We want the citizens of Gainesville to be comfortable in City Hall. But there may be individuals who do not have the best interests of city employees and visitors at heart.

City Manager Russ Blackburn

It's a big draw both for local folks and visitors coming into town. So it's just hugely disappointing not to have them.

Mary Pignalberi

Political conflict has directly affected visitors' confidence.

Juthamas Siriwan

We really want to make a favorable impression on our visitors that we are a clean, attractive and great place to have an event. Cleaning up after the birds is a part of that.

Anne Maschmeyer

Each month there are numerous incidents where visitors are abducted by criminal groups -- just long enough to withdraw the maximum amount of money from an ATM account.

Mark Hall

The best conversion rate still comes from good old-fashioned branding and customer loyalty, where visitors either bookmark your site or type your URL directly into the address bar.

Ali Behnam

I started with zero visitors a day, and did about an article a week. Once I got up to 20 the site started to get into search engines.

Marshall Brain

Denver is the top U.S. place for travel bargains based on its low prices, affordable attractions, like the Denver Zoo, and natural beauty, including the Rocky Mountains, which offer a broad range of fun, outdoor activities to visitors. In fact, this winter we're seeing rates at 4-star hotels in Denver for less than $100 per night.

Barbara Messing

The Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau has worked diligently over the past year to ensure that the conference will be a great success. With over 500 participants staying overnight and enjoying Calcasieu Parish, there will be a tremendous impact on the local economy.

Shelley Johnson

The downward trend is due to consumers' increased expectations during the holiday season, a much larger influx of infrequent visitors that may not know how to navigate a site and shipping costs, and the unavailability of prominent items like the Xbox 360 due to low inventory.

Larry Freed

The campaign is nonsense. Florida's crime rate is the lowest in 34 years and the 17 million residents and 80 million visitors are testament that it is safe place to live and vacation.

Deena Reppen

You need to know how to measure ROI, the number of visitors and the number of impressions. No matter how great the applications or how great the kiosk looks, it doesn't mean anything if no one is using it.

Lawrence Dvorchik

We are excited to offer another outdoor avenue for the exploration and appreciation of local ecology. This new trail will enhance ecotourism and serve to educate visitors about the necessity of protecting the environment.

Mary Henderson

The momentum India get while playing at home is different, which makes it hard for visitors.

Tom Moody

It's an opportunity for visitors themselves to take part in the effort to reduce accidents.

Brian Berry

Our goal is to design and build an open, modern, state-of-the-art facility that will be conducive to creativity, innovation, communication and teamwork. We are creating an environment that will both promote interaction among our 3D Systems' team members and also showcase our technology to customers and visitors.

Abe Reichental

The Children's Museum has invested significant resources toward the ongoing enhancement and improvement of the neighborhood in which we reside. We are extremely concerned about any entity which could jeopardize the safety of our neighbor residents and museum members and visitors, or potentially diminish that investment.

Jeffrey Patchen

It is estimated that 20 per cent of all 1.5 million tickets sold so far are to visitors to Melbourne.

John Harnden

There are existing laws relating to drunkenness, minors in possession, littering, etc. that can be enforced. At the same time, we wish to welcome civilized adults as visitors to our area by allowing for alcohol in designated camping areas that are clearly marked.

Jacie Daschel

First, we created a map and driving guide of Braddock's Road, which follows the route that his army took from Fort Necessity to Braddock. We published 10,000 of these maps and distributed most of them through Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau sites, county welcome sites, and through the Westmoreland County Federated Library System.

Tom Headley

When we moved here, walk-in traffic went from about 35 to 50 [visitors] a day to almost nothing, and people had to find alternative places to find their information. We see that coming back, of course.

Mike Cully

When you come in the door you're actually entering into the first of 11 environments within the home. In the dining room, for example, visitors will witness the wonders of digital artwork and music, while in the kitchen they'll learn how connected appliances simplify daily tasks and entertainment, lighting and climate can all be controlled with the touch of a button.

Mike Seamons

The Canadian market is strong, but the U.K. market is the No. 1 overseas market. We do around 40,000 British visitors a year. The Dutch market is a growing market, along with the German market. Right now, it's a real bargain to come over here.

Rob Varley

Anything that gets people thinking about their next career move is a positive for us. Visitors might first come to 'monkey around' with Monk-e-mail, but then end up spending time on our site searching for a better job.

Richard Castellini

These are the sort of things that will help attract visitors in the other times of the year. Not to mention things like cycling, hiking, golf and even game fishing, which are all events that can take place all year round.

Paul Matthews

We're very excited to be part of the Marriott family of hotels, and we look forward to welcoming our past guests and introducing new visitors to this wonderful hotel. Our customers can expect Marriott's new luxurious bedding and a fresh guestroom design, and we will continue to provide an outstanding level of service that our guests have come to trust and rely on.

