We have good help. Kids from all over the country say this is the best part of their trip.

They are lucky that they survived.

It may not be intentional that the store owners keep it.

We fought for the little guy all of our lives.

We cooperated fully with the FRA in its investigation. We've taken steps to address the agency's findings. The accident was a tragedy, and we certainly extend our deepest sympathy to the family.

The horses have to be well trained. Our goal is to eventually have riding ponies.

Like everybody else, we have heightened concern about who we release information to. We will provide information on hazardous shipments to emergency responders and bona fide public agencies that have a need to know, and we are cooperating and coordinating with emergency response, safety and security agencies more closely than ever now.

We had visitors from 20 countries last year.

We have a stove in there. It's exactly like the school she describes in her book. We twist hay to put in the stove like Laura did.