Communism was the brain-child of German-Jewish intellectuals.

Pat Robertson

War doesn't have any boundaries between who's a child and who's an adult. This war is taking everybody.

Alephonsion Deng

I think that having been abused when she was a child has had a really damaging affect on her adult relationships.

Leslie Bennetts

Cash value for voters, cash for child care - they can understand what that means.

Stephen Clarkson

I've known Al Gore since he was born. He has been the best little boy, he was a boring child, and he has never done anything wrong.

Cokie Roberts

You can tailor the education to the aptitude and gifting of the child.

John Bauer

Both were 23 when they died. You need to talk to your child often.

David Pease

She was a sweet, loving child to anybody who knew her.

Terry Whitesell

The Monterey Bay is the poster child of everything we're talking about.

Daniel Costa

You could easily hit the $10,000 before you even have the child identified.

Larry Torella

We do want you to assist them, but don't run over anybody else's child.

Sandra Jones

Perfection is the child of time.

Joseph Hall

I was never a child who was sitting on his lap.

Josef Stalin

I was not a child prodigy, because a child prodigy is a child who knows as much when it is a child as it does when it grows up.

Will Rogers

Who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart.

Danish Proverb

I've another child on the way in January and I need to focus on America and be with my family.

Fredrik Jacobson

Because he is my child, it seems like every step takes an eternity.

Amy Stockton

I'm not a politician, but I am the father of a murdered child.

Kevin Fox

We never ever ever separate a parent from a child.

Connie Joy

If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child.

Frederick Buechner

If you never skated as a child, I think it's even harder to get in front of them.

Maureen Berk

We're just sitting back, waiting for the DNA of this child.

Jackie Cox

I am Eloise. I am six. I am a city child. I live at The Plaza.

Kay Thompson

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.


She wants to move on. The child wants to move on.

Michael Morchower

A lot of these chemicals are in our bodies, which is worrisome when you think about women of child-bearing age.

Nancy Evans

They will have to take this child from me by force.

Lazaro Gonzalez

Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

Vladimir Lenin

There are few things as seemingly untouched by the real world as a child asleep.

John Irving

We'll see what happens. We have a plan for child care. We ran on that plan and we intend to put that plan into place.

William Stairs

To forget there was a child discarded like trash.

Alonzo Washington

The child still needs them (fathers) in their life.

Charles Turner

The legacy that she leaves is not just for her child, but for all of us.

Harry Gray

Selfishly, I think it's kind of really cool for a parent to have an only child.

Chuck White

There is nothing more torturous than to see your child tormented by something or struggling with something.

Sandra Hollis

This case has been very one-sided from the beginning, ... There is absolutely no basis of child abuse or neglect. These are happy children.

David Sherman

Until a child is one year old it is incapable of sin.

The Talmud

The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.

Sam Levenson

I grabbed my child by her arm.. she was reaching for me.

Stacey Keith

It is not surprising that we need to do more. I mean, this is child abuse. There is always more to be done.

Andrea Ingram

They should make sure by count that every child is on a bus before they leave the school.

Janee Miles

She said she had a 2-year-old child, and she was going to jail and was really scared.

Tennyson Collins

Mary is a sweet child, and we just love her.

Janet Sparks

No one said, 'This child deserves better.' No one stepped up.

Cathy Smith

We saw a child die today, it was a very sad moment for us ... I feel very guilty.

Rima Salah

You must make the same sacrifice for your business as you would for a little baby. You save in advance, pull in your belt and sacrifice until the child is on his or her own.

Kate Wendleton

You can replace everything but you can't replace a child.

Patsy Denham

The evidence of child abuse in this case was strong and conclusive.

Justice Marla Luckert

For the child actor, it was difficult.

Jackie Cooper

We want to catch the child at the beginning of the decline.

Sharon Reid

It's for the kids. It's like you are giving a new life to a child.

Cecilia Carroll

I didn't do it to say I wanted to do something for my child. ... If I didn't think it was good, I wouldn't have done it.

Michael Keaton

I don't think you can make a child have ADHD. A child is born with a predisposition, and the environment will make or break that predisposition.

Donna Palumbo

She has basically led us into and through No Child Left Behind, with a glowing record, I might add.

Robert Hirsch

But the end result of that was that this parent, who was already at the end of her rope, became more angry and more agitated and then left with the child.

Carol Benevy

She immediately stopped. It was her and that little child there alone.

John Howe

When we, we were told the child was breathing, and there was a pulse, it was just a relief for all of us.

Sandy Cauthen

It was not very effective, especially among women who already have given birth to a child.

James Trussell

Not for the individual child.

Penelope Leach

I have my grandma's cookie jar. The one I put my hand into as a child.