Darryl Leech

We constantly re-evaluate the tours and security within the Capitol complex and we feel the time's right now, we can maintain adequate security and still ensure the safety of our visitors within the Capitol building.

Dan Nichols

One crucial factor in whether or not (visitors) come back to London is the quality of service they receive in hotels, shops, tourist attractions and any other leisure outlets.

Michael Gray

Everyone seems to enjoy these shows. We average about 20 to 30 visitors per show.

Joan Harper

We are confident when the judge hears the evidence, he will find that the bag searches are perfectly constitutional and designed to protect the safety of all New Yorkers and visitors.

Michael Cardozo

Seabirds are ideal symbols for ocean conservation, ... Because they live in a variety of habitats-including oceans, islands, estuaries and beaches-they can show visitors how all coastal life is connected and spark new interest in coastal conservation. Long-term conservation success hinges on public understanding and community support.

Stephen Kress

The goal is to be able to serve the visitors we have and we get a facility that meets their needs, ... Eventually it will bring more people.

Donna Williams

They do a lot of things to help us enhance the visitor's experience.

Ray Stevens

The first time going back is always the toughest. There are so many good memories, and friends. It's just strange, coming in the visitors' room, definitely a strange feeling.

Keith Carney

Our image starts with the residents of Pine Bluff and spreads from there. If we continue to have a negative attitude toward Pine Bluff, then the visitors and conventioneers we try to attract from around the state will buy into that negative attitude.

Sheri Storie

I-395 is the only interstate coming into Connecticut without a visitors' center, and that's not right.

Rene Morin

The World Cup motto is 'A Time to Make Friends,' and friends should be offered friendly opening times. We want to campaign for shopping in Germany so the more than 1 million visitors in Germany for the World Cup come back to go shopping.

Hubertus Pellengahr

So this bill can have a far reaching impact not only in terms of better health for our residents and our visitors, but fewer costs for our employers.

Sen. Rosalyn Baker

We really look at it as a great opportunity to highlight Mount Clemens to out of town visitors to the area those who haven't been to the city in some time. We have become the entertainment and restaurant capital of Macomb County.

Arthur Mullen

The people in the town are really what I think makes the town so unique. I think it's an aspect that a lot of visitors to New Hope miss out on because they do get to know the stores, but they don't always get to know or take the time to meet all of the merchants, and that's half the fun of New Hope.

Jeff Chirico

One study found that 80 percent of minors using e-mail regularly receive inappropriate e-mails. Another survey found that between 20 and 30 percent of visitors to pornographic websites are under the age of 18.

Matthew Prince

We are very concerned in Hawaii about the fact we are the western doorway to the United States. We see a large number of visitors ... and a good proportion of them are from the Far East where we know a good number of emerging diseases are originating.

Chiyome Fukino

The bequest received will assist to enhance the estate visually for functions that attract our visitors.

Mary Heininger

I think that we could have started another inning. But as the visitors we want to play a full inning, and by then it might be dark and we don't want anybody on either team to get hurt.

Scott Bradley

The extra money to build the stadium basically comes from visitors. That's a really smart thing to do because the more attractions you have, the more people you bring in.

Jim Tocco

This new Web feature improves the ability of Clark County residents and visitors to make informed choices when they and their families dine out or purchase food to go.

Marc Boldt

It's just like taking a miniature tour of the department, it is also very convenient and gives visitors a chance to see what we do.

Tom Turpin

It's really a little bit of everything while keeping it European-inspired. There's something to entertain everyone, and we'll have strolling musicians this year, so even if visitors aren't near a stage, they'll still be entertained.

Chyna Brackeen

My better sense tells me (that many) stoplight tickets issued to metro Des Moines residents and unsuspecting visitors will generate some discontent, if not serious outrage.

Jeff Gross

We expect video to catch on with small businesses because it's inexpensive and, in many cases, effective. Videos can have a very positive effect on converting Web site visitors to buyers.

Jimmy Duvall

Fierce competition for online visitors continues to be a catalyst for the launch of new products and features. They keep visitors interested and engaged.

Gerry Davidson

It gave everyone a lift. We've all felt down since Toga was taken. This was something positive to come out of it all. Visitors can see him at Easter - he'll be out of the burrow by then.

Kath Bright

We had visitors from 20 countries last year.

Bob Sullivan

But most important, these precious relics bring visitors inspiration and healing. To be in their presence is to be in the presence of the Buddha and other masters.

Noel Lee

The whole goal of this is not revenue. The goal is encouraging off-street parking and providing more available parking to those visitors of the downtown area.

Dana Long

People are curious, and they want to know about Monterey. But we have to figure how to better convert inquiries into actual visitors.

