretty affordable offering.

Paul Nunes

It was actually a really easy decision to come here. The opportunity was there. The offer was there -- everything was perfect. I couldn't ask for any more.

David Mckee

The Afghan people need a government that is functional and accountable. The warlords offer neither.

Sam Zarifi

We encourage our managers and staff to interact with the customers, offer refills, and give a full-service experience.

Casie Caldwell

I'm confident it's a good offer and it will generate interest. We'll see how many people sign on and go from there.

Greg Skrepenak

We need affordable health care and they refuse to offer it. The shareholders can expect to see the Teamsters wherever they go.

Harvey Jackson

Our intention is to offer an alternative to the other two parties. They've strayed away from the Constitution. We desire to get out governments back under the discipline of the Constitution.

Kent Holtz

The new order book is only available for FX trading at the moment. A completely new internal order book has been developed, as well as the eCommerce client offering, and has already been implemented globally.

Stamos Fokianos

We passed 1 million homes at end of 2004. And we will have 3 million at the end of 2005. We expect to offer video service to these customers in 2006.

Bob Ingalls

I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: 'I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.'

Sir Winston Churchill

Our biggest competitor is Sam's, and the only way that we stay in business is by offering more of a selection than Sam's. They offer the top 10 candy bars and maybe the top 10 bulk items.

Leslie Betts

I think charter schools certainly have proven that there are some wonderful things they have to offer. I'll follow anything if the kids are going to learn.

Catherine Collins

We believe our plans are easier to understand, and we offer more coverage nationwide, so customers will get more bang for the buck. But those who feel more comfortable with their Cellular One plan will be able to stay with it.

Chris Hunt

Last year (the state) rescinded the offer.

Lynn Bass

As computer users become more mobile, you widen the liability and the risk. Notebook computer makers have to offer these features because corporate clients are asking for them.

Richard Shim

Anyone that wanted to make an offer probably decided it wasn't worth it after the run up in the price.

Stephen Roelofse

This is a consumer phenomenon and people will care about what it has to offer them. We are not the market going from here on out.

Marc Andreessen

If you look at who offers insurance, it's fairly uncommon to offer benefits to part-time employees.

Dan Fogleman

It is a large part of who we are. Some of those people grew up in cities and have never experienced the type of things we have to offer here.

Phil Weber

We've even had some taste testing going on by students and they love all the things we can offer.

Cathy Jones

Travel agents are going to offer packages one year in advance.

Valter Patriani

It doesn't make good sense to offer competitive programs, but at the same time, it is probably good for students to have a choice.

Jerónimo Domínguez

We have talked to the Coast Guard, and they are very pleased that we are going to offer this service because they do not have the manpower or equipment to tow in the lower Cook Inlet.

Peggy Cloninger

The owner is offering another half a percent.

Mary Kelly

He was an enormous talent, and for him to have been able to offer that to children through the neighborhood all through these years was a great gift.

Fred Rogers

Well-functioning markets have no innate tendency to promote excellence in any form. They offer no resistance to forces making for a descent into cultural barbarity or moral depravity.

Robert Solow

They'll be able to offer some very attractive merchandise to the customers.

Ross Margolies

This was because of high oil prices and a weak euro. It was a surprise, but it doesn't offer as many new insights [about the economy].

Manuela Preuschl

Yes, we had a talk with Amy as we felt she had so much more to offer us. We're glad we did.

Albie Hawea

We are the masters of our agreement. We don't have to accept their offer.

Mark Dossett

I will do everything to pay back this gigantic offering of confidence.

Matthias Platzeck

We are not aware of any communication from King Win Laurel Limited that has been delivered to the corporation. We do not believe that King Win Laurel Limited is financially capable of making such a tender offer.

Dave Gardner

Southern Ontario has the kind of sophisticated consumers that we feel will be very interested in the cultural experiences we have to offer.

Richard Geiger

We are not so enthusiastic for the initial public offering though we are sure to get listed in the future.

Ma Yun

We are offering our residents free space to market any items that want to sell. It's going to be a feel-good day for our community.

Rhonda Rowland

The attorney general's offer is suitable to our industry. We would go along with it. We think it would be an opportunity to at least somewhat mitigate our damages.

Craig Cohoon

Having experienced things going on two years now, I'm not a veteran by any means, but I feel like maybe I have some advice to offer.

Matt Holliday

With the results offering a mixed bag, we believe a breakup scenario will increasingly be put forward.

Stefaan Genoe

There's a misconception that our students won't go to college. We offer everything other schools offer including college preparatory courses.

Margaret Schoelles

We hope the fireworks go on. Vegas is the place to be on New Year's. We just offer a more controlled environment.

Joe Schillaci

If an offer is received, we will consider that on its merits.

Brian Russell

They're heavily involved in racing and really supportive of what NASCAR has to offer. We're very excited that we're having the DIRECTV 500. It's going to be a great weekend and they're in for a treat and we are, as well.

