Our ultimate goal is to get the accurate mass for Polaris. To do that, the next milestone is to measure the motion of the companion in its orbit.

It's a great honor. I am just proud to have been part of her career for the last four years. I wouldn't want anybody else to break that record but her.

I have an elderly congregation. For some people, to even get out of a chair is a major effort, and they deserve credit. If they do armchair aerobics, for every 20 minutes they get one mile.

I say the idea came from the Holy Spirit.

I said, 'Lean over here so I can kiss you' and he did.

There's a spiritual connection to good health; it's not just physical.

A lot of these chemicals are in our bodies, which is worrisome when you think about women of child-bearing age.

It's satisfying because of the accountability. You put your name up on a sheet, and you have committed. It is a team effort. I'd like to see more small groups walking together, identifying with each other.

The star we observed is so close to Polaris that we needed every available bit of Hubble's resolution to see it.