Francis Wollenzien

In an adult and in a child, you want them to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible.

William Elkington

Go out with your child. That's the important thing. Being a good parent.

Bob Beasley

It is far better to build a child that?s strong than to repair a child that?s gone wrong.

Linda Clark

It's wonderful. I come every year to gain insight on what to do for my child.

Karen Fulton

Everyone is an abused child, if you think about what governments do.

Tim Roth

They believe in educating the whole child.

Jan Jensen

It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to educate his father.

Vaughn Monroe

(Wells) drives a Corvette and didn't have room for Buddy and her child.

Donna Miles

She is a very ill child.

Laura Gunn

The inherently dangerous felony in this case is abuse of a child.

Charles Branson

He has been arrested for abandonment and endangerment of a child.

Carol Rees

Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.

Maria Montessori

If a child acts out all the time, look at it as more than just a behavioral issue.

Jennifer Weber

We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.


I can feel that I gave something to a little child, and I don't even know their name.

Julia Davis

You put a child in an adult system, you don't get a child back - you get a monster.

Owen Duke

I really don't know what to do, we have such a young child.

Yu Wang

Every donation of $85 can pay for one week of care for one child.

Katherine Smith

She was a very sick child.

Michael Baden

Sometimes it was something like the birth of a new child in the home. Sometimes it was illness of a child.

Philip Smith

I hope to answer their questions and find out who killed my child. That's why we're here.

Patsy Ramsey

Not there, not there, my child!

Felicia Hemans

If you have a child, I said, you have a responsibility at least to stay alive.

Christiane Amanpour

'This is a family,' he told me. ... And he said, 'What do I have to do to prove I love my child?

Jose Serrano

Moe was like their child in many ways.

Gloria Allred

Not only the worst of my sins, but the best of my duties speak me a child of Adam.

Lord William Beveridge

1: 1..2..3..4..5 and one for good luck! 2: he struck the child.. ya see that?

Liar Liar

With [one] child, you know what you're going to get.

Soledad O'brien

The child had a minor burn. We're taking both mother and baby to the hospital.

Orlando Dominguez

A person or a child is injured or killed.

David Prentice

I thought this would be great to do this since this is the Week of the Young Child.

Violet Peters

I'm upset with that because he murdered my child. And, I don't think he should have a bond posted at all.

Laura Fleming

Being an actor is an extension of telling a story and I loved story telling as a child.

Amanda Burton

The baby is fine and is now in the custody of Child Protective Services.

Sgt. Neal Griffin

To be an actor you have to be a child.

Paul Newman

The end product of child raising is not the child but the parent.

Frank Pittman

An imaginary friend is often what the child needs it to be.

Barbara Goldstein

The child needs to be referred to the committee before anything can be done.

Janice Argabright

When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness' sake!

Harper Lee

The creative adult is the child who has survived.

Ursula K. LeGuin

When we fail a child, we take it personally.

Brandon Thomas

When I was a child I spake as a child.


It's really frustrating for a parent ... it's really a struggle when you've got a child that's addicted.

Marika Sandrelli

If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.

Carl Gustav Jung

Live well. Sing out, sing loud, and sing often. And God bless the child that's got a song.

Nanci Griffith

No child of God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness.

John Bunyan

By age 3, a child has arrived to one of two conclusions: It is his job to pay attention or it his parents' job to pay attention.

John Rosemond

This is not something you do when a child dies, ... We need to be talking about this all the time. .

Alan Abramowitz

Don't wait until child care. You should get it on time.

Patricia Quinlisk

She yelled [that] her child was in the car. It's not clear if the child was pushed out of the car or got out on his own.

Crystal Candy

What suits your child might not suit another child, so it's your choice.

Cindy Smith

My greatest joy is when a child finishes a book and moves up a level.

Linda Penafiel

Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.

Dan Quayle

It's very sad news. We were not aware that a young child was among the bystanders at the attack site. You can imagine how that affects us.

Maj. Scott Lundy

There is no greater joy than letting a child climb on your lap for a story.

Patsy Riley

We know what can happen if they run that red light and a child is standing out there.

Karen Turner

Kung fu and soccer are the two things that I was most interested in as a child.

Stephen Chow

How do you get parents to pay for their child to come study in a city that was so badly damaged?

Ellen Frohnmayer

People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.

Ellen DeGeneres

This is our poster child for the moment.

Elizabeth Goldstein

It's too easy for a child to get too much pesticide residue from their daily diet.

Edward Groth

The condition of my child was very poor.

Ethel Rosenberg

There's no family allowance on the first child, you know.

Eric Sykes

This child was doomed from birth.

Ellis Rubin