Clay Campbell

We've enlarged the children's fair and the downtown merchants will be offering some sales. We concentrate on making the festival better, which, if that means doing more things, we do. But, the focus is to make sure it's fun and family-oriented and to make sure community groups are showcased.

Phil Powell

It is premature to offer any conjecture on how this would affect us.

Rich Henning

It's true that there are some things on offer, but the question is how much developing countries have to pay to get those.

Amy Barry

China's offer may be to limit exports as a possible resolution to this dispute. What the government may offer will depend on talks to come with the EU.

Mei Xinyu

Most buyout funds today increasingly have to go to newer markets. Countries like India and China offer the most potential.

Kelvin Chan

Westinghouse Digital continues to introduce LCD displays that enhance the user's business and entertainment computing experience, offering industry-leading performance features in a lightweight, compact form factor.

Rey Roque

With the grant of the operational license we are now able to begin offering world class investment products in China.

Chris Ryan

Seamless service is an important offering.

Maureen Coulter

We can't offer a lot. We'd like to offer a couple of hundred dollars in reward for anyone who knows the ownership of these animals.

Donna Straub

It's all about incentives. It's a legislative thing because the legislators determine how much incentives a state can offer.

Janis Burklund

We're very excited about offering this new technology that takes a great system and makes it better.

Dean Oestreich

Thought I would come down and offer my support.

Angela Reed

The economy is a huge issue. Peace and prosperity. That is why the president will offer -- even before the Congress comes back likely -- a growth package for investors and consumers and the market.

Mary Matalin

You're obviously going to be at a disadvantage if you are going to recruit workers that might not look at a company that doesn't offer benefits like that.

Jen Jorgensen

The more options we are able to offer people, the more likely they are to use one of them.

Susan Meyer

One of the first things we will do is offer our downtown lights to be sponsored by people. Marilyn Mathews will be heading that up. We will get that information out later. Hopefully next spring Charlie Hartley will be successful with her bridge lighting grant.

Luge Hardman

They've been offering that over the last two years, and we haven't seen any distinct traction.

Raghu Raghuram

We want to offer developers a carrot rather than beat them with a stick.

Alan Isaacson

We're still in the position in California where we don't have the competitive incentives to offer.

Joe Panetta

We are planning a public share offering in the near future, most likely on the Russian market.

Andrei Kostin

We're offering it on a limited basis to those customers who use these services a lot and would be better off under the new plan.

Warwick Ponder

I think many of the activities will have an appeal for all ages, such as the animal and fossil chat sessions. All of the activities are designed to be accessible to children, but also have something to offer for adults.

Linda Coldwell

We're just trying to offer another opportunity for kids to get involved.

Mike Carter

Until Hill Carter is constructed or well underway, we'd only offer to build 28 units.

Robert Gray

They offered us Tommy Lee, they didn't offer us Snow White.

Harvey Perlman

There's great demand to come to Hawaii from North America right now and what we're looking at, as a marketing agent, is attracting people who are going to have a great experience in Hawaii. We're looking for people who will appreciate what Hawaii has to offer.

Jay Talwar

Without a Level I Trauma Center, you're offering second-level care.

Peter Deblieux

Yes, I did get such an offer. As soon as an opportunity arises for the Prime Minister - he is a very busy man - the [baptism] ceremony will take place.

Andriy Shevchenko

One thing to note is we don't offer these employees health insurance benefits because they get them through retirement. It actually saves us money in that way.

Jeff Warner

This was a stickup game with a toy gun because the Irving offer didn't exist.

Laura Miller

We're looking at every offer we get and are very honest with people. People have been very good. They understand.

Jim Marchiony

Being a head coach in this league is something I've aspired to do ever since I became an assistant with the Titans (in 1997). I've always wanted to be the best at every level. I'm not getting impatient; I'm just determined. I believe I've got a lot to offer if I get that opportunity.

Jerry Gray

The school district could not accommodate all the children who are eligible for pre-K. I think with this we can offer more services.

Joyce Smith

We have the opportunity now to have some input, to listen to what's happening, offer up some of our concerns and have them addressed before the rules are put in place. This is important information.

Jane Johnson

We will assist you financially, with needed bottled water and other products and an offer of our community's friendship and emotional support.

Charles Carter

We offer them a list that helps them do direct and e-mail marketing, but we can also offer banners and skyscrapers.

Steve Rourke

The problem people are seeing is they want new leadership and that's not offering enough new leadership.

Mary Bono

With oil hitting new highs almost every day, there are a lot of questions about how consumers are being hit at the gas pump. The retail sales numbers will offer some clues.

Todd Salamone

Our thoughts are with the Herrion family and the 49ers. We have been in contact with the 49ers throughout the day to offer our assistance and to learn the details of what happened.

Greg Aiello

He doesn't have any money to offer, so the president doesn't really have any cards to play.

Riordan Roett