I hope it doesn't happen on this train today. Everyone is vulnerable to an attack - everyone's got to keep their eyes open.

It was a very very good performance. The lads played the ball really well and there was some tremendous effort and commitment.

I am going to recite a prayer that I found to be appropriate for the [ceremony], especially after the tragedy in New Orleans. It's called a Prayer to the Nation.

There are more things competing against Monterey County than ever before.

But that would be optimistic.

People are curious, and they want to know about Monterey. But we have to figure how to better convert inquiries into actual visitors.

We played some excellent football with a good attitude and work rate and should have got more from the game.

I also have two flags that bear the names of those who perished in the [WTC] bombing, which will be draped over the fence [during the ceremony].