116 quotes about hosting follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The man of petty ambition if invited to dinner will be eager to be set next his host.


We again will be able to host great games without any cost to local taxpayers. We also promise a bid that will be distinctive in its approach compared to previous games.

Barry Sanders

I think our situation here is we host the national tournament, and it's not an easy job (to get there). But he wasn't a failure.

Randy Stange

The transmission link between migrating birds and domestic ones has to be cut off before the virus has a chance to get into a host.

Kamyar Dahim

From warriors ravens grew red And with their leader a host attacked.


Historically, the host nations do well in Euro 2000.

Trevor Brooking

Jon is the epitome of a perfect host - smart, engaging, irreverent and funny.

Gil Cates

We are open to whatever the options are, one of which is to host the game.

Lisa Love

To show your appreciation of generosity you should not finish all the food. If you finish, the host might misinterpret that they have not provided enough.

Andrew Williamson

By hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, I believe the world will have a better understanding of China and her people.

David Chu

The layout of the building, especially for its age, is great. And the pride they show in hosting an event sets them apart.

Greg Shaheen

I'm sure it will be considered to host a final.

Lennart Johansson

I think it's exciting that Delaware gets to host the [CAA] tournament. Unfortunately, it puts us in a bind.

Kevin Charles

It's almost as if a demon might have passed from one host to another.

John Nash

Going from academic person to TV host has been fun and exhausting at the same time.

Lisa Hark

Some of our largest customers host almost exclusively in DC-related environments.

Ken Baker

We're very excited to be hosting Saudi Arabia.

Michel Prokop

This will be an educational trip. I will stay with a host family and will get to go to embassies and schools over there to see how they do things. It will be a 20-day trip. I'm very excited about getting to go.

Carley Mcgrew

We did three run-throughs before we ever got on camera and before I ever met the host of the show.

Barbara Olson

We host Web pages?businesses, ... We have to stay up. We go down, and so does 2 percent of the Internet.

Michael Barnett

Indianapolis has this international reputation of being the best city to host an event like this.

Bob Schultz

Every guest hates the others, and the host hates them all.

Albanian Proverb

We won?t be hosting the world bowling championships. It?s just fun we?re shooting for.

Colin Veitch

We will be hosting our first-ever international invitational.

Nancy Mcdaniel

All the Districts come down and host different activities. We (First District) set up a balloon dart board and the kids break the balloons and win prizes. We even add a little money to some of the balloons.

Richard Seto

I wanted to make sure there is no home-field advantage. Even though we might have the chance to host, it's not fair.

Dave Hunter

How you come out [in the category] is dependent on a whole host of factors that have nothing to do with whether you're doing a good job or not.

Ken Delay

That's where the fields come in - to be able to host a tournament and get in the revenue and help out with the little things.

Marc Williams

When you're hosting a tournament, it's mentally and physically exhausting.

Kerrilynn Gallagher

The World Cup is taking place in Germany. It's only right for us to have tickets so we can host foreign guests.

Volker Kauder

I would have liked to beat them all three times, but we beat them in the big one, and now we get to host [a playoff game]. That's a big advantage to be at home.

Bobby Diez

We were thrilled to host it. I'm happy that we took third and we wrestled the best we could.

Roger Bubel

We really didn't have a place we could host these kinds of events before. This will enable us to invite all sorts of people to see the campus.

Karen Haynes

We are excited to have the opportunity to host such a great event. It gives us a chance to show off our city. It will good for local businesses as well.

Billy Powell

There's a whole host of moving expenses for every minister - just in and out. All of those things will be covered.

David Zussman

We've heard it from a host of our clients, both from the broker-dealer and investment-management perspective.

Barry Barbash

There are a host of different variables.

Lee Gierczynski

Everyone is paranoid about communicating RFID data, but the reality is they're already hosting POS data.

Raymond Blanchard

I'm their host, ... I want to make sure they are well taken care of.