John Mcmahon

Managing physical and attendance expansions is part of my CV, ... but we shouldn't put too much of an emphasis on trying to double them. What's most important is the quality of what you have to offer and how you get the audience engaged in the collections. That's more important to me than a monitor at the door that salivates every time you have another 100,000 visitors.

John Leighton

We noticed there was an increase in deaths among our visitors to the island and police were wondering how to take care of this widow who was now thousands of miles from home and here all alone. So out of this need.

Liana Soong

What we do have over at the stadium is only suitable for a brief meeting at pre-game and halftime. Both the home and visitors teams have to go from this building (Leggett & Platt Athletic Center) to that building.

Sallie Beard

We've been able to set an atmosphere where we can get pole signs or sandwich board signs that will help entice visitors into stores in the area being affected by Beach Walk.

Sheila Cole

A monkey cage, except that the visitors do not offer me any peanuts.

Thomas R. Marshall

It'll be good to open. There's no customers, no visitors, but it would be good for the morale of the neighborhood.

George Brumat

They are here in our city, they are visitors, they are welcome. We want to help them in any way we can, and we just want to let them know that there are people who care and that there are people out there who want to help.

Beth Wood

Do you mind? Excuse me if I don't offer you any. This marijuana's often too strong for my visitors. I had to resuscitate one guy for almost an hour once. You know, a higher percentage of people here grow their own marijuana than probably anywhere. It's typically Czech: a do-it-yourself nation.

J.x. Dolezal

We have no on-site parking for visitors, family, etc. This is a seniors building. Many of our visitors are seniors and have trouble walking 100 yards.

Tom Hamilton

There's an awful lot of good stuff out there, and we want to make sure that viewers know where to find it. We found that with the nbcolympics.com Web site the vast majority of visitors came looking for programming information. We learned that lesson and decided that it was time to put it on the screen.

David Neal

Our experts are doing their best to make the flowers last longer. Visitors don't have to worry.

Fan Xiaofeng

We expect it (increased sales taxes) will continue that way through the year. With Mardi Gras, as well as Festival International, we will see only more people here, not just Katrina residents here, but more visitors.

Jules Gaudin

We have the unique distinction of being the only Orthodox church dedicated to Saint Anna in the United States - and her Shrine since we have her relic. The parish has the responsibility of being prepared to offer hospitality to the thousands of people who will visit every year, and that is only proper that we build a church that will accommodate those visitors.

Father Christopher Flesoras

During the season, our 38 parking spaces are not enough to accommodate our visitors.

Leroy Hommerding

The Bahamas must offer visitors greater value for their money in order to prevent the further loss of market share to competitors.

Perry Christie

We're so excited to be able to provide this kind of experience for both the community and visitors to the Chattanooga area. Not only is it the world's largest single screen outdoor theater, but where else can you park your car, throw a Frisbee for a little while and then relax and watch a movie? It's going to be incredible!

Brandon Marshall

No due process issue is raised by legislation that seeks to redress injuries suffered by district residents and visitors resulting from the manufacture and distribution of a particular class of firearms whose lethal nature far outweighs their utility.

Michael Farrell

They've been away from visitors for a while.

Larry Sorel

Attendance is between 800 and 1,000 visitors a day, which is higher than the level in recent years. It's not the Tate Gallery but for us it's very good.

Jorunn Christoffersen

We get them [visitors] all the time - constantly - from all over.

William Henderson

At the trade fair, we'll seize all opportunities to boost our export, tourism, and attract more investors and visitors from China and other members of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

Anoumone Kittirath

This movie project has been in the works for our county for several months, and we're very excited to help tell this story. We understand that the movie will eventually be seen by millions of people at the new Visitors Center.

Tom Riford

The continuous snowfall this month has been phenomenal. Most mornings this month we've woken up to fresh snow; we've been experiencing perpetual powder days. This is classic Whistler weather - system after system lined up, one after the other, dumping snow on the resort. The locals are in heaven and our visitors are ecstatic.

Sara Aldridge

We encourage visitors to do this to recreate the atmosphere.

Tom Carpenter

A greeting message is good advertising for Berlin, especially for international visitors, ... We want them to come to Berlin. But anyone who has a problem with it doesn't have to go to the (S&M) event.

Klaus Wowereit

As a prediction, I see Myrtle Beach starting an upward turn in perception, quality of vacations, and number of visitors. Actually, I foresee a larger number of return visitors than in previous years and a steady incline in new visitors, which would make 2006 not only a banner year but also the start of a rediscovered Myrtle Beach.

Frans Mustert

When visitors step through that gate, they'll be in this time period.

Mark Finchum

The designation enables us to protect our land, not just for ourselves and our visitors, but for future generations.

Sonja Hunt

And over a period of, like, months, I got to know Arron really well because I lived basically across the road from the hospital. Any time I seemed to be at the hospital, in the early stages of when I met Arron, he never had any visitors, he always seemed to be on his own.

