Donna Williams
FameRank: 4

"Donna Leanne Williams", also known by her married name "Donna Leanne Samuel", is an Australian writer, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter and sculptor.

In 1965, aged two, Williams was assessed as "Psychosis/psychotic".

-->During the rest of her childhood, she was tested multiple times for deafness and labelled as "disturbed". In 1991, she was diagnosed as Autism/autistic and, since then, has also undergone treatment for gut, immune system and Sensory processing disorder/sensory perceptual disorders. She has written four Autobiography/autobiographies and released two solo music albums, Nobody Nowhere and Mutations. During the mid-1990s, she was the subject of several TV documentaries.

Williams has written textbooks on the autism spectrum and is a qualified teacher, international public speaker and autism consultant. On 9 December 2000, she married her second husband, "Chris Samuel". The couple have resided in Melbourne since 2002.

More Donna Williams on Wikipedia.

I grew up in Worcester, and we never thought twice about the Blackstone. It was something south of the city -- and in the '50s and '60s, when I was growing up, it was pretty dirty -- so no one thought about it much.

It would seem to me that, regardless of the bottom line, there are (board members) who are going to vote for it no matter what the cost. I mean, the price went through the roof and it still passed.

It was a wonderful turnout. Be ready for next year.

I think Taylor's come a long way. It was pretty bad 20 years ago.

I would have waited a few months, and see what was going to happen and see if maybe the taxpayer could have a reduction in property tax and maybe be more amenable to spending money.

I'd ask him, 'Willie, why did you do that?' ... But he never knew why.

The goal is to be able to serve the visitors we have and we get a facility that meets their needs, ... Eventually it will bring more people.

They have fun and they learn about discipline. But they're also going to learn about teamwork and responsibility.