David Perez

We host this next year. All the teams are pretty close, so it should be great next year too.

Scott Bauman

My favorite part of the trip was the homestay arrangement with my host family in Ireland.

Kristi Johnson

Find out who those advertisers are and complain to them. That way, you're hitting the people who host the sites financially.

Dean Nelson

We are glad that our colleagues have allowed us to host the commission and the challenge for us will be to ensure that it performs as expected.

Maria Mutagamba

Television has been my goal. I want to host my own fitness show.

Lana Titus

We're excited to host the Cereal City Classic for the first time. We hope area fans will come out and support the area teams at C.O. Brown Stadium.

Martie Cordaro

The host just provides a few simple groceries.

Kathy King

You can bet there will be a whole host of charges.

John Timoney

What is the company trying to do on the Internet? Electronic commerce? Web hosting? Just E-mail?

Fred Rica

We are planning on that committee to host a number of activities in that space downtown and to facilitate commercial activities that could come from that.

Robert Bryan

If we play Arkansas, it may be a situation that if we win we host, if they win they host.

Billy Chadwick

The benefits to the communities of hosting the bowl games are not going to be there [with a playoff].

Mike Schulze

We are delighted that the Walkers Stadium has been chosen to host such a prestigious event.

Tim Davies

Every host was writing across both [old and new] fabrics until we were certain everything was OK.

Tim Hesson

We have a reputation for being one of the best cities in the country for hosting events.

Bob Bedell

To not be ready to host these groups would be very damaging to the city of New Orleans.

Sabrina Written

I wish I was in (the host city) Detroit. But it was a little too much.

Donna Davis

It's critical that as the host nation, Canadian athletes have spectacular results.

Cathy Priestner Allinger

Nothing would be modified or changed on the host.

Hal Weiss

Part of the reason they want me to host is I think they want to have sex with me. But I'm also entertaining.

Mary Carey

You're absolutely right: Bob Grant is a racist, Bob Grant is a bigot, he's a despicable talk show host and I agree with that.

Alan M. Dershowitz

We were thrilled to host so many wonderful films from around the world.

Noah Cowan

Everyone is really trying a whole host of a lot of things to try to do this. It's a problem that a lot of DOTs are working on.

Jim Nall

There's going to be a big-name celebrity host, and plenty of great entertainment.

Matti Leshem

It's unusual for us to host an exhibit that's been on loan.

Stephanie Plowman

This is a great event for a great cause, and we are excited to host this even each year.

Gary Hines

If I can go from burglar for the government to talk show host, you can go from entertainer to congressman.

G. Gordon Liddy

Thou has a thousand eyes and yet not one eye; Thou host a thousand forms and yet not one form.

Guru Nanak

If someone can identify a site where they can host a couple of families and the infrastructure is available or would be quickly available, yes, we will consider that.

James Mcintyre

It's so difficult. If you could host the Olympics every time in the same city, then you'd get good at it. But you only ever have one chance, and there's no time to learn. Your first time is your only time.

Sam Sullivan

One more drink and I'll be under the host.

Dorothy Parker

It says a lot about Hood River that we were able to host this event.

Stephanie Adams

The Super Bowl certainly pays respect to the host city, but it's certainly bigger than the host city.

Don Mischer

The village of Bensenville didn't honor its three-year contract. They defaulted on their obligation to pay their host fee.

Maureen Moore

They will find new homes, and do so under very disadvantageous circumstances with results that are very hard on them, and also very challenging for a lot of communities that play host.

Gregory Davis

As host of the exposition, we are glad to see that it is becoming a good platform for cooperation among ASEAN countries.

Andrew Huang

He has come down on a host of issues in a way that the business community would prefer. This is not a guy who is going to go off the reservation.

Robin Conrad

In that work he appears as the host of a very wizardly dinner party and he is also shown cleaving the Eildon Hills.

