We have checked this information out and feel confident that the two individuals in question are not these two terrorists.

Laura Eimiller

We're very pleased with the type of individuals these are. It comes down to who they are, then it's about their development. We've got a great freshman nucleus. There are great possibilities.

Pat Murphy

We want the citizens of Gainesville to be comfortable in City Hall. But there may be individuals who do not have the best interests of city employees and visitors at heart.

City Manager Russ Blackburn

We have to acknowledge that individuals can face transition costs when trade barriers come down.

Cato Institute

We are disappointed that the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) has granted bail to some of those individuals currently detained pending deportation.

Hazel Blears

Yes, individuals make poor decisions. But that doesn't mean they don't deserve the love and support of their family, their extended family and the church.

William Burney

If I had one wish for my children, it would be that each of them would reach for goals that have meaning for them as individuals.

Lillian Carter

Well, it's great to be an American. And this is what America is all about: Everybody pulling together to help individuals.

Ted Pappas

Our No. 1 priority right now is the safety of those individuals and getting medical help to them as soon as we can.

Thad Allen

They were truly 10 unbelievable accomplished individuals who we suddenly lost.

James Halligan

They don't get upset with each other. They get upset with themselves because they want to win, really want to. They get upset as individuals.

Doug Howery

If you can solve individuals' income needs, then they will hand over all of their money.

Colin Devine

Art became separated from artisans and mass manufacturing turned individuals from creators to consumers.

Neil Gershenfeld

The two individuals weren't connected in any way.

Rex Osborn

We're very confident these are the three individuals responsible for the homicide on Friday afternoon.

Michael Dvorak

There are some individuals that may respond very well to the medication and there are some of course that won't respond at all. So there may be some that lose 20 pounds or more.

Dr. Sethu Reddy

They're flat out good. It's tough to compare individuals but I wouldn't hesitate to compare them favorably to any group I've seen. As a group, all four guys, they're as good as we've ever had.

Lance Reynolds

The nation is a community. Community of individuals, community of generations.

Aleksander Kaasniewski

Tyrone is as classy an individual as there is. He's one of those class individuals that you don't run across very often.

Sandy Barbour

This year we have five individuals and a group of people that have had a positive impact on our city. And, we are a better city because of these individuals and the Thunderbirds.

Tom Silverman

The time may now be ripe for controls on individuals to be dismantled.

Razia Khan

We were pushing it a little, see how far we could go. We have some individuals who I think could go a long way this year.

Michael Disanto

It's very disconcerting if they are going to sell those papers to companies or individuals or who knows what in cases where the quality may not be assured.

Jim Naughton

We're still reaching out to the individuals that we believe are in the area.

Lori Howard

And if they determine that price gouging is going on, I'd ask they prosecute these individuals because it isn't right.

Judd Gregg

Education leads to informed individuals, and that will reduce the panic.

Dennis Whalen

Some of these guys who go door to door have criminal records. They can come out and ask these individuals what their reason is for being around.

Bruce Tough

You look at how energy is being consumed and used and you also look at branching out into the community to get the individuals and citizens to conserve energy.

Jeff Fletcher

I think it was a handful of individuals that can be found anywhere that did this.

Jeff Scott

The question has been, how do you develop that model when 80 percent of the device choices are made by individuals?

Dave Grannan

The officers did the best they could, but I had no way of identifying who the [individuals] were.

Robert Bailey

Has led individuals to lose their head.

Bentzi Lieberman

The world's made up of individuals who don't want to be heroes.

Brian Moore

All individuals, no matter what TV show they are in, are treated the same.

Bill Maer

Addiction is a serious problem for our nation, and the efforts that individuals make against this problem benefit us all.

John Walters

Before the Daytona 500 Club was built, [the Daytona Club] was the place to entertain for corporations and individuals. Now it's heavily driven by individuals who come back year after year after year. They like it because it's a great way to get away from the noise and the clutter. And the food is really good.

John Guthrie

There's a lot of room for individuals to leverage investments in their plans to get the most out of their account.

Lori Lucas

There are many income opportunities individuals could create.

Patrick Michaels

This is a bigger task than the whole Diocese of the Arctic can do, so we're reaching out all across Canada, to other Anglican churches, to individuals, to corporations and we're reaching out to foundations.

Doug Little

Hate crimes against individuals do harm to more than just that person.

Bill Cohen

Individuals who commit treasonous acts against the United States will be held fully accountable.

John Ashcroft

We had some good performances by individuals. We just came up a little short.