Brian Roberts

Mardi Gras is a very good time for the city to invite visitors to come and see that New Orleans is open and ready to receive tourists. We were determined to be a part of that invitation and to help deliver the fun and excitement that people expect when they arrive.

Anthony Sanfilippo

The new space will let us emphasize the aesthetic qualities of our collections. We want to appeal to visitors in a new way.

Dan Rahimi

The series in Bangladesh could be a seven-match one, provided the visitors agree.

Mahbub Anam

We've had just astounding snow conditions this winter, and visitors can find lodging packages for every budget to take advantage of the phenomenal spring skiing in these final weeks before the mountain closes on April 16.

Susan Hamley

I think all the projections show this is going to be win, win, win for McDonald's, the Smithsonian and the millions of visitors who go there.

Walt Riker

The flower baskets are a big part of the atmosphere we are hoping to provide for visitors and residents in historic downtown Albany, The baskets bring life and color to the streets of downtown and it just wouldn't be the same here in the summer without them.

Patrick Rogers

The Park Service is doing the right thing by establishing a schedule to clean up Yellowstone¹s air and remove the din of machines from the visitor's experience. The Park Service is also providing ample time for local business owners and entrepreneurs to make a successful transition to the new system of access.

Bob Ekey

Our city's tourism industry, which is now enjoying record highs, was revitalized with help and support from the many patriotic tourism visitors who traveled to New York following September 11th. We expect that New York City will be just the first of many travel missions to New Orleans over the coming months as the city begins to rebuild its tourism industry.

Cristyne L. Nicholas

This is a popular spot for visitors with picnic tables and trails. It is fortunate that no one was in the area when she shot the rifle.

Mark Magnuson

To some extent, it's sort of 'location, location, location,' ... I think there is an enormous demand from the locals, and from visitors from mainland China, to come to the park. They are not as reliant on foreigners to come to the park.

Lowell Singer

There are not huge increases in the numbers (of visitors), but you're seeing more profitable guests.

Brian Mcgill

The gallery was thinking about some of the advantages of interactivity and also about giving the public open access to the collection. That would increase their sense of connection to the museum, encourage them to wander and make them feel like they had a leg up on the other visitors.

Barbara Moore

Throughout the first week of grand-opening festivities, well over 100,000 visitors are expected.

Tom Ross

It's important for visitors to know who's who, and it's important for us as well to know (the volunteers), so we perform background checks on all adults.

Louise Shivers

The goal of the community action committee is to improve communications to residents and visitors. This Web page will be the primary mode of communication for all concerned.

Gordon Elliott

After much consideration, it was clear that the safest, most effective way to install the new complex was to limit access for a period of time. We appreciate the understanding of our visitors during this unique time and look forward to welcoming them back to the North Building galleries and introducing them to the Hamilton Building in the fall.

Lewis Sharp

Hosting a Super Bowl is so much more than a game. It's about global visibility, economic impact, competition for conventions and more visitors.

Larry Alexander

Celebrities like John Wayne and Willie Nelson used to stay here, so we took that idea and ran with it. Our visitors really like staying in rooms with a unique ambience rather than the bland cookie-cutter chain hotel rooms we've all seen before. We replaced just about everything except the walls to give the rooms a whole new look and feel.

Jerry Reed

Atrium Alive brings together a wide variety of art forms to enhance the art museum experience and is designed for people of all ages. Visitors have a choice of programs to attend, and the schedule is such that visitors can stay all day, alternating between looking at art, making art, and observing art demonstrations or performances.

Vas Prabhu

The pandas are ready. I'm certain the visitors are ready. There's going to be a lot of fun to be had around the panda house.

Lisa Stevens

We are especially pleased with the increase in daily and total expenditures by our visitors. We are very optimistic that this trend will continue throughout the year.

Marsha Wienert

It's an opportunity to offer a little something extra to our visitors.

Steve Brian

There will be a five-foot diameter around each flag so visitors can easily walk past.

Eugene Wingfield

It is designing for thousands of people. It's always a joy when visitors enjoy a property and want to return.

Evan Williams

Business visitors, tourists, students - in the context of New York all those are sizable streams of people. The city has 60,000 hotel rooms, and with an average occupancy of 80 percent, that's 40 to 50,000 people right there.

Eric Kober

Sometimes they might not get a lot of visitors, and we thought the cookies would brighten up their days.

Erin Wilson

In addition to providing Hartford visitors with a new first-class hotel facility, the Marriott Hartford Downtown created over 200 new jobs for local residents and will make an ongoing, significant, positive impact to many areas of the local economy.

Eddie Perez

For a $2 donation, visitors may vote on the People's Choice for the best carvings entered and will also have a chance to win one of the donated carvings.

E. Jane Wentworth