Louise Yeoman

It's exciting to know that the customers who made us No. 1 in domains have stayed with us for their hosting needs.

Bob Parsons

That's why I'm so happy and thankful that Tony took his time to host this.

Wade Taylor

Things get done a lot quicker with the right people helping you navigate. This is a key benefit available to Web hosting companies.

Michael Vallone

Of course the host of the summit will be the president and in our opinion (the host) should have been the president of the African Union too.

Amr Moussa

Host-country authorities need to encourage subsidiaries to strengthen their stand-alone abilities.

Guillermo Ortiz

It is also lucky that our national team will play the host.

Jorge Zamora

This is definitely something special. The national spotlight is on Houston, and we're happy to host guests of this caliber.

Anna Drake

What we're doing now with NASA is assessing the requirements for a whole host of things.

George Torres

South Florida really can host the game better than anybody.

Dick Anderson

A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.

Polish Proverb

It's becoming more difficult to run these acute-care hospitals in a host hospital.

Vincent Caponi

Anyone who is afraid [of the bill] can announce that they want to host the software in the reserve.

Loïc Dachary

It's not easy to host all these countries.

Nestor Kirchner

The Moose is still in charge. We're just hosting it.

Jamie Bartolotta

They didn't want to be the team that didn't go unbeaten in the area and they didn't want to be the team that didn't host the area tournament.

Terri Gray

Currently, we do not have the facilities to host a conference of 500 people.

Richard Herman

The ICC have contacted all of their member countries to find out if any of them have an interest in hosting ICC events from 2007 to 2015.

Roger Brathwaite

You know the ceremony is going to happen, and in certain ways it doesn't change. But then you combine that with this question: How is the host country going to try to take you into extended disbelief?

Michael Payne

It's a gorgeous plant, host to butterflies.

Kari Ruder

It's a beautiful layout, ... I can't help but enjoy the course. It will challenge you, but will also reward good shots. They definitely have a gem here that could host almost any big event.

Wayne Levi

The city likes having us there. It's an outstanding place to host the starting line.

Jon Sinclair

These proteins mimic known host proteins in the cell in a very interesting way.

Jack Dixon

A guest never forgets the host who had treated him kindly.


I don't care who we play, I'm just excited that Richmond is one of the top four seeds and gets to host a game.

Rob Collins

It felt good to play that way. It may be the last two games I play here (at the Cooper Center) if we don't host again in the NCAA tournament.

Charise Bain

To be the host is an advantage, but to be the champion you have to beat everybody.

Paulo Autuori

There's no doubt this is going to be an entertaining season, ... Among the games of interest will be when we host Seaford Sept. 17.

Ron Dickerson

We're excited to host. It's big to have that home court advantage because more of your fans will come and you're more familiar with where you're at.

Carolyn Wright

Exodus is the leader in high-end Web hosting and although a good number of their clients are dot.com companies, they're not completely reliant on dot.com companies.

Frederick Moran

Our own clergy are hosting these services.

Rev. Daniel Riley

Harrisburg insider Lisa Baker is hosting an insider party for her insider friends.

Jim Haggerty

There are a whole host of factors that you can practice against. But to be honest, it's not the same as living through it.

Frank Cilluffo

We're hosting and we got in through the back door. This is great for hockey in Italy.

Mickey Goulet

The share reform is facing a host of in-depth problems.

Li Rongrong

You'd think that the host would be really cool,and hanging out with people. He did his reading off the prompt and then he was gone.

Justin Wirtes

It's quite an honor to host it. I think it's great for Pittsburgh.

Mark Freeman

Hosting a Super Bowl is so much more than a game. It's about global visibility, economic impact, competition for conventions and more visitors.

Larry Alexander

There is a host of new entries, ... Each one has tremendous capacity, and the rivalry is extremely intense. That will affect the government's judgment.

Ralph Hake

We are very excited to host RAGBRAI again.

Josh Schamberger