Dave Roy

We only had one champion in 2002. And we won the meet very handily. So, you don't always have to have the best individuals. You have to have the best team.

David Marsh

We are extremely pleased to have these two distinguished individuals as members of our Board of Directors.

Sunil Wadhwani

I do honestly believe that the department has a number of fine officers, ... But there are some racist individuals among them, and they should be weeded out.

Jerome Davis

I see individuals scurrying to get into more fuel-efficient cars. Then they find out they owe more on their 2004 vehicle than what they could get as a trade-in.

Joe Adams

That is how we are able to find these individuals.

Joann Carrin

If they get into a bad situation, there are only two possible outcomes: the individuals will either die or they will have to pay for a very expensive rescue.

Matt Mathes

No amount of artificial reinforcement can offset the natural inequalities of human individuals.

Henry P. Fairchild

This will be possible because drug dispensing can be linked to individuals' other health information.

Richard Platt

We're working real diligently with individuals during the 60-day notification period.

Lisa Archeson Luther

The consequences for millions of individuals and families is horrendous.

Stanley Thomas

Tenacity. We're great guys in the clubhouse, but when the game starts we turn into a bunch of angry individuals.

Geoff Blum

Obviously, it is aimed at trying to encourage qualified individuals to enter Britain.

Mark Waller

These individuals don't know or understand the peril they may be putting their community in.

Bill Power

But regardless of the number, it is the right thing to do for individuals with mental illness.

Marilyn Cook

Our primary focus is to work with individuals with disabilities who have not had a chance to experience what work is all about.

Ross Parker

We had some guys who showed up and made plays. There were some individuals who made some progress.

Buddy Green

There's just tremendous demand from Chinese individuals for assets to invest in. And the assets they would be most interested in would be foreign currency-denominated, and not just the dollar.

Andrew Bernard

You always look at the performance of the team first, but we have individuals who have a chance to do some things.

Chris Huffins

We're looking to build them up as individuals so that when they have to make those decisions, they say no.

Sandra Collins

What they say to me is that it is wrong that these individuals who have broken their obligations to society are now entitled to have the same voice in society.

Vic Toews

Again, we are asking any and all individuals who have not yet made a donation to please make their donations ASAP. We hope to close this campaign by March 31st.

Neva Vogt

We are proposing to develop 209 units of high-quality, very affordable housing, including about 100 units of housing for formerly homeless individuals and 100 units of housing for low-income individuals.

Larry James

This is just what we say could have happened. How that fits into an individual's system of beliefs, I don't know.

Doron Nof

We should not, in 2006, still have individuals beaten because of the color of their skin. But we do. ... So our work is not done.

Blanche Hughes

We get a lot of input from groups and individuals in the industry to keep this a front-burner issue for us.

Richard Stapler

I am not familiar with any locations like that here. The individuals involved all have a strong business background, and that's very important.

Bill French

We are fully persuaded that payroll giving is the easiest, most tax-efficient way for employees to give to charity. The cost to individuals is less and the charities receive more.

John Griffith

A settlement indicates that the government is taking these allegations seriously and that is a good sign for all individuals involved.

Rachel Meeropol

We are going to revisit those situations and those individuals we have contacted in the past.

Rick Dinse

We're hollowing the economy out. It's having enormous negative consequences for families and individuals.

Charles Mcmillion

There's no reason in the world why those individuals should be less healthy intrinsically.

Julia Patterson

We couldn't have done it without the generous support of many individuals and businesses here in the community.

Randy Thompson

You will get a lot of groups, a lot of individuals from out of state chiming in on this.

David Prentice

Jacques Lemaire said when a team fails, no individual is successful, ... When a team is successful, all the individuals are successful.

Bobby Holik

It felt great. We didn't have our greatest game. But we weren't individuals today. We were a team.

Danny Smith

Our veterans connect generations and Canadians. As a country and as individuals, we gain in pride and in purpose from their deeds and their service.

Paul Martin

We really like this fund and believe it would pair very nicely with a growth fund in an individual's portfolio.

Karen Dolan

There is a significant likelihood that there were illegalities on the part of certain individuals or parties.

Larry Leake

We've got a net change of seven individuals. For me, that's a lot to integrate to the way we play.

Joanne P. Mccallie

I know for a fact there's individuals out there that won't pay to put them down or put them down themselves. And (those horses) are going to die of old age and that's a pretty ugly death.

Buster Brown

He chose people he thought would make a difference in the game and challenged them. He taught individuals. He was greatest when he had you by yourself.

Butch Lawson

The real truth is the current administration is a small group of individuals who do control every board and commission.

Dan Moran

It was to recognize the profession, the many individuals that do a good job.

Becky Wilson

Many individuals have said they want to be a part of this.

Carol Ragan

My guess is it was individuals with grudges.

Anthony Mcintyre

Evidence at this point does not link that apartment or those individuals to anthrax.

Sandra Carroll

The fact that it has been two individuals, that you know, helped each other out in a pretty dire situation, it's pretty extraordinary.

Penny Brown

Our goal in creating EcommWire is to give ecommerce companies greater exposure and to help businesses and individuals keep up-to-date on new ecommerce tools and services.

David Steiner

These 100 million individuals have a per capita GDP equal to that of the U.K. or Germany, ... This is a very comfortable population with significant disposable income.

Steve Heller

Faith is more complex than belief. It involves an individual's relation to a community and engagement with ideas that are larger than the self.

James Hyde

The great thing about individuals is that the guys who are focused rise to the top. It's going to be a short postseason for the guys who aren't focused.

Chris Como

We are at the stage now where we're discussing with those individuals.

Catherine Peters

We had some individuals who did some things, but as a team I didn't feel like we played very well.

John Breeding

This inconvenience to our guests will provide desperately needed housing for thousands of individuals affected by this tragedy.

Bob Dickinson

The individuals have an opportunity to develop what they have, ... Whether it comes through better ferry service or not, it's a business decision that they'll make.

Joe Volpe

From the time you raise them as a little baby, they have really become part of your family and you know them as individuals.

Roger Nelson

These five individuals do not live in that area as well, so that strengthens the case about why they were there, should they have been there, and what were they doing there.

Jim Shires

If assessment is up 19 per cent or less [on a property], than an individual's property taxes would go down if it is assumed [the City] would raise the same in 2006 as in 2005.

Brian Horton

Performing their primary duties, but they have nothing to do with detained individuals.

Jerry O'hara

They're dealing with individuals with nothing to lose.

Ron Moran

We do not allow individuals and outside organizations to use the university as a public forum. But they can come and engage in courteous civil dialogue.

Carri Jenkins

Both of these individuals are 'fix-it' guys with consulting backgrounds.

Donald Light

None of those individuals could positively, positively without a doubt, point to Dante Hubbard and say he was even there.

Jeremy Karlin

We have a lot of upset individuals who complain.

Erin Smith

I keep telling the kids it's not two individuals who make it, but the entire team.

Erin Delaney

I'm not going to discuss individuals.

Ennis Proctor

We cannot stop all individuals or organizations from breaking the law, nor can any law enforcement agency.

Emilio Zebadua

Ally Glasser and James Moody have a chance to place. But this is a very good competition for experience. There will be strong individuals from all over the country competing.

Emmanuil Kaidanov

It's individuals with no children who make $20,000 or less and families with one to two dependents, one to two children, who make up to $40,000, and then for each additional dependent, you can make $5,000 more.

Elizabeth Colvin

We are very concerned about the individuals who were hurt.

Elina Kazan

We came together. We had been playing as individuals and coach (Blair) Albright was getting mad at us. We could have blamed one another. What we did was talk about what we had to do to become winners.

Elijah Allen

This study is a clarion call for all of us -- companies and individuals -- to look at how we're working.

Ellen Galinsky

I didn't give consent, and it was something that was forced. There are always these stereotypes that perpetrators are men and sometimes we don't think of individuals of the same sex.

Elen Semran

Accidents can happen. The department holds individuals accountable for any violation of our rules and procedures.

Elaine Driscoll

We should fight terrorism by dealing with its roots and causes, whether committed by individuals, groups or states. Terrorism is a crime that every Muslim should fight.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu

I think we are fortunate having these individuals to impart this tremendous knowledge, ... We are going to do things right.

Edwin Figueroa

Everyone is assisting in this matter because of this individual's history.

Eddie Martinez

We have individuals who are getting raped, we have individuals who are getting beaten.

Eddie Compass

There is not much that even the most socially responsible scientists can do as individuals, or even as a group, about the social consequences of their activities.

E. J. Hobsbawm

You can't achieve goals in a team game as individuals.

Erron Kinney

GEAR UP has been making a difference in the lives of Kentucky's children, ... If we can improve individuals' lives, we can improve the lives of all Kentuckians.

Ernie